Ten years ago this month, RRW published its first of what would be many posts on St. Cloud, Minnesota, a small city targeted by Lutheran Social Services of MN and the US State Department for the resettlement of mostly Somali refugees. Council member Jeff Johnson surrounded in October 2017 https://www.sctimes.com/story/news/local/2018/05/18/st-cloud-city-council-member-jeff-johnson-refugee-resettlement-program/602537002/
When blog partner Judy wrote this post about the mistreatment of a service dog by Somali students it was the first time I had ever heard of St. Cloud, Minnesota.
In those ten years we have published dozens of posts on the demographic change there and the controversy it has created.
Our experience has been that the St. Cloud Times has been biased against anyone who wants to have a discussion about the change, but this storyby reporter Jenny Berg is surprisingly balanced! What happened?
Not just the ‘insensitive’ numbers guy: Jeff Johnson keeps refugee conversation going
It is a long story, but really worth reading. I was particularly interested in one theme expressed throughout:
Concerned citizens have a right to expect transparency from government officials at all levels.
In fact, it is that very lack of transparency that gave rise to this blog!
There would be no Refugee Resettlement Watch beginning in July 2007 if there had been an open and honest discussion in Hagerstown, Maryland that year and if the Hagerstown Herald Mailhad investigated and explained the details of how the small city in a red county had been chosen for resettlement and how the process would work going forward.
See what I wanted to know in 2007! I’m still working on getting those answers for every American town and city! You have a right to the answers (without having your character slimmed!).
“How dumb are we? Honestly, I think it is impossible to plumb the depths of our stupidity.”
(John Hinderaker at Powerline blog)
“A Scandal Trifecta” is what John Hinderaker at Powerlineblog is calling the latest news from the state where ‘Minnesota nice’ takes on new meaning almost daily.
Sorry, I know a lot of good smart Minnesotans, but just now when I wrote about Swedenlikely being the first European nation to fall to the Islamists, it struck me as interesting that Swedes in past centuries populated Minnesota…hmmm…is there some defect in the genes? A gene that is driving people to succumb to invasion? A suicide gene?
One of my top posts in recent days is this one—You are old and white and we are taking over Minnesota!
Everyone has been sending me this latest news about millions in cash leaving Minnesota for Africa, much of it alleged to have been generated by welfare fraud perpetrated by a certain group of Africans the Minnesota nice people (the infidels) continue to welcome to the state.
This week Judy sent me an interesting facebook post. I’ve decided not to name the author in order to spare her further aggravation. Normally I wouldn’t post on a social media conversation except this one rings a bell. I’ve heard it before.
In fact in earlier years in the life of this blog, I heard it from time to time. Somali commenters told me that this country had a lot of wide open spaces and they planned to fill it.
In fact in 2010, aSomali woman communicatedwith me to warn that Somalis are creating what she called Tuulas (villages) throughout some states—she mentioned Minnesota and Kansas and Maine. She said:
I have read about what is going on in Kansas and in other small towns like Maine. Somalis will turn these small towns into a largely populated Somali town, because if Minnesota is the U.S capital of Somali people then a small town or city cannot stand a chance.
And, more recently a reader (a Somali?) has told me I am old so I am to be dismissed, implying that I can’t stop the inevitable wave anyway.
So this facebook post sounds perfectly in line with what other Somalis have said to me, and are saying:
From anonymous:
Yesterday, I had long social media conversations with two Somali Muslim gentlemen from Minneapolis, Minnesota. I asked them about their goals for improving Minnesota and how they feel about being an American. I also asked them about the million dollar upgrade at Cedar Riverside public housing that Mayor Jacob Frey promised its majority Somali residents this week. After I was called a racist, a fascist, a bigot, stupid and old, here’s what else they shared with me. Nearly verbatim. Thoughts?
Don’t miss Leo Hohmann’s report on the Minneapolis mayor making special promises to special people. https://leohohmann.com/2018/05/08/democrat-run-city-building-6-foot-fence-around-migrant-housing-complex-to-keep-intruders-out/
“Get with the program, miss. We are here to stay. We never left our Somali heritage or culture.That’s what America is missing. Please stop forcing us to your ways. You’re old and have very old ideas. Get with the program. I’m trying to have my son to be the first Muslim black governor of the state of Minnesota in next 20 years. He’s gonna run as a Democrat. Oh, and on those upgrades at Cedar Riverside. They better give us those upgrades and changes if the Mayor wants to earn our votes. Or else we can always get another Mayor next time around. You see how being an American works? I told you lady please get with the program because Somalis are the latest addition to black folks.
Why should we assimilate? Do you know how stupid you sound? Guess what? We’re here to stay and will transform America for the better. Get that through your thick, ignorant skull. You need to see a doctor. It’s inevitable that Somalis will be taking over and there isn’t anything you can do about it. Again, what’s wrong with Somalis taking over? It is inevitable! This land doesn’t belong to either of us. It is our time to populate it and rule it. Go back to Europe or wherever you’re from if you don’t like it.”
When populations rise, they get cocky (and careless).
And, they are amazingly confident even in light of the fact that Somalia is a failed state because they couldn’t manage to govern it without creating a hellhole.
I suggest that their Leftist trainers (who must be talking to them about ‘old white people’) teach them to not spill the beans prematurely…but then again, let ’em talk!
See my huge archive on Minnesota Somalis by clicking here.
…..as more citizens are waking up to Leftwing community organizing tactics!
The Winona Daily Newspublished a story last evening that is mostly meant to show that opposition to Welcoming Americais coming froma bunch of nativist naysayers, but for me it shows how grassroots activists (paid by no one!) have been successful in educating small communities across the upper Midwest about the goals of the Soros-spawned Welcoming America community organizers.
I first heard of Welcoming Americain 2013 when they were a featured presenter at a meeting in Lancaster, Pennsylvania put on by the Obama Office of Refugee Resettlement. The ORR had contracted them to beat back “pockets of resistance” to refugee resettlement.
You should take a moment to read that post.
It is a good thing I quoted the Soros connection directly from Welcoming America’swebsite at the time because that page is mysteriously absent from their site now!
For the really ambitious among you, please see my entire archive on Welcoming Americaand its founder David Lubell. They are your classic, hard Left community organizers promoting diversity is beautiful for your towns (more Democrat voters and more cheap labor!).
But, it is more than that…..
At least one of the major players in Minnesota’s refugee industry has woken up and smelled the coffee—gobs of federal money is not going to flow to the resettlement of more refugees to Minnesota, especially Somalis, in the foreseeable future.
One of the first questions people ask me when they first hear about the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program and the imminent arrival of third world poverty to their home town/city is this:
Why are we doing this when we have so many poor and homeless people right here who need care?
It looks like at least Catholic Charities is getting the message, perhaps from many faithful Catholic parishioners (like Kate below!)!
The primary story on the news is at theStar Tribuneheadlined (hat tip: Joanne):
Catholic Charities of St. Paul and Minneapolis cuts refugee resettlement, adoption programs
The charity will instead focus on fighting homelessness and helping at-risk kids.
But, there are many news outlets including Radio KNSIwith the story as well. I had to laugh when I saw this comment at KNSI: