This Invasion of Europestory should be a wake-up call to Americans as the Biden administration gets ready to begin airlifting Afghan ‘refugees’ to the United States.
And, I suspect the administration is counting on you being so distracted by the southern border invasion you won’t notice those being flown in on the taxpayer’s dime from one of the most backward countries on earth.
An articleby Dr. Cheryl Benard at The National Interestis must-reading as we open our doors to more Afghans.
(It may look like a lot, but I have only snipped a small portion of the detailed account of Afghans creating chaos and fear in Austria. Emphasis below is mine.)
I’ve Worked with Refugees for Decades. Europe’s Afghan Crime Wave Is Mind-Boggling.
Afghans stand out among the refugees committing crimes in Austria and elsewhere. Why?
In 2014, when waves of refugees began flooding into western Europe, citizens and officials alike responded with generosity and openness. Exhausted refugees spilled out of trains and buses to be met by crowds bearing gifts of clothing and food, and holding up placards that read “Welcome Refugees.”
This was a honeymoon that could not last. Some of the upcoming difficulties had been anticipated: that the newcomers did not speak the local languages, might be traumatized, would probably take a long time to find their footing, and had brought their ethnic, religious and sectarian conflicts with them, causing them to get into battles with each other. All of these things happened but—as Angela Merkel promised—were manageable. “Wir schaffen das.”
Remember this:
Benard continues….
But there was one development that had not been expected, and was not tolerable: the large and growing incidence of sexual assaults committed by refugees against local women. These were not of the cultural-misunderstanding-date-rape sort, but were vicious, no-preamble attacks on random girls and women, often committed by gangs or packs of young men.
At first, the incidents were downplayed or hushed up—no one wanted to provide the right wing with fodder for nationalist agitation, and the hope was that these were isolated instances caused by a small problem group of outliers. As the incidents increased, and because many of them took place in public or because the public became involved either in stopping the attack or in aiding the victim afterwards, and because the courts began issuing sentences as the cases came to trial, the matter could no longer be swept under the carpet of political correctness. And with the official acknowledgment and public reporting, a weird and puzzling footnote emerged. Most of the assaults were being committed by refugees of one particular nationality: by Afghans.
Migrants (mostly men) crowd an Austrian train station.
This is not an article that has been fun for me to write. I have worked on issues related to refugees for much of my professional life, from the Pakistani camps during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan to Yemen, Sudan, Thailand, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Lebanon, Bosnia, Nicaragua and Iraq, and have deep sympathy for their plight. But nowhere had I encountered a phenomenon like this one. I had seen refugees trapped in circumstances that made them vulnerable to rape, by camp guards or soldiers. But for refugees to become perpetrators of this crime in the place that had given them asylum? That was something new.
A few weeks ago, the Austrian city of Tulln declared a full stop to any further refugee admissions. As the mayor made clear, that decision was aimed at Afghans, but for legal and administrative reasons it could only be promulgated in a global way. That had not been the city’s intention—to the contrary, it had just completed the construction of an expensive, brand-new facility for incoming asylum seekers, which would now, the mayor declared, be given over to another purpose. His exact words: “We’ve had it.” The tipping point, after a series of disturbing incidents all emanating from Afghans, was the brutal gang rape of a fifteen-year-old girl, snatched from the street on her way home, dragged away and serially abused by Afghan refugees.
It took a while for the pattern to be recognized because, until recently, western European media deliberately refrained from identifying an assailant’s refugee or asylum status, or his country of origin. [Sounds familiar—ed] Only when the correlation became so dramatic that it was itself newsworthy did this policy change. At that point, it became clear that the authorities had known about, and for political reasons had deliberately covered up, large-scale incidences of sexual assault by migrants. For example, a gang of fifty Afghans who terrorized women in the neighborhood of the Linz train station had been brushed off by a government official with the remark that this was an unfortunate consequence of bad weather, and that once summer came the young men would disperse into the public parks and no longer move in such a large, menacing pack. The public was not amused.
Wow! The Austrian media is naming criminals’ ethnic origin!
