“It is important to have an honest and sincere effort to disrupt UNRWA”
(Jared Kushner)
And, doing so would save the US a whole heck of a lot of money! (See chart below)
Jared Kushner and UN Ambassador Nikki Haley have a tough job ahead! It is worth the fight!
I’ve written about the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)over the years. It was specially set up in 1949 to care for the Palestinians displaced from what became the state of Israel.
However, unlike every other refugee situation under the UN umbrella, these ‘refugees’ are never permanently resettled and serve only one purpose—they perpetuate the Middle East hatred of Israel.
If they were legitimate refugees they should have long ago been taken care of by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
In fact, as you read this, the key thing you need to remember is that NO Muslim country wants to permanently resettle Palestinians and the UN never pressures those countries to take in their co-religionists as permanent citizens.
The other Muslim countries are perfectly happy to let the angry Palestinians create generation after generation of so-called ‘refugees’ on Israel’s border.
Invasion of Europe news….
He was a failed asylum seeker who said he understood the Koran and therefore needed to go out and kill Christians.
From AFP via Malay Mail Online:
HAMBURG, March 1 — A Palestinian jihadist who killed one man and wounded six other people in a German supermarket knife rampage last year was sentenced today to life in prison.
What a wonderful asset this wannabe refugee was for Germany. Now German taxpayers get to pay for his life in prison.
Ahmad Alhaw, 27, had admitted to the murder and assaults in the river port city of Hamburg.
In delivering the sentence, the judge noted the “particular severity” of the crime, lowering Alhaw’s chances of obtaining early release on parole.
Prosecutors had said the attack stemmed from a “radical Islamist” motive, charging that the man had hoped “he would die as a martyr”.
His aim was to kill as many German Christians as possible to avenge the suffering of Muslims worldwide, they said.
The defendant entered a supermarket on July 28 last year, snatched a 20-centimetre (eight-inch) knife from the shelves, unwrapped it and fatally stabbed a 50-year-old man.
As panic broke out, he slashed and stabbed at others inside and then outside the shop, shouting “Allahu Akbar” (God is greatest), and also wounding a 50-year-old woman and four men.
The Islamist attack was Germany’s first since December 2016 when Tunisian Anis Amri ploughed a stolen truck through a Berlin Christmas market in an attack that claimed 12 lives.
The knife rampage led to charges that security services had been too complacent in keeping an eye on Alhaw despite multiple warnings that he was radicalising.
It also fuelled growing xenophobia against Muslim migrants after the mass influx of more than one million asylum seekers since mid-2015.
Witnesses told the court they had seen the failed asylum seeker self-radicalise in the lead-up to the attack.
….Alhaw, who had watched IS propaganda videos online, grew deeply religious and increasingly distrustful of state authorities.
By 2016 he thought that he suddenly understood the Koran completely, rejected all previous temptations, and started looking at all other people as either true believers or non-believers, the psychiatrist said.
More here.
For my complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive go here. My Germany files arehere.
Church World Service, one of the nine major federal resettlement contractors***, paraded ‘refugees’ before the public in a media event designed to put-down the President (and by extension, you, who voted for him!).
This isn’t pick-on-Church-World-Service week, but they seem to be conspicuously out in front leading the Open Borders political activism (along with their friends at HIAS) recently.
See my previous posts, here and here (see if your church is a member of CWS demonstrating with CAIR).
In Lancaster (Amish country) they put on one of many events as part of their first anniversary bash-Trump campaign to gain support for more refugee admissions (for more paying clients for them).
Three years ago, Palestinian writer Emtiaz Zourob said goodbye to her husband and two children and fled Gaza after being warned her life was in danger because of her views.
U.S. authorities granted her asylum and led her to believe her family would be able to join her in Lancaster, where she was resettled.
CWS’s Palestinian poster girl can’t understand how America could have elected “this man.”
Then, with election of Donald Trump as president, Zourob’s hopes for family reunification crashed. [Family reunification=chain migration.—ed]
On Saturday, one year after Trump suspended admittance of people from seven Muslim-majority countries, including Palestinians, Zourob told her story at a Church World Service forum on refugees.
