The plot thickens in Poughkeepsie! Local elected officials not informed about refugee arrival

Uh! Oh! The resettlement contractors are getting awful cocky (and desperate for new sites).  I assumed (when I first mentioned Poughkeepsie) that there were some local officials brought in on the plan to begin resettling Syrians in Poughkeepsie in a few short months, but the mayor and others are denying they were informed.

Mayor of Poughkeepsie Rob Rolison (R) says he hasn’t been included in discussions while DOS has already approved the site. Welcome to the secret world of refugee planning from Washington. Bio here:

It appears, according to USA Today!, that Church World Service and the US State Department acted unilaterally (and against the law!) if they have already settled on this new site.
The Refugee Act of 1980 requires consultation with local elected officials.  They often skirt this requirement by putting on a small briefing for someone in local government just to check the box, but wow, they didn’t even do that here (or so the mayor says!).
See our previous posts on Poughkeepsie here, and here.
From USA Today (headline: “Refugee resettlement planned for Poughkeepsie, but city officials unaware”):

POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y. — The Church World Service network expects to settle 80 refugees in the City of Poughkeepsie in the next fiscal year in conjunction with opening a resettlement office in the city, network representative said. But area officials, including City Mayor Rob Rolison, do not have details on how the settlements will work, and the Dutchess County Executive’s Office says it did not have a hand in approving the plan.

The faith-based Church World Service network, or CWS, is set to open a resettlement office in the City of Poughkeepsie, according to Christina Levin, director for external relations at CWS.


The Poughkeepsie office, which would serve refugees from all countries, was approved by the state Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration. The exact location of the office to still to be determined.

CWS’ presence in Poughkeepsie has ignited debate among the candidates for the 18th Congressional District seat in next week’s election, as well as area residents. At least one group of local organizations has banded together to support the resettlement efforts.

Levin said the CWS has been “working with a number of local partners, including the City of Poughkeepsie” in establishing the office.


But, Rolison said Wednesday he is still seeking answers regarding how the plan will work.


“We learned recently that they were considering Poughkeepsie for this, and now that is has been announced they’re going to establish one in the greater Poughkeepsie area, I’ve reached out and left a message (with CWS) about it. We’re trying to learn more details. At this point, I don’t have any,” Rolison said.

Much more here.
Tip for the mayor: Do not bother with CWS, just go right to the US Department of State in Washington,DC for answers. Find out from Barbara Day how all this has come about.
Concerned citizens better get registered for this meeting next week. I warn you this will be a controlled meeting  which means they will probably not allow open questions from the floor.  Learn a little about something called the Delphi Technique for controlling the outcome of a meeting. Here are all of our mentions of the technique, don’t let them herd you like cattle.

Church World Service will hold an information session about the new Poughkeepsie office Thursday, November 10. at the Adriance Memorial Library.

By the way CWS was the contractor where I live that was responsible for the creation of RRW in 2007 because straight answers were not forthcoming.  I need to do a new dossier on their finances, but I am tired of researching today…tomorrow maybe!

Poughkeepsie Congressional candidate learns how secretive federal refugee planning is

Update November 2: Here is an article that explains how a local college professor got this whole ball rolling creating the Mid-Hudson Refugee Solidarity Alliance.
Last week we told you that Poughkeepsie, NY had been chosen by the US State Department as a new refugee resettlement seed community.*** In order for the plans to be this advanced—the office should be open before the end of the year or in early 2017—there has been at least a year of behind-the-scenes planning.
Some local elected officials have surely been in on the plan since the beginning. There are churches, mosques and synagogues (probably part of a local ‘Interfaith’ group) that are quietly working on the plans and may very well have instigated the idea.

Oliva, running for office in NY’s 18th Congressional District has just discovered that Poughkeepsie has been targeted to receive Syrian and other Middle Eastern and African refugees within the next few months.

