Khan’s London set for “summer of carnage!”
Don’t go Donald! The city now exceeds NYC in violent crime because of the (immigrant/refugee) diversity welcomed by the UK!
Stay home and make a point of mayor’s increasingly violent city.
From theHuffington Post:
Donald Trump Should Expect ‘Loud’ Protests If He Visits The UK, Sadiq Khan London Mayor Warns
Donald Trump should expect loud and peaceful protests if he visits the UK later this year, the London mayor has said.
Sadiq Khan, who has frequently clashed with the US president since they were elected to office nearly two years ago, made the comments during a St George’s event in London on Saturday.
Amnesty International confirmed that thousands of its supporters will take to the streets when Trump visits the UK, although no date has yet been officially announced.
Khan added that the capital respects, embraces and celebrates diversity.
“Harmful policies on refugees” has Allen worked up. What about “human rights” for native Brits threatened with violent migrant gangs. Nah!
Kate Allen, Amnesty International UK’s director, said: “When and if Donald Trump makes his much-discussed visit to the United Kingdom, we and thousands of our supporters will very definitely be making our voices heard.
“In the 15 months of his presidency, we’ve seen a deeply disturbing human rights roll-back – including the discriminatory travel ban, his reckless announcement on Jerusalem, and harmful policies on refugees, women’s rights and climate change.
As our mainstream media pounds us 24/7 about American gun violence you hear next to nothing about the UK’s knife violence (knives are the weapon of choice for many violent Muslims).
Why is that? Is it a volume issue (they can only kill a couple of people at a time)? Or is it because the Somalis are a protected class and the image of refugees as pure-as-the-driven-snow dare not be challenged? Invasion of Europe news….
First Muslim mayor of London, Sadiq Khan: “Two more lives needlessly lost to knife crime.”
Somali gang violence rages on affluent north London streets
The murder of two young Somali men within three hours of each other this week in north London highlights the brutal gang violence that has gripped parts of this immigrant community.
Stabbed to death on Tuesday evening by other Somalis. The second murder that same evening was a machete hacking death.
Seventeen-year-old Abdikarim Hassan was fatally stabbed outside a corner shop in Kentish Town just after 7pm on Tuesday evening (20 February). At 10.15pm Sadiq Aadam, 20, was set upon by a gang wielding machetes and a samurai sword in Belsize Park and hacked to death.
Detectives are investigating possible gang links to both killings and police have imposed a section 60 order across Camden, giving officers the right to stop and search people when they believe serious violence will take place.
This persistent violence linked to drugs, territorial feuds, or blood vendettas, has beset a section of the UK’s 100,000-strong Somali community in the UK.
Camden is not the London borough you would usually associate with gang violence. Houses around Hampstead and Primrose Hill are some of the most expensive in the capital, commanding an average price of £1.7m. These areas are home to bankers, city lawyers and celebrities such as pop star Liam Gallagher and film director Ridley Scott.
Aadam was the third member of his family to be killed in a knife attack. His brother, Mohamed, was murdered in September near Mornington Crescent, a mile away, and their cousin, Mohamed “Lefty” Abdullahi, was stabbed to death in nearby Holloway in June 2013. Aadam studied business at Middlesex University and worked part-time in Tesco.
His four attackers fled on foot as passers-by desperately tried to save him after he was stabbed in the heart.
So who is being blamed? Not their home life, their religion/their mosques, their culture where clan feuds have gone on for time immemorial! Nope, it is all the fault of the local British police not keeping them safe!
In a statement Aadam’s family said: “This is the constant theme in our community. [How about looking within!—-ed]
“We are made to believe that the police are here to protect us, but how does a mother feel her kids are protected when she has lost two in the same vicinity within months?
“We have lots of questions and need answers. Somebody has to listen to us.”
Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said he was “desperately saddened” by this week’s deaths, and added: “Two more lives needlessly lost to knife crime.”
Continue reading here. Go herefor my complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.
Moral of the story—do not admit any more Somalis!
Of course he would because many of the world’s refugees are Muslims and it is through their migration (the Hijra!) that London, indeed the whole of England, has effectively been conquered.
