Immigration is key to the “stealth jihad” says Muslim convert to Christianity

WND investigative journalist Leo Hohmann has done it again!  He has been putting the pieces together over recent weeks to educate us about the goal of Islam in the world and especially in America.  (Click here to see Hohmann’s series on Islam, immigration and the refugee resettlement program!).

Along the lines of what we mentioned this morning about the “new colonizers” here is the latest from World Net Daily (Secret weapon to take over America revealed). It’s long but worth reading every word.  Emphasis below is mine:

Much has been reported about Latin Americans sneaking across the U.S. southern border, but there may be a greater danger looming in America’s heartland in the form of nearly 2 million Muslims who have made their way to the U.S. since 1992.

And, unlike the surge at the southern border, most of those coming from the Middle East have done so legally, with the full support of the U.S. federal government.

Scholars such as Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller and Daniel Pipes have warned for years of the Muslim Brotherhood’s doctrine of immigration, or “al-hijra,” as the long-term strategy to transform America into a different type of society – one that subjugates all other religions under Islam.

Now, another man has stepped up to sound the alarm. And his credentials make him hard to ignore.

Dr. Mark Christian at Frontpage magazine.

Dr. Mark Christian, an obstetrician and former Egyptian Muslim with direct family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, is talking a lot these days about “stealth jihad.” He says it’s the Brotherhood’s way of exploiting liberal immigration policies while working relentlessly through various Islamic front groups to pressure government, education and religious institutions to make concessions to Islam.

Stealth Jihad in the churches!

Don’t you ever wonder if anyone in the US State Department or in the “church” groups resettling refugees ever ask themselves if they could be destroying America?

The article is filled with facts, graphs, comments, but near the end is one section that interested me greatly:

It is through these three groups [CAIR, ISNA (Islamic Society of North America) and the Muslim Students Association] that the Brotherhood wages “cultural jihad,” or what Christian calls “stealth jihad.”

“They want to influence the whole United States,” Christian said. “They see the U.S. as three things – it’s a government, it’s a religious institution and it is colleges and education; so we have three organizations and all are designated to each one of those things.”

ISNA concentrates mostly on outreach to Christian and Jewish religious groups.

“They say they are building bridges, but in reality they are building death tracks for these churches, watering down their theology, trying to influence the Christian teachings of the Bible and find common ground with Islamic teachings,” Christian said. “Basically they are trying to find common ground so they can kill it.”

He cites the Shoulder-to-Shoulder movement as one of ISNA’s crowning achievements.

Shoulder-to-Shoulder is a coalition of 20 religious groups that includes many of the major Christian denominations. Members include the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, the United Church of Christ, the Episcopal Church in the USA, the Presbyterian Church (USA), the Reform Judaism movement and left-wing organizations such as Sojourners magazine.

Their stated goal is to fight “anti-Muslim bigotry,” but that’s just the window dressing, Christian says.  [Christian goes on to say they don’t bother with the little churches, only the large denominations.—-ed]


Read it all!


The New Colonizers by David Solway

Reader Paul directs us to Powerline blog here which begins with this line:

We have a profoundly serious problem of illegal immigration, but we also have a problem of legal immigration, Unfortunately, it is a problem that can barely be discussed.  Is there anyone who thinks the continued stream of Muslim immigration from countries with active jihadist groups is a good idea?

Yup!  The US State Department and all of its refugee resettlement contractors*** think it’s a perfectly good idea and we, at RRW, have been discussing it for years.

Powerline then directs us to Canadian writer David Solway who says this, and much more, here at PJ Media last week:

How, some of us on this side of the Atlantic have begun to ask, have these people with their baggage of noisome and culturally vetted proclivities come to be among us? For years we have taken no notice, content to embrace the sedatives and platitudes of multiculturalism, until a moment comes when we are abruptly made aware and taken aback by an alien and unaccommodating presence, one that has been metastasizing for decades while we voluntarily turned a blind eye.


