Somalis in Ft. Morgan, CO say they can't assimilate without a mosque

(Why what Donald Trump says is resonating with voters!)
This is just one more story about Ft. Morgan, Colorado (we have been following their experiment with a growing Somali population for years, click here for our Ft. Morgan archive).  See also Leo Hohmann at WND on Friday—why are we still taking Somali refugees after three decades?

Cargill in Ft. Morgan
Cargill Inc. in Ft. Morgan is responsible for the influx of an estimated 1,200 Muslim Somalis to the small city in the northeast corner of Colorado. Photo:

Ft. Morgan has Somalis because it is a meatpacking town.  If they had no meat packer, there would be no Somalis clamoring for a mosque.
BIG Meat is changing the face of the American heartland!
From AP at the Santa Fe New Mexican:

FORT MORGAN, Colo. — For the last decade, Somali refugees have flocked to this conservative farm town on Colorado’s eastern plains. They’ve started a small halal mini-market and a restaurant, sent their children to the schools and worked at a meat processing plant run by Cargill Inc.

As much as Fort Morgan’s small town feel reminds many of their rural villages back home, some say they will feel like outsiders until they get what has so far eluded them: a permanent mosque. They are renting two small rooms for a makeshift version, for now.

They say they’ve tried to buy property to build a mosque but believe no one wants to sell to them.

“If we can own a mosque here, we will be more a part of the community,” said Abdinasser Ahmed, a local Somali leader and public schools teacher who fled war-torn Mogadishu, Somalia, in 2003, arrived in Fort Morgan in 2009 to work at the plant and is now a U.S. citizen.

Some longtime residents say they don’t want one in their city of 12,000, a step too far especially at a time when fears of terrorism have grown following the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, Calif.

Putting a mosque “right in the center of town” would be a symbol “as if to claim the town,” said Candace Loomis, who runs a coffee shop and whose grandparents settled this country of sweeping horizons in a two-room sod house.  [Loomis is right, the mosque will mark their Islamic territory.  That is what mosques are!—ed]

Continue reading here.  Montanans and Wyomingites pay attention!
If anyone was really serious about assimilation, it would require a moratorium on mass migration to America right now. Just as in the 1930s when America wisely closed the spigot to allow the masses already here to assimilate, we should be doing the same now (if anyone in leadership positions had guts).
In fact, if Republican leaders had ten years ago worked to close, or at least slow, immigration, instead of following the likes of Senator John McCain off a cliff, there would be no Donald Trump in 2016.

Meatpackers and Somali workers (again) disrupt small town life in America

This time it is the New York Times doing the story, but it is not new for us.  We told you about problems in Ft. Morgan, Colorado way back beginning in 2008, see our huge archive on Ft. Morgan by clicking here.

Editor’s note: There is so much going on these days and life has been interrupting my writing time, please follow my tweets (right hand side bar here at RRW) because when I do get time at the computer, I do try to keep up with the news by tweeting.  This NYT story is from a couple of days ago (I did tweet it then).

Cargill Somalis

Back to Ft. Morgan…. 
I can’t resist repeating this little bit from a post I wrote on September 30, 2008 about the Ft. Morgan Times editorial excitedly inviting Somalis to town and calling out this blog!
Here is what I said:

Today [9/30/08] the Ft. Morgan Times has an editorial [original editorial is gone, so it’s a good thing I got it at the time! Found by reader Jeff, here—ed] entitled, “Refugees taking root in Ft. Morgan.”   I have read a lot of politically correct, diversity is beautiful, let’s all sing ‘kumbaya’ articles, but this one I’m going to print out and hang by my computer and wait for the day when something happens in Ft. Morgan, CO and I can refer to it again. [Needless to say much happened in Ft. Morgan, even an honor killing, since then!—ed]

Here is what the editor said about RRW (who else could it be!)

Of course, if it were up to some people, Somali refugees would not have a chance to resettle anywhere in the U.S. There is even a Web site devoted to teaching Americans how to chase refugees of various sorts out of town.

I’m going to encourage you to read the whole NYT story, click here, about the prayer break dispute at Cargill and the Somalis now packing up and leaving town.  This is the takeaway for you:

As the demographics of small-town America shift and more Muslim immigrants move in, it is a dynamic that is likely to play out again and again.

