Brown and Brown, two candidates cozy with Islamists lose

Ryan Mauro writing at the Clarion Project has an interesting analysis showing that some candidates who were snuggling with Islamists or carrying their water in recent years went down to defeat on Tuesday.

In 2012, then Senator Scott Brown (and McCain suck-up) had condemned Rep. Michele Bachmann and defended Hillary aide Huma Abedin against charges she has connections with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Two that interested me especially were the surprise gubernatorial campaign loss in Maryland of Anthony Brown (because I live in Maryland).

And, if I had known this about Scott Brown in New Hampshire, I wouldn’t have wasted a second feeling sorry for his loss.

Race for Maryland Governorship

A third defeat for the Islamists was the loss by of Lieutenant-Governor Anthony Brown in his bid to be Maryland’governor.

Brown spoke for a CAIR event in May even though official FBI policy prohibits participation in CAIR fundraisers due to its Hamas links.

Maryland’s current governor, Martin O’Malley, is a possible presidential candidate and CAIR has used O’Malley/Brown officials for fundraising, including even their attorney general.

The O’Malley-Brown administration also endorsed a $100-million mega-mosque project in Maryland supported by the Islamist government of Turkey. The project is also backed by ICNA and ISNA leaders.

O’Malley was also the chairman of the Department of Homeland Security’s Working Group on Violent Extremism that reviewed counter-terrorism training. The committee included officials from these same Islamist groups and produced Islamist-friendly guidelines.

Scott Brown Fails to Win Senate Seat

Former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown failed to win his race for senator in New Hampshire.

In the summer of 2012, Brown was one of the Republican leaders who questioned the integrity of the five members of Congress who asked for investigations into the influence on the U.S. government of Muslim Brotherhood-linked individuals and activists.

At the time, Brown said accusations about Huma Abedin, who has documented Islamist ties and was then Secretary of State Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff, were “out-of-line” and have “no place in our public discourse.”

We reported on the controversy surrounding Rep. Michele Bachmann and the four other Members of Congress who claim the federal government has been deeply compromised by the Muslim Brotherhood.

Read the whole thing!  Mauro has a list of candidates who received financial backing from Islamic groups in this year’s campaign.

By the way, this is filed in our ‘stealth jihad’ category.

Maryland Governor O’Malley calls UACs “refugees,” doesn’t know what he is talking about

I’m reporting on what an uninformed governor says only because this governor wants to follow Obama to the White House.  So, all readers across the US, keep track of Martin O’Malley’s positions—he is a leader in the Democrat Party for Open Borders (no borders!) and has facilitated the growth (with tax dollars) of the notorious CASA de Maryland.

O’Malley (left) hoping to be the next O-man in the White House. Rumors abound that Obama doesn’t like O’Malley, but his policies will be the same as Obama’s.

Here is what he said to a Hispanic advocacy group in Washington on Thursday about the Unaccompanied Alien Children.

Maryland has received the largest number per capita of any state we are told.

From Southern Maryland Online:

WASHINGTON (Sept. 11, 2014) — Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, in his keynote address to the Hispanic National Bar Association’s annual conference Thursday morning, called on the association’s members to help in his state’s efforts to provide pro bono representation for the large numbers of unaccompanied minors who’ve crossed the U.S. border this year to escape violence in Central America.

“When unaccompanied children fleeing violence in Central America arrive at our doorstep, it is not only for their good, but for our good and the good of the nation that our children will share with them that our nation should act hospitably and revere the human dignity and the courage that those children have possessed,” he told a crowded ballroom at the Renaissance Hotel in Washington.

O’Malley, who is considering a bid for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016, came under fire earlier this year when he openly criticized President Barack Obama’s plan to deport many of the children back to the countries from which they fled.

“We are Americans, and we do not return refugee kids who find themselves on our doorstep back into war-torn or famine-racked places where they will face certain death,” O’Malley told reporters in mid-July. “I think we have to act like Americans.”