Anyone with a modicum of perceptiveness must be cognizant by now that Islam is advancing its millennial agenda in two ways, that is, via a classic pincer movement: the tactic of terrorism, and the strategy of immigration as elaborated by the Muslim Brotherhood, the latter project an immensely powerful force owing to its stealthy and insidious nature, abetted by leftist and liberal sympathies and policies. By this time its cover should have been blown, and we must begin to speak out, to agitate for legislation to revise our immigration protocols, to reject outright the social camouflage of political correctness, to expose “outreach” and “interfaith” programs for the confidence games they are, to investigate the hotbed mosques spreading like bunkers throughout the land, and to lobby our congressional and parliamentary representatives to pass laws militating against the depletion of our welfare resources, the exploitation of our legal system to silence critics of Islam (known as “lawfare”), and the use of our human rights tribunals that deprive us of our…human rights.


There is no longer any excuse for apathy, distraction or ignorance, for the evidence of our approaching dispossession is all around us.

Read it all.

And, then learn about Al-Hijra, the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration.

***Federal refugee contractors and enablers of Al-Hijra

The federal migrant resettlement contractors which we have followed for years:

AG Eric Holder: Citizens can’t use zoning laws to block mosques

More evidence of the stealth jihad?  You betcha!

I guess what Holder is saying is that gobbling up land, overcrowding roads, and overloading sewer and water systems is O.K. if it is done for Allah.  Note that this has stemmed from cases in Minnesota (the first state to fall to Islam?).

Hey, let’s distract them with the ISIS crisis while we establish the caliphate right here in America!

And, this is what I would like to know—where are the environmentalists who have spent decades putting land use laws in place?

From American Thinker (Hat tip Judy)—Holder Issues Fatwa:

The Grand Mufti of the Department of Social Justice (aka, DOJ) has issued a fatwa prohibiting states from using zoning laws to deny building permits for Islamic “culture centers” — Mosques with “youth centers.”

… as a grand jury investigates another Minneapolis mosque for radicalizing recruits for ISIL, the Justice Department is suing local officials for blocking a new extremist mosque in the area.

Attorney General Eric Holder sued St. Anthony, Minn., after the Minneapolis suburb rejected the Abu Huraira Islamic Center and its 15,000-square-foot mosque over zoning issues.

The mosque website openly endorses jihad.


The idea is to distract public attention by combating bloody Islamist organizations abroad and smooth the path for stealth jihad on the home front.

Read it all.

And, why do they need all these mosques and Islamic centers?

They need them to accommodate the growing Muslim immigrant population.  They aren’t converting that many Americans, it is immigration that swells their numbers.  It is called Al-Hijra, the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration (learn about it)!

Update:  See news about Congressional Report that says foreign-born population will rise dramatically within ten years.

Death by demography: Which European country falls first to the Muslim tide?

What do you think?

I’ve been betting on Sweden, but some of my compatriots say it will be the UK.  Other guesses?

The news from Sweden’s election yesterday would indicate that Sweden has just stepped-up the pace in the all important race over the cliff for western civilization.  Or has it?

The Wall Street Journal reports that the Swedish Left wing has pushed out the Center right with Leftists angry that their welfare state is eroding.  They worry that health care isn’t as good nor is education as it used to be, but this article laughably makes no DIRECT link to the enormous influx of Muslim third-worlders Sweden has “welcomed” and the decline in the ability of the social safety net to hold them all.

I suppose the big question for the Left is:  do they want the welfare reserved for Swedes or are they sharing their goodies with the world (until they run out)?

The media label Akesson “anti-immigrant.” Now they will have to pay attention to us says the leader of the Sweden Democrats.

Eventually the WSJ mentions the Syrians and the success of the “anti-immigration” party, Sweden Democrats, in the election.

The strong showing of the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats—whose share of votes climbed to 13% from 5.7% in the 2010 election—surprised pollsters. Their opposition strength in parliament also could force Mr. Lofven to recruit a center-right party to his coalition to ensure he can drive through policies.

