Dutch citizens protest ISIS and the spread of Islam in the Netherlands. Photo: http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2014/09/islamic-state-fears-take-hold-netherlands-201492131426326526.html
From Breitbartwhich has been doing a good job of reporting on the invasion and Islamification of Europe:
A Dutch right-wing member of parliament called for a purge of mosques in the Netherlands during a debate on the integration of Muslim and Turkish minorities.
“Dutch unity, identity and culture are being wrecked by immigration and incubation. We do not want Islam in the Netherlands,” said Machiel de Graaf, a member of Dutch anti-immigration and anti-Islam Party for Freedom (PVV), during a debate on integration in the Netherland’s House of Representatives, reports Hurriyet Daily News in Turkey.
He called for closing down all mosques in the country, emphasizing that the Netherlands would be better off without mosques, the Assyrian International News Agency reports.
According to de Graaf, Muslims in the country are not integrated into Dutch society and refuse to be assimilated.***
They also threaten Dutch identity and culture by having more kids, he added.
Members of the social democratic parties at the debate were quick to criticize the PVV deputy’s remarks, urging him to retract his words.
Although the PVV has been highly critical of Muslims and other immigrants in the country, this is the first time one of its members demands shutting down all mosques.
This last line caught my eye:
Muslims represent about five percent of the Dutch population, 2009 estimates show.
Pew Research has the number at 5.5% in 2010 (probably over 6% now). It might not seem like much, but I’ve been looking at some demographic studies and my non-professional guess is that, at a 3% level, Muslim immigrants begin to push for Sharia law and other concessions from the host society.
In a geographically large country like Australia or the US that 3% figure applies to a city’s population where the Muslim population has begun to grow.
***By the way, mosque-building and refusing assimilation are integral to the Hijra.
Go here for our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ series.
Be brave America and keep your land free! Reuters photo: Wilders in NYC at Ground Zero in 2011 http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-11443211
Here is a video and the text of Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders speech at the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s 20th Anniversary Restoration Weekend.
At Frontpage magazine (Hat tip: Judy who was there and reports he received a very long standing ovation).
Just a few snips for you to get the full import of his warning, but please read or view the whole thing:
In Europe we have made a terrible mistake. During the past decades, our politicians foolishly allowed millions of Islamic immigrants to settle within our borders. Everywhere the Islamic culture was welcomed as an enrichment. Nowhere was the demand made that the immigrants assimilate.
Not a single European leader had the guts to state the obvious and tell the truth: Our Western culture based on Christianity, Judaism and Humanism, is far superior to the Islamic culture and immigrants have to adopt our values.
And now, we in Europe are paying the price for this folly. Islam is eating away our Judeo-Christian and humanist civilization and replacing it with intolerance, hatred and violence. And our so-called leaders allow it.
Our mission is to stop all immigration from Islamic countries, to stimulate voluntary remigration of Islamic people, and to expel criminals and jihadis. Our mission is to preserve and save our Judeo-Christian civilization and values.
We have a duty!
My friends, we have a duty. We are the torchbearers for freedom. We are the torchbearers for a civilization that is far superior to any other civilization on earth. We are the torchbearers for a better future – a future without Islamic intolerance and violence. As you sing so proudly in your beautiful national anthem, your country, the great America, it is “the land of the free, the home of the brave.”
So, be brave, America, and keep your land free!
Avoid all the mistakes Europe made. Protect America against Islam. Stop the immigration from Islamic countries. Go forth with courage. Keep the light of liberty shining. Save freedom! Save America.
See all of our posts on Geert Wilders and his warning to Europe and the world, here. See especially Judy’s post from 2009when Wilders came to Washington DC (we were there).
Also, see our entire ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive to see how Europe has made, and still continues to make, a terrible mistake.
….but more importantly immigrants are jihadists in Islamic teaching. And, in my opinion, this form of jihad is the most significant form (more significant than the violent jihad that makes the news) in determining the future of the western world.
I have a couple of articles from this week that I am not going to have the time to pick apart for you. So please have a look at them yourselves (there must be a PR push on to show how wonderfully immigrants are expanding church and mosque membership rolls).
However, in one of the stories (at Deseret News), near the very end is a quote from an American legal scholar, a Muslim, I wanted to be sure not to skip.
Law professor Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im: Migration is central to Islam.
An-Na’im said a similar situation [squabbling between churches–ed] can be found in communities of Muslims from various countries. “To assume all Muslims can get along fine is misleading; when you talk about the Claxton and the Somali community, people who share the language, history and culture — (you find) totally isolated Mosques. Some will not enter the next mosque no matter what.”
So all Muslims in America don’t really get along (I think we get that). Was the good professor trying to say all Muslims are just like those church-goers who squabble periodically.
But, they aren’t. Muslims have a longer world view. Who cares if they don’t always see eye-to-eye on a daily basis—their end game is the same!
This next quote from An-Na’im, that most of us might think is an insignificant bit of history, is indeed the motivating factor for all Muslim migration in the world, between countries and even between smaller jurisdictions, known asHijra.
So here is An-Na’im in what might look like a throwaway line in the Deseret News article. Was An-Na’im expressing something very important?
In response, An-Na’im mentioned the “centrality of migration in Islam, where the Prophet is the ultimate immigrant.” He said the Muslim calendar commences on the day of Muhammad’s migration (hijira) from Mecca to Medina.
