U.S. Population Growth Has Been Driven Exclusively by Minorities
U.S. racial and ethnic minorities accounted for all of the nation’s population growth during the last decade, according to new Census Bureau estimates.
The data underscore the nation’s growing diversity and suggest that the trend will continue as the White population ages and low birth rates translate to a declining share. Non-Hispanic Whites declined to 60.1% of the populace in 2019 and their number shrank by about 9,000 from the 2010 Census to slightly more than 197 million.
“The declining White population share is pervasive across the nation,” according to a report by William Frey, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. The decline was “accentuated in the past few years by a reduction of births among young adult White women and an uptick in deaths, perhaps associated with drug-related ‘deaths of despair.’”
If the data are confirmed by the 2020 census that’s underway, the decade after 2010 would be the first one since the first population count was taken in 1790 that the White population didn’t grow, according to Frey.
White people’s share of the population declined in all 50 states, increasing only in the District of Columbia, according to the Brookings analysis. It fell in 358 of the 364 U.S. metropolitan areas and in 3,012 of its 3,141 counties.
More the one quarter of the 100 largest metropolitan areas have minority-White populations, including Atlanta, Dallas, Los Angeles, New York and Washington, D.C. Leading the states with the highest share of White residents last year were Maine, Vermont, West Virginia and New Hampshire.
So as American white women have fewer babies, the UN and the US State Department, not satisfied with the speed of diversification (?) have been adding to our African population (other ethnic groups too, but they aren’t in the news every day as are the disgruntled and demanding African-Americans).
UN protecting DR Congolese from rape violence. Do you think these refugees will care one bit about American culture and history when they get here? And, will anyone teach them our values? https://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/04/world/africa/04congo.html
There are 54 nations in Africa and I had a look at the data at the Refugee Processing Center for about 50 of those.
We admitted 286,364 Africans to live permanently in America following 911 (since fiscal year 2002), and that is just the number that were admitted as refugees with all the benefits that group of immigrants receive.
Of those Somalis were 104,183 and the DR Congolese are at 74,049.
Top year was 2016 (Obama, not a surprise) when 31,672 Africans arrived to help change America faster, but coming in second was a George Bush year (2004) with 29,068. Trump isn’t exactly turning the spigot off as he admitted 16,370 ‘new Americans’ from Africa in 2019.
I suspect a quarter of a million Africans have had a heck of a lot of babies in two decades.
“We Hungarians have a different way of thinking. Instead of just numbers, we want Hungarian children. Migration for us is surrender.”
(Prime Minister Viktor Orbán)
Invasion of Europe news…
Hungary First!
As most of you know, my most admired world leader, Hungary’s Viktor Orban, has launched a pro-family policy for his country that seeks to raise more Hungarian children to be the workers of tomorrow for the country unlike most of its European neighbors which are importing young Africans and Middle Easterners in hopes that they will support the aging Europeans (what a joke!).
Here is some heartening news from Hungary that blocked the mass migration of fake refugees*** that began overwhelming most of the rest of Europe in earnest five years ago (and for many years prior to that!).
Hungary: New data shows pro-family policies continue to increase births and marriages
Fresh data shows that Hungary’s pro-family policies continue to result in steady progress in reversing negative demographic trends in the country, with both the country’s birth and marriage rates increasing, according to new data from Hungarian Central Statistics Office (KSH).
Check out the data. Remix continues….
The government has already pointed to highly positive developments resulting from Hungary’s pro-family policies.
Katalin Novák, State Secretary for Family, Youth, and International Affairs
“The recent demographic figures speak for themselves, the number of marriages is at its 40-year high, the fertility rate at its 20-year high, while the divorces haven’t been as low as last year in the last six decades,” Katalin Novák, State Secretary for Family, Youth, and International Affairs, said in April. She said added that the country has favored policies that grow the country’s population without relying on mass migration seen in many other European countries.
“The Hungarian point of view is that we have to rely on our internal resources, namely supporting families and enabling young couples to have children. The other approach says that there is overpopulation in one half of the world, while there is a population decline in the other, so let’s just simply balance the difference,” Novák said.
“[We] are lectured and stigmatized simply because we took a path that is different from the mainstream… [and] exposed to continuous attacks for years, but facts are facts, our results are clear, and we also enjoy the support of the Hungarian people.”
Faced with decades of falling population numbers, Hungary’s conservative government that came to power in 2010 and has been at the helm of the country since, decided after its second consecutive two-thirds electoral victory to embark on a persistent journey to halt the fall and subsequently increase birth rates.
The decision became especially pertinent during the 2015 migration crisis, when unlike many other western European countries, which saw the migration wave as an opportunity to compensate for their respective demographic declines, Hungary declared that it wants to solve its own similar problem via encouraging families to have more children.
“In all of Europe there are fewer and fewer children, and the answer of the West to this is migration,” Orbán said in 2018. “They want as many migrants to enter as there are missing kids, so that the numbers will add up. We Hungarians have a different way of thinking. Instead of just numbers, we want Hungarian children. Migration for us is surrender.”
