Of course I saw the news yesterday, but didn’t post on it because, sad to say, this kind of story is becoming commonplace. However, just to be sure my huge ‘crimes’ archive (here) is complete, I’m posting the basic news of what happened at the Mall of America from World Net Daily.
But, the bonus here is that readers can learn a bit about Muslim names.
Leo Hohmann at WND:
For the second time in just over a year, a Somali “refugee” has stabbed shoppers with a knife at a Minnesota mall.
The first case, on Sept. 17, 2016, was a clear act of jihad when Dahir Adan injured 10 people in the Macy’s at the Crossroads Center Mall in St. Cloud after asking his victims, chosen at random, if they were Muslim.
But on Sunday night, a man identified as Mahad Abdiaziz Abdirahman, 20, of Minneapolis stabbed two men at the Mall of America after they tried to stop him from stealing clothes inside the dressing room at Macy’s.
His middle name, Abdiaziz, means “the slave of Allah the master,” a native Arabic speaker told WND.
His first name, Mahad, means “the one who preaches and invites people to Islam.”
Abdirahman is a common Somali Muslim last name. It means “the slave of Allah who is the gracious.”
Bloomington Police Chief Jeff Potts said in a news conference that “the suspect went in and tried to take some property and, when confronted, he produced a knife and stabbed one man. Some family members assisted the victim and a second man sustained another knife wound.”
The next time you hear someone from the refugee industry say this: “No refugee has committed a fatal attack on an American” just laugh! Do you see how they do this? They put the word “fatal” in there (nevermind that there have been fatal attacks) because they know there have been many near fatal ones!
Furthermore, don’t let anyone tell you that an asylee is not a refugee. A successful asylum seeker is every bit as much a refugee as the ones we fly in on your dime. The Tsarnaev brothers were asylees (political refugees).
They can’t, with a straight face, say there have been no attacks on Americans because there have been dozens of attempts to kill Americans and attempts to commit jihad attacks, it’s just that many of those have been intercepted by law enforcement before they could do their damage. Have a look at my ‘crimes’ archive here and see what I mean.
Or, for a quick look, see my 10 terror cases and 5 horrific crimes post here.
Their crime is that they pretended to be a family when one of the four won the Diversity Visa lottery!
Before I give you the story, the first thing I thought of was the huge family reunification fraud revealed back in 2008 when the State Department shut down the so-called P-3 programwhen they found as many as 20,000 Somalis got in to the US by lying about family connections. The program was on hold for 4 years but nothing happened to the cheaters!
Four individuals who pretended to be a family and arrived in the United States from Somalia through the controversial diversity visa program are now the subject of civil complaints seeking their denaturalization, the Department of Justice announced Monday.
The complaints were filed by the Department of Justice, Department of State, and Department of Homeland Security, challenging Fosia Abdi Adan, Ahmed Mohamed Warsame, Mustaf Abdi Adan, and Faysal Jama Mire. According to the Justice Department, the four came to the United States claiming to be part of a family, ultimately naturalizing on the basis of this apparently false contention.
The four coordinated after Fosia Adan, 51, received a diversity visa in January of 2001. Under fictional identities, Fosia and Ahmed, 54, claimed to be married, with Mustaf, 33, and Faysal, 31, pretending to be their children. Fosia and Ahmed subsequently obtained a divorce in Minnesota, maintaining their fictitious identities in the separation.
Both Fosia and Ahmed naturalized in 2006; Faysal and Mustaf naturalized in 2010 and 2013, respectively. If, as the Justice Department alleges, their naturalizations were predicated on lies, all four can be denaturalized in compliance with the Immigration and Nationality Act.
See more posts on ‘family reunification fraud’ by clicking here.
Maybe the Justice Department could set up a hotline where people can call in tips about those they know who scammed our welcoming country by lying about who they are (so much for security screening, right!).
I hate to say it, but in light of theattitude of elected officials in Minnesota, and news like this, maybe some of you should consider leaving the state. Just saying!
An outbreak of 17 cases of multi-drug-resistant (MDR) tuberculosis (TB) has been reported in Ramsey County, the second most populous county in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area, a spokesperson for the Minnesota Department of Health confirmed to Breitbart News on Monday.
“The outbreak has primarily affected elderly residents in the Hmong community, with 10 cases linked to a senior center where the first case was detected in 2016. Four other Hmong residents were also infected. So far six of the 17 people have died, three as a direct result of tuberculosis [TB],” the Star Tribune reported on Monday adding:
Some of the first transmissions occurred among a group of seniors who regularly played cards at the senior center.
But one of the card players had been sick and infectious for five years before diagnosis. That has left public health officials playing catch up in an effort to find everyone who is at risk.
I ask this same question every time we have a story about refugees with communicable diseases: Are volunteers for resettlement agencies trained to spot diseases in order to keep themselves and their families safe?
See my ‘health issues‘ category with over 300 posts on refugees’ physical and mental health. Many of Leahy’s previous articles on TB can be found there.
