Pockets of Resistance growing and spreading, WND tells us where (so far)

Update:  This WND story made it to Drudge today and it went through the roof!
Leo Hohmann, writing at World Net Daily last evening has another detailed article on the Refugee Admissions Program of the UN/US State Department and a report from at least three important ‘Pockets of Resistance.

AnneRichard and UNHCR
That is Anne Richard, Asst. Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration on the right. She does the bidding of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Guterres, the former Socialist President of Portugal (on the left). Together these two are changing (colonizing!) American towns one by one. Richard was formerly a Vice President at the International Rescue Committee, one of nine federal resettlement contractors. Bio: http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/biog/188212.htm

The WND article begins:

The pushback started earlier this year in South Carolina, then spread to Minnesota, Idaho, and now North Dakota.

Michigan and Ohio are also organizing against what local residents say is a sinister and sneaky federal program that almost never gets serious coverage from local media. It’s the U.S. State Department’s refugee resettlement program, which has been humming along on autopilot since Congress passed the Refugee Act of 1980, signed by President Jimmy Carter.

No longer satisfied with pat answers, residents in several states are starting to ask the hard questions. They are showing up at meetings, starting blogs and email lists, digging up information and bypassing local media to inform their friends and neighbors of what’s really going on with the refugee movement.


In conservative Twin Falls, Idaho, for instance, a group of 100 activists are going door to door informing their neighbors about how the refugee program works. Organizer Rick Martin says most people are surprised to find out that the United Nations picks most of the refugees destined for America, and that the Catholic Church, the Lutheran and Episcopal churches, along with evangelical and Jewish groups get paid by the federal government to resettle refugees in the U.S.

“When we mention that the U.N. is involved most of the time they won’t believe it, so we have to show them the articles,” Martin said.

Since, I have BIG MEAT on my mind these days and the role it plays in lobbying for cheap, legal, immigrant labor, comments by Minnesota’s Bob Enos jumped out at me:

The nine private resettlement agencies, including “charities” within the Lutheran, Catholic, Episcopalian, and evangelical churches, get federal grants to resettle the refugees, essentially acting as front groups for the government, but without the transparency and accountability that would be expected if the government did the work itself, said Bob Enos, spokesman for T-3 (Truth and Transparency in Taxation) in St. Cloud. His group is pushing for more openness in the way refugees are resettled in Minnesota.

“I think the meat packers had a lot to do with this,” Enos, a former businessman, told WND. “These are people in business whose raw materials won’t allow them to outsource overseas, so if you can’t bring the factory overseas you bring overseas to the factory.

Read it all!  It is, as usual, very thorough, and it might give you some ideas on what you can do in your ‘Pocket of Resistance (POR)’.

Idaho: At townhalls, Senator Mike Crapo gets an earful about refugee program

I meant to post this news earlier, but there is so much happening I can’t keep up!  See two other posts on Idaho yesterday, here and here.
Citizens in that growing Idaho ‘Pocket of Resistance (POR)‘ have been dogging Republican Senator Mike Crapo during the August recess. We have two stories about the intense level of questioning he is receiving.
Idaho citizens are doing exactly what everyone across the country should be doing now—dogging their elected officials—including pressing Senators and Members of Congress to have a look at Rep. Brian Babin’s bill!  House Members should be urged to sign on to the bill!  It is going to be very telling to see who signs on and who doesn’t.  We will be watching and reporting come September!

Talking out of both sides of his mouth, Crapo appears cagey on the issue!

Sen Mike Crapo
Senator Mike Crapo (R-Idaho). http://www.crapo.senate.gov/

From MagicValley.com (emphasis is mine):

The 300 refugees, some of them Syrian, who are expected to come to the Magic Valley in October were a much-discussed topic at Crapo’s town halls on Tuesday in Filer, Hollister, and Hagerman, his spokesman Lindsay Nothern said. A few people brought the issue up in Castleford, too.

Crapo told the crowd he hadn’t yet read, but would read, a bill that was introduced by Texas Rep. Brian Babin on July 29 to end all admission of refugees into the United States until a study can be done of how much they cost in federal benefits. The bill has no co-sponsors. Nothern said that Crapo plans to study the topic more and reach out to Babin and the relevant federal agencies, and he didn’t know yet whether Crapo would back the legislation.

Crapo told the Times-News in July that he understands the need for a refugee program. When responding to someone at Tuesday’s town hall who brought up terrorist attacks that have been carried out by refugees, Crapo said that, while he doesn’t disagree about the dangers, there are people who should be allowed in as refugees, such as human trafficking victims. Crapo did say he wants to know more about the State Department’s vetting process. After the town hall, Crapo said he still has questions he’s trying to get answered.

