Measles outbreak in Minnesota Somali community; Muslim parents refuse to vaccinate children

This article at Mic Daily makes it sound like it is all about a fear that vaccines cause autism in vaccinated children.  However not mentioned is the Islamic prohibition on the use of vaccines.
Here is the story at Mic Network Inc.  Golly gee, why can’t we get our message heard, say health officials.

Minneapolis Doctor Madlon-Kay: We aren’t making any headway in convincing them that vaccines are safe.

Minnesota’s Hennepin County is in the midst of the state’s largest measles outbreak since 2011. Nine cases have been reported since last week, and officials expect the number to rise.

So far, all of the cases are among unvaccinated children. They have something else in common too: The affected children are all part of Minneapolis and St. Paul’s Somali-American community. According to a health department official, Minnesota’s Somali immigrant community has been a particular target of the anti-vaccination movement, colloquially known as “anti-vaxxers.”

“They’re very much engaged with and targeting this community,” Kris Ehresmann, infectious disease division director at the Minnesota Health Department, said in a phone call Wednesday.

According to Ehresmann, anti-vaccine groups began to target the Somali community around 2008, amid concerns about autism among Somali-American children. Anti-vaccine groups started reaching out to the Somali community and showing up at community health meetings, she said, disseminating misinformation linking autism to the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, or MMR.

Since then, the population has seen a “steady decline in MMR vaccine rates.”


She [Dr. Diane Madlon-Kay, a practicing physician who has studied the low vaccine rates among Minnesota’s Somali community] and other doctors who serve that population have had little luck dispelling myths about autism and vaccines that travel quickly though the community via word-of-mouth, she said.

“We don’t seem to be making any headway with that at all,” Madlon-Kay said.

Despite countless studies indicating there’s no connection between vaccines and autism, Madlon-Kay doesn’t have much hope that science will change the minds of scared parents within the Somali community anytime soon.

Continue reading here.

What about Islam?

Not a word in the story about Islam and vaccines which is likely the bigger reason why health officials can’t educate the Somalis.  In only a few minutes search, here is one of many articles about “religious” prohibitions in Islam.

Islam and Medical Science Must Oppose Vaccination

The case against vaccination is first an Islamic one, based on Islamic ethos regarding the perfection of the natural human body’s immune defence system, empowered by great and prophetic guidance to avoid most infections. The case against vaccination is also a medical and health-related one. Incredible evidence, unbeknownst to most, has emerged in the West regarding the many serious health hazards that affect those who have been vaccinated.

For inquisitive minds, we have hundreds of articles about refugees and health issues (including mental health issues) in our ‘Health Issues’ category, here.  Measles is not the worst illness you will find there.

Government demographic studies all wrong on Somali numbers in US

We probably have at least twice as many Somalis of ethnic descent living in the US as the federal government is telling us!

This little article caught my eye yesterday, so I went back this morning to look at numbers I have recorded for years.

Somalis in Minnesota with Somali flags!

From about Minnesota Somali numbers, with this line at the end:

The 2015 American Community Survey says almost one-third of the more than 129,000 people in the United States reporting Somali ancestry lived in Minnesota.

129,000! No way!

This is what we know:  Back in 2008, I laboriously poured over data provided by the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement’s annual reports to Congress and wrote this post about the numbers. (We did not have access to Wrapsnet at the time).  Each year after that I updated the post with the Somalis we admitted to the US—through only the Refugee Admissions Program.

Through FY16 we admitted 136,376 Somali ‘refugees’! 

That number does not include all the Somalis who got in to the US through other means including the Diversity Visa Lottery, those who received student visas and disappeared into the American woodwork, are here protected by Temporary Protected Status, or who came across one of our borders and applied for asylum (or simply disappeared) over the last 3 decades.
And, in order for there to be only 129,000 people of Somali ancestry here it would require us to believe some who came to the US left the country, that a whole heck of a lot of them died while they weren’t having babies for nearly 35 years! It is nuts!
When the government does census counts do they rely completely on who is willing to answer surveys, or do they make some attempt to look at government-held numbers about those who entered the country?  Apparently they rely on Somalis willing to tell them something!
In addition to the 136,376 through FY16, we have admitted 4,478 in the last 4 months and 19 days.
And, we pick up Somalis all over the world, and I can assure you that vetting the wandering Somalis is impossible.
Here is where that 4,478 were placed since October 1, 2016 (according to Wrapsnet):

If you can’t read Florida, it is 48, Alaska is 6 and Hawaii 0.

