Mohamed is third most popular boy's name in St. Cloud, MN

Did you see the news that in Austria it is number three as well? At Breitbart here a few days ago.
Since Pew Research can’t seem to get the numbers (and growth!) of the Muslim population accurately pinned down, maybe this informal way of gauging an increase where you live can be used!

St. Cloud hospital
St. Cloud Hospital costs for interpreter services have jumped dramatically since 2010.

Here Leo Hohmann at WND tells us Mohamed (spelling varies) is now the third most popular boys name in the maternity ward at St. Cloud hospital when in 2013 it wasn’t even in the top 20.

We already know this is happening in London and Paris. [And Austria!—ed]

St. Cloud Hospital in St. Cloud, Minnesota, came out with its annual list of top 10 most popular baby names for 2017, and No. 3 on the list of boys’ names was a bit of a surprise.

No. 1 – Henry
No. 2 – Liam
No. 3 – Mohamed
No. 4 – Jack
No. 5 – Nolan
No. 6 – William
No. 7 – Jackson
No. 8 – Logan
No. 9 – Wyatt
No. 10 – Grayson

The hospital has been publicizing its top baby names for boys and girls for as long as anyone can remember, but this is the first time the namesake of the Islamic prophet ended up in the top five.

In fact, as recently as 2013 the hospital published a list of its “Top 20” most popular baby names, and Mohamed was nowhere to be found.

But in 2015, the name Mohamed showed up for the first time, coming in at No. 6 on the list of boy’s names.

The vast majority of Muslims in Minnesota are refugees from Somalia, and the Somalis have large families. Just since 2002, the U.S. State Department, in cooperation with the United Nations, has distributed more than 54,000 Somali refugees into Minnesota cities and towns.

Cost of interpreters is through the roof!  

(The other day I told you again about the Bill Clinton executive order that requires this cost to be absorbed locally).

…..the St. Cloud Hospital has been struggling to keep up with heavy translator costs due to the large number of Somali men, women and children receiving medical attention. In 2010, the translation costs were about $400,000, but by fiscal 2017 those costs soared to $1.7 million. The city started getting large numbers of refugees in 2008, and 10 years later the demographics of the city have been completely transformed.

St. Cloud Hospital serves three counties: Stearns, Benton and Sherburne.

“These are big, big numbers, these numbers are huge,” said area resident Ron Branstner. “I have complained about these translation costs at schools, medical facilities, courts and 911 center to our local councils to no avail.

Continue reading, much more here.
I have an extensive archive on St. Cloud, click here, and learn about the resistance there.

Minnesotan does some homework on refugee employment issue; comes to unexpected conclusion

Editor: From time to time I post guest columns from readers whose work adds significant new information to our discussion about how the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program is having an impact on your wallets and your quality of life.

Here reader Bob Enos crunches numbers about Somali employment in Minnesota and finds some very interesting data leading to an unexpected conclusion.


First, my thanks go out to Minnesota refugee resettlement expert Ron Brantsner for putting me on to the 2016 report on the animal slaughtering and processing industry in central Minnesota, presented by the MN Department of Employment and Economic Development. A review of the report, for me, shed much light on both the stated objectives of refugee resettlement in the United States, and the unstated subtext.

st_cloud_somalis (1)
Is a parallel society coming to a town near you?

The American people are constantly told that refugee resettlement serves to fill the labor needs that go unmet, due to low birth rates, an aging population, and the unwillingness of Americans to perform certain kinds of menial labor.

How does this mantra square with the data reported by federal and state government?

Federal data tells us there are roughly 30-40k Somali refugees residing in central and west central Minnesota. The populations of these regions reside primarily in Stearns and Kandiyohi counties, of which St. Cloud and Willmar are the county seats, respectively.

The MN DEED report states that about 4,000 people are employed in animal slaughtering and processing in the region. It goes on to say that, from 1995 to 2016, the percentage of “black employees” (read: Somali refugees) rose from 1% to 10% of total employment in the sector. From this data, it can be inferred that at least 400 Somalis work in the industry in this region.