Why is the US still taking Somalis after three decades?

The US State Department and its contractors like the Lutherans in Colorado Springs, Greeley and Ft. Morgan, Colorado are still bringing Somalis to the US by the thousands. Exactly why they are still colonizing your towns with Somalis isn’t exactly clear.
Since Obama was elected to office, the US admitted 45,718 Somalis. Many of those came from refugee camps in Kenya, but we picked up thousands of others around the world (screening?).  Data here.
In that time frame (of the 45,718 admitted), Colorado got 1,412 of them while Minnesota got 6,037!  But, Somali refugees were resettled all over American and often move (they call it secondary migration) to be with THEIR people in other seed communities.
In the first five months of this fiscal year (2016) we have admitted 3,107 new Somalis.
This isn’t about humanitarianism, it’s about large global corporations wanting cheap immigrant labor and the US State Department and ‘religious’ groups like Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service acting as their head hunters.

Nebraska: Lutherans, Somalis, meatpackers, mosques (and controversy) in small town America

This is a story from late last month that should be nothing new to readers who have followed this blog since 2007.  We probably have 100 posts on this same subject, namely meatpackers working with the help of refugee resettlement contractors to spread Islam throughout the heartland.  LOL! Someone could write a book!

Meatpackers changing the face of the American heartland, here in Lexington, Nebraska.,_Nebraska

The story about a clash in Lexington, Nebraska about the location of a new Somali mosque is the subject of this lengthy report from the Omaha World-Herald late last month. (Sorry, just getting around to it now!).
Reporter Paul Hammel begins with this:

LEXINGTON, Neb. — The old Longhorn Laundry is an unlikely place for a showdown over the First Amendment.

You could easily miss the nondescript concrete building on a quiet downtown corner of this old cow town.

But ever since a group of Somali workers from the local meatpacking plant spread out a sea of Persian rugs in the expansive former laundry and began holding Muslim prayer services five times a day, there has been controversy.

City officials maintain that mosque leaders are ignoring local zoning laws and thumbing their noses at requirements for building permits and fire-code inspections.

They insist that the flap is about a lack of parking, not a denial of religious freedom, and that it wasn’t spurred by “Islamophobia.”

The attraction is employment at Tyson Foods:

African Muslims, mostly from war-torn Somalia, started arriving in the mid-2000s. Census estimates put the number of Somalis in Lexington at 769 in 2014 — a 40 percent increase from 2000. Local Somalis and those who work with them say there actually may be 1,500 or more living in the community.

Across Nebraska, census estimates show 2,100 Somali-born residents clustered in Omaha and Lincoln, and near meatpacking plants in Grand Island and Madison, as well as Lexington.

Read the whole thing, it is well worth it.  Hammel interviewed many of the players in the drama, including the Lutheran resettlement contractor out of Omaha.

We also have many posts here at RRW about the controversy with Somalis in Grand Island, NE over the years.

What do the numbers look like?

To get an idea of what has been going on in Nebraska and because I wanted to know if Lexington’s Somalis are so-called ‘secondary migrants,’ I had a look at the US State Department data base and learned that since Obama was elected, Nebraska has ‘welcomed’ 6,716 refugees and the numbers have been increasing each of those years.
Most of the refugees (seeded in Nebraska by federal ‘church’ contractors) are Burmese or Iraqis, but of course Somalis have been resettled as well.   (There are small numbers of Muslim Burmese and the largest group of Iraqis we admit to the US are Muslims. Somalis are virtually all Muslim.)
The largest numbers went to Lincoln and Omaha, but I was surprised to see that the Lutheran agencies operating in the state placed 33 Somalis directly in Lexington which is well over a hundred miles from any resettlement office (unless one of the federal contractors has set up a subsidiary office way out Interstate 80 in Lexington).  The larger numbers of Somalis reported are indeed ‘secondary migrants’ (resettled in another state who then moved to Nebraska for meatpacking work.) I’ll look into this further…..
See what we have reported about Nebraska over the last few years by clicking here.

US Refugee Admissions Program is secretive, elected officials are not given information

This is a subject we have talked about many times on these pages and it appears here again in a short story about the Obama Syrian refugee resettlement plan at Breitbart.