I could write the same report about Sweden, Germany, or any other country of asylum in Europe, but I am focusing on examples from Austria because that’s the European country I come from and know best. So let’s take a look at the Austrian press. This from Österreich, the daily newspaper distributed for free on public transit and thus read, basically, by almost everyone. Front page: Afghan (eighteen) attacks young woman at Danube Festival. “Once again there has been an attempted rape by an Afghan. A twenty-one-year-old Slovak tourist was mobbed and groped by a group of men. She managed to get away, but was pursued by one of them, an Afghan asylum seeker who caught her and dragged her into the bushes. Nearby plainclothes policemen noticed the struggle and intervened to prevent the rape at the last moment.” Page ten: “A twenty-five-year-old Afghan attempted to rape a young woman who was sitting in the sun in the park. Four courageous passersby dragged the man off the victim and held him until the police arrived.” Page twelve: “Two Afghans have been sentenced for attempting to rape a woman on a train in Graz. The men, who live in an asylum seekers’ residence, first insulted the young woman with obscene verbal remarks before attacking her. When she screamed for help, passengers from other parts of the train rushed to her aid.”
Sounds like Islamic supremacism, the Hijra, straight up!
This brings us to a third, more compelling and quite disturbing theory—the one that my Afghan friend, the court translator, puts forward. On the basis of his hundreds of interactions with these young men in his professional capacity over the past several years, he believes to have discovered that they are motivated by a deep and abiding contempt for Western civilization. To them, Europeans are the enemy, and their women are legitimate spoils, as are all the other things one can take from them: housing, money, passports. Their laws don’t matter, their culture is uninteresting and, ultimately, their civilization is going to fall anyway to the horde of which one is the spearhead. No need to assimilate, or work hard, or try to build a decent life here for yourself—these Europeans are too soft to seriously punish you for a transgression, and their days are numbered.
And it’s not just the sex crimes, my friend notes. Those may agitate public sentiment the most, but the deliberate, insidious abuse of the welfare system is just as consequential.Afghan refugees, he says, have a particular proclivity to play the system: to lie about their age, to lie about their circumstances, to pretend to be younger, to be handicapped, to belong to an ethnic minority when even the tired eye of an Austrian judge can distinguish the delicate features of a Hazara from those of a Pashtun.
Well this isn’t going to happen! Rigorous vetting by the Biden administration to weed out the degenerate young males!
…the relevance to U.S. refugee policy is sadly obvious. It will require rigorous vetting indeed to weed out such deeply disturbed, degenerate young males whose willingness to be deceptive is so pronounced and whose motives are so irrational.
Which brings me to a final theory being vented in Austria: that these destructive, crazed young men are being intentionally infiltrated into western Europe to wreak havoc: to take away the freedom and security of women; change patterns of behavior; deepen the rifts between liberals, who continue to defend and find excuses, and a right wing that calls for harsh measures and violent responses; to inflict high costs and aggravation on courts and judicial systems and generally make a mess of things.
They don’t need a “deliberate plan,” their religion is the plan! And, they know the great replacement is underway!
For the record, I am not convinced that there is a deliberate plan behind this, but I do agree that angry and unstable young men are susceptible to destructive paths. Those paths can lead to ideological extremism and terrorism, or to the formation of gangs and packs that attack, harm and destroy. As we have seen, presently many of their attacks are inept and easily blocked by random civilian passersby. But they will get more skillful over time, and Europe had best develop a defense against them.
The Left has to do some “hard thinking!” Good luck with that!
Finally, the Left has to do a bit of hard thinking. It’s fine to be warm, fuzzy and sentimental about strangers arriving on your shores, but let’s also spare some warm, fuzzy and sentimental thoughts for our own values, freedoms and lifestyle. Girls and women should continue to feel safe in public spaces, be able to attend festivals, wear clothing appropriate to the weather and their own liking, travel on trains, go to the park, walk their dogs and live their lives. This is a wonderful Western achievement, and one that is worth defending.
Endnote: Whenever I see a story about Muslims working to destroy Vienna I think about how the Poles saved Europe on September 11th-12th, 1683 at the Gates of Vienna and it brings tears to my eyes.
The “crowd?” The purpose of UN designated World Refugee Day events, like this one in Greeley, is to create a positive media spin, to generate warm and fuzzy feelings as the Open Borders Left changes America by changing the people.
It wasn’t exactly a crowd in attendance at Greeley’s celebration of World Refugee Day on June 20th, and it really wouldn’t be worth writing about except for the fact that back in 2008 I created an entire category here at RRW to archive all of the news and controversy coming out of Greeley as the Somalis flowed in to work at massive meatpacking plants located in the area.