Then here is another report, an excellent one, from Vicky Davis at The Voice of Idaho News. (Hat tip: Rick)  Almost everyone in attendance was there to talk about refugees:

The Filer City Council Chamber has a capacity of 43 people and there were a few people standing in doorways. All but about five people in the room stood up. Two notable exceptions that remained seated were the two state legislators in the room, Rep. Maxine Bell, from Jerome and Rep. Clark Kauffman of Filer.

One lady in the audience who was concerned about her taxes, complained rightfully about the amount of money the government is spending on refugees and that money includes her tax dollars. Why are they spending so much money on refugees when we have needs of our own? She said she doesn’t make enough money to solve the problems of the world.


In general Senator Crapo is supportive of the refugee resettlement program but he was open to the idea of a moratorium. However, to talk about the budget deficit and the need to fix it and then to support the spending of hundreds of millions of dollars to import people who are not even culturally compatible makes no sense and is demonstrative of the compartmentalization of politicians and issues.


One of the members of the audience was an elderly gentleman who said he was in the Post Office in Filer when two Somali men of military age come in and they were talking about how much they hate the United States. He expressed his concern about the CSI refugee resettlement program bringing in military age men from Syria. He didn’t think military age men should be included in the refugee program.

Senator Crapo assured the audience that the refugees coming in are vetted before they are allowed into the country. This however, is not true…..

You gotta laugh, didn’t Crapo know about the terror trial for an Uzbek refugee that just wrapped up in his state?
Continue reading here.
Recommendation to the Idaho POR:  Find out who funds Crapo’s campaigns.  Is he getting cashola from BIG MEAT, or LOL! BIG YOGURT (Chobani) or any other big business or the Chamber of Commerce in Idaho.  Be sure to check campaign finance records for all of your elected officials.
Go here to support the Twin Falls POR.

Idaho: Editorial confirms refugee contractors "bidding for bodies"

That phrase is a favorite one of a longtime critic of the refugee resettlement process as it is now administered in the US—bidding for bodies.  Catchy isn’t it!

CSI Refugee Programs is a subcontractor of the Arlington, VA-based US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) which is 99% funded by taxpayer dollars. It is headed by Lavinia Limon who was Bill Clinton’s director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement. Photo: http://refugeecenter.csi.edu/

Yesterday we were alerted to yet another editorial*** at MagicValley.com which has heretofore demonstrated a bias in favor of more refugees for Twin Falls.   The editorial basically asks, what is the big deal with the R & P Abstract?
Before I get to the editorial, here is a little background.  Each year the resettlement contractor working in your town or city prepares a report (a proposal of sorts) called an Abstract that is used to get its federal funding.  It says how many refugees your town (in their opinion) can accommodate and from what regions of the world they might come.   It also contains a text portion that explains why your town would be ideal—describing what “services” you have available.
We contend that citizens are entitled to this document in advance of it being sent to Washington for funding and that you should have some say about the “capacity” of your town to ‘welcome’ more third worlders.   However, it has been extremely difficult to even get copies of those from this year (FY2015) which ends in just about 7 weeks.  Indeed the citizens of Twin Falls were only able to get the 2014 document through a public information request.  The paper also needed to obtain one through the same means (they confirm in the editorial).  You can be sure the subcontractor, CSI Refugee Center, wasn’t handing them out without legal pressure!

Contractors:  Do not give out the Abstracts!

Thanks to inside sources we learned recently that the subcontractors working in these cities had been instructed (by their primary contractor) to NOT give any Abstracts out to citizens who called looking for them.
So, if the Abstracts are so ho-hum and uninformative as this editorial implies, why the secrecy?
Unfortunately, you may not be able to use a public information request (as did the citizens of Twin Falls) to get yours because some of the subcontractors are non-profits completely on their own (other than receiving $$$ from Washington).  I’m guessing this one in Twin Falls was obtainable because CSI (the subcontractor) is intimately/financially entwined with the College of Southern Idaho—a state college.

Long story to get to my main point today!

Look at this paragraph in MagicValley’s editorial:

The group filed a public records request seeking the CSI abstract being prepared for next year – and was denied. Not because CSI is trying to cover something up, but because the document is still being processed, and disclosing it now would amount to sharing trade secrets, since each refugee center around the country competes for resources through the federal resettling program.

Trade secrets!    Can you have trade secrets from the taxpayer?

What the heck!  This isn’t a private business that needs to understandably protect itself in a contract bidding process.  This is a non-profit group competing with another non-profit group for YOUR money—the “resources” of the federal treasury!
These contractors and subcontractors are paid by the head (by you!) to resettle refugees—they are indeed bidding for bodies and here we get confirmation that you can’t know what they plan for your town while you pay for the whole thing!