By the way, I bet none of those glowing reports about the economic boon refugees bring to a city factor in the cost of TB treatment. I hear it is a huge ticket item in some cities’ health departments.
….they fail to mention that reports coming out of their primary contractor, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (in Baltimore) indicate that maybe there is a bit of a problem there with federal audits…..
I meant to get to this news yesterday in advance of the St. Cloud City Council meeting last night where the majority of the council voted down a resolution (vote was 6-1) by one councilman who is seeking a moratorium on resettlement there in order to assess the economic and social impact resettlement by the Lutherans is having on the community. (I didn’t get to it because I don’t know if it affected all of you, but in many places in the country internet services were down.)
I realized this morning after reading thenews at the Star-Tribune that anything I said about the facts involving the Lutheran contractor and subcontractor changing St. Cloud wouldn’t matter one bit. Here is the St. Cloud Timesversion of what happened last night (you can see the text of the resolution here and maybe use it as a model where you live!).
The St. Cloud Times, clearly biased against those who want more transparency with the resettlement plan for the city, posted this factually inaccurate opinion piece from Lutheran Social Service of MN the day before the vote. No surprise that they were helping the Lutheran agency in its quest to forever change St. Cloud and supply local corporations with cheap labor.
Here is what Maureen Warren, a VEEP at LSS-MN told the citizens of St. Cloud:
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota commends the new resolution supporting a just and welcoming community that passed the St. Cloud City Council on Oct. 23.
We applaud the courage and hard work by members of the City Council and others who have shown leadership and commitment to creating a strong and welcoming community for everyone.
We want to take this opportunity to correct misinformation that has surfaced in recent City Council meetings and media reports about our compliance performance in LSS Refugee Services.
On Oct. 23, the St. Cloud Times reported on a different resolution presented by council member Jeff Johnson at the last council meeting that “calls for a city moratorium on the placement of additional refugees through primary resettlement until Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota — one of six nonprofit organizations that helps settle refugees in Minnesota — demonstrates it is in compliance with federal statutes.”
We want the community to know that the LSS refugee resettlement service is subject to regular financial and service audits by the U.S. State Department and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service — and LSS is in full compliance with all federal laws and regulations.
But, how about the reports coming out of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service that they may not be in full compliance with federal grant laws and regulations?
For new readers, LSS-MN does not get refugee cases or cash directly from the federal government, but the refugees are chosen by LIRS, sent to St. Cloud and LSS-MN gets its payment of federal money passed through LIRS. LIRS receives and doles out your money to it subcontractors.
A fish rots from the head down!
Persistent reports coming out of LIRS indicate that the organization is in turmoil—that the Inspector General at the Department of Health and Human Services did audit LIRS and found irregularities in its financial reporting relating to salaries and possible misuse of grant dollars.
We received a copy of a June 30th letter to the Board of Directors at LIRSfrom the Inspector General at HHS instructing LIRS to make a “corrective action plan” to account for the budget irregularities. Some of those irregularities involve ones relating to salaries of headquarters employees, sources in a position to know tell us.
Apparently that letter and subsequent internal turmoil sent the organization in to a tailspin, employees resigned, but others were given handsome severance packages in order to leave quietly, we hear.
In September the Board of Directors at LIRS announced its own investigation of the top management of the contractor that receives on average 96% of its funding from taxpayers! Here is the text of one e-mail from Board chairman Rev. Michael Rinehart that we received. Clearly whatever is going on, it is very serious. If federal grant mismanagement occurred, at minimum the organization must repay misappropriated dollars?
From: Michael Rinehart
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2017
Executive Committee convened and agreed to an investigation.
I have spoken to Linda.
The investigation team has formed. They will meet next week in St. Louis.
I have the names of three law firms with whom to talk.
Things are moving fast.
Peace, Mike Michael Rinehart, Bishop Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
We are offering an open invitation for a representative of LIRS in Baltimore (or the Board of Directors) to write a guest column for RRW to explain what exactly is going on if the reports I am receiving are in some way inaccurate!
Just a reminder that getting at the truth is our business because LIRS is almost completely funded from the US Treasury (and Congress is doing nothing to watch out for our money!).
Now to the other compliance audits that LSS-MN referenced in its St. Cloud Times piece—the State Department Service audits.
These are audits done on an irregular basis where someone shows up (usually announced!) from the US State Department to assess whether the local subcontractor (LSS-MN) is complying with its contract mostly regarding the care given to refugees.
The compliance reports that are written are kept secret from the public.
I have heard of them being obtained through FOIA requests that the State Department takes years to respond to.
If LSS-MN is now in “full compliance” surely they wouldn’t object to releasing those compliance reports where they weren’t compliant and explain to the public what they have done to satisfy the federal requirements that they apparently were not following.
And, readers, isn’t it incredible how little scrutiny they get from Washington—monitoring visits FIVE years apart! And, the 2017 visit was from LIRS in Baltimore. The US State Department hasn’t been there since 2012!