London’s new mayor Sadiq Khan joined the #RefugeesWelcome campaign
It is this business of electing Muslim mayors that is one of the issues that concerned me in 2007 when I launched Refugee Resettlement Watch.
But first…
You’ve all seen the news from London, if not, here is one report from Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily:
The United States recently saw its first Muslim-majority city council elected in Hamtramck, Michigan.
But voters in Britain’s capital and largest city just delivered an even bigger prize to Islam.
London elected Sadiq Khan as its mayor on Friday, making him the most powerful Muslim politician in the Western world.
Kahn’s rise is a testimony to the fact that major sections of the city are already close to 50 percent Muslim, and critics say many of its non-Muslim residents seem comfortable with turning the top elected post over to a man with questionable connections to terrorists.
Khan was accused of being unfit to become London’s next mayor after footage emerged of him describing moderate Muslims of being “Uncle Toms.”
Cameron announced May 4 that Britain would accept an undisclosed number of unaccompanied Syrian children seeking asylum in Italy, Greece or France. Britain has already agreed to resettle 20,000 Syrian refugees, not nearly as many as Germany but more than the U.S.
Dr. Mark Christian, who grew up in Egypt the son of a Muslim Brotherhood father and became a child imam by the time he was 14 only to later renounce Islam and become Christian, said the rise of Muslim politicians in major European cities is inevitable given the brisk pace of Islamic migration.
Islamic Relief (a charity!) has launched a bus advertisement campaign in London with ‘Glory to Allah’ banners. They are celebrating Khan’s election although they claim it is to raise money for charity. Readers should know that Islamic Relief USA (a sister organization) has been identified working with Muslim refugees in a couple of US states so far.
Conquest without the sword!
“The narrative that he is connected to radical Islam is by itself something the West invented, trying to differentiate between regular Islam and radical Islam. Islam is Islam,” he said. “The mindset of Muslims, whether Mr. Khan is devout or not, is such that he will be used by other Muslim leaders to accomplish things that have never happened through the sword.”
In truth, the views of a “moderate” Muslim like Khan differ from the violent jihadists only as a matter of strategy. The end goal of the Brotherhood is Shariah, Christian said.
Goal of electing 30 Muslim mayors in the US by 2015!
Hendi and Obama.
That is what an Imam told an audience in Saudi Arabia in August of 2007 as reported by the Washington Times (front page story!).
As far as I can tell, no one paid any attention to Imam Yahya Hendi’s confident prediction.
Of course Hendi and his fellow strategists failed (so far), but that doesn’t mean that they have given up. If Muslim migration continues unabated, America too will have Muslim mayors.
Here is Hendi(the Islamic chaplain at Georgetown Univ.):
“Last year, we elected the first Muslim to Congress, and I expect that by 2015, there will be three or four, as well as at least 30 mayors,” he said, adding that the number of Muslim lawyers in the United States has multiplied since September 11.
Indeed! if Muslims were here to assimilate and not advance shariah, why on earth would it matter to them what religion elected officials are? And, why go to Saudi Arabia to report this ‘progress?’
This is what I said in 2007when there was complete silence about Hendi’s admission of their goals in America:
Can you imagine if some Catholic or Jewish leader was telling a foreign nation that they were working toward 30 (any number) Jewish mayors, or 30 Catholic mayors, all hell would break loose in the mainstream media!
I’m laughing envisioning a Jewish US mayoral candidate going to Israel and bragging that he was part of a movement to elect 30 Jewish mayors in the next few years—he or she would be driven out of town by the media. Similarly a bragging Catholic candidate reporting in to Rome would suffer the same fate. Why did no one slam Imam Hendi at the time? Fear?
Update: Thousands of members of the English Defense League took to the streets of Newcastle today to protest Muslim immigration and the murder of Lee Rigby, watch it here.
“Your chickens are coming home to roost!” say Somali al-Shabaabers about London slaughter. This is Islam, dummies!
Wright gave his ‘America’s chickens are coming home to roost’ sermon in the aftermath of 9/11
Al Shabaab, which is thought to have links with one of the suspected Woolwich terrorists, launched a tirade on Twitter accusing Britain of carrying out countless abuses against innocent Muslims.
