Refugee contractors' lobbying office gives RRW a shout-out

We’ve been telling you lately about the Refugee Council USA (RCUSA) which is a consortium of groups comprised of many ‘NO borders groups, quasi-religious groups, and some of the nine major federal resettlement contractors paid by you to resettle refugees.
These nine contractors are also calling the shots on which towns and cities will “welcome” the “seedlings” (aka refugees). It sure looks like the US State Dept. is lead around by the nose by these supposed non-profit groups.

Melanie Nezer of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society is the present chair of RCUSA. Last year she was beating the drum for 15,000 (mostly Muslim) Syrians per year. Now it’s 100,000!

RCUSA is the lobby shop that originally spurred the Senate Jihad Caucus to write to Obama and ask for 65,000 Syrians (mostly Muslims) to be admitted to the US this coming year (fiscal year 2016 starts in 9 days).
Not satisfied with demanding 65,000, they recently upped the number to 100,000 Syrians and sent a letter to Obama (we told you about it here a few days ago).
You need to see the letter here!   Below are the national signatories to the letter, but still see the letter for those who signed on in your state.

They have a Congressional Visit toolkit!

The Refugee Council USA (surely they aren’t using your tax dollars to prepare lobbying kits?) also has a Congressional lobbying kit available at their website. See it by clicking here.   We were pleased to see that we have received a shout-out in the kit!
Here is what they say about RRW:

Anti-Refugee Sentiment

Utilizing anti-immigrant and anti-Muslilm sentiment, individuals who oppose refugee resettlement are making their voices heard louder and more frequently to policy makers. Groups like Refugee Resettlement Watch and similar local groups are calling for an end to refugee resettlement altogether, moratoriums on arrivals to their areas, and fostering unwelcoming atmospheres for newcomers. It is critical that policy makers at local, state and national levels hear from refugees themselves and community members who support refugee resettlement, so they can ask questions, learn more about the importance of resettlement, support positive legislation and oppose proposals that would harm refugees.

Be prepared, wherever you are, for the contractors, who are always looking for more refugees to resettle (again, they are paid by the head), to be using poor refugees as pawns in their political game and bringing them out to meetings as poster children for their efforts to change your town by changing the people.  Have sympathy for the refugees because most don’t understand the game.  It is the Leftwing organizers/contractors who are working against America that deserve your criticism.
Now, look at the list of groups who signed the letter to Obama demanding 200,000 total refugees for FY2016 with 100,000 of them being Syrian (mostly Muslim) refugees!  Yikes, they even have Hamas/CAIR on their team!  The federal contractors are in red.
What! No US Conference of Catholic Bishops?  Other Catholic groups are listed but contractor USCCB isn’t?  And, where is World Relief (one of the nine contractors)?  Are they wising up?  Didn’t want their names associated with some of these Muslim and hard core Leftwing groups?

African Community Center
Alliance for Citizenship
American Baptist Churches USA
American Immigration Council
American Immigration Lawyers Association
The America Team for Displaced Eritreans
Anti-Defamation League
Arab American Institute
Asian Americans Advancing Justice-AAJC
Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA)
Center for Applied Linguistics
Center for Victims of Torture
Church World Service
Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach
Conference of Major Superiors of Men
Conventual Franicscan Friars – Province of Our Lady of Consolation
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR!)
Disciples Center for Public Witness
Disciples Justice Action Network
The Episcopal Church (assume this is Episcopal Migration Ministries)
Ethiopian Community Development Council, Inc.
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Franciscan Action Network
Friends Committee on National Legislation
Handicap International
Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters -USA, Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC)
Human Rights First
International Catholic Migration Commission
International Rescue Committee
IRAP (International Refugee Assistance Project)
Islamic Relief USA
Jesuit Refugee Service/USA
Justice, Peace and Reconciliation Commission of the Priests of the Sacred Heart, US Province
Karam Foundation, NFP
Kids in Need of Defense
Leadership Conference of Women Religious
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
National Immigrant Justice Center
National Immigration Law Center
National Justice for Our Neighbors
National Korean American Service and Education Consortium
NETWORK, A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby
Notre Dame de Namur
Office of Peace, Justice and Ecological Integrity, Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth
The Office of Social Justice, Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA)
Oxfam America
Pax Christi USA
Plan International USA
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
Refugee Congress (USA)
Relief International
Save the Children USA
School Sisters of Notre Dame, Atlantic-Midwest Province, JPIC Office
Shaam Relief Foundation
Silk Road Leadership
Sisters of Bon Secours, USA
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas’ Institute Justice Team
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet
Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC)
Syrian Solidarity Movement
Syrian American Council
Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS)
Syria Relief and Development
Turkish Heritage Organization
Turkish Policy Center
U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants
Union for Reform Judaism
Unitarian Universalist Association
United Methodist Church
United We Dream
Watan USA
Women for Humanity
Women’s Refugee Commission
Zakat Foundation of America

Lobbying arm for refugee contractors holds press conference, wants 200,000 refugees and $2 billion in additional funding

Before you read this article, please have a look at a recent post we wrote about the Refugee Council USA (RCUSA) which was only a few months ago stumping for 65,000 Syrians  It is a lobbying consortium of  supposedly non-profit groups posing as simply charitable humanitarian groups when in fact they are almost exclusively funded by federal tax dollars.

