I wasn’t planning to post anything this morning because I figured I really needed to catch up on all of my e-mails and other messages on social media. I don’t want to appear rude and not respond to your many inquiries, but it seems that I can never catch up! (LOL! New readers may not know that I have no staff, I just do what I can on my own.)
Anyway, my plan was to do some catching-up this morning until the first article I read in my alerts was this one from the Catholic Standardpeddling the myth I thought had been corrected long ago when Grover Norquist (of all people) was selling the fake news that Ronald Reagan signed the Refugee Act of 1980 into law.
But, alas here it is again!
Revisionist history is not a good look!
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops was testifying along with others in the refugee industry at a House hearing this past week.
Bishop urges Congress to show compassion, solidarity with refugees
WASHINGTON (CNS) — During a Feb. 27 congressional hearing about the status of the nation’s refugee program, Washington Auxiliary Bishop Mario E. Dorsonville quoted someone who is not frequently mentioned on Capitol Hill: Pope Francis.
“Today I am here to echo the Holy Father’s message: to recognize that we must at all times, but particularly at this moment of great global turmoil, recognize the most vulnerable and welcome them to the extent we are able,” he said.
The bishop, chairman of the migration committee of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, pointed out to the members of Congress and others seated in the hearing room that he was there to offer his perspective as a naturalized immigrant to the United States from Colombia.
He was one on a panel of four people addressing the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship, looking at the status of the U.S. Refugee Program, a week before 40th anniversary of the bipartisan Refugee Act of 1980, signed into law by President Ronald Reagan.
Bipartisan my foot!
The Refugee Act of 1980 was the brainchild of Senator Ted Kennedy; Senator Joe Biden was a chief sponsor; and it was signed into law by President Jimmy Carter on March 17,1980 (St. Patrick’s day as a gesture to Kennedy).
Reagan was not elected president until November of that year.
I hate it when Christians lie! The ends do not justify the means!
No bipartisanship here: Warren Magnuson, Tip O’Neill, and Jimmy Carter DEMOCRATS all!
Get ready for all sorts of media hoopla this month as the Refugee Act of 1980 is 40 years old!
If your local media runs any story that mentions Reagan signing the Act into law, you need to take action and force a correction. Watch for it!
For more on the USCCB, don’t miss my postwhere I reported that they are losing millions of taxpayer dollars under Trump.
Note to PayPal donors! I want to thank all of you who send me donations for my work via PayPal. I very much appreciate your thoughtfulness. However, PayPal is making changes to their terms of service and I’ve decided to opt-out beginning on March 10, 2020.
On Sunday I reported that Democrat writer Steven Roberts (of the DC/NYC bubble) had posted a syndicated column praising Republican governorsfor betraying the President’s first effort to reform the US Refugee Admissions Program and opening their welcoming arms to more refugees for their states that will ultimately cost state taxpayers millions to care for.
I asked if the Burmese refugee, Esar Met, who raped and murdered a Christian girl in Utah was part of the “beautiful cycle of charity” and suggested you write a letter-to-the-editor if the column shows up in your home town paper.
He especially focused on Utah’s Governor Herbert in his stunningly fluffy piece about how refugees are the most wonderful people, helped by benevolent Christian charity doled out by the likes Church World Service and World Relief, and that they also provide workers to companies looking for unskilled employees for low wage jobs.
But, nary a mention of any cultural upheaval or criminals that come along with welcoming certain ethnic groups from Africa, Asia and the Middle East—refugees like Esar Met.
Roberts’ implication of course is that our President is a nativist SOB for wanting to halt the “beautiful cycle of charity.”
This morning I see Roberts’ column is published in an Oregon newspaper—at Coos Bay’s The World.
If we don’t remember, it didn’t happen, right?
But, I remember (it is my job to remember) and likely you do too because I reminded readers at ‘Frauds and Crooks’recently:
Memory Lane: Somali Refugee Planned to Bomb Oregon Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
Once again, I recommend that if you see Roberts’ fluffy, puffy piece in your paper that you write a response letter-to-the-editor praising the President for trying to keep us safe—for putting Americans FIRST!
Mainer Cynthia Anderson recently published a book about how 6,000 plus Somali refugees are busy resuscitating a supposedly dying Maine city.
No surprise that the Star Tribune, in the heart of Little Mogadishu, MN, reviewed Anderson’s book. One quote in the review stands out and it makes my blood boil!
“I also think journalists, including me, sometimes don’t push for answers lest they appear insensitive or out of fear they’ll provide ammunition to haters.”
Just think about that, she is admitting she might have pulled some punches so as not to give us (haters! and Islamophobes!), critics of the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program, any ammunition. WHAT THE H***!