About 60 attended the panel discussion at Lancaster Theological Seminary. Refugees from Congo, Somalia and Sudan also told their stories.
I have a lot of questions about Zourob’s story. First and foremost she must have gotten in to the US on her own (illegally?) in order to have applied for asylum. How did she do that? Who paid her way? What is the real story here? And, then if her family is in Egypt (no longer in ‘dangerous’ Gaza) surely she can join them there. Lancaster Online continues….
Zourob, in an interview, said that in 2016 her husband, son and 10-year-old daughter applied for asylum at the U.S. embassy in Cairo and expected to obtain visas granting them entry.
Zourob, 37, hoped she would be seeing them soon and told friends in Gaza she liked the United States.
“I told them I feel like I’m home because all the people here, they are very nice with me,” she said. “But after Trump, I’m not sure about this actually, if it’s still my home or not.”
“It’s very difficult to explain, but the American people, they choose this man to lead America,” she said.
Go here for more on CWS’s Lancaster PR campaign.
A Church World Service rep once told me that they get the first refugees planted (no he didn’t use that word) and then follow-up in subsequent years with helping bring in the family.
For additional information see our archive on Lancaster (America’s refugee capital?) by clicking here. Do your tax dollars pay for political action by ‘loving’ Christians like this one?
Why is Church World Service really so worked up?
The answer is that they are paid millions of dollars annually from the federal treasury for their ‘Christian good works’ and Trump is cutting off the money train.
How much exactly are they getting from the Department of State, the Department of Health and Human Services, HUD, Homeland Security, and the Defense Department? You can find out at USASpending.gov.
First I looked at their federal grants and contracts for FY2008 to FY2018 and this is what I found (screenshot of first page below):
Forget ‘humanitarianism!’ This is about M-O-N-E-Y!
Nearly $450 MILLION since 2008 for Church World Service alone!
This is just the first page of many pages!
So what did they get (involuntarily) from your wallets in FY2017 (end of Obama and beginning of Trump presidencies.) Screenshots below are of three pages for FY17:
Now, see why they are so upset!
Look at USA Spending for the first 3 months of FY18 (Fiscal years begin Oct. 1 of previous year).
For 3 months, only $171,950 in sub-grants! Yikes! No wonder they are working so hard against this President!
***Church World Service is just one of the nine (and not one of the largest recipients of your generosity)! This was so much fun, I think I’ll try to do more of these!
The number in parenthesis is the portion of their budget that you involuntarily pay!
Forget about their pawn Zourob, they cannot survive without federal boodle!
International refugee industry heads are spinning as the Trump team has withheld funding for UNRWA. That is the United Nations special agency that we have funded for more than 60 years that supposedly takes care of those who were displaced when the modern state of Israel came into being. They should have long ago been resettled in other Sunni Arab countries, but their demand for a “right of return” to the land Israel occupies is responsible for the continued unrest in the Middle East. The New York Times found one-time liberal politician Yossi Beilin to refer to Donald Trump as “ignorant.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yossi_Beilin
If they want a “right of return” then Christians and Jews can demand a “right of return” to all the places (they once lived) that have been taken over (through violence) across the Middle East and North Africa by marauding Muslim hordes.
As I said in a previous poston the topic—tell me at what time in world history were the lands of the world fairly distributed.
Believe it or not, theNew York Times has a fairly balanced article on the subject once you get past the usual sob-story about a hungry ‘refugee.’ (Is this J-school 101: start with a sob-story to emotionally soften up readers?).
Here are a few paragraphs, you can read the rest yourself. Of course they found someone willing to call the President “ignorant.”