Meatpackers wanted the cheap refugee labor so desperately that they caved to demands for religious accommodation at many plants throughout the West and the Midwest.
I began following the controversy in my first year (2007) of writing this blog and today begins my 15th year. Am I nuts?
There are 9,656 posts here at RRW, which I began publishing with my friend Judy in July of 2007. I surely would have hit the 10,000 mark if I hadn’t been deplatformed for awhile in 2019.
I can’t say I’ve accomplished much other than creating a massive archive.
My category entitled ‘Greeley/Swift/Somali controversy‘ has 97 posts in it. Anyone interested in writing a book about how giant globalist meat companies have changed America have their research done for them!
One little nugget I learned when I started writing about Greeley, which I visited in my 2016 travels to see meatpacking towns which experienced demographic change, was that Greeley has the dubious distinction of being considered the birthplace of Al Qaeda.
Here is the newsabout World Refugee Day with its focus on Somali refugee Abdi Adan who doesn’t work in a slaughter plant but works for the Lutherans to supply more Somali workers for globalist meatpackers in Colorado.
By the way, they are getting jazzed everywhere throughout the West as Biden promises 125,000 refugees from Asia, Africa and the Middle East will be admitted beginning in October. See cheap labor needed inIdaho!
For new readers this is in addition to the millions flowing in illegally now.
Greeley community celebrates World Refugee Day with annual event at Delta Park
A day dedicated to inclusivity, diversity and celebration
A Somali man assisted by Lutheran Family Services in his resettlement to Greeley now has a job with the agency managing other refugees’ cases.
Abdi Adan was one of several refugees who shared their stories Sunday at the annual World Refugee Day Celebration at Delta Park in Greeley. Adan spoke of past hardships, spending 18 years in refugee camps in Kenya before moving to the United States with his family. His children were awarded citizenship in 2019.
Adan praised Lutheran Family Services for helping him resettle to the United States.
“Finally, I am very happy to be part of the LFS team who are dedicated to serve refugees,” Adan said Sunday. “My message to all refugees over the world, is to not give up hope no matter how long you struggle in refugee camps and just wait your chance for a better life.”
World Refugee Day is meant to make sure refugees know the community wants them, supports them and is a welcoming place for all different types of people, according to Immigrant and Refugee Center Executive Director Lisa Taylor.
The Greeley Tribune reports that about 50 people were in attendance to demonstrate that Greeley was “welcoming,” but one wonders where were the other 100,000 or so residents of the city.
And, by the way, it is worth mentioning the list of organizations putting on the party whose purpose was to continue to normalize the idea of changing the American heartland with the importation of diverse, and in this case, Muslim refugees.
Different organizations from the community — The Immigrant and Refugee Center, Lutheran Family Services, Soccer Without Borders, Trust For Public Land, the city of Greeley and High Plains Library District — collaborated to provide a memorable experience for attendees.
What the heck does the Trust for Public Land have to do with this? They are a radical leftwing environmental group I know from my days of fighting to keep private lands out of the hands of the federal government.
Sure looks like the “crowd” was mostly the volunteers for the groups putting on the event, but of course the newspaper is never going to tell you that!
Somalis will soon be on the way to America as Biden lifts Trump’s travel ban! They will need jobs, housing, medical care, food— all to be supplied by you—the American taxpayer.
My alerts have been filled to overflowing with the good news Open Borders advocates have been waiting for.
The dark days are over, the sun is shining, Joe has been installed, the borders will open and soon the masses who will “enrich the fabric” and “enhance the American mosaic” in your (racist) towns and cities will be on the way.
U.S. Chamber to Joe Biden: You Can Help Americans by Importing Foreign Workers
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce says its corporate members can create jobs for Americans if President Joe Biden’s amnesty and migration bill provides them with “the world’s most talented and industrious people.”
The chamber made the January 20 press statement as it applauded Biden’s draft “U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021” that would dramatically accelerate the inflow of foreign workers into Americans’ blue-collar and white-collar jobs.
If you are still living back in the day when big business supported Republicans, wake up.
The party of corporate CEOs is the Democrat party!
In the 2020 election, the U.S. Chamber backed numerous Democratic candidates, largely because the Democrats promised to inflate the labor supply with cheap foreign workers.
Now here is Time magazineheavily quoting from Islamic supremacist Linda Sarsour.
