Is the Left using Islam, or is it the other way around?

That’s a question I think about from time to time.  I happen to think Islam is using the political Left, or no, more precisely, I believe that Islam will destroy the Left the first chance it gets, no matter which side is the number one user right now.

However, LOL!, I don’t spend too much time thinking about it because then one gets nothing done to try to stop them both!

Writing at American Thinker, J. Robert Smith attacks the conundrum in his thoughtful piece entitled: ‘Where the Left and Islam Intersect.’

In the name of Islam, ISIS fighters throw a gay man to his death from a rooftop. Why the silence from the Left? Why doesn’t the Left get it?

I’ve snipped a bit, but please read the whole thing.  Emphasis below is mine:

Curious how the godless left and Islam share a critical aim. They both wish to subjugate infidels, though how infidel is defined differs. But who the infidels are isn’t. We are, of course, the infidels. We of western virtues and values. We who hold to Judeo-Christian beliefs. We’re obstacles to glorious futures for both. Both want us consigned to dhimmitude. Yes, dhimmitude. That’s second class status, with tribute being paid for the privilege.

Marked differences and tensions exist between the left and Islam, to be sure. But is the left using Islam for its ends, and Islam — for the time being — willingly being used?

The enemy of my enemy is my friend

Today,… it isn’t just Western capitalism that the left wants Islam to sic. It’s the totality of Western Civilization. Leftism has expanded its agenda beyond Marx-focused economics. For the left to get us to dhimmitude, that means “deconstructing” our culture and society; upending our mores and traditions; shattering our institutions; demeaning faith and marginalizing the faithful. Its gains are evident all around us.

From Marx onward, the left has operated by a simple rule vis-à-vis Islam: the enemy of my enemy is my friend.


Most Americans have a hard time accepting that fellow citizens might knowingly act in ways injurious to the security and welfare of the nation. The 20th Century had more than a few Americans who worked to advance communism in opposition to vital national interests. In extreme cases, some Americans acted treasonously. Do the names Julius and Ethel Rosenberg ring a bell? How about Alger Hiss?


Not every American identifying with the left acts from malice. There are followers and fellow travelers. Your Aunt Jane may be a lefty, but she wouldn’t want harm to come to her country. There are gullible souls who think it’s all about Kumbaya. Spoken of here are leftist intellectuals, chattering classes, politicians, and career activists who either seek or welcome Islam’s role in “transforming” America and the West.

Immigration (Al-Hijra) = Infiltration

What’s in it for Muslims if they know they’re being used? Infiltration, for one. Western Europeans long ago opened their borders to Muslims. The need originally was labor. Western Europe’s elites — left-dominated — have, post-World War II, imported millions of Muslims.  [Let me be clear, it isn’t just the Left looking for cheap labor here in America. Big businesses, like the meatpackers! and some Republicans are selling us out!—ed]

Fatal flaw in the Left’s thinking:  that they will control Islam, discard it when they wish.

A fatal conceit exists on the left in its use of Islam. It’s this: leftists are in every way superior to Muslims. Islam, violent and useful, though dangerous, is primitive and no match for the great minds and godless certitudes of “progressivism.” Islam can be used and then dispensed with. But the left underestimates the power of an ancient faith — and its faithful — at its own peril.

Read it all.

Center for Security Policy Press publishes my book; second book in Civilization Jihad Reader Series

I’ve written a short book on refugee resettlement and its role in helping to facilitate the Hijra to America.  The Hijra, for new readers, is the migration of Muslims to new lands (or even within countries) in order to expand their territory and ultimately to create an Islamic state or Caliphate as it is often called.

Mohammed told his followers that it is their responsibility to migrate.  And, so they are!

To learn more, you might want to read first:  ‘Modern Day Trojan Horse: Al-Hijra, the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration, Accepting Freedom or Imposing Islam?’ by Solomon and Al Maqdisi.

Click here to see more and order.

The first book in the series (‘Shariah in American Courts’) is here.

How many Muslims living in the US could justify “violence against civilians” in defense of Islam?

Once again Obama put down Europe this week—says Europe hasn’t warmly embraced its Muslims like we have!

This past week as the theme coming out of Washington was—hug a Muslim—there were many press accounts saying that the US was somehow different from Europe in that our Muslims are more “integrated” into society than those young violent ones in Europe.  Ours also have more stuff according to Obama.

In our view, the only difference is that in Europe there are more of them! 

When we have a higher percentage here in the US, the Muslim population will be emboldened and along with higher numbers will come more demands from the Muslim ‘community’ for America to accept precepts of shariah law.

The numbers!