The top five states ‘welcoming’ Somalis since October 1, 2016 are Minnesota (609), New York (397), Ohio (306), Kentucky (283) and Arizona (276).  Virtually all Somalis are Muslims.
And, of all the ethnic groups entering the US right now, Somalis (I believe) lead the pack in the number of terrorist attacks or attempted terrorist attacks, or who have been arrested and convicted of helping to support jihadists in some form or another.

Frankly, there is absolutely no reason for the US to take in more Somalis! The UN is pushing them on us! We did not break Somalia. Why is the country’s long running civil war our problem? See here.

Tell Donald Trump what you think by clicking here.  Then tell your members of Congress and US Senators to grow a spine and stop this colonization as well!

He is baaackkk! Omar Jamal in his element as he makes the news about Somalis sneaking in to Canada

This is so funny!

If you have followed RRW for the last almost ten years, you will recognize the name Omar JamalI call him the ‘Jesse Jackson’ of the Somali ‘community’ in America.

In 2009, even Minnesota Public Radio had him pegged as a Somali “talking head.”

When Somalis are in ‘crisis’ (when aren’t they in crisis!), here comes Jamal to direct lazy and gullible reporters so that they spin their stories to involve him and his view of the ‘community.’
I wish I had the time to go over the many many posts we have on Jamal who was originally found guilty of immigration fraud (he snuck in here from Canada!) but was never deported.  He apparently speaks English well, so reporters glom on to him and he helps them get their story straight—the way he sees it! He is good!
Just to give you an idea before you read about his take on the supposed flood of desperate Somalis heading to Canada across the Minnesota border (remember readers those Somalis headed to Canada are in the US ILLEGALLY), here is one post I wrote in 2008.
Denver dead Canadian Somali story!
Here in 2008, Jamal helped spin the media about something you have long forgotten or maybe never knew.
A Canadian Somali was found dead in a Denver hotel just before the 2008 Democratic Convention there.  He had enough cyanide to kill hundreds.  Jamal jumped in to the story (from Minneapolis) to say the guy was just a nut, nothing to see, move along, and the media did!
Here is our complete archive on Omar Jamal, the Somali spin-meister!
So here he is again, in his element, fielding media questions about the poor Somalis headed to Canada and the possibility that they could freeze to death (sniffling! dabbing eyes!).
From a CBC News at a Somali website:

Omar Jamal is dealing with a crisis. [ROFLMAO—ed]

Jamal is the executive director of the Somali Community of Minnesota, and for months now, he has seen people whose U.S. asylum claims have been rejected end up in Minneapolis, home to one of the largest Somali communities in the country. [Rejected asylum claim means they are NOT refugees—ed]

From there, they make arrangements to sneak into Canada, where they can file refugee claims.

Jamal has become used to this, but today he is fielding non-stop calls about a car full of refuge seekers and their driver who appear to have gone missing after leaving Minneapolis.

The plan was to drive the seven hours north to the Canadian border and cross the border on foot.

But they’re nowhere to be found.

“I’m getting calls from family members and I’m meeting relatives and as we speak right now, we are trying to figure out what happened to them and where are they? Are they still alive?” says Jamal.

You can read for yourself the long discussion about the missing Somalis (found o.k.) and the driver who took them to the border.

They’re making their way back to Minneapolis.

As a result of their attempted crossing, they’ve been flagged as a flight risk by U.S. immigration authorities. [Heck, Trudeau loves diversity, let Canada have them!—ed]

“They’re really worried, they’re scared,” says Jamal.

“The thing is, when they came [to the U.S.], they psychologically believed that they left everything behind, the bad things. But actually the place they’ve got here now doesn’t look much different than the place they came from.

“It’s a continuation of crisis and suffering and not being settled… That saga is still ongoing,” he says. “They left their country and they’re still on the run.”

Before too long, Jamal has moved on to the next phone call, the next request for help.

He knows this flood of asylum seekers won’t stop any time soon, and he has a message for his neighbours to the north.

Of course, then he sends his message telling Canada to welcome these illegal alien Somalis.
Read it all! Filed in my ‘Laugh of the day’ category!

Going to Canada! African failed asylum seekers passing through Minnesota to get to border

I’m sure many of you are saying, let ’em go! Boy Trudeau loves refugees he can have them!
But, this story at the Minneapolis Star Tribune is at once informative and fishy.
Note that although the numbers of Africans crossing in to Canada from the US grew the most during the Obama Administration, the reporter, Mila Koumpilova, wants to make it clear that he/she thinks that things will get even worse under Donald Trump’s administration.