Here is what Solomon and Al Maqdisi say in Trojan Horse (p.14):
(Emphasis is mine)
It has been reported that Muhammad stated, “Migration cannot be ended as long as there is kufr (unbelief) or as long as there is an enemy that resists.” (kenz al Umal 46274). In other words, as long as there are communities out there that are non-Muslim, where Islam is not regarded as a supreme system, then jihad must continue. Jihad may be manifested in various forms but all of it would have one aim and that is to establish the supremacy of Islam. Hence Muhammad made it clear that migration is a duty that needs to be upheld forever or until the earth has submitted to the Islamic hegemony.
So while churches may wish to see their congregations grow for simple reasons like finances (see the Pittsburgh BurundiansI didn’t get time to post on), there is a whole different agenda going on with mushrooming mosques and their growing immigrant Islamic flocks. Their time table may be a long one, but frankly, they plan to take us over one day.
Get the slim volume,Trojan Horse, and read it a couple of times, and it will quickly give you answers to questions like: Why are they building so many mosques? Why are Somalis moving from town to town (they are ‘migrating’ even if it is only between cities)? Why is there so much self-segregation in Islamic communities in the West (they might be tempted to stray from the Islamic way of life)? Why don’t countries like Saudi Arabia take in their fellow Muslims (they don’t need to they are already a Muslim country)? Why do they push for Sharia law accommodations once a population gets even modestly established (they become emboldened as their population grows)? Why are many so ready to live off of Western welfare (you are infidels and as such are expected to support them)? More?
You get my drift….I now have to get something else done around here!
Le Pen rises! http://www.dailyslave.com/france-marine-le-pen-a-presidential-favorite-poll-shows/
Although this Harvard publication works really hard to make sure you have a very negative view of her—right down to the fact (supposed fact) that she had a dispute with her farther-to-the-right father over her pet cat. Really Harvard Political Review, this is beneath you (well, maybe not!). Imagine ever seeing a story out of Harvard about a Leftwinger like Hillary or Nancy Pelosi and some petty argument with a family member over a household pet.
Before I get to the news. This is what I want to know? Where is America’s Marine Le Pen? Or Geert Wilders? Or Nigel Farage? Or Jimmie Akesson?
I know Senator Jeff Sessions is a great leader of the immigration restriction movement, but as a US Senator there isn’t a whole lot he can do as a lonely warrior in that body, or as a member of the Republican Party.
Someone has to actually create a competing political party to focus our immigration problem where it should be (in my view)—America’s number one economic, social and national security priority.
Maybe we just haven’t reached the desperate bottom yet as have France, Holland, England or Sweden.
In a recent poll for the French presidential election in 2017, far-right politician Marine Le Pen is polling ahead of the president of France by a whopping eight percentage points.This is the continuation of a long trend that has skyrocketed her party to the top of French politics. Mrs. Le Pen’s numbers indicate that she is very likely to advance to the runoff of the two-round presidential election. The success of Marine Le Pen and her party, the National Front, is surprising considering the extremity of the party’s rhetoric.However, the root of this success lies in the history of France and, in particular, the failure of the French economy.
The article then gives us a whinny-sounding discussion of how France welcomed cheap labor from Africa and now has problems with it. There is no mention of Muslim supremacists rising, Muslim no-go zones, Muslim youths burning cars in the streets, demands for sharia law or any of the other lovely things brought to first-world countries from Muslim countries (al-Hijra) that might have caused the French electorate to now have second thoughts about any more immigration.
The far right has effectively used this immigration situation as a tool for political gain. [NO kidding!—ed]
Although she has an eight point lead on the sitting president, Harvard tells us she will have a tougher go against Sarkozy:
Mrs. Le Pen is incredibly powerful now, but she isn’t quite within reach of the presidency yet. She is currently close to former President Sarkozy in the polls. Voters may be more comfortable with Sarkozy because they’ve seen him in power before, but he has already been elected out of office once. According to Mr. Recoing, if Sarkozy beats Le Pen in the presidential election, but fails to help the ailing economy, the French people may turn to someone new. That new person may very well be Marine Le Pen. The political leadership of someone who wishes to destroy the euro and drastically slow immigration could cause a significant shift in the political landscape of Europe.
Yes, and wouldn’t that just maybe save Europe (if it isn’t already too late).
See our series on the ‘Invasion of Europe.’ There is something new to report almost every day!
Halt the ‘invasion of Europe’ says Dutch political leader Geert Wilders and turn it back….
Wilders spoke on Sunday in Copenhagen (note surrounding security guards). Photo at New English Review
Here is just a tiny bit of Wilders’ speech, read the whole thing at New English Review.
Americans take heed of what happens when the Muslim population reaches a critical point. The Netherlands is a tiny country. The only difference between them and us is the time it will take to reach critical mass in the US.
It is our free speech in America that might yet save us.
Here is Wilders:
Friends, I have good news from the Netherlands.
Today, the popularity of my party, the Party for Freedom, is at a high. An opinion poll published this morning shows that we have by far become the largest party in the Netherlands, with almost 20 per cent of the vote. 1 out of 5 Dutchmen would vote for the PVV today.
The policies that we stand for are also getting more popular than ever.
We want to stop all immigration from Islamic countries.
We want to stimulate voluntary re-emigration to Islamic countries.
We want to expel all criminals with dual citizenship and deprive them of their Dutch nationality.
We want to de-Islamize our nation.
We had the pleasure of hearing Geert Wilders speak in Washington, DC in 2009, here. See our entire archive on Wilders by clicking here.
Update November 5th: See Daniel Greenfield at Frontpagemagazine about a recent 60 Minutes segment—Obama will see Sharia dominant in America in his lifetime.