Norway accepting fewer asylum seekers, Canada too!

….but, what is the US Justice Department hiding?

This is a long article published on the same day as the European Union parliament elections (surely before the results were in)—elections which clearly demonstrated that Europeans from various countries are beginning to stand up and demand that Europe put its own ethnic people first.   See French police storm migrant camp yesterday.

One has to wade through many many column inches of text about “Ismael” the Somali poster boy for Northern Norway to find a few interesting facts.

Ismael, a Somali in Northern Norway, tells a heartwarming story and the reporter laps it up.

I’ve often laughed over the years about reporters who write ‘refugee-sees-first-snow-stories,’ and this one actually did that!

From the Barants Observer:

After two weeks Ismael was accepted in Norway and soon thereafter he boarded a plane to a place where he would buy his first ever winter coat, see snow for the first time in his life and have to learn a new language and way of living – one he never could have imagined before.

The five Nordic countries received 76,400 requests, in total in 2013, with Sweden accepting 70 percent of these applications. This equates to accepting 9 percent of the total global asylum seekers. Norway received 11,500 claims in the same year – a two percent share of the global total. This is down from the over 17,000 Norway accepted in 2009 and up from the all time low of 9,050 in 2011.

For the last three years Europe has been the primary region sought by asylum seekers – in 2013 Europe received 484,600 asylum claims from across the globe. The US and Canada are second.

Canada approved a paltry 10,400 new claims in 2013. That’s a 50 percent decrease from the 20,500 accepted in 2012. They now match Norway in accepting only two percent of asylum seekers who apply to “industrialized countries” as defined by the UN.

The Breivik factor is mentioned near the end (after you feel all warm and fuzzy about Ismael and his Muslim friends).

Norway, like many other countries, is becoming more closed off to refugees. The country has been accused of ignoring its racist undertones, but events like the brutal shooting rampage of Anders Behring Breivik three years ago have forced Norwegians to contemplate the place of race in their society.

In the middle of all the mushy stuff about Ismael, the reporter did direct us to this handy report from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees—Asylum Trends for 2013.

Here are a couple of interesting facts reported by UNHCR:

*An estimated 612,700 asylum applications were registered in 2013 in the 44 industrialized
countries covered by this report, some 133,000 claims more than the year before (+28%). This is the third consecutive annual increase and the second highest annual level of the past 20 years.

* With 109,600 new asylum applications registered during 2013, Germany was for the first time since 1999 the largest single recipient of new asylum claims among the group of industrialized countries.

* The United States of America was second with an estimated 88,400 asylum applications, followed by France(60,100), Sweden(54,300), and Turkey (44,800).

What is Obama’s Justice Department hiding?

Since I didn’t see any bullet-point telling us how many of the 88,400 US asylum applications were approved (as the Norway and Canada stats do), I went back to the report to see if I could find the number.  However, look at this disclaimer on the report’s first page!

*The United States Department of Justice,
Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR)
has temporarily suspended the dissemination
of asylum statistics. As a consequence, the
information available is limited to the number
of asylum applications lodged between January
and August 2013 (17,892). Data from September to
December have been estimated by UNHCR using
a statistical model (seasonal ARIMA). Because no
information is available on the country of origin
of asylum-seekers during this period, its analysis
should be considered as indicative only.

We know some Mexicans are now making bogus asylum claims, but this would indicate that there are a hell-of-a-lot of OTMs (Other than Mexicans) coming across the US border.

And, just a reminder, successful asylum seekers (claims are approved) become full-fledged “refugees” and are eligible for all the same benefits that refugees get in America.  However, keep in mind that they never get the security screening that refugees identified abroad receive.  Remember the Tsarnaev Boston bomber family!

Click here for more of our ‘invasion of Europe‘ posts.  This post is also archived in our ‘where to find information’ category.


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