And, there is also an R & P Abstract for FY2017 (a planning document for Poughkeepsie which includes numbers, ethnicity, and other information about where refugees will work and so forth) that should be made available to all citizens!  In fact, Congressional candidate Oliva should call Church World Service and ask for the document.
If he gets a run-around, then he should call the New York State Refugee Coordinator (see this list) and ask for it.
There is nothing new about this story. Church World Service was the major contractor where I live and was working quietly to bring refugees into my county seat in 2007 until concerned citizens demanded answers. Because the answers were not forthcoming, Refugee Resettlement Watch was born.
But, I digress…..
Back to Poughkeepsie and the Congressional candidate.  From WAMC-Northeast Public Radio:

The Republican candidate for New York’s 18th congressional district was in Poughkeepsie Monday. Phil Oliva is expressing concern over news that a refugee resettlement office will open in the city.

Phil Oliva, who’s running against two-term Democratic Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney, questioned why he had to learn from a City of Poughkeepsie resident that Church World Service would be opening an office in Poughkeepsie.

“We’re not beating up on Syrian refugees. And I, and the ones that are here, I would treat them like a neighbor,” Oliva says. “It’s not them that we’re mad at.”

“My anger is directed at our federal officials. Why didn’t they tell us about this and they just think they can slip it in,” says Oliva. “And why Poughkeepsie? Why the City of Poughkeepsie?”

“Church World Service is a vendor of the federal government. The federal government, the Department of State knows this. They’re doing this, and they didn’t tell anybody locally [I’m betting they did and some local elected officials are in on it especially if they are Dems!—ed].  That’s a major, major problem,” Oliva says. “And, as a congressman, I would raise holy hell in Washington because I’m the federal representative. If I don’t know about this, I’m either not doing my job, and if somebody’s trying to slip one past me, then there’s going to be a price to pay and I’d be demanding answers now, not just sending Carol [Poughkeepsie resident mentioned above—ed] and others to go ask this one and ask that one. The buck would stop with me.”

Concerned citizens better get registered for this meeting next week. I warn you this will be a controlled meeting  which means they will probably not allow open questions from the floor.  Learn a little about something called the Delphi Technique for controlling the outcome of a meeting. Here are all of our mentions of the technique, don’t let them herd you like cattle.

Church World Service will hold an information session about the new Poughkeepsie office Thursday, November 10. at the Adriance Memorial Library.

Concerned citizens do your homework in the next ten days. You have every right to know what the federal government is planning for your town or city!

Start with ‘Ten things your town needs to know.’  See RRW’s Frequently Asked Questions. Then search RRW for ‘New York’ and learn all about what is happening throughout the state on refugees. Search RRW for ‘Church World Service.’ Also, search RRW for ‘Rutland’ (VT) to see the controversy there (is your mayor in cahoots with Church World Service?).
***These are the other sites (we hear there are 47 new ones, there are hundreds of established sites) that we have identified so far.  The huge surge in locations is needed for the highest number of refugees we have admitted in decades and because they want them planted before a possible Trump administration takes the reins of government in January.
All planning proceeds in secrecy. Why? Because they can’t sell this program to a community when they put all the facts on the table!

Asheville, NC

Rutland, VT

Reno, NV

Ithaca, NY

Missoula, MT

Aberdeen, SD (may have been thwarted!)

Charleston, WV

Fayetteville, AR

Blacksburg, VA

Pittsfield, MA

Northhampton, MA

Flint, MI

Bloomington, IN

Traverse City, MI

Poughkeepsie, NY

Wilmington, DE

Watertown, NY (maybe)

Youngstown, OH (maybe)

Heads up Poughkeepsie, New York: 'Christian' charity to bring you Syrian Muslims likely before January 2017

Update November 12th: Church World Service counts on fact that local communities don’t know much about refugee program/history of terrorism, here.
Update November 8th: Information meeting (Nov. 10th) moved to larger venue as criticism mounts. Federal contractor admits little information given to local elected body, here.
Update November 5th: Sitting Democrat Congressman should have known all this was coming to his district, here.
Update November 3rd: Mayor says he didn’t know anything about it, here.
Update October 30th: Issue becomes a campaign issue. Democrat Congressman supports Syrian refugees for the area, Republican candidate says, create safe zones in Middle East, here.
We have heard that the US Department of State has secretly identified 47 new resettlement office locations to add  to their 200 or so sites listed here.
Readers are asking me how can they find out if their town is targeted.  There are only two ways to know (there is NO list provided by the feds) either someone leaks the planning process, or you see an article like this one at WPDH Hudson Valley.