If so-called journalists were HONEST, for one thing there would be no need for me to write this blog and secondly if they were HONEST then maybe government programs like this one might be reevaluated, reformed or trashed.
Review: ‘Home Now: How 6,000 Refugees Transformed an American Town,’ by Cynthia Anderson
“Home Now” by Cynthia Anderson; Public Affairs (318 pages, $28)
“A moving chronicle of who belongs in America.” Guess you can see the bias right there at Amazon.
At a campaign rally in Portland, Maine, President Donald Trump linked worsening crime in Maine to the influx of Somali refugees there. He blamed their large community in Minnesota for straining the state’s social safety net and bringing potential recruits for Islamic terrorist groups.
“You see it happening,” Trump said. “You read about it.”
The above is a reminder to all those wimpy Republican governorswho are ‘welcoming’ more Somalis, Iraqis, and Syrians to your states that the President wants to rein-in the program. Duh!
Long before Trump turned refugee resettlement into a national flash point, Cynthia Anderson was immersing herself in Lewiston, Maine, a small white town that came to host one of the largest populations of Somali-Americans in the country, for her timely, richly detailed book “Home Now.”
Anderson grew up in a village 45 miles away and recalled the area’s gradual decline leading up to 2001, when the first Somali refugees arrived in nearby Portland.
She reported on Lewiston’s transformation for more than a decade, moving from seeing Somali newcomers as passive victims traumatized by war to people with complex, resilient trajectories.
Anderson also writes about Fatuma Hussein, a community leader and advocate for Somali women who admires Maine’s civility and is optimistic about relations between natives and newcomers. She speaks out in opposition to Trump’s election, yet she is also forthright about the challenges of merging different cultures in Lewiston.
The town is not prepared to absorb the arrivals so quickly; the mayor draws headlines for saying Lewiston is “maxed out.”
Anderson deftly sums up the tension by noting that the new refugees were not ungrateful but nor were they just grateful.
Though the book paints a mostly rosy picture of how refugees can revitalize a community, Anderson is honest [?—how honest?—ed] about her qualms.
During debates over a state bill aimed at the Somali-American community to ban female genital mutilation (FGM), she admits to being conflicted. Anderson is initially opposed, and doesn’t want to see the Somali community hurt, but nor does she want harm to come to any Somali girls.
[What woman could possibly be conflicted about the brutal practice of slicing off a portion of a girl’s genitals?—ed]
Anderson also acknowledges that the refugee vetting process warrants examination, noting that records can be inadequate in war-torn countries.
She considers it fair to question how long refugees take to become self-sufficient, finding answers inconsistent and hard to find. [No kidding—this program is run in secrecy! The refugee contractors and the government don’t want anyone to find out how poorly the refugees are doing!—ed]
“I also think journalists, including me, sometimes don’t push for answers lest they appear insensitive or out of fear they’ll provide ammunition to haters,” she admits. “But not asking and not knowing provides fertile ground for rumors to flourish. It’s also patronizing; Lewiston’s newcomers can withstand the scrutiny.” [Note that she deftly suggests that those of us with concerns are trafficking in rumors!—ed]
Anderson raises these questions through her portrait of Jared Bristol, driven after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks to become an activist against Islamic extremism. Bristol advocates for the FGM bill during a hearing that’s one of the only times Anderson sees Muslims and anti-Islamists in the same place.
Such activists, Anderson writes, “are wrong if they believe I absorbed nothing they and other anti-Islamists said or that my thinking didn’t shift, however incrementally.” [So what good is absorbing if she then pulls punches?—ed]
Scrutiny comes anew when a man dies of a fatal head injury after being attacked by several teens of African descent.
Nevertheless, and moving right along, the expert concludes:
….that Mainers feel that integrating refugees is worth the effort, even as it has taken time and money.
That is not what I’m hearing!!!
See my extensive, and I mean extensive archive on Lewiston here at RRW (there is more at ‘Frauds and Crooks.’)!
Gee, I wonder if Ms. Anderson used any of the material I’ve compiled over the years? Did she get the story about the Somali teen who burned down four apartment buildings in 2013 for example? Or the one about the ISIS fighter whose wife lived in Lewiston? Or the Somali health care scammers? And, as far back as 2009 Somali ‘youths’ were roaming the streets and attacking people.
Update November 17th: This publication is calling RRW a “conspiracy site” due to my tagline: They are changing America by changing the people!
A writer for a website calling itself Citizen Truthand claiming to be alternative news for free thinkers! reports on the latest attack on the President, his aide and us by the Southern Poverty Law Centercalling RRW a “fringe” anti-immigrant and white nationalist website.