We, in Twin Falls, have amenities to offer including a TB Clinic!

And, although the great minds at MagicValley.com want to downplay (sneer at) your interest in the Abstract, I found it pretty informative and I don’t even live there.  For example, read the text and see what Twin Falls is offering in the bidding war with other subcontractors/contractors around the US.
Here, for instance, I learned this:  CSI promotes the fact that Twin Falls has a cracker-jack medical system including a Tuberculosis Clinic!  Wow! So that means Twin Falls can take a bunch of the refugees entering the US with TB (yes, they are permitted entry!) while some other town can’t.

Twin Falls is home to an adult tertiary care hospital, a tuberculosis clinic, a renal dialysis clinic, and a dental clinic. Clients can also access transplant and rehabilitation services.

Guess who pays for all of that medical care for refugees?
Every bit of this is about money (humanitarian mumbo-jumbo is the cover).  Now the trick will be to figure out who in Idaho benefits the most!
For more on Twin Falls, click here, and to make contact with those who have formed a ‘Pocket of Resistance (POR)’ in Twin Falls, go here.
*** In a previous editorial they called me a “thief!”
Endnote:  I have another post in the works on Idaho for today besides this one and my previous one about the conviction of Idaho’s refugee terrorist, so come back later!

NEO Philanthropy launders millions of dollars to promote "social change" by changing the people

This is another in our series we call—know the opposition.

Michele Lord, co-President of NEO Philanthropy, working from New York City, funneling big money to change your towns and cities.

A reader recently sent me a Form 990 here for something called NEO Philanthropy which includes a list of dozens and dozens of NO borders groups and immigrant and refugee promoting groups they fund.
As a matter of fact, you should use the list starting on page 35 of the Form 990 as a guide to figure out who organizes against you, American citizens, in your communities.
We bring you this information so that you know, as you build your ‘pockets of resistance,’ that the other side, working with Obama, is rolling in millions of dollars of laundered money to work against you, to change your towns and to change the electorate.  But, do not be discouraged! Take heart and understand you are the David working against their Goliath. (We know how that story ended!)
Use this information to understand who they are.

Why launder money through an organization like this?

There are large private donors who do not want their names associated with groups on this list, so they send their millions to NEO Philanthropy which then doles it out.
We recognize some of the ‘social change’ groups listed on their many pages of groups they fund.  And, by the way, there are groups associated with education and gay rights as well.
Here are just a few we are familiar with (the dollars in parenthesis are for this one year–2013!):

Arab Community Center ($100,000)

Casa de Maryland ($270,000)

Center for American Progress ($175,000)

Colorado Immigrant Rights ($360,725)

Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights ($290,000)

Mass. Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition ($210,000)

La Raza ($275,000)

National Immigration Forum ($85,000)

Sojourners ($150,000)

Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition ($469,000)

Welcoming America ($89,000)

The list goes on and on (here).  You might find one in your city or state that you had no idea was even there!

Below is more about NEO from the mouth of its co-President, Michele Lord.

Oh, and one more thing, one branch of NEO is the Four Freedoms Fund originally started by George Soros, see here.
From Skaggscreative (whatever that is!):

Michele Lord
Co-President, NEO Philanthropy

Michele Lord is one of the two presidents of NEO Philanthropy (her co-president is Berta Colón), an innovative non-profit that advances social change. Together, Lord and Colón have created an organization that offers a range of services—organizing collaborative funds and spearheading donor advised funds, to name two—that help donors make visible and lasting change in the social justice space. The goal, Lord says, “is to meet people where they are, and maybe by going there, and going a little deeper there, they may be interested in doing something else. That’s how we see our value-add. It’s a much deeper conversation.” To continue plumbing the depths, read on!

When I first heard of your organization, you were being rebranded. What prompted that change?

The organization has been around for 30 years. Before I came on fourteen years ago, it had a reputation of being a fiscal sponsor. It didn’t have any staff. It didn’t have any budget. We were the backroom for lots of organizations that didn’t have their own 501(c)(3). [Groups that did not want to report to the IRS!—ed]

What do you mean when you say backroom?

We provided financial support, management support and legal support. A lot of groups didn’t want to get their own 501(c)(3). So they couldn’t get foundation dollars. We were able to do it for them. We did their HR as needed, their accounting, all of that. We were known as Public Interest Projects then. I had been working for a very wealthy family in their family office, and I’d become very interested in the whole collaborative idea, of foundations coming together and capitalizing a fund, so that they could do their grantmaking together around a particular strategy. When I came on board, I was very interested in creating a model that would do it differently and better than where I was. We started with one collaborative fund, and now we’ve done over twelve of them. We still work as a fiscal sponsor, and we also do donor advised funds.

So that shift in focus is what inspired you to change the name?

The name Public Interest Projects was essentially picked out of a hat. The original founder, Donald Ross, wanted the organization to be under the radar so that people wouldn’t necessarily know what it did. Before I came, we were always in the back, never in the front. Once we started developing our work, the name became confusing to people. It didn’t say who we were, and it didn’t say anything about our values.

Continue reading here.
To see others in our latest series about those working to change your towns and cities by colonizing them with immigrants and refugees, visit our category The Opposition here.

Is there a plan to resettle Somali refugees in St. Maries, Idaho? How does one find out?

St. Maries Idaho
St. Maries Chamber of Commerce: “…our quant little town.” http://stmariesidaho.org/things-to-do/

Yesterday a reader sent this:

Last night I was told that Somali Refugees are going to be placed in St. Maries, Idaho sometime in September, the person who told me swore it was from a very reliable federal government connected source. I haven’t yet confirm this but would like to get the word out that refugees are NOW coming to North Idaho.

I don’t know if it’s true or not, but decided to use the information to make several key points.
One of the first questions people ask me in interviews or when speaking somewhere is this question:  How do I find out if my town is targeted for resettlement?
The answer is you won’t find out until someone leaks the information.  The program is wrapped in secrecy by the federal government and its contractors (aka Volags).
Those leaking the information may be employees of the local health department or the local school board which as “stakeholders” may get a little heads-up (we are talking weeks or a couple of months, certainly not a year).
Elected officials who may be seen as “welcoming” might also have a little warning.   And, sometimes the leakers are affiliated with some of the left-leaning churches in town where church leaders are too excited by what they see as their good fortune to stay quiet.
By law the contractors and their handlers at the state level (Jannus Inc. in Idaho) are required to “consult” with the community, but that really only means they consult with those they see as friendlies.

If you are wondering about your town, start asking around!

Also, one indicator about whether your town could be targeted is if some large industry is nearby, or planning to move to the area. Look especially for meat packing plants.  And, in Twin Falls, Idaho the Chobani yogurt plant most likely was looking for refugee laborers.  The ‘non-profit’ contractors work closely with local industries to supply big businesses with cheap immigrant workers.
You might want to ask people involved with the local Chamber of Commerce if they know of any plans!  The Chamber at the national level is outright in support of Open Borders and amnesty.

Why might there be some truth to this rumor? Why might a town like St. Maries be a target?

The proximity of a town to an already existing resettlement site is one good indicator.  The State Dept. informed me once that a 100-mile radius to an existing resettlement office would make the site fair game.  St. Maries is not near the main resettlement hubs in Idaho—Boise and Twin Falls which have received the bulk of the 6,000 plus refugees that Idaho has received since the beginning of Obama’s term in office.***
However, St. Maries is about 50 miles from the World Relief office in Spokane, Washington!  Contractors are getting desperate to find new and fresh territory as some existing sites are experiencing ‘resistance.’   Twin Falls is an important ‘Pocket of Resistance’ now so it would be no surprise for Idaho to “welcome” refugees further north.
If World Relief in Spokane is involved in placing refugees in Idaho soon, then they know right now that it could happen because they are in the process of preparing their R & P Abstract for the feds as the new fiscal year is fast approaching on October 1.  It should be legally required that those Abstracts be available to the public in advance of new resettlements!
Go here to the list of existing resettlement contractors and see if one is located near you.

I would like to appeal to all of you to send me any rumors you might hear about refugees being resettled in a town near you.

I’ll post the information, even if we have no firm information to go on.  We have a category I haven’t used much here, called ‘Rumors’ and what you hear will be cataloged there.  We would rather run down the rumors than to completely miss getting the news out about a prospective  new resettlement site.  Once a site is up and running they are hard to stop especially as the contractor will begin bringing in the relatives and if you object you will be chastised for wanting to interfere with family reunification.
This post is also archived in our new ‘Pockets of Resistance’ category for all of you wishing to learn more about what is happening around the country.
*** Idaho has received 6,158 refugees since January 2009 when Obama took office (data here).  The majority of those went to Boise and Twin Falls.  Although they received many more smaller numbers of certain ethnic groups the largest numbers came from Bhutan (1,159), Burma (1,223), Iraq (1,101), DR Congo (753), Somalia (625), Afghanistan (203), Sudan (194), Iran (157), and Uzbekistan (77).  Idaho has also gotten several of the first group of Syrians (23).
One of those Uzbeks is on trial on terrorism charges, here.  By the way, look at this, were they expecting trouble surrounding the trial?