‘Church’ group will be bringing mostly Syrian Sunni Muslims to Poughkeepsie!

However, by the time they are at this stage of the planning, months of work as well as an R & P Abstract has been prepared and most likely the skids have been greased with local elected officials.
If you live in or near Poughkeepsie, and you care, you have work to do.
Here is the short news article which announces a public meeting (that will be structured in such a way to limit criticism).
By the way, it is ‘Christian’ charities like Church World Service, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service and Catholic Charities that have been changing the demographic make-up of New York State to the point that churches are being converted to mosques in the region.
Remember at the present rate we could be admitting 135,000 refugees this fiscal year with 20,000 of them being Syrian Muslims (because Congress does not have the guts to cut the funding!).
They are trying to get these offices open before Inauguration Day in case Donald Trump is elected. It will be much harder for him to slow the flow if the offices are up and running! If Hillary wins they will be on the glide path to 135,000 or more!
From WPDH:

A new resettlement office is opening up in Poughkeepsie to help Syrian refugees integrate into the Hudson Valley after arriving in the United States.

Church World Service announced in a press release that they will be opening up a new location in Poughkeepsie. The global humanitarian organization is one of nine U.S. resettlement agencies and has already been working to resettle refugees in Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse.


According to CWS, the Poughkeepsie office will offer newly-arrived refugees a case manager that will assist in finding employment and give support for basic needs like access to health services, cultural orientation and job prep.

A public information session is scheduled to educate the public on what the office will be doing and how the community can help. For those who are interested in learning more about the program, the information session will take place on November 10 at the Adriance Memorial Library from 4:30 to 7pm.

Go here for more on the meeting on November 10th, but be forewarned, this will be a very CONTROLLED meeting so if you are strongly opposed you must do homework in advance.  Note that you must RSVP.  Do it now!
Start your research here at RRW by going to ‘Ten things you need to know!’
And, see also Frequently Asked Questions, here.
*** Here are the new sites we have identified so far (Poughkeepsie has been added):

Asheville, NC

Rutland, VT

Reno, NV

Ithaca, NY

Missoula, MT

Aberdeen, SD (may have been thwarted!)

Charleston, WV

Fayetteville, AR

Blacksburg, VA

Pittsfield, MA

Northhampton, MA

Flint, MI

Bloomington, IN

Traverse City, MI

Poughkeepsie, NY

Watertown, NY (maybe)

Youngstown, OH (maybe)

Endnote: I am hoping to have more posts today (there is so much happening). So if you are one of those readers who says you are getting too many e-mails from me (actually from wordpress automatically) then simply unsubscribe. This is a blog for serious students of the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program willing to learn and take action!

Is Watertown, NY next on the list of towns to be seeded with third worlders?

People ask me all the time: How do I find out if my town is targeted?
Frankly there is no list put out by the federal government and its paid resettlement contractors. They are very secretive about the selection process. We heard recently that there are 47 new sites and we have only so far identified those listed below.***

Watch out Watertown—you will be next!

But, this article from Watertown, NY is a prime example of how you get a hint that something is up!
Usually a local newspaper writes a puffy piece like this one about how great it would be for Watertown to revitalize neighborhoods by bringing in impoverished people from mostly the Middle East and Africa. (You can tell by the comments that many local folks are having none of it.)
Honestly I am getting weary of repeating things over and over again. So I recommend that you see our archive on Utica (by clicking here) and learn about all the problems it has had over the last many years.
And, then see our ‘Ten Things you need to know if welcoming refugees to your town’ here.
This story from the Watertown Daily Times pretty well lays out how your town becomes a resettlement site (do-gooder works with elected official and then they bring in the supposed ‘religious’ charities, and federal resettlement contractor who all work together, secretively, to get the approval of the US Dept. of State).
If you don’t want this in Watertown, folks there need to get organized against it ASAP!

