A growing number of Somali immigrants are feeling humiliated by The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV), a new report shows.
Independent research foundation Fafo’s study (in Norwegian) NAV’s treatment of this group has a negative effect on their trust in institutions and experience of inclusive Norwegian citizenship.
NAV employees have explained that the major problem of getting Somalis into the job market is their lack of education and language skills.
According to some NAV workers, Somali immigrants are particularly demanding and reluctant compared to other groups.
“Many Somalis are lacking very basic training in the form of language, for example.Therefore, they feel that NAVs more work-oriented initiatives are worthless,” Fafo researcher John Horgen Friberg told NRK.
Holy cow! Norway has taken in 33,000 Somalis!
State collapse and civil war has led to that many Somalis lack basic education. It has also worked to diminish their trust in governmental institutions.
This collapse of the Somali state in 1991 led an influx of Somali immigrants to Norway. Some 33,000 emigrated to the Scandinavian country between 1990 to 2013.
Of course it is all the fault of the government agency! You might want to revisit a post we wrote in December 2013 about a report George Soros Open Society produced on Somalis not adjusting in Norway (all the government’s fault too).
See our whole ‘invasion of Europe’ series byclicking here.
Somalia’s government has refused to receive a number of Somali refugees who were deported back from Europe, an official has confirmed.
Abdullahi Gafow, Director of Immigration and Citizenship. I wonder does he have the nerve to send those planeloads back to Saudi Arabia? https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2014/01/05/saudi-arabia-deports-200-more-somalis-who-were-only-seeking-a-better-life/
Abdullahi Gafow, Director of Immigration and Citizenship, said that six Somali nationals were ‘’illegally’’ deported back from Norway and they were denied an entry.
‘’We won’t receive any refugees who are forced or illegally deported. We have already sent them back’’
‘’ The Norwegian government informed us that they will deport them back by force, but we also told them that we won’t accept,’’ he claimed.
Earlier this year, Somalia’s semi-autonomous region of Puntland also refused to receive Somali nationals from the Norwegian government.
Human rights and advocacy groups have voiced their concerns on deportation of Somalis seeking for asylum, saying that it represents a clear violation of international refugee conventions.
Across Europe, tens of thousands of Somalis are in legal limbo, waiting to have asylum claims processed, or under threat of return to the war-torn nation t if their applications have been rejected.
See our extensive archive on Norway by clicking here.
By the way, we have been told the US is deporting Somalis, but I doubt the Obama Administration has put a single one on a plane.
Wow! This is a very enlightening piece. And, it’s in the New York Times no less!
Stockholm under siege in May 2013 as Muslim migrants riot. http://d.ibtimes.co.uk/en/full/452746/fourth-night-fires-unrest-stockholm.jpg?w=480&h=270
Swedish counter-terrorism expert:
We are righteous. But sometimes the righteousness doesn’t meet reality.”
Seems that as Sweden opens its doors to Syrians (and the public is expected to stay quiet), in Norway the government is not going to swing its doors open and the “anti-immigrant” political forces are encouragedto discuss their concerns and fears about excessive immigration. (I wonder did Anders Breivik have something to do with the new-found openness?)
THE narrow victory of the left-leaning Social Democratic Party in Sweden’s elections last Sunday marked a broad shift in its politics. But a new coalition government is unlikely to reconsider one of the country’s most challenging policies: its response to the Syrian civil war.
Sweden has taken an open-door approach to people fleeing the conflict, accepting more Syrians than any other European country.
Never mind that Sweden has double-digit youth unemployment. That there have been riots in immigrant neighborhoods in Stockholm. That there is a severe housing shortage for new arrivals. Or that the Swedish Migration Board, which handles asylum seekers, needs a drastic budget increase — almost $7 billion — to cover soaring costs over the next few years.
And never mind that the far-right, anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats won 13 percent of the vote in Sunday’s election, their best showing ever. They more than doubled their seats in Parliament — from 20 to 49 — and are now the third-biggest party in the country.
“We are the moral guardians of the world,” Magnus Ranstorp, a specialist in counterterrorism at the Swedish National Defense College, told me a few days before the election, referring to Swedes. “We haven’t fought a war in 200 years. We are righteous. But sometimes the righteousness doesn’t meet reality.”
As the Syrian conflict has turned into a regional humanitarian crisis, more European countries are accepting Syrian refugees preselected by the United Nations. But apart from Germany, a much larger country, only Sweden is welcoming tens of thousands of Syrians who come on their own and request asylum.
Some 40,000 Syrians have arrived in Sweden since the conflict began. And following a decision to offer permanent residency to all Syrians, Sweden is expecting more than 80,000 asylum seekers in 2014, many of them from Syria.
In its largess, Sweden diverges from countries like Britain, the Netherlands and Denmark, which have taken in far fewer Syrian asylum-seekers — generally granting them only temporary residency — and just several hundred United Nations-sponsored refugees each. Even more dramatic is the contrast with Norway……
This is a long article published on the same day as the European Union parliament elections (surely before the results were in)—elections which clearly demonstrated that Europeans from various countries are beginning to stand up and demand that Europe put its own ethnic people first. See French police storm migrant camp yesterday.
One has to wade through many many column inches of text about “Ismael” the Somali poster boy for Northern Norway to find a few interesting facts.