Statistics on fertility rates from the World Health Organization and the federal government suggest that the typical Somali nuclear family – as American society defines nuclear families – includes nearly eight children. Therefore, infer that at least 3,000 adult Somalis in the region are eligible for employment.

The most recent report on performance indicators of refugee resettlement from the US Office of Refugee Resettlement suggested that the unemployment rate among Somali refugees nationwide is about 50%. Applied to the western/west central Minnesota region, this suggests at least 1,500 of the region’s work-eligible Somalis are unemployed. This leaves at least 1,500 Somalis participating in the region’s labor force.

Now, this is where things get interesting.

If 1,500 Somalis are eligible for employment and, of these, 400 are employed in the “livestock” sector, then at least 1,100 Somalis engaged in employment of some other kind have yet to be accounted for.

Anecdotal information suggests that Walmart is a significant employer of Somali refugees in the region. This region contains SIX Walmart stores.

Does it seem reasonable that six Walmart stores have 1,100 Somali employees? Not likely.

Consider an alternate scenario.

The lion’s share of the 1,100 Somali workers who, so far, are unaccounted for are likely working in support capacities for other Somalis: translation services for schools, law enforcement, health care, health and human services, refugee resettlement agencies, and transporting fellow Somalis to locations where they partake of these services. A few are owners and operators of storefronts which cater exclusively to…Somali shoppers.

What we are witnessing and financing with public dollars is a closed, parallel society in America.

If an economic goal of importing Somali and other refugees to the US is filling jobs which are going unfilled by America’s current population of Americans, then the refugee resettlement program will go down in history as the most bloated, inefficient, wasteful, expensive job service the United States has ever produced.

But, this hypothesis begs a larger question. Has refugee resettlement REALLY been about filling low wage, unskilled jobs? The data, at least in Minnesota, does not support the premise.

No, what the economic objective seems to be is to redistribute the world’s poverty among wealthy, industrialized countries in the Western world. In this social experiment, however, the United States, for the first time, has willingly embraced a population that, at least, shows no collective interest in assimilating to, and embracing the American Way of life; and, at worst, is hostile to it. Furthermore, our leaders have evidently sanctioned the concept of an unassimilated, parallel society in America. How do we know that? Just take a look at President Barack Obama’s Committee for Welcoming New Americans, and its 2015 report to the president. In it, we find the committee quite intentionally omits the use of the word “assimilation” anywhere in the report, and replaces it with the word “integration.” What’s more, “integration”, in the New Normal, seems to share more in common with what Baby Boomers were taught is, actually, segregation.

And what might be the quid pro quo for America’s two political parties? If employment is presumably suffering for a lack of eligible workers, then the same can be said for a lack of eligible voters. And let’s face it, the Democratic Party has a long tradition of building its voting ranks with new immigrants.

The trade-off, then, is more refugees, in exchange for new Democratic voters. But what is new this time around, my fellow Americans, is that, in the New Normal, taxpaying Americans pay an exorbitant price in the bargain, in public finance, cultural identity, and quality of life. Or, as our friend Ann Corcoran often reminds us, “changing America by changing its people.”

And, as any salesperson knows, one has to be prepared to walk away from the sale when the price is too high.

This post and others like it are filed in my category entitled: Comments worth noting/guest posts (here).  Other posts by, and about, citizen activist Bob Enos are here.

Minnesotan challenges MN CAIR director to public debate

For new readers: We often give readers an opportunity to post guest opinions here at RRW. This is one from a longtime Minnesota resident, Robert Carrillo, who attended the event last Saturday at the St. Cloud Public Library where CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) attempted to equate the internment of Japanese in the US (after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor) with what could happen to Somalis in the age of Trump.

The event backfired when many educated and fearless audience members pushed back (see full report here at WND).

I’m all in favor of holding debates with CAIR anywhere and everywhere CAIR is willing to show up—let’s educate more Americans!