WATERTOWN — West Division Street resident Douglas J. Anderson wanted to do something about the city’s blighted neighborhoods, abandoned homes and so-called “zombie properties.”

During a recent visit to Utica, he came across the good work that the Mohawk Valley Resource Center for Refugees [subcontractor of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, here—ed] was doing, he said, after helping to organize a presentation at Tuesday’s City Council meeting.


Shelly Calllahan of the Mohawk Valley Resource Center for Refugees in Utica says everything is hunky-dory there! NOT!

Mr. Anderson told Councilwoman Teresa R. Macaluso about the center. She agreed to visit the center in June and was impressed with what she saw. If it could happen in Utica, why not here, she thought.

The city would not be involved in establishing the center, she said, adding it would take religious organizations and non-profit organizations to get it off the ground. It also would take community and business leaders to join the efforts, Ms. Callahan said.

A handful of clergy and community leaders who attended the meeting mostly listened to information about the federally funded program. [No! it is not completely funded by the feds, this will cost local taxpayers a bundle, especially in the school system budget—ed]


With the threat of terrorism in the world today, Brownville resident Bruce E. Bennett expressed concerns about young men from other countries living here.

“I see a lot of potential problems,” he said afterward. “Look what has happened in Europe.”

But Councilwoman Macaluso believes that Watertown is a welcoming community, noting that it has accepted people from all over the country to come here and serve at Fort Drum.

More here.
***These are new or expanding resettlement sites (in addition to those listed here):
Asheville, NC
Rutland, VT
Reno, NV
Ithaca, NY
Missoula, MT
Aberdeen, SD
Charleston, WV
Fayetteville, AR
Blacksburg, VA
Pittsfield, MA
Northhampton, MA
Flint, MI
Bloomington, IN
Traverse City, MI

Rutland, VT mayor takes his refugee promotion show on the road to rural upstate New York

If you live in New York’s North Country, beware, because the great minds at the Adirondack North Country Association have invited Mayor Christopher Louras down from Rutland to tell them all about how to best get some refugees for themselves (for your towns!).

I’m sure the folks in Rutland will be tickled to see what their mayor says about them when he leaves home. “…ignorant by design!”

From The Sun:

KEESEVILLE — The outcry over Syrian refugees has shaped much of Rutland’s discourse this summer.

The dispute over whether to accept 100 asylum seekers has cleaved the city, pitting Mayor Chris Louras against constituents, city aldermen and other elected officials.

Gov. Peter Shumlin thanks seven of Vermont's eight mayors for supporting his re-election bid, in Montpelier, Vt., Monday, Sept. 24, 2012. Behind Shumlin are, left to right: Barre Mayor Thom Lauzon, Republican; Montpelier Mayor John Hollar, Democrat; Burlington Mayor Miro Weinberger, Democrat; Gov. Shumlin; Rutland Mayor Christopher Louras, independent; Winooski Mayor Michael O'Brien, Democrat; St. Albans Mayor Elizabeth Gamache, Democrat; and Newport Mayor Paul Monette, independent. (AP Photo/Wilson Ring)
Rutland Mayor Louras told the gathering he got the idea to invite Syrians to Rutland from Gov. Peter Shumlin. Here the governor thanks seven of Vermont’s eight mayors for supporting his re-election bid, in Montpelier, Vt., Monday, Sept. 24, 2012. That is Rutland Mayor Christopher Louras to his immediate left. This photo identifies Louras as an Independent, but the Sun article says he is a Republican, which is it? Photo:

As the five-term mayor waits for the Department of State to sign off on the expansion of the Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program into his city — a roadblock thrown up by peeved aldermen — Louras ventured to New York last week, where he briefed local leaders on his push to make the state’s third-largest city a host for escapees of the war-torn nation.

A decision may come as soon as 10 days, he said, with the first family arriving as early as December.