Like the rest of the western world, Hungary’s economy has declined due to the Chinese virus, but the government there has come up with a creative way to support young workers by enlisting them in the military.
Not a government handout!
Young people have a paying job for 6 months as they train as new recruits and at the end of their training, they can decide if the military is for them.
Hungary enlists army in fight against virus joblessness
Gyor (Hungary) (AFP) – As Hungary’s coronavirus-hit economy shrinks and unemployment soars, thousands of Hungarians are seeking to join the army, attracted by job stability and a government scheme that fast-tracks recruits toward a military career.
Military service is also one of the Hungarian government’s weapons to keep a lid on joblessness.
Hungarian Army recruits in training session. I love it!
“Since the crisis began the number of applicants has risen by 100 percent,” Major Tamas Durgo, head of military recruitment, told AFP at an army office in Budapest.
“We have loosened the admission procedure, that doesn’t mean it’s easier to get in now, just faster,” said Durgo in front of an advertisement for military careers.
After a simplified medical test, applicants can sign up for six months of paid training after which they can either return to civilian life or — if they make the grade — embark on a career path in the army.
Apart from traditional military careers, the army also has jobs for engineers and IT experts, drivers and catering staff, said Durgo.
And besides defending the country’s borders, or taking part in foreign missions, soldiers also help out during emergencies like floods and epidemics, he said.
Nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban has long underlined the importance of beefing up the military.
I guess you are shouting at your computer screen right now! DUH! OF COURSE IT IS!
And, frankly, Europe, by allowing itself to be the pressure release valve for that expanding population is actually encouraging even further population growth there and in the Middle East.
Here is a picture worth a thousand words at Quartz. It is to illustrate an opinion piece entitled:
We need to talk frankly about our rapid population growth in Africa if we want to beat poverty
Based on current trends, Africa as a whole is projected to double in [population] size by 2050. Between 2050 and 2100, according to the United Nations, it could almost double again.
Once the migrant taxi serviceis stopped in the Mediterranean, the UN, the EU and African leaders better get to work on the African continent and stop being too chicken to address the population growth there.
By the way, the same goes for the US. Encouraging the flow of refugees from Africa to your US towns does nothing to help Africa get their population under control.
“Who would have guessed that a constellation of formerly atheistic, Communist countries would become the vanguard of the family?”
(Samuel Hammond writing at National Review)
It isn’t just in Hungary either. In Poland and especially in Russia the push is on to encourage marriage and then the all important follow-up—more babies!
Why? They want to produce their own replacements and stop the flood of third world migrant workers that globalist corporations say are needed to keep the economy humming. Never mind that the migrants have no interest in maintaining Hungarian, Polish or Russian culture (even if they work and don’t depend on welfare payments).
Hungarian PM Orban practicing what he preaches….
I guess you can tell, I love this guy—Viktor Orban—because he has no fear of telling the truth.
And, this subject interests me because in the 1970’s I was steeped in this idea that no family should have more than two children in order to save the planet. But, guess what, only white educated young people listened.
And, in fact, no one I ever knew made any serious effort to tell it to those in the Middle East and Africa especially where Muslims were pushing their people to produce babies for Allah and to migrate.
Here is a detailed account at National Review of what, first Hungary is doing to boost its population, and what is happening in Russia and Poland to do the same.
It strikes me that a renewed focus on American family-building might be something Donald Trump should incorporate into his campaign message.
There is no sense dancing around the subject…..
The “or else” is frankly that the immigrant/Muslim population will boom as we go bust (and they are counting on it).
Remember we are old they say!
Leo Hohmannhas a good analysis yesterday entitled:
Birth dearth: Millennials’ rejection of parenthood could be lethal blow to Western civilization
Here are just a few snips to whet your appetite, but please read it all and then send it to everyone you know!
America has entered a demographic winter that should make every patriotic citizen shiver with concerns for their children’s future.
That is, if they have any children.
It’s a problem you won’t hear much about in the media but it’s been brewing for years.For many feminists, to even talk about it is tantamount to the unforgivable sin.
But all denials aside, this problem is as plain as the nose on little Johnnie’s face: The birth rate in these United States of America is imploding.
We are now in the same range as the European death spiral. The President sets an example, here with two of his many grandchildren!
The fertility rate now stands at 1.7 births per woman. For a generation of Americans to replace itself, it takes a fertility rate of at least 2.1 children per woman.
The U.S. was, until a few years ago, among a handful of developed countries that could muster the pivotal 2.1 threshold.
A 39-year-old Christian woman who has worked in Germany’s migrant camps for years told The Express that Christians in those camps are harassed and intimidated. They thought she was a Muslim, so they confided in her.
“Some women told me, ‘We will multiply our numbers. We must have more children than the Christians because it’s the only way we can destroy them here.’”
U.S. Muslims have repeatedly boasted of the same strategy.
Read it alland send it out far and wide (especially to your young friends)!
Wouldn’t you love to see a campaign from the White House to encourage Americans to have babies!
It is funny, of all the things I have said here in nearly 11 years, when I urge young patriots to have more babies it sets the Libs hair on fire!