One important statistic being misused by the mainstream media and highlighted in an article from the Associated Press by Josh Lederman is drawn from this 2011 Pew report.

First, before we get to the news, put these numbers in your head:  By 2011, Pew Research estimates that the US population of Muslims stands at 2.75 million.  Pew’s numbers are now nearly 4 years old so I believe the population is higher.  It must be! because Pew says 100,000 legal immigrant Muslims enter the US each year.

The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) puts the number at 6-7 million (also a few years old).

From the Associated Press at Eyewitness News 3:

Ample evidence suggests that Muslims in America do feel more integrated into society than those living in Europe. Often marginalized and relegated to poorer neighborhoods in European cities, many Muslim immigrants to the U.S. have flourished as doctors and scientists and in other white-collar professions. Middle-class, predominantly Muslim or Arab-American enclaves have cropped up in places such as Dearborn, Michigan, and Minneapolis, allowing immigrants to carve out their own stories.  [So sick of this story c***!—we have stories too!—ed]

“That’s the story extremists and terrorists don’t want the world to know: Muslims succeeding and thriving in America,” Obama said during separate remarks at the summit Wednesday.

Now this is how Obama and the media use numbers in deceptive ways. AP continues with its editorial piece disguised as news:

There’s also reason to believe that sense of successful assimilation has offered a degree of protection against the allure of extremism. In 2011, a Pew Research Center survey of American Muslims found that just 2 in 10 Muslims in the U.S. thought there was a great deal or a fair amount of support for extremism among Muslim Americans. Roughly 80 percent said suicide bombings and other violence against civilians was never justified to defend Islam from its enemies, compared to just 8 percent who said it was sometimes or often justified. [Doesn’t sound bad, right?—ed]

By the way there is another 5% who say “rarely” justified.  (See the full report, here)

O.K. now look at it this way!

If 8% of the US Muslim population believes that VIOLENCE AGAINST CIVILIANS IS JUSTIFIED (often or sometimes) TO DEFEND ISLAM, then:

Using a low of 2 million Muslims in America and a high of 7 million, that means that 160,000 Muslims in the US could justify violence against civilians to defend Islam at the low end, to 560,000 at the high end!

Sounds like a ticking time bomb to me!


Daniel Greenfield at Frontpage: One simple message about diversity from Copenhagen

Pithy statement of the day…..

Frontpage magazine:

“The shootings in Copenhagen targeting a free speech event and a synagogue are an unfortunate reminder that Muslim immigration doesn’t bring diversity. Islamic immigration leads only to Islamization. And Islamization is the end of diversity.”

We have been talking a lot about keeping terrorists out of the refugee stream to America, but the greater threat is that some young Muslims we fed, housed, clothed and educated at great taxpayer expense are choosing the Islamic jihad imperative over prospects for a good life in a free Western country.  What do-gooders don’t get is that Islam trumps having stuff!

Those who don’t choose violent jihad are working to change us from within.

Illinois sexual assault allegations against revered Imam reveal insularity of some US Muslim immigrant communities

….but maybe times are changing!

***Update*** February 16th: the Imam has left the country!  (at Creeping Sharia)

This is a long story in the New York Times that you should have a look at.  The Islamic school, where the sexual abuse is said to have occurred, is described as having a “fundamentalist” orientation.

ELGIN, Ill. — Ordinarily, she never wore a veil. But it was required at the Islamic school where she worked, and she remembers being surprised when the head of the school, a conservative imam, suggested that she remove it and reveal her face.

Mohammad Abdullah Saleem

When the imam, Mohammad Abdullah Saleem, came into the office where she worked, she said, he would sometimes touch her cheek or put an arm around her shoulder. Mr. Saleem was revered in her close-knit community, and she did not object at first. But simply being alone together represented a forbidden intimacy, and looking back, she said those first gestures should have been more alarming.

“It’s not something that gets done,” the 23-year-old woman said recently. “Men and women don’t even shake hands.”

Over time, she said the touching became more aggressive, reaching a point that she did something almost unheard-of in her community. She told people: her family, a social worker, an Islamic scholar. Recently, she went to the police. As word spread of what she had told them, three other women came forward, telling detectives that as young girls they had been molested by Mr. Saleem.


The accusations are particularly jarring because of Mr. Saleem’s stature. “In the South Asian community, he is like Billy Graham. He’s the archbishop of Chicago,” said Omer Mozaffar, an Islamic scholar who serves as the Muslim chaplain at Loyola University Chicago and who acted as a mediator between Mr. Saleem and his first accuser last year.

Three cheers for the brave women who have stepped forward with information.

There is a lot more about this diversity is beautiful (not!) news, here.