Negash and Bartlett
Eskinder Negash (right) resigned abruptly as Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement in December 2014, an unexpected resignation that has still not been explained. Here with Lawrence Bartlett of the US State Dept. Bartlett will be in Twin Falls, Idaho this coming week to try to calm down the local pocket of resistance to Syrian resettlement in Magic Valley.

Their request for 200,000 refugees and an additional $2 billion in funding (the program costs us over $1 billion right now just for the resettlement of 70,000, not including the cost of welfare) is, to say the least, self serving!
The gang is all here!
From CNS News:

( – The former head of the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement said on Friday that concerns about the security risk of bringing Syrian refugees into the U.S. given the terrorist presence in that country are based on “fear-mongering” and that the millions of people who are in the U.S. illegally did not undergo security screening used to vet asylum seekers.

“I can tell you that we have about 11 million undocumented people in this country I was told,” Eskinder Negash said at a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. “I don’t believe they went through a security screening system.”

Huh? That is the most cockamamie logic I have ever heard.  We have unscreened illegal aliens in here by the millions (drug dealers, murderers, rapists and other criminals) and somehow we are then supposed to not be worried about unscreened Syrians when the FBI has already told us they can’t screen them?  We are fear-mongering?

Eric Schwartz
Schwartz: A few “bad actors” might get in, but we don’t worry about that when we are busy changing America by changing the people. LOL! He didn’t say the second part, but did dismiss concerns about “bad actors.”

By the way, Negash was a Vice President at the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants prior to running the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement and we see he is now back at USCRI—the contractor/government revolving door on full display!  (There really should be a law!)


Negash and others who are part of the coalition of faith-based groups and refugee advocates held the press conference to announce that the Refugee Council USA is asking the president and Congress to increase the current cap for U.S. refugees admitted each year from 70,000 to 200,000 for fiscal year 2016, with 100,000 of those refugees coming from Syria.

And, here they have dragged ol’ Soros protege, Eric Schwartz off his perch as the Dean of the Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the Univ. of Minnesota.   See our archive on Schwartz here, and especially this post.  For new readers, Schwartz preceded Anne Richard as Asst. Secretary of State (Richard also revolved into the State Dept. from a contractor job just as Negash did!)

Eric Schwartz, who was appointed the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration by Obama and served until 2011, said at the press conference that he and other former federal officials from several administrations signed onto a letter asking the Obama administration and Congress for that increase in the refugee cap and also $2 billion from Congress to pay for the more than double the number of refugees that would be admitted and resettled in the U.S.

There is more and I am out of time!  Go here to continue reading.
By the way, the RCUSA is being run by Melanie Nezer of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society these days.  The refugee industry gang is all here!

June 20th is World Refugee (propaganda) Day: ask Congress for more $$$ and register refugees to vote!

In 2000, the United Nations declared June 20th World Refugee Day according to wikipedia, here.
You probably are already seeing local news media scrambling to cover local events designed to give you a warm and fuzzy feeling about ‘welcoming’ more refugees to your communities.

On 4 December 2000, the United Nations General Assembly in Resolution 55/76 decided that, from 2001, 20 June would be celebrated as World Refugee Day. In this resolution, the General Assembly noted that 2001 marked the 50th anniversary of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees.

World Refugee Day

Let’s lobby Congress!

Refugee Council USA (RCUSA),  the lobbying arm for UN/US State Department resettlement contractors and other groups working to open our borders and diversify your communities has gone one step farther and declared the week of June 27th to July 2 as National Refugee Advocacy Week and have prepared an entire ‘Advocacy Toolkit’ for anyone wishing to take action to lobby for more refugees and more money for the ‘humanitarians’ working in your towns and cities.’
We told you about RCUSA here as they were behind getting the Senate Jihad Caucus to send a letter to Obama urging him to open our doors wide to 65,000 Syrian (mostly Muslim refugees) before he leaves office.

Here are some of the things they want open borders advocates to do:

* Invite a policymaker to a World Refugee Day event in your area.

* Organize an in-district meeting with your members of Congress. Your Senators and Representatives will be in their local offices during National Refugee Advocacy Week, making it a great opportunity to meet with them to discuss important refugee policy and funding issues. Introduce them to a refugee!

* Call Congress to support refugee funding and legislation – and get others to join you.

* Write a letter to your members of Congress encouraging support for refugees.

And last but not least—REGISTER VOTERS!

* Promote Civic Engagement and Register New Voters for refugees who are naturalized citizens. See this civic engagement resource from 2014 developed by Church World Service for more information.

Readers, don’t get discouraged, but know that these are well-funded, Leftwing community organizers who have been working for years to change America by changing the people!  And, it didn’t start with Obama!
By the way, as I write this, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service has refugees on Capitol Hill lobbying for them.
Be sure to get and read, James Simpson’s ‘Red-Green Axis: working to erase America’ and learn about the players and where their funding comes from!

Senators McCain and Graham want new special refugee admissions program for the “children”

The leading military hawks in the US Senate—McCain and Graham—lecturing us about how we must control borders in the Middle East with bombs and guns, are virtually welcoming an invading army to America!

Graham and McCain: A joke or treasonous?

And, they are on the same page with the open borders refugee lobbyists in DC.

Here is a story (making my head explode!) that you have probably seen already over the weekend.  From Reuters (hat tip: Robin):

 WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Some leading members of the U.S. Congress are calling on the Obama administration to consider launching an emergency refugee program for Central American children as one way to address a rapidly escalating humanitarian crisis at the southern border with Mexico.

The US refugee program was never intended to give permanent shelter to people fearful of crime in their home country just because that