From Robert Carrillo who was in the audience on Saturday, November 18th (edited from the original for space, so if it doesn’t flow so well at times, blame me!):

The Japanese American group folks were actually very interesting. Their plight during the war years (WWII) was difficult indeed. So was the same fate for German Americans and Italian Americans located on the East coast at that time also, and for the very same reasons. Please remember, that we were attacked at Pearl Harbor.

There was no instant communication. No internet. Only teletype, telephones, Western Union telegrams, and newspapers; all lagging behind events for days and weeks, or even longer. People were scared to death, and many rational precautions were taken to insure the safety (against potential domestic sabotage) of the American homeland, including “resettlement” of people of Japanese descent, German descent, and Italian descent… Sad, and difficult to be certain, but a historical fact.


As an aside it was a Democrat President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, who signed that war time emergency order. I lived in Japan for a couple of years on a military base as a kid. I get it!

However, they are being used, and are being played. The conflating of these events (75 years ago), and the loaded race baiting/ religious baiting language used by Mr. Hussein, to connect the dots—which do not connect at all, was obvious, and disconcerting.

Outrageous fear-mongering poster wouldn’t you say!

The “Could This Happen Again?” program format, created by Jaylani Hussein (MN CAIR Director, comparing this 1940’s historical event to a modern-day possibility involving the Somali (Muslim) community, was, at best tacky and completely dishonest, and at its worst, a disgusting form of hate mongering manipulation by this man.

According to Hussein, all the interrelated (legitimate), and horrifying news stories, just in the past two years alone, involving Somali (Muslims), and legitimate and horrifying NEWS STORIES, reported here in the land of “Minnesota Nice” are lies, and false propaganda, intended to marginalize, demonize, and to intimidate the Somali “community” (the victims). Truly?

And, according to his highness of MN CAIR, they are the VICTIMS, and WE are simply not taking the time necessary enough to understand THEM. The ever-increasing crime and violence, and barbaric behavior on the part of their “community” membership is all fiction, and “We” will not be silenced nor intimidated by those attempting to spread such lies about us” says Mr. Hussein.

This man is what is called a “grifter”, and in my view, an extremely dangerous con man, completely unwilling to accept any responsibility whatsoever for the terrible actions of far too many within the ranks of his own “community”, or for his culpability in this tragic situation. In fact, he repeatedly denies that these real-life news stories (there are way too many of them now) are true, sadly.

Furthermore, he also refuses to accept the reality that in this world, and in any civilized society, “attitudes reflect leadership”, and that his lack of leadership only serves to foment additional violence, and additional blow-back from Minnesotans as a result.

In short, he is a completely irresponsible “slick talking”, delusional adult-child, and again, unwilling to accept the existence of his disgraceful part in this quickly unfolding tragedy here in Minnesota. He does neither he, nor his “community” of Somali’s in Minnesota, or Minnesotans in general, any good whatsoever, by behaving in this deplorable and irresponsible fashion. In fact, he accomplishes just the opposite objective, in my view, and I believe that to be intentional.

In short, and although I believe there are some exceptions within the community, I do not believe that they are here to get along as good neighbors at all (to assimilate). I believe, as has proved to be true in other parts of the world, especially Europe and the UK, and around the United States and Canada as well, that they are here to overwhelm the indigenous population, and to sow the seeds necessary to grow their “caliphate”. There are literally centuries of similar historical evidence to support this statement. In short, and for the most part, they simply do not play well with others.

One might also ask a logical and practical economic question here on the home front.

Why, given that in St Cloud, Minnesota and the surrounding area, with very limited industry, and very limited employment and business opportunity, would he (Hussein) not support a “moratorium” at this point (St Cloud MN, Councilman Jeff Johnson’s proposal), which would naturally limit (“time out”) the number of additional immigrants being transplanted into St Cloud, MN, so as not to bring in more people to compete for the very same jobs and limited opportunities his “community” are currently enjoying. Conclusion? He is obviously up to something else here.