Bashir Khan, Winnipeg immigration lawyer, in downtown Winnipeg, January 27, 2017. (Photograph by Nick Iwanyshyn)
Bashir Khan, Winnipeg immigration lawyer, in downtown Winnipeg, January 27, 2017. (Photograph by Nick Iwanyshyn) He is there to help, see story about “new underground railroad” here:

Actually, maybe not, maybe if we promptly deport failed asylum seekers, they won’t be free to wander up to Canada!

Here is Koumpilova,

More than 430 African migrants have arrived in Winnipeg since April, up from 70 three years ago. Most come by way of Minneapolis, sometimes after grueling treks across Latin America and stints in U.S. immigration detention. [Donald Trump has only been President for a month, so they can’t pin this on him!—ed]

The men pay hundreds of dollars for middle-of-the-night cab rides north to the Canadian border. They wade into the Red River to dodge border agents in summer and trudge through waist-deep snow in winter. On Christmas Eve, two wandered in the wind-swept flatness and lost their fingers to frostbite.

Minnesota has become a key stop for a soaring number of migrants from Somalia and other African countries who sneak into Canada to seek asylum. More than 430 arrived in Winnipeg since April, up from 70 three years ago. Most come by way of Minneapolis, sometimes after grueling treks across Latin America and stints in U.S. immigration detention.

The exodus is now coinciding with new steps by the Trump White House to restrict immigrant and refugee entry — policies expected to spur even more crossings. [Is this reporting or editorializing?—ed]


A tangle of factors is fueling the surge: brisker traffic along an immigrant smuggling route out of East Africa, stepped-up deportations under the Obama administration and the lure of Canada’s gentler welcome. Advocates expect the Trump administration’s harder line on immigration will spur even more illegal crossings into Canada, where some nonprofits serving asylum seekers are already overwhelmed. Now Canadians worry smugglers are making fresh profits from asylum seekers and migrants take more risks to make the crossing. [Remember readers everyone expected Hillary to win, so they can’t pin this on Trump as if these illegal aliens who went to Canada last summer and fall had advance notice that immigration hardliner Trump would win!—ed]

So why did numbers crossing to Canada swell under Obama? I have an idea.

Minnesota Immigration lawyer, Marc Prokosch: We previously didn’t deport failed Somali asylum seekers, we left them alone (to live in your towns and cities!). Photo here:

Koumpilova continues….

The number of migrants crossing near Emerson has swelled steadily since the early 2010s, based on data from Canadian border authorities. Provinces from Quebec to British Columbia have seen major increases as well. Almost 60 percent of the Manitoba arrivals since the start of the Canadian fiscal year in April were Somali, with growing contingents from Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Ghana.

Why don’t lazy, biased reporters ever ask where all the money comes from for the poor phony ‘refugees’ to travel across the world?

Samatar [Somali star of the story—ed] says he fled southern Somalia in a hurry. In neighboring Ethiopia began a grueling, monthslong journey: a flight to Brazil and a trek north through nine countries. What the smugglers did not tell him and other migrants: When they presented themselves to U.S. immigration authorities to seek asylum, they would be detained.

“I was totally not expecting I would be in jail,” Samatar said. “I was shocked.”

After his asylum application was rejected, he was released to await deportation. Within weeks, he was bound for Canada by way of Minneapolis.

And there you have the answer as to why these treks to Canada increased. In addition to Boy Trudeau putting out the welcome mat, the Obama Administration was releasing FAILED asylum seekers. Heck maybe human rights friends of Obama even gave them some money and a map to Canada!

A dozen recent border crossers interviewed in Winnipeg echoed Samatar’s story. Many paid $10,000 or more to smugglers who flew them to South America and ferried them north by bus, car, raft and on foot — a smuggling route first forged to shuttle Somalis stuck in long refugee resettlement waits or with no access to that program. They report fleeing mandatory yearslong military service in Eritrea, discrimination against gays in Ghana and general poverty and unrest in the region. [What the hell! No access to refugee resettlement! We have taken well over 100,000 Somalis in the last two decades!—ed]

Then came time in U.S. immigration detention and the denial of their asylum claims. [These illegal aliens who came in through South America, Central America  and Mexico could have asked for asylum in any safe country along the way. They are not legitimate asylum seekers and obviously the asylum judges agreed!—ed]

And, look at this! Formerly FAILED Somali asylum seekers were just allowed to blend into American towns and cities!

Meanwhile, the pace of deportations to Somalia has picked up. In previous years, the United States mostly sent back people who came legally as refugees but committed crimes before becoming citizens, says Minneapolis attorney Marc Prokosch. Those with rejected asylum applications and no criminal records were “left alone.” But last year, more of them started hearing from immigration authorities they would be sent back soon.

