WND investigative journalist Leo Hohmann has done it again! He has been putting the pieces together over recent weeks to educate us about the goal of Islam in the world and especially in America. (Click here to see Hohmann’s series on Islam, immigration and the refugee resettlement program!).
Along the lines of what we mentioned this morning about the “new colonizers” here is the latest from World Net Daily (Secret weapon to take over America revealed). It’s long but worth reading every word. Emphasis below is mine:
Much has been reported about Latin Americans sneaking across the U.S. southern border, but there may be a greater danger looming in America’s heartland in the form of nearly 2 million Muslims who have made their way to the U.S. since 1992.
And, unlike the surge at the southern border, most of those coming from the Middle East have done so legally, with the full support of the U.S. federal government.
Scholars such as Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller and Daniel Pipes have warned for years of the Muslim Brotherhood’s doctrine of immigration, or “al-hijra,” as the long-term strategy to transform America into a different type of society – one that subjugates all other religions under Islam.
Now, another man has stepped up to sound the alarm. And his credentials make him hard to ignore.

Dr. Mark Christian, an obstetrician and former Egyptian Muslim with direct family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, is talking a lot these days about “stealth jihad.” He says it’s the Brotherhood’s way of exploiting liberal immigration policies while working relentlessly through various Islamic front groups to pressure government, education and religious institutions to make concessions to Islam.
Stealth Jihad in the churches!
Don’t you ever wonder if anyone in the US State Department or in the “church” groups resettling refugees ever ask themselves if they could be destroying America?
The article is filled with facts, graphs, comments, but near the end is one section that interested me greatly:
It is through these three groups [CAIR, ISNA (Islamic Society of North America) and the Muslim Students Association] that the Brotherhood wages “cultural jihad,” or what Christian calls “stealth jihad.”
“They want to influence the whole United States,” Christian said. “They see the U.S. as three things – it’s a government, it’s a religious institution and it is colleges and education; so we have three organizations and all are designated to each one of those things.”
ISNA concentrates mostly on outreach to Christian and Jewish religious groups.
“They say they are building bridges, but in reality they are building death tracks for these churches, watering down their theology, trying to influence the Christian teachings of the Bible and find common ground with Islamic teachings,” Christian said. “Basically they are trying to find common ground so they can kill it.”
He cites the Shoulder-to-Shoulder movement as one of ISNA’s crowning achievements.
Shoulder-to-Shoulder is a coalition of 20 religious groups that includes many of the major Christian denominations. Members include the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, the United Church of Christ, the Episcopal Church in the USA, the Presbyterian Church (USA), the Reform Judaism movement and left-wing organizations such as Sojourners magazine.
Their stated goal is to fight “anti-Muslim bigotry,” but that’s just the window dressing, Christian says. [Christian goes on to say they don’t bother with the little churches, only the large denominations.—-ed]