Greeley Co
I’ve been fascinated with the Somali Muslim colonization of Greeley, CO for years. So when I saw that a county commissioner there recently complained about the refugee program, I was reminded of this post I wrote almost two years ago:

Warner Todd Huston begins:

President Barack Obama has been quietly pushing new plans to bring thousands of additional Syrian refugees into the country, despite the concerns of state and county officials and the outrages committed by welfare-dependent migrants in Europe.

But, before I get to the important part, we posted the chart mentioned here last night (perhaps Breitbart is the original source of the chart?) about which cities received refugees in FY2015.
Huston says this:

A chart made earlier this year with information culled from the Refugee Processing Center, an agency of the U.S. Department of State, shows where Syrian refugees have already been placed in the U.S.  

That is not accurate.  It is a listing of all resettled refugees from all countries for FY2015. Syrians were only a tiny fraction.

Now this is the part of the Breitbart story that caught my eye!

A Greeley, CO county commissioner says they are not informed of arriving refugees! However, federal law says local governments must be consulted!  Yet, this is one of the most common complaints we hear—local elected officials and citizens generally are completely left out of the information loop.  Why? Because the contractors know that if they were completely open about what they are doing, people would object!

A lack of communication on the placement of migrants also exists. In Greeley, Colorado, Weld County Commissioner Sean Conway recently noted, “Many times we don’t even know that relocation is taking place until it’s going on.”

Visit this handy list and see that it is Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains (formerly ‘of Colorado’) that is resettling refugees in Greeley. I must say that the Lutherans are turning out to be among the most egregiously secretive of the federal contractors when it comes to being open and honest with local communities.
In fact it was this same agency that had hoped to open a new office in Casper, Wyoming whose leaders complained that the word got out to the public there prematurely before they could get their propaganda machine in place.  See post here almost two years ago.
Note to Commissioner Conway!
You have a right to something the contractors call an “R &P Abstract.”  We have written about this important planning document on many previous occasions.  So call up the Greeley office of Lutheran Family Services and demand the abstract for FY 2016.
It will tell you how many refugees they plan to drop off in Weld County this year and will list all the welfare/medical/educational goodies you have available in your community for the “new Americans.”
For new readers we have written extensively on Greeley, Somalis and meatpacking. Click here for years of background posts.  The Lutherans have been supplying local meatpackers with cheap immigrant laborers for years.
Is there a ‘Pocket of Resistance’ forming in Greeley?  I would like to know!

Marshalltown, Iowa, the town a foreign-owned company changed forever

This is one more in a long sad line of American towns and cities changed forever due to the needs of greedy global corporations (not just meatpackers!) and their appetite for cheap immigrant labor.  They get the cheap labor, we get the poverty and extra welfare expenses, not to mention the cultural upheaval!

Trump and Arpaio 2
Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio endorsed Trump in Marshalltown last week.

Marshalltown, of course, is in the news because all eyes are on Iowa today.
Be sure to see an earlier post on how JBS Swift (a Brazilian owned company) is destroying the American middle class in Marshalltown.
And, don’t miss my post of only a couple of weeks ago about foreign-owned companies like JBS Swift changing America by changing the people.

“Taking food out of our [American] mouths!”

From thanks to a reader:

The blue-collar city, which has shed manufacturing jobs, epitomizes the economic squeeze of the American middle class. And Marshalltown has grappled for years with immigration, the issue that fires up conservative GOP base voters almost as much as terrorism.

Today, about a quarter of Marshalltown’s population of 28,000 is Latino. By contrast, Hispanics make up about 6 percent of Iowa’s population. A number of Burmese and Sudanese immigrants also have settled here.

Job cuts

In the 1980s the meatpacking industry mechanized production, boosting output and slashing wages. Meat processors already faced a labor shortage as the U.S. rural population shrank and fewer Americans wanted the repetitive, dangerous jobs, the industry says. Packers turned to Mexico and the rest of Latin America for workers.  [B.S. they could have paid a decent salary and kept American workers!—ed]

“It’s like they’ve got a sign on the border, ‘Come to Marshalltown,’ ” said Mike Foreman, 66, who worked at the meatpacking plant until 2000, when a back injury forced him to retire.

“The company paid them less than they paid us,” he said last week at the city’s senior citizens center. “The way I look at it, they’re taking food out of our mouths.”

Continue reading here.
See all of our posts over the years about meatpackers by clicking here.