Activists Praise Biden’s Reversal of Trump-Era ‘Discriminatory’ Travel Ban. But the Work Isn’t Over Yet
It isn’t enough to lift the ban, they want a law banning any future bans.
Even after Biden’s reversal, advocacy groups are continuing to push for congressional action to ensure no future president can revive the ban.
The most recent version of Trump’s ban included more countries than the original, and drew scrutiny for its inclusion of six African countries, leading critics to call it the “Muslim and African ban.” It placed varying degrees of restrictions on U.S. visas for citizens from a large group of countries, including Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, North Korea, Nigeria, Myanmar, Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Sudan and Tanzania.
“The executive order is just the first step,” she [Linda Sarsour, a Palestinian-American activist and executive director of MPower Change, a Muslim grassroots movement] says. “It’s the intention to make a wrong right. But there’s also work that comes with that.”
In order to ensure no president has the power to enact such sweeping restrictions again, they are continuing to pressure Congress to pass the No Ban Act.
The law would limit executive authority to prevent any future presidents from issuing similar bans. Such restrictions would only be allowed to apply to cases in which the Secretary of State has identified particular circumstances and credible facts that justify exclusion.
The bill passed the House last July but then stalled in the Senate. With Democrats recently taking control of both chambers, the measure is more likely to be successful.
The No Ban Act is part of a sweeping immigration bill—which Biden sent to Congress Wednesday—that also includes creating pathways to citizenship for undocumented people, cracking down on family separation and providing new funding intended to help immigrants and refugees integrate into the U.S.
“The rescinding of the Muslim ban is temporary and it’s based on the philosophy, the ideology of the current president,” Sarsour says. “We need the No Ban Act because we need this to be on the record forever because we do not know what’s going to happen in 2024 or 2028.”
And, here is one more, writer Joshua Cohen at a Jesuit publication manages to work in all the usual platitudes on the subject of refugees.
But, my main reason for posting this (besides laughing at his jargon-filled piece) is that he flat out lies and no one but me will call him on it. His lie is featured in a pull quote:
What the hell! Can’t these ‘journalists’ do some research? I showed you two days ago the refugee admissions numbersat a State Department data base going back to 1975. (While you are there, look at St. Obama’s numbers that never reached 100,000, while Biden has promised 125,000!).
In 2020, 11,814 refugees were admitted and that doesn’t include the scores of other special refugees from Afghanistan.
But, why muddy-up a good piece of propaganda with the facts!
After four years of Trump, it’s time to reset the U.S. refugee policy
LOL! Look at this one section of Cohen’s piece:
Refugee resettlement in the United States should not be a conservative or liberal issue. At its core, it is a humanitarian issue, and one that reflects our aspirations to be a compassionate and generous people. Most Americans have immigrant roots, and many can trace their family histories to include refugees. These refugees have built new lives here and enriched the fabric of their communities. In recent years, they have included Bosnian and Somali refugees who have further enhanced the American mosaic.
As an affluent nation, the United States has a moral duty to assist people in desperate situations. Closing doors to those who have suffered unthinkable horrors demonstrates fear and weakness.
You are immoral, lacking in compassion, stingy, fearful and weak because you don’t want to change America by changing the people, says Cohen.
Human rights activists, of course, condemn such action!
Invasion of Europe News…
Remember this story from 2006 as you read about how those mean Danes want to send Syrians home!
In 2006, Syrians in Damascus torched the Danish embassy over those Mohammed cartoons. And, yet now Danes are expected to welcome and pay for the upkeep of Syrian Muslim refugees!
Thousands of angry Syrian demonstrators storm the Danish Embassy in Damascus, Syria, on Saturday and set fire to the Embassy building in protest of offensive caricatures of Islam’s prophet. . (AP Photo Bassem Tellawi).
Denmark may return Syria refugees as Damascus area deemed ‘safe’
(Should have blocked their entry in the first place!)
Denmark is considering sending Syrian refugees home as it deems areas under the regime of President Bashar Al-Assad in Damascus safe, Sputnik reported.
The Danish government is fast-tracking a review of residence permits for some 900 Syrian refugees from Damascus, claiming that Damascus is safe, leaving there no reason for them to warrant Temporary Protected Status (TPS).
In the announcement, Danish Integration Minister Mattias Tesfaye said that any refugees forced to return would be given travel money.
“Last year, there were almost 100,000 refugees returning to Syria from the surrounding areas. I think it is fair that the people who live here in Europe also return home if they don’t need protection,” Tesfaye added.