The United States, its [UNRWA’s] biggest donor, announced this week that it was withholding $65 million from a scheduled payment of $120 million. The Trump administration said it was pressing for unspecified reforms from the agency, while also seeking to get Arab countries to contribute more. [US taxpayers want to know why any of this is our financial responsibility!—ed]
The Trump administration’s move, which added to a deficit of around $150 million on the agency’s budget of nearly $1.25 billion, brought new attention to a sprawling agency that functions as a quasi-government in some areas of the Middle East and has courted controversy throughout most of its history.And it revived politically loaded questions about just who should qualify as refugees— and what is the proper role of the organization charged with caring for them.
The agency, known by the acronym Unrwa, was set up in 1949 to aid those who fled or were expelled from their homes during the Arab-Israeli war of 1948. Meant to be temporary, it defined refugees loosely and expanded that definition over time. One key difference between it and the office of the United Nations high commissioner for refugees, critics say, is that the agency routinely allows refugee status to be passed down for generations. Another is that it does not remove people from its list who have acquired citizenship in a new country, so the number always increases.
Further down there is an explanation about why Lebanon won’t give citizenship to Palestinians.
Very few have been granted Lebanese citizenship for fear that taking in so many Sunni Muslims would upset the country’s delicate sectarian balance. And many Lebanese have long argued that giving them rights and services would lessen the pressure on them to return to what is now Israel.
That is it in a nutshell! No country (either Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu or Shiite) wants large numbers of Sunni Muslims as citizens!
Sunni Arab countries like Saudi Arabia don’t take them either, why….. ….because by leaving the Palestinian Arabs in perpetual limbo the pressure continues on Israel.
Read the whole story here.
In my view, it is this type of dramatic move by the Trump Administration that could finally force a resolution to the conflict. At least it is worth a try!
See my whole category ‘Israel and refugees’ here.
Amnesty International’s friends! Some of those sweet refugees trying to break the border fence and get in to Hungary in 2015. How long do you think there would be a Hungary if they opened their gates to the Middle East? http://www.vocfm.co.za/eu-rebukes-hungary-as-crisis-tensions-escalate/
Amnesty International is trying to influence a Hungarian election coming up in a week. Hungarians will vote on whether to accept EU quotas on how many refugees each country must take, including Hungary. Amnesty International has put out a ‘report’ on how mean Hungary is to the masses arriving from the Middle East.
(Standard International Leftist ploy, put out a report. Why don’t we do that more often?) Here is the newsat the UK Express:
A report from the human rights agency claims the criminalisation of those hoping to seek asylum in Europe has erupted into violence, with many reporting police beatings and aggressive threats from detention centres.
Refugees are also allegedly being denied basic care, in a “flagrant breach” of intentional law and European Union directives.
The report comes just a week before [the timing is just coincidental, LOL!—ed] the country will take to the polls in a referendum to keep the decision on whether to accept more refugees in their hands – not Brussels’.
Many paragraphs later we see qouted one of those who talked to Amnesty. First note she is a Palestinian. What the heck, thought it was Syrians that are the flavor of the year. Is Hungary expected to ‘welcome’ every Muslim who wants to come to the country from anywhere on the globe?
And, then look at this! We are further expected to believe the ol’ grandma who can’t walk got all the way to the Hungarian border by presumably walking? Or, were they chauffeur-driven? I’m pretty suspicious at this point. But, then see what the poor Palestinian ‘refugee’ says next.
Mean ol’ Hungary has no grass for her kids! Nothing green! Her kids are being deprived of grass in Hungary. What the heck! Do they have green lawns in Palestine? And, it is hot in Hungary (hotter in Hungary than Palestine)! Sheesh! Just go home then!
One refugee, who spoke to Amnesty International, had travelled from Palestine with her husband, four children aged between three and 13, and her 72-year-old mother-in-law who is unable to walk.
She told the agency: “It’s not nice here for the children. It’s barbed wire and no grass, nothing green for them. It’s hot and not a good environment for them to be in.
“The first time we arrived here and saw this we were so scared. It looked like a jail, we were so scared. In Hungary there is suspicion.”
If that is the best maligned ‘refugee’ Amnesty can present, it is no wonder Hungarians are suspicious!
Stick to your guns Hungary and say NO!
Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ news isarchived here.