One woman (nice lady I suppose) – “Bless her heart”, as one person I know would say – was actually willing to outline the “cultural reasons” why all Muslims (she) must pray 5 times a day. It is “required” says she…including in our taxpayer funded public schools. Well, that trumps (pardon the word) OUR US Supreme Court decision on that score in particular relative to “prayer in public schools”, I suppose, according to her. Well, there you have it! Done deal! We, (the “community”) demand it, and therefore, we are entitled to it!

somali wanted poster
Six of the eight the FBI is looking for in Minnesota. “Should be considered armed and dangerous.”


Then there is the refusal on the part of Somali-owned food service and restaurant businesses in St Cloud, MN, now refusing to allow lawful and required Health Department inspections of their establishments – AND, APPARENTLY, GETTING AWAY WITH IT! Those businesses should have been shut down yesterday.

As an aside, and since the FBI Minneapolis is presently looking for “8 Armed and Dangerous Men” (Somali) fellas as we speak, perhaps checking under the floor boards of those restaurants might be a clever, and rational idea at the moment. By the way, where did these young men get their guns and ammunition? There is the recently formed “Somali American [ Men’s ] Gun Club” in St Cloud now.

One fella, afterwards in the lobby of the St Cloud Public Library (also very wordy and slick – and oh so smooth—Jaylani Hussein’s right-hand man), told me, with considerable pride, that his father had 6 wives, and thus he had 22 siblings. OMG… Paleeeeeze.. …Just say NO! How many welfare checks does that add up to do you suppose?

Because I was not called on during the Q & A portion of the program (my arm is still sore from waving it), intentionally, to offer any commentary, and to ask some needed questions, I did have a chance to visit with a few concerned citizens afterwards.

I handed out more than a few actual and very recent news articles relative to very serious incidents, which have happened in Minnesota, which are much more than alarming. Not to my surprise, there were far too many people there, who had not even been made aware of these news stories at all. (Minnesota mainstream media is a disgrace – AND AFRAID in my opinion – as is true of many connected to Minnesota Law Enforcement and governance now).


This included the two incidents at the Mall of America on a recent Sunday (November 12, 2017) afternoon and evening. First was the 5th degree sexual assault (ride operator arrested and charged) of a woman by an amusement park ride operator, and then, the stabbing of two shoppers in Macy’s, both acts committed by member(s) of the Minneapolis Somali “community” (not a good track record here people).

Jaylani Hussein, the executive director of the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-MN), is, I concluded, an arrogant huckster and a master con man, and he is smooth.

He was caught lying through his teeth several times, and we have him on tape. Can you say, no denunciation or condemnation of The Muslim Brotherhood, or Hamas, connected to CAIR?

His response more than once during the Q&A portion of his presentation was: “He will not be intimidated or silenced by such website-generated questions”, says he! “And, we carry a big stick” says he.

These people, and their home-grown SURROGATES (Not the Japanese American organization folks being played for fools here), are so clearly, Kool-Aide drinking – moneymaking – and race baiting pimps, and they too are very dangerous. Joseph Stalin referenced such people as “useful idiots”.

Jaylani vote

Relating to Mr. Jaylani’s condescending behavior and treatment of many of the women audience members in particular (a cultural problem I believe); demonstrating such disrespect and obvious disdain in his tone and manner throughout, while somehow believing that his deceptive delivery style had gone on unnoticed, I can almost hear Michael Corleone (Godfather Film) saying to his brother-in-law, Carlo, relating to his brother, Sonny’s (Santino) assassination…”Ahhh, that little farce you played with my sister: Did you think you could fool a Corleone?”

How about another panel discussion Mr. Hussein – face to face – with additional experts on the stage, who do understand the serious “Public Safety” and “Public Health” issues connected to this “Trojan Horse” problem WE ALL FACE, regardless of political affiliation, or personal philosophy? This, Mr. Hussein, is my standing invitation to do so, publicly, and with local and national news cameras and microphones rolling.

To: MN CAIR’s, Mr. Jaylani Hussein: Let’s have that public conversation (public panel discussion), and public debate, very soon. As US Supreme Court Justice Brandeis once said: “Sunlight is the best disinfectant”, my friend.