Since then, Maryland has accepted 2,804 children, according to the latest figures from the Office of Refugee Resettlement, the largest number of refugees per capita of any state in the country. Each is currently living with family or friends while awaiting deportation hearings.

Nebraska pro-immigration lawyer explains why the “children” are not refugees.

Coincidentally I came across this news item at the same time as the O’Malley disingenuous comment where a pro-immigration lawyer tells the public why the children are not “refugees.” Yet anyway!

Unaccompanied minors from Central Nebraska cannot be granted refugee status because people are classified as being refugees before ever arriving in the United States, Maynes said. That is why Sudanese and Somali immigrants – who actually lived in refugee camps – are legally considered refugees.

She said the question for unaccompanied minors is whether they can be classified as seeking asylum, a designation given to immigrants after they arrive in the U.S. Although in different categories, refugees and asylees must meet at least one of the same criteria to receive those legal designations under U.S. immigration law.

Both refugees and asylees must have a “well-founded fear of persecution” because of their political opinions, religion, nationality, race or for being a member of a protected social group, Maynes said. She said some immigration lawyers are arguing that unaccompanied minors should be part of a protected social group because as children, they are vulnerable to the predations of Central American gangs.

Of course the important point is that the Open Borders advocates and lawyers are working toward turning the “children” into legitimate asylum seekers by stretching the definition of “refugee” and thereby making anyone in the world, claiming to be escaping crime, eligible for entry into America.

Go here for all of our coverage of the ‘unaccompanied minors.’

Montgomery Co. MD will host about 50 new unaccompanied alien teens this year (so far)

If you want to know where the ‘unaccompanied alien children’ have gone, check with two local agencies—the local department of education and the health department.

There is nothing especially new or surprising in this report from the Gazette unless you live in long-time ‘welcoming’ Montgomery County, Maryland (I once did), but it does say one new and interesting thing to me—the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement sent over 100 of the ‘children’ (really teenagers!) there in the previous school year.   I wonder how many taxpaying residents knew that?

School begins in Montgomery County on Monday.

Montgomery County executive Isiah Leggett (right) making guacamole with one of the most dangerous men in America, Obama Labor Secretary Thomas Perez. Leggett says it’s our moral duty to care for the alien children (and expand the voter base for my friend Tom!)
 From the Gazette:

Nearly 50 unaccompanied minors from Central America have been sent to Montgomery County Public Schools since July to attend classes this school year, Superintendent Joshua P. Starr said Thursday.

The 47 children from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras were directed to the county school system through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement, Starr said at the county school board’s Thursday meeting.

“We don’t know if the number’s going to go up,” he said.

Last school year, the refugee resettlement office sent 107 unaccompanied children to the school system. Most of the minors were high school students, Starr said.

Starr said system officials are aware that minors from Central America are also entering county schools through avenues other than the refugee resettlement office, such as through their families. He said school officials discussed the issue during the summer.

The issue goes beyond the school system for the county. Montgomery County Council members met with representatives from public agencies and nonprofits in late July to learn about the situation in Montgomery regarding the immigrant children in its communities.

Assessing their emotional needs!

The system is determining the students’ educational and social-emotional needs and working to address the situation with others, such as the county and nonprofits, he said.

All citizens of Montgomery County are not as eager as Leggett and Starr to welcome the mostly Central American teens:

School board Vice President Patricia O’Neill said at the meeting that, in her experiences talking with county residents, “a lot of people have been very concerned” about the unaccompanied children in county schools.

All of our coverage of the ‘unaccompanied minors’ surging across our southern border is here.

Update!  Just so you know!  Reader Julia sent us several links about TB in Montgomery Co. Maryland schools, the highest in the state due to the large immigrant population, here.


About the photo:  Blogging partner Judy has recently written two posts at Potomac Tea Party Report on Thomas Perez.  In my view he is next in line behind the man himself (Obama), and then Attorney General Eric Holder as one of the three most dangerous race-baiters in America.