Bringing refugees into the city, he said, goes hand-in-hand with urban revitalization efforts.

Their entry, Louras believes, would breathe new life into an ailing city.


But the road to get here wasn’t easy. The mayor has come under fire for a perceived lack of transparency. Earlier this summer, city aldermen asked the department of state to examine the issue. A former political opponent also circulated a petition, which was nixed, asking the issue be brought to a vote.

Louras admitted he could have been more open.

“I keep trying to go back to the human element,” he said. [So is he saying secrecy and lying are o.k. if one is moved by one’s emotions to save the world’s downtrodden and in this case Syrian Sunni Muslims—ed]


The crowd at the Adirondack North Country Association’s annual meeting, the daylong workshop that acts as somewhat of an experimental laboratory for regional leaders to tinker with economic solutions to rural problems, was perhaps more receptive.

Louras joined other officials in Keeseville last week to share his experiences — and to offer advice for other communities exploring similar efforts.

When resettlement agencies zero in on a possible relocation site, they look at three main areas, Louras said:

Safe and sanitary housing, the availability of entry-level jobs and the English-language learning opportunities necessary to build skills.

Rutland, a city of about 16,500, has all three, the mayor said.

“We’ve got a workplace problem,” Louras said, “not a jobs problem. Our employers are looking for employees.”

There it is readers, once again, they hide under the humanitarian white hat, but it is all about labor (I’m guessing the Rutland Chamber of Commerce backs Louras?).
Beware residents of the North Country, you could be the next resettlement site:

Discussions on accepting refugees have percolated this year in the North Country, and a number of organizations have been formed to explore the feasibility of the concept, including several in Essex County.

Then you can’t make this up, we have an immigration lawyer, Anas Saleh, a Syracuse-based lawyer who works directly with asylum seekers, telling us that refugees pay more taxes than they get out of the system in the form of welfare.  Be sure to see this post from last year where we told you that a study by the Center for Immigration Studies tells us that each Middle Eastern refugee costs the US taxpayer over $64,000 per refugee over the first five years in the U.S.
The Sun continues:

Saleh said refugees don’t pluck jobs from Americans.

Contrary to public belief, immigrants actually pay into social welfare programs more than they receive, he said. [He is flat-out lying!—ed]

Louras then tells the gathering that he doesn’t want to get into politics, but proceeds to call other elected officials and citizens opposing him in Rutland “ignorant by design.”

While Louras said he wanted to avoid politics during the roundtable discussions, he admitted to taking hits and incurring damage from a “small-but-vocal” group of opponents on his home turf.

Expect the national negative discourse to be replicated at the local level, he said.

Could he have facilitated the discussions more transparently?

Sure, he admitted.

But some people are ignorant “by design,” he said, and would have sabotaged the process — including the city’s treasurer, who the mayor said circulated misleading information about the impact of asylum seekers on property values.

“She’s helping create that fake narrative,” Louras said.


The mayor, a Republican, said his greatest frustration surrounding the debate was what he referred to as a “dearth of empirical analysis” among refugee populations.  [We have some analysis, impact on taxpayers is $64,370 per Middle Eastern refugee over first five years in US. Middle Easterners use welfare at a higher rate then some from other regions of the world—-ed]

“Those numbers are validated through academia, but there’s not a lot of studies,” he said.

While his decision to make Rutland a beacon for Syrians stemmed from a discussion with Gov. Peter Shumlin following last year’s terrorist attacks in Paris — Louras said he was further miffed by a letter sent by 30 governors barring refugees from their states — he warned attendees that their efforts shouldn’t lean on the government, but rather a constellation of nonprofit agencies.

Grassroots efforts like Rutland Welcomes, the mayor said, were critical in laying down early infrastructure, creating “action-driven” plans that explored everything from transportation to language learning.

I urge all of you to visit The Sun article, especially all of you Vermonters and Upstate New Yorkers, it is really full of enlightening information that I couldn’t possibly analyze if I worked on this post all day.  They use the really refugee-overloaded/stressed cities of Syracuse and Utica as model cities even!  Sheesh!