While we wait for Jaylani’s answer, please keep thinking happy “Minnesota Nice” thoughts … Please pass the brats – the beer – and the hot-dish…wouldja? …OK then, “Enjoy the weather!”

Stay tuned….

We are staying tuned as well—this should be good!

Be sure Lutheran Social Services of MN and a representative of the mayor/council of St. Cloud are on the panel with CAIR. And, presumably the St. Cloud Public Library will make a room available for the educational event.

For more guest posts, click here.

‘Hate’ crimes were fairly steady through most years of Obama Administration

And, religious ‘hate’ crimes were most often against Jewish people, not Muslims.

The Salt Lake Tribune published an article over the weekend in which they seem to reach for statistics to show that so-called hate crimes (mostly racial) are on the rise in Utah and elsewhere.

Learn about the Hate Crime data collection at the FBI here:

One could easily conclude that yes, the ‘hate’ crimes were up a little in 2016 from the previous year, but about the same (or slightly lower) as Obama presided over in 2011.

Although they don’t say it, the implication is that Trump’s hateful rhetoric and followers are to blame for a trend.

We’ll wait for the 2017 data, since of course it was Obama (the peacemaker) presiding over the country for this data.

Here are the opening paragraphs of the Tribune article:

Incidents of hate crimes in Utah rose significantly for the first time in two years in 2016, and based on complaints and investigations this year, the local FBI believes those numbers will continue to rise.

Last year, local law enforcement reported 66 incidents to the FBI, ranking Utah No. 23 out of the 49 reporting states and the District of Columbia, according to recently released 2016 hate crime statistics.

Those 66 incidents encompass 72 offenses, or individual crimes, reported in 2016. The most common was simple assault, with 22 instances, followed by vandalism at 18 and crimes against society — drug, gambling, prostitution, weapons violation or animal cruelty offenses — at 13.

Sounds like just flat out criminal activity to me! (Did you know they were counting hate crimes against animals in this data?)

When you read the article don’t miss the part about how as a state becomes more “diverse” the hate crime incidents rise.

When I checked the data, here, sure enough the states with the most ‘haters’ were California, New York, Ohio, Michigan and Massachusetts also among the most diverse states in America. Wyoming, arguably with the least diverse population, was the least hateful state with only 3 incidents in 2016.

So could we make a case that diversity does not make us stronger, but in fact causes more strife and stress in society?

Here is an interesting chart showing the national ‘hate’ crime stats. The reporter says hate crimes were rising for the last five years (through 2016).  Yes, but she doesn’t mention the fact that they were slightly higher in 2011 than in 2016.


Screenshot (1107)


Here is an important takeaway: someone please tell CAIR Minnesota’s director Jaylani Hussein that in 2016 ‘hate’ crimes based on religion were more than twice as high against Jews than Muslims.

CAIR would have us think that all over America people were hating on Muslims. Gosh, who might be hating on all the Jewish people?

Jewish people were most likely to face the brunt of hate crimes targeting a person’s religion, with 684 reported incidents, about 54 percent of the total. Those incidents involved 862 victims, up nearly 18 percent from 2015 . Muslims were the target of 307 incidents….

There is lots of interesting data at the FBI’s Hate Crime Statistics for 2016.  I don’t have the time to explore it all, but you might.

Endnote:  I was just thinking about that 2016 Lake Calhoun incident in Minnesota, remember this. Was it categorized, by the FBI, as a ‘hate’ crime by Somalis against white people?  Heck it might fit in the racial category and the religious category!

If  that blatant incident isn’t in the data base at the FBI then you can throw out anything the FBI says about ‘hate’ crimes.

See my Utah archive here. See that the likelihood of their hate crimes increasing is pretty good as they continue to diversify through refugee resettlement.

CAIR Minnesota to host scare tactic propaganda event today in St. Cloud

If you live nearby, get on over to the St. Cloud library quick—today!