See ‘Perez stirring up racial strife here and the follow-up post here from earlier this past week.

PTPR has an extensive archive on Perez, check it out by clicking here.

Last I heard Perez still lives in Montgomery County in that far-left mecca of Takoma Park.  Watch for it!  When the Obama Administration ends, Perez will be back and be a major political force in Maryland (if not nationally).  Is making guacamole with Leggett earlier this month a first step in his return?

Time to get out?

Baltimore: Lutheran contractor prays in ritzy neighborhood to demonstrate how Maryland welcomes the illegal children

Yeah sure…

Linda Hartke, CEO of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, led a prayer vigil for the “chiiildruunn” in their own swanky back yard—-the Inner Harbor of Baltimore—yesterday.   The multi-million dollar federal refugee contractor has its headquarters there.

Gee, why weren’t the “faith leaders” parading and praying through Baltimore’s seedy side?

Gotta keep up their real estate holdings! The Lutheran Center (LIRS headquarters) is a six-story structure constructed in 1999 on property owned by Baltimore’s historic Christ Lutheran Church. The building is located near Baltimore’s Inner Harbor in the historic Federal Hill neighborhood, a charming area rich with history and an eclectic array of eateries and shopping venues.

And, of course, the lazy Associated Press (and other major media) never mention a word that Hartke and crew are being paid from the US Treasury to do their community organizing.

Sorry to our long-time readers who have heard my rant for the umpteenth time.

See Lutherans again with Christian charity claptrap!

We are paying for their public relations campaign! 97% of their funding comes from taxpayers while they pretend that what they do is out of the goodness of their Christian hearts!

Hartke is paid over $200,000 a year to do her prayer vigil march!

Here is their latest phony-baloney public relations ploy.  They only had to walk a short distance from their office building (that you help pay for too!).

This is the AP story that we saw in the San Francisco Chronicle (emphasis is mine):

BALTIMORE (AP) — Scores of Baltimore-area religious leaders held an interfaith prayer vigil for unaccompanied children who arrived in Maryland after fleeing violence in their home countries.

Dozens of religious leaders and supporters marched along Baltimore’s Inner Harbor on Wednesday to draw attention to the influx of immigrant children into the United States, and specifically into Maryland and Baltimore. In the first seven months of 2014, 2,205 unaccompanied immigrant children have settled in Maryland. Most of those children have been reunited with family members or placed in the homes of sponsors.


Linda Hartke, president and CEO of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service and one of the rally’s organizers, said the march and prayer vigil were designed to send a message that the city is welcoming of refugees and immigrants.

So why weren’t they marching in West Baltimore—that would be a real test of how “welcoming” the city might be! Why aren’t these people worthy of the Lutherans’ prayers? They have dreams and aspirations too!

“Today’s gathering is an important sign of support from the people of Baltimore that says this is a city and a state that’s welcoming of refugee kids, of people who flee violence, of people who have dreams and aspirations for their future, for their well-being, and to be reunited with their family members.”

The Lutherans are praying as well for Marylanders to take the “children” into their homes.

Now this next part is such a joke (if this weren’t so serious an issue). 

Governor wannabe-President Martin O’Malley met with “faith leaders” on Monday to plan for the children.

I would bet a buck that every “faith leader” in the meeting was on salary to be there and had a financial interest, as a federal contractor, in the ‘unaccompanied alien children’ coming to the state.  But, surely no reporter even thought to inquire.

The prayer vigil comes just two days after Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley met with religious leaders in the state’s capital to discuss strategies for sheltering the children in Maryland. Catholic Charities [also a federal contractor—ed] has proposed utilizing one of its Timonium facilities that has been used to house children with severe behavioral problems as a shelter for immigrant children. The facility can house 50 children at a time.

All of our coverage of the ‘unaccompanied minors’ border invasion may be found by clicking here.

Do you have a Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) subcontractor near you?  Go here to find out. Note that business is booming under Obama and LIRS is in the process of hiring a second Washington lobbyist, here.