Ismael, a Somali in Northern Norway, tells a heartwarming story and the reporter laps it up.
I’ve often laughed over the years about reporters who write ‘refugee-sees-first-snow-stories,’ and this one actually did that!
After two weeks Ismael was accepted in Norway and soon thereafter he boarded a plane to a place where he would buy his first ever winter coat,see snow for the first time in his lifeand have to learn a new language and way of living – one he never could have imagined before.
The five Nordic countries received 76,400 requests, in total in 2013, with Sweden accepting 70 percent of these applications. This equates to accepting 9 percent of the total global asylum seekers. Norway received 11,500 claims in the same year – a two percent share of the global total. This is down from the over 17,000 Norway accepted in 2009 and up from the all time low of 9,050 in 2011.
For the last three years Europe has been the primary region sought by asylum seekers – in 2013 Europe received 484,600 asylum claims from across the globe. The US and Canada are second.
Canada approved a paltry 10,400 new claims in 2013. That’s a 50 percent decrease from the 20,500 accepted in 2012.They now match Norway in accepting only two percent of asylum seekers who apply to “industrialized countries” as defined by the UN.
The Breivik factor is mentioned near the end (after you feel all warm and fuzzy about Ismael and his Muslim friends).
Norway, like many other countries, is becoming more closed off to refugees. The country has been accused of ignoring its racist undertones, but events like the brutal shooting rampage of Anders Behring Breivik three years ago have forced Norwegians to contemplate the place of race in their society.
In the middle of all the mushy stuff about Ismael, the reporter did direct us to this handy report from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees—Asylum Trends for 2013.
Here are a couple of interesting facts reported by UNHCR:
*An estimated 612,700 asylum applications were registered in 2013 in the 44 industrialized
countries covered by this report, some 133,000 claims more than the year before (+28%). This is the third consecutive annual increase and the second highest annual level of the past 20 years.
* With 109,600 new asylum applications registered during 2013, Germany was for the first time since 1999 the largest single recipient of new asylum claims among the group of industrialized countries.
* The United States of America was second with an estimated 88,400 asylum applications, followed by France(60,100), Sweden(54,300), and Turkey (44,800).
What is Obama’s Justice Department hiding?
Since I didn’t see any bullet-point telling us how many of the 88,400 US asylum applications were approved (as the Norway and Canada stats do), I went back to the report to see if I could find the number. However, look at this disclaimer on the report’s first page!
*The United States Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) has temporarily suspended the dissemination of asylum statistics. As a consequence, the information available is limited to the number of asylum applications lodged between January and August 2013 (17,892). Data from September to December have been estimated by UNHCR using a statistical model (seasonal ARIMA). Because no information is available on the country of origin of asylum-seekers during this period, its analysis should be considered as indicative only.
We know some Mexicans are now making bogus asylum claims, but this would indicate that there are a hell-of-a-lot of OTMs (Other than Mexicans) coming across the US border.
And, just a reminder, successful asylum seekers (claims are approved) become full-fledged “refugees” and are eligible for all the same benefits that refugees get in America. However, keep in mind that they never get the security screening that refugees identified abroad receive. Remember the Tsarnaev Boston bomber family!
Well, so much for these migrants to Norway being there for asylum, for protection from persecution, if they think it’s perfectly fine to return kids (alone!) to Pakistan, Iraq and Somalia for a proper education.
A politically-correct Institute for Social Research says it’s because the kids aren’t doing well in Norway because they don’t speak Norwegian well enough. Give me a break! Toward the end of the story we learn the real reason—no Muslim schools in Norway and so the kiddies aren’t getting their Islamic training!
This is the photo accompanying the story. Check out the kid’s face as the Moms try to look away!
So, are the Muslim immigrants wanting to become part of Norwegian society or are they invaders? See Al-Hijra.
Several hundred Somali-Norwegian children are sent to schools in Somalia, Kenya, Egypt and the UK, according to a recent report. The main reason is that their parents are unhappy with the Norwegian school system.
“Parents often experience that their children are regarded as weak students, mostly because they do not speak Norwegian as well as other kids their age.It worries these parents that their children are not challenged enough in Norway,” says Hilde Lidén at the Norwegian Institute for Social Research (ISF).
Lidén is one of several researchers that have looked at the phenomenon that many children with a minority backgorund are sent abroad to attend school. It is most common among children with a background from Pakistan and Iraq, she reports.
13% of Somali kids in Norway (in one year!) have left the country and authorities don’t really know where they are! Could they be on the US border claiming to be “unaccompanied minors?”
Just under 1900 children, or 13 percent of all children with a Somali background, emigrated in 2012. Around 60 percent of these children are likely to have moved out of Norway alone. However, this is only an indication of how many that may have moved abroad to attend to school, as there are no exact figures available.
Finally, the OTHER reason they may have left—to get a STRONG cultural and religious indoctrination into Islamic supremacist thinking.
Lidén points out that there may also be other reasons for why a family chooses to send their children abroad temporarily. To ensure that the children receive a strong cultural and religious foundation from their home country is one of them.
Aftenposten writes that several parents have reported that if there was a Muslim school option in Norway they would be more likely to let their children stay at home. Their mothers, however, are worried that the children do not learn enough about Islamic culture and values in Norway without attending an Islamic school.
Hey, here is an idea! The whole family could stay in the home country and they wouldn’t have to live with the dilemma!