The Council on American Islamic Relations has invited Japanese Americans to help scare Muslims living in Minnesota—suggesting that what happened in WWII could happen to them!

The implication is that Muslims could be incarcerated en masse just as Democrat President Franklin Roosevelt did to the Japanese after the Japanese government bombed Pearl Harbor, an event that threw America in to WWII.

Sheesh! And, we get criticized for scare tactics!

CAIR Minnesota Director Jaylani Hussein: Come on out to the library today so we can scare the bejeezus out of you!


CAIR obviously is inviting a scare tactic free-for-all with this event!

Here is their press release in full (hat tip: Bob):

CAIR-MN, Japanese American Group to Host St. Cloud Forum on WWII Incarceration, Islamophobia

(MINNEAPOLIS, MN, 11/17/17) – On Saturday, November 18, the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-MN) and the Twin Cities Japanese American Citizens League (TC JACL) will host a community forum in St Cloud, Minn., on the infamous presidential executive order 9066, which allowed the incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II as it relates to today’s anti-immigration policies and the rise in Islamophobia.

WHAT: “Japanese-American Incarceration: Could It Happen Again?”

WHEN: Saturday, November 18, 1-3 p.m.

WHERE: St. Cloud Public Library 1300 W. St. Germain Street St. Cloud, MN 56301

CONTACT: Jaylani Hussein Executive Director (CAIR-MN) at 612-206-3360, Cheryl Hirata-Dulas (Twin Cities JACL) at 952-221-5867

A local survivor of the Japanese American incarceration will lead a panel of experts to discuss the history of this presidential order, the impact it had on the Japanese American community and America and to explore the question, “Could it happen again?”  [Eeeeek!—ed]

This presentation comes at a time in which anti-immigrant organizing led a St. Cloud council member to call for moratorium on new immigrants to the city. This community forum will help address the underlining issues on these topics.

During WWII, 120,000 Japanese Americans (2/3 of them citizens) were imprisoned in camps because they looked like the enemy. Come listen to Japanese-American survivors and historians as we remember and reflect on Executive Order 9066.

Program Panelists Include:

· Sally Sudo, 81 years old, was six when she and her family were uprooted from their home in Seattle, Wash., and incarcerated for three years in Minidoka, Idaho. She came to Minnesota after World War II due the assistance of an older brother who trained at the U.S. Army’s Military Intelligence Service Language School at Fort Snelling to learn the Japanese Military language to translate captured documents, interrogate Japanese prisoners of war, and serve as an interpreter.

· John Matsunaga, Minneapolis artist/photographer who has documented the remains of all ten incarceration camps.

· Dr. Yuichiro Onishi is professor of African-American and African Studies at the University of Minnesota. His long-range research explores U.S. colonialism toward Okinawa during the early Cold War years. Began his academic career in the Center for Ethnic Studies at the Borough of Manhattan Community College of The City University of New York (CUNY). Also taught African American studies courses at Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan.

· Jaylani Hussein, the executive director of the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-MN). Hussein’s family emigrated from Somalia to Minnesota in 1993 and he is trilingual (English, Somali, Arabic). Hussein holds degrees in Community Development and City Planning from St. Cloud State University and Political Science from North Dakota State University.

CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding. [And hit every critic of uncontrolled immigration with the racist, Islamophobia label!—-ed]

La misión de CAIR es mejorar la comprensión del Islam, fomentar el diálogo, proteger las libertades civiles, capacitar a los musulmanes estadounidenses, y construir coaliciones que promuevan la justicia y la comprensión mutua.

– END –

CONTACT: CAIR-MN Executive Director Jaylani Hussein, 612-406-0070,; CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-744-7726,

To citizens concerned with the myriad issues involving the resettlement of refugees around the country, REMEMBER! those promoting more migration to America never rest.  You too need to plan events and other educational forums so as to continue to educate your fellow citizens about real problems—not sow fear as this event is obviously intended to do!

Gee, will the St. Cloud library host an ‘educational’ event for those who want to promote an opposing view?