And, as 2016 approaches, just know that Martin O’Malley has done everything he could as governor of Maryland to help the anti-borders activists “welcome” more immigrants of all stripes (legal and illegal) into Maryland.  I guess Maryland’s own poor minority people aren’t cool enough for O’Malley and the “faith leaders.”

MD Governor O’Malley pleaded with White House: Don’t send them to WESTERN Maryland

They used to be good pals! Hmmmm!

I’m posting this for a couple of reasons, first, because you are going to hear the name Martin O’Malley a lot in the coming months and years—he wants to be the next Progressive occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, and second because we need a good laugh sometimes.

Last week we reported that a site in western MD —Westminster in Carroll County—had been identified as a potential new home for a couple of hundred illegal alien “minors.”  Locals caught wind of the plan and knowing conservative activists here there would have been a demonstration on par with anything Murietta, CA could produce.

In fact, a clip of Carroll County Commissioner Richard Rothschild (highly critical of the plan) was featured on the O’Reilly Factor last evening.  Rothschild said about his call to HHS:

“I want to point out that HHS, I asked HHS what are you going to do if these children can’t find their parents? Are you going to keep them imprisoned in this compound? No answers.”

Surely O’Malley, with his Presidential aspirations, didn’t relish the optics of a Murietta-style uprising on his home turf.  He did tell the White House that other locations in the state would be o.k. 

Maryland has a well-established refugee resettlement program and one of the big nine*** federal contractors—Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service—is located in the upscale area known as the Inner Harbor.   Not to mention the fact that the notorious Casa de Maryland (The illegals ACORN) is undoubtedly itching to get its paws into some federal “refugee” loot—-for the “children.”   See one of our many posts on Casa de Maryland (Sandinistas, El Salvador and the Sanctuary Movement).

The ‘unaccompanied alien minors’ are surely already being brought to “welcoming” Maryland.

From CNN (Hat tip: Jeff).  Emphasis is mine:

(CNN) – After his strong criticism of the Obama administration’s plans to return thousands of young undocumented migrants back to Central America, Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley asked a top White House official that the children not be sent to a site that was under consideration in his home state, sources familiar with the conversation said.

“He privately said ‘please don’t send these kids to Western Maryland,'” a Democratic source told CNN. The heated discussion between O’Malley and White House domestic policy adviser Cecilia Munoz occurred during a phone call late Friday evening, sources familiar with the conversation added.

Earlier O’Malley criticized the White House for using the ‘deportation’ word!

A potential Democratic presidential candidate in 2016, O’Malley surprised some in his party when he sharply criticized a White House proposal to give new legal authorities to the Department of Homeland Security to expedite the deportation of the unaccompanied minors and their families.

“We are not a country that should turn children away and send them back to certain death,” O’Malley said last week at a National Governors Association meeting in Nashville.

Instead, the governor urged the administration to show compassion toward the children, describing some of the facilities where the young detainees are being kept as “kennels.”

LOL! Then the Obama Administration picked a potential location in RED Western Maryland to house a number of the illegal aliens and O’Malley had to beg for relief.

Hours after making those remarks, O’Malley expressed concerns to Munoz about a proposal under consideration by the Department of Health and Human Services to convert a former Army Reserve Center in Westminster, Maryland to house the children.

A senior O’Malley administration official confirmed the conversation took place. But the official stressed O’Malley did not reject the idea of temporarily housing some of the children in other parts of the state.

Now, I bet you are wondering how this embarrassing  story about a private phone call between O’Malley and Munoz leaked to CNN.  I’m placing my bets on Valerie Jarrett slapping O’Malley down a peg or two.  Why?  Is she already working on some other Presidential candidate’s campaign?

Just as I finished this, I see there is another good story about the rift and the leak, here at WJLA.

All of our coverage of the ‘unaccompanied minors’ storming the US border may be found by clicking here.

***The contractors (we may have to start adding Baptist Children and Family Services to our list):