There is a lot more in this story, click here.
See our previous posts on the trek of illegal Africans to Canada through Minnesota and North Dakota, here top two posts.

The way to solve this problem (if Canada wants it solved) is to make sure that the US DEPORTS FAILED ASYLUM SEEKERS and does not release them from detention before they can be deported!

Tell Donald Trump what you think, here.

Maine to Minnesota, residents of small cities overloaded with Somalis happy with Trump

“I think he’s doing a lot, every day I’m turning on CNN to see what he did and who he pissed off.”

Mainer Jim Nelson

They may not be protesting in the streets, but voters in towns seeing their communities transformed by refugees almost overnight, support Donald Trump’s efforts to rein-in immigration from certain countries.
No time to thoroughly analyze both reports, but here is a bit of the story from Lewiston, Maine where many residents are happy with President Trump’s temporary slowdown of refugees from certain countries.  I don’t know this guy, but he speaks common sense, and I know exactly how he feels about watching CNN!
From Maine Public Radio:

I think he’s doing a lot,” says Jim Nelson. “Every day I’m turning on CNN to see what he did and who he pissed off.”

Somali women and their children walk through downtown Lewiston, Maine, Tuesday, in a May 8, 2007, photo. Over the past six years, as many as 3,500 black refugees from the wartorn African country have settled in this nearly all-white, heavily French-Canadian and largely Roman Catholic city of 36,000, giving Lewiston the highest concentration of Somalis anywhere in America."Their children are the only assets they have. They left everything else in Somalia," said Said Mohamud, manager of the Mogadishu Store. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)
As we reported here years ago, it was generous welfare in Maine that drew the first Somalis up from places like Atlanta, GA. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)


Nelson says he voted for Trump and he’s happy he did. He says doesn’t always like how the president acts, but that Trump is quickly fulfilling campaign promises.

That includes the president’s recent travel ban, which affects immigrants from seven countries, including Somalia.

“This country was made on immigrants. I mean, that’s exactly why the United States exists. We’re a melting pot. We can’t lose sight of that,” Nelson says.

But he says he’s truly mystified by the local protests sparked by Trump’s order.

“On the front page of yesterday’s paper you got this little girl crying, and she’s a Somalian (sic) and she can’t see her grandmother, and ‘Oh, my God.’ You know, she can’t see her grandmother for six months. What about the people that got blown up down in Florida? What about those people? They can’t ever see their people again.” Nelson says.

More here.
We have a huge archive on Lewiston, see here.

Faribault, Minnesota:

Here is the Minneapolis Star Tribune about reactions in Faribault, another small city being overloaded with Somali refugees.  By the way, the population of Faribault was 23,594 in 2014, and Lewiston was 36,299 in 2014 (it had lost 293 residents since 2010, wonder why?).

FARIBAULT, MINN. – In her years of selling burgers and omelets in the heart of downtown Faribault, Janna Viscomi has seen changes she never expected.


For Viscomi, the new travel ban ordered by President Donald Trump that suspends refugee resettlement for 120 days and blocks entry for 90 days for citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries comes as mostly welcome news.

“I think slowing things down would be good,” she said this week, taking a short break after the lunch rush. “I don’t want to see families separated, but in the other regard, there needs to be somebody saying, ‘Hey, Let’s breathe here. Let’s breathe.’ ”

Like so many other towns I’ve visited in Minnesota, large meat and poultry companies are transforming small cities as their desire for cheap legal immigrant labor drives refugees to the area.

Reporter then describes pro-immigrant rallies in big cities. (Faribault is Trump country as was Lewiston on November 8th!)

Yet in other places, such as Faribault, the move has been welcomed by residents who feel the cost and pace of immigration is too much too fast. Trump won Faribault’s precincts with 50.4 percent of the vote in November, compared with 41.5 percent for Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Faribault, like other small- to medium-sized cities throughout Minnesota in recent years, has seen its mostly European ancestry make room for new arrivals from Cambodia, Laos, Mexico, Central America and Somalia.

And, of course, like much of Minnesota we see Somalis are supplying the cheap labor for BIG MEAT!

In many places, it’s the food processing plants that draw immigrants eager for work. It’s no different here, where the Jennie-O Turkey Store operates.

Continue reading here.
See our previous post on the welfare costs of refugee resettlement.  Somalis are among the greatest users of welfare including benefits provided at the state and local level.

So next time you are tempted to say that you want your meat to be cheap, remember it isn’t! Your tax dollars for refugee welfare subsidize the meat industry!