Fifteen paragraphs in we finally hear about the Syrians (on top of all the other Muslims from places like Iraq and Somalia already flooding into Sweden).  We told you about Sweden swinging wide the door to Syrians just when Obama visited last year at this time, here.

Last September, Sweden became the only European Union country to offer permanent residence to Syrians fleeing their devastated homeland and ahead of the election Mr. Reinfeldt asked Swedes to “open their hearts” to those seeking refuge.

He also acknowledged that immigration will strain the state budget in the short term, something the Sweden Democrats seized on for their campaign. They became the country’s third biggest party in Sunday’s voting.  [LOL! short term?  Where are they going to get the resources long term?—ed]

“Now it will be hard for the other parties to ignore us,” Party Leader Jimmie Akesson said.

For those of you watching Europe’s slide with bets on the UK going first, here are some stats from the Daily Mail yesterday (hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’) that argue for your case.

The article is entitled: The changing face of Britain: A child in Birmingham is now more likely to be a Muslim than Christian.

Be sure to look at the adult to children ratio in each city.



Get it America!

Our extensive archive on Sweden is here.  See also our ‘invasion of Europe’ series by clicking here.

The Economist: The ‘melting pot’ works! American Muslims assimilating beautifully

Yet, using The Economist’s own supporting numbers….

Approximately 12% of US Muslims believe suicide bombings of civilians can be justified—that means 360,000 American Muslims can justify suicide bombings of innocent men, women and children!

Boy did this unnamed reporter from The Economist drink the Kool-Aid.   In attempting to tell us why the US was better off than Europe with its “integration” of Muslims he/she sure revealed some scarey numbers.

Obviously The Economist attended the Islamic Society of North America’s annual shindig and although admitted we had a few “bad apples,” America’s Muslims are just like you and me, peace-loving people who want to attend liberal arts colleges, have their kids join the Boy Scouts and build mosques.

Before you proceed, be sure to see this post from last year where we reported that Pew (Forum on Religion and Public Life) says there were 2.75 million Muslims in the US in 2011.  That would jibe with this Economist report which puts the number at 1% of the US population (around 3 million Muslims).  Although looking around we see there are estimates ranging from 2 million to 7 million.

The Economist (opinion piece!) sets the stage to show how we are better off than Europe:

THE State Department estimates that up to 100 American jihadists are fighting in Iraq and Syria. A video appearing to show a second American journalist being beheaded by the Islamic State is circulating. You might think this would be a difficult time to hold the annual conference of America’s largest Muslim organisation.

Yet the Islamic Society of North America’s gathering, which took place in Detroit over the Labour Day weekend, served as a reminder of how well America is assimilating a religious minority that has often struggled to feel at home in Europe.

The Economist gushes about how well American Muslims are integrating, but admits that the US is at 1% with its Muslim population, while some European countries have reached 4-5% in Muslim population.  So, what will the US Muslims be like when there are five times as many of them?  More aggressive?

O.K. so using The Economist’s own estimate of 1% (let’s round that to 3 million Muslims in the US).

Now look at this chart The Economist has published! 

Granted Europe is worse off, but something stinks in America’s “melting pot.”

Clarifying numbers!

38% (est. from the graph) of America’s Muslims think life is not worse for women in Muslim countries:  so that is 1,140,000 who believe women are just fine in Muslim countries?

Approximately 49% of America’s Muslims are not concerned about Islamic Extremism:  1,470,000

48% feel they are Muslim not American: 1,440,000 are Muslims first!

60% do not believe Arabs carried out 9/11 attack:

Approximately 1.8 million American Muslims believe Arabs did not carry out 9/11 attack.

And the stunner!

Only! approximately 12% admitted that they believe suicide bombings of civilians can be justified:  360,000 American Muslims believe this?

If 360,000 American Muslims right now believe that suicide bombings of civilians can be justified, how are we going to feel when the Muslim population reaches 5% in America–-when 1.8 million Muslims believe in such violence?

Time for a moratorium on Muslim immigration to America!

Someone check my math please!