The announcement has come under severe criticism from human rights campaigners who point out that no area of Syria is currently safe to return to.
Some Syrian experts condemned the decision emphasising that anyone who returns is at risk, and that Denmark is setting a dangerous precedent for the treatment of Syrians by EU countries.
Meanwhile, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees stressed that there was no prospect for a peaceful solution to the long-standing conflict in Syria.
Elisabeth Arnsdorf Haslund
“Unless the situation in Syria is significantly improved in terms of ensuring protection for the population, UNHCR calls on states that have received Syrian refugees – including Denmark – to continue their protection,” UNHCR spokeswoman Elisabeth Arnsdorf Haslund said.
Since 2019, the Danish government has been considering that Damascus and its region are safe places and says the refugees must return there.
Last December, Denmark became the first country to deny a Syrian asylum seeker on the basis that the country is safe,despite continued killings of civilians due to air strikes.
Turkish President Recep Erdogan may have seen his opening as the world fixates on the spread of the coronavirus and American media can’t shut up about the lackluster Democrats and their campaign to defeat Donald Trump.
So, we follow the shiny objects the media has chosen for us as the next phase (will it be the final phase?) of the war on western civilization is unfolding at the Greek/Turkish border.
There is an excellent piece by Jared Peterson at American Thinker that explains how many European leaders are digging their graves because they don’t get it—Century after century, Islamic supremacist desires never rest.
Fighting the Muslim Re-Conquest of Europe on the Greece-Turkey Border
As Americans remain riveted to the corona virus and the nauseating vicissitudes of the Democrats’ battle to choose a presidential nominee — a choice now apparently winnowed down to the Marxist or the moron — this writer’s thoughts once again are drawn to events in Europe. The critical situation now unfolding day by day on the Greek-Turkish border may at first seem of minor concern to America, but in fact it’s a critical part of the overall struggle by patriots on both sides of the Atlantic to preserve Western Civilization.
The same forces working here to dissolve American civilization through mass migration and deliberately inculcated cultural self-loathing are busy in Europe pursuing the same goal by identical means. And the same traditional, patriotic segment of the population, guilty of the crime of loving their civilization and wanting to preserve it, resists cultural dissolution in both Europe and America. The commonality of the struggle is striking.
European patriots, however, face worse odds. Their governments are more ruthless in condemning patriotism and love of country (who knew those feelings made one a Nazi?), and Europeans’ history of submission to authority, and consequent ingrained passivity, make them less inclined to risk social condemnation to save themselves.
In 1683 Christian Armies defeated the Ottoman Turks at the Gates of Vienna saving Europe for Christendom. The Polish winged Hussars led what is described as the largest cavalry battle in world history destroying the Muslim hordes led by Kara Mustafa. Erdogan has not forgotten.
Last Saturday, the futility of a purchased peace with Islamist governments was once again revealed with striking clarity: Recep Erdogan explicitly cancelled the 2016 agreement and announced that his government would no longer halt or hinder the estimated 3.5 million non-Turkish Muslims already living in Turkey, and the hundreds of thousands more migrants who will now enter Turkey across its eastern border, in their westward movement across Turkey into Europe, via Greece.
Little more than a week after Erdogan’s announcement, scenes of chaos and violence just short of war are unfolding on the Greek-Turkish border. In the ancient Greek province of Thrace, where Turkey’s European-side province is separated from Greece by the River Evros, Greek soldiers and police, behind fences and barbed wire, face off against would-be border crossers numbering, depending on source, anywhere from 13,000 to 30,000, to 75,000. The numbers of would-be invaders and violence increase daily.
German language alternative web sites report that the mobs at the Greek border have not had to engage in all that much “trekking” across Turkey, that unmarked buses headed west — as many 5-6 per hour — depart from migrant camps in eastern Turkey, and that Erdogan’s state railroad assists with transporting the invaders to the Greek/EU/Turkish border.
Clearly, this second 21st century Muslim invasion of Europe is Turkey’s child.
After the amazing governmental capitulation and public passivity in Germany during 2015, Erdogan is smart enough to perceive that now is his chance to dramatically advance through migration what Kara Mustafa failed to achieve in 1683 through direct military invasion: The gradual but relentless Islamization of Europe.
It is a long article, but take a few minutes to focus on something other than viruses and Democrats and read it !
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