I’d like to know if there are even any penalties for not being in FULL compliance!
See my giant St. Cloud archive by clicking here. Don’t miss two posts on LIRS signing contracts with global meatpackers JBS Swift hereand Tyson Foods here. (See LSS-MN helped get this deal somehow).
Just think about it—greedy global corporations changing the demographic makeup of small heartland cities with third world-laborers, aided and abetted by the Lutherans!
He’s baaaaack! Dr. Luke Tripp of St. Cloud State is once again accusing “white conservatives” of stirring up St. Cloud racial tensions as he does it himself! And, he clearly is fixated on former Rep. Michele Bachmannwho we first noticed he targeted in 2010 and reported on these pages.
This man is not a peacemaker!
But, before I get to Dr. Tripp’s latest tirade…
I’ll remind readers of the chaos going on in St. Cloud as the next City Council meeting is to be held tomorrow evening and that Councilman Jeff Johnson, we hear, is planning to introduce his resolution seeking more transparency and economic analysis of the impact of Somali refugee resettlement on that community.
See my ever-expanding St. Cloud archive here(the city I call the canary in the coal mine!).
I first wrote about Tripp,the former Detroit revolutionary and Black Panther organizer,here in January 2010.
In that article we reported on his efforts to ‘get’ then Rep. Michele Bachmann. Frankly the African Muslim migrants require the leadership of, shall we say the communist/socialist, Leftwing community organizers like Tripp.
You should have heard about the concept either from James Simpson’s‘Red-Green Axis’writing or perhaps you have heard him speak! Tripp is the personification of the concept.
Editor: Knowledge is power! For all of you trying to understand what is going on in St. Cloud, it is important for you to know who the ‘community agitators’ are. Tripp is one. He may in fact be the leader. But, I haven’t the time or energy to summarize all of my previous writing on Tripp and his Somali legions. I expect you to do your homework! As the old saying goes—you must know your enemy. And, read! Read! Read!
Before I get to Dr. Tripp’s lastest blast (still focusing on the departed Michele Bachmann), here is another post on Tripp from April 2010. Go here for other mentions here at RRW. Don’t miss Tripp’s involvement with the Somalis who successfully sued a local meat plant. (Special accommodation for Islamic prayer times = shariah law!).
Now here is Tripp’s salvo from last Thursday at the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorderwhere he is wearing his “women’s studies” hat:
(Sounds pretty racist to me, what do you think?)
I witnessed and experienced how St. Cloud earned the dubious reputation of “White Cloud.”
I believe that Jeff Johnson’s resolution calling for a temporary ban on resettlement of refugees in St. Cloud is aimed at Somalis who are under attack in St. Cloud because of their race (they are Black), their religion (they are Muslims), and their immigration/refugee status (they are perceived to be untrustworthy aliens).
The City of St. Cloud, historically a very conservative White town, has only recently become home to a significant population of about 6,000 Somalis who represented about eight percent of St. Cloud’s population of 68,000 people in 2013. There has been a series of hateful attacks against the growing Somali community since they began arriving here in the 1990s.
The animosity against Somalisreflects the sentiments of a significant segment of conservative White residents in the city of St. Cloudwhose views were politically expressed by their right-wing extremist ex-congresswoman, Michele Bachmann,who represented Minnesota’s Sixth Congressional District from 2007 to 2015. Bachmann was a staunch advocate of barriers against immigrants and their culture. Her voting record on anti-immigration legislation is graded A+.
There is more. But, this is the funny part: I thought I recognized those words! Check out what he said in 2010. In addition to sounding racist he must be lazy! Throughout the above tirade he simply rehashed his many tired old charges from 2010! (I’ve highlighted one of those rehashed paragraphs in red—one from last week above and the other from 2010 below–this is hilarious!)
This is the same paragraph in a February 2010 rant (and why the fixation on Bachmann? Alinsky rule***):
The animosity against Somalis reflects the sentiments of a significant segment of conservative White residents in the city of St. Cloudwhose views are politically expressed by their right-wing extremist congresswoman, Michele Bachmann, who represents Minnesota’s Sixth Congressional District.Bachmann is a staunch advocate of barriers against immigrants and their culture. Her voting record on anti-immigration legislation is graded A+.
***This is Alinsky Rule 13: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” He is making Bachmann the face of the problem. He is sending a message to the Mayor and Council of St. Cloud—we (bullies) will do this to you too if you go against us!
Bottomline readers, please listen!
You will continue to lose if your elected officials are more afraid of trained agitators like Luke Tripp and his legions (which includes the Islamic supremacists) than they are of you—American citizens who want answers and demand a right to help decide the future of your communities!
I know it is uncomfortable, but get over it! You (conservatives of whatever color) need to fight the way they fight! Make your elected officials more uncomfortable than they do!
Start by picking a target and steal yourselves for the anger, the chaos and the controversy that is happening and will happen—saving western civilization isn’t for the faint-hearted!