In one message posted on its official Twitter account, an al-Shabaab spokesman described the murder of Drummer Lee Rigby as the “death of the wretched Kafir” and said it was “insignificant compared to the deaths of hundreds of innocent Muslims at the hands of British soldiers”. [Kafirs are you, the unbelievers, all of you! Not just soldiers! Leftwingers too!—ed]
Referring to the Boston bombing, another posting warned: “Where next? You just have to grin and bear it, it’s inevitable. A case of the chickens coming home to roost.”
Speculation was mounting that the postings, peppered with English phrases, were being written by a Briton.
Al-Shabaab: No betrayal of Islam, this is Islam!
Seizing on comments by David Cameron that the attack was a “betrayal of Islam”, al-Shabaab said that in fact it was a “portrayal of Islam”.
Update! Great Mark Steyn piece on the subject of the Brits becoming the chickens themselves, here, and going to slaughter. Steyn wraps-up with this:
One in ten Britons under 25 is now Muslim. That number will increase, through immigration, disparate birth rates, and conversions like those of the Woolwich killers, British-born and -bred. Metternich liked to say the Balkans began in the Landstrasse, in southeast Vienna. Today, the Dar al-Islam begins in Wellington Street, in southeast London. That’s a “betrayal” all right, but not of Islam.
Douglas Murray at the Gatestone Institute has posted a very important article for me to leave you with on Christmas Eve (emphasis mine):
The national census for England and Wales has come out, and, as usual, this once-a-decade event has had all of its most significant points overlooked.
By any measure, what it reveals is a country undergoing seismic change. Over the course of a decade up to four million more people have entered the country to live. In the capital, London, people identifying themselves as “white British” have for the first time become a minority. Perhaps most strikingly, the national Muslim population has doubled.
This last fact is perhaps one of the least considered of the census so far. Doubled? Surely not. This has to be the claim of Mark Steyn or some other demographics-obsessed nut.Well no, it isn’t, and it is now official: between 2001 and 2011 the Muslim population of the UK rose from 1.5 million to 2.7 million. Otherwise put, that is an increase from 3 percent to 4.8 percent of the overall population.
If in 2001 the British Prime Minister had said to the British public that over the next decade he intended to double the number of Muslims in the country, he would most likely never have been returned to office. But of course he did not say that, any more than any of his successors or predecessors did.
For the last decade, every major politician has lied about this issue. While talking tough, about putting a cap on immigrant numbers, pushing people to assimilate and much else besides, they have done nearly nothing.
The most wonderful result imaginable!
They have created a society where many people can speak about each other but many cannot actually speak to each other. And all the while politicians and pundits are busy trying to pretend that this is all the most wonderful result imaginable.
On the BBC’s Newsnight I sat alongside two very nice, wealthy, successful immigrants who explained how positive the census results were for Britain, showing a “diverse” and “multicultural” society. I was the only one of the four panelists to point out that this wave of immigration might have any negative effects. And the only one to point out that the strange thing about a “multicultural” society of this kind is that it can celebrate every imaginable culture other than the one which allows all these cultures to co-exist alongside each other. In other words, it is the center which is the only thing not being celebrated, and the center that is being consciously eroded. Worst of all is that this happened in defiance of the repeatedly expressed views – as tested time and again in nationwide polls – of the general public.
We still have time in America, but not much, to see what is happening in Europe and stop the erosion of our ideals, our culture, our way of life. Do not fear the words—racist, bigoted—name-calling is how they silence you!
There are those who wanted this change to happen, and there are those who did not. The former now occasionally notice that their plan has caused troubles of which they were barely aware when they set out. The latter are reviled as backwards, racist, bigoted and out-of-touch with their new country.In reality they are simply people who once had a country and have seen it changed irrevocably, and simply hold on to a feeling of sadness that nobody thought about where this would take us, or whether we the people should ever be listened to in the little matter of our own future.
I feel a nag coming on! While you are taking a holiday break or for a New Year’s resolution:
Go to Amazon now!
Purchase and read Sam Solomon and E. AL Maqdisi’s, little book entitled, “Modern Day Trojan Horse—the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration.” You will learn how Muhammad’s doctrine of immigration is a stealth jihad that requires cunning (lying) and violence as he modeled it on his successful conquest of Mecca in 630. A worldwide caliphate is the ultimate goal.