“Peter Castagno is a freelance writer with a Master’s degree in International Conflict Resolution. He has traveled throughout the Middle East and Latin America to gain firsthand insight in some of the world’s most troubled areas, and he plans on publishing his first book in 2019.” https://citizentruth.org/author/peter/
I wasn’t going to bother with the latest broadsidefrom the SPLCin which a Breitbart writer who had been fired by the publication apparently (shamefully!) went to the SPLC with a trove of e-mails from Miller in 2015 and 2016 when Miller was a high level staffer for then Senator Jeff Sessions.
However, I thought you should know about this especially as the writer for Citizen Truth singles out RRW for special attention.
I’ll bet writer and ‘truth-teller,’ Peter Castagno, has never read any of RRW’s9,000 plus posts.
Oh, and let me be clear, I am very happy to learn that my work was being shared at high levels in Washington, DC.
But, before I get to that, hereis what Citizen Truth (hilariously) says about its publication:
Citizen Truth is an independent and alternative media organization dedicated to finding the truth, ending the left-right paradigm and widening the scope of viewpoints represented in media and our daily conversations.
Have the “free thinkers” and ‘truth-tellers’ have no shame? How can they write that s*** and then publish this:
Dem Leaders Call For Stephen Miller To Resign After Proof Of White Nationalism
Democratic leaders are calling for White House senior adviser Stephen Miller’s resignation after new evidence of his extreme white nationalist views was published by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SLPC) on Tuesday. Critics argue the evidence proves that Miller, the chief architect of the Trump administration’s immigration crackdown, is projecting his racist views into deliberately cruel policies.
Resign! says Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
“Stephen Miller, Trump’s architect of mass human rights abuses at the border (including child separation & detention camps w/ child fatalities) has been exposed as a bonafide white nationalist,” tweeted Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. “He’s still at the White House shaping US immigration policy. Miller must resign.”
The SLPC’s investigative report is based on a collection of over 900 emails from 2015-2016 that showcase the relationship between Miller and the far-right website Breitbart. Miller, a staffer under then-Senator Jeff Sessions at the time, demonstrates an obsessive focus on race and immigrant related issues in the correspondence, mentioning the themes in more than 720 of the emails as he shares ideas and sources to influence the hard-right website’s 2016 election coverage.
The 1973 NOVEL was incredibly prescient about the invasion of Europe unfolding before our eyes right now!
Miller provides links to fringe white nationalist and anti-immigrant websites like VDare, American Renaissance, and Refugee Resettlement Watch to former Breitbart writer Katie McHugh in the emails, and praises the explicitly racist book “Camp of the Saints,”telling McHugh someone at Breitbart should write an article connecting its grotesque depiction of immigrants to the Pope’s pro-refugee rhetoric.
The Leftwing never quits, and that is what I wanted to try to get through to all of you when I wrote my post about community organizing here on Thursday.
Never forget that anyone who suggests there must be limits to immigration and that reforms are needed will be labeled by the Leftists and their media lackeys as “white nationalists,” “racists,” or “haters” of some sort, so toughen your hide!
Note to Peter: I know you are trying to look really cool on that horse, but you need a riding lesson or two. Just saying!
The New York Timestreats us to an unnecessarily lengthy piece about the internal political machinations inside the US Catholic Church.
Archbishop Gomez the NYT says, “…created wallet-size cards for undocumented immigrants with instructions for what to do if they are approached by immigration officers.” Did they pay for those on the taxpayers’ dime?
It seems there is a major split—do they put the immigration issue above or below their anti-abortion stance? Some do, some don’t.
Do I care about their internal politics as they try to figure out how political they have been and how political they will be going forward?
The only thing that troubles me about their latest political soul-searching and their choice of a Hispanic head honcho for the US Bishops is one thing!
We taxpayers are paying for their religious ‘good works.’
We pay so they can beat their chests and tell the world they care about the poor and the downtrodden (as long as those poor people are immigrants to this cold-hearted Trump-America).
Here is the story, you can read it yourself remembering that you are a primary (involuntary!) funder of their “migration” operation (h/t: Julia):
U.S. Catholic Bishops Elect Hispanic Immigrant as Leader
Not one single word about the $ Millions the Bishops suck out of the US Treasury every year!
Does the NYT even know about it, or is the venerable paper keeping that information from you?
In any case, no mention, so therefore no questions about how that money dictates their position on government policy.
And, no questions about whether we should be paying for their upkeep.
One last thing: The NYT says that fewer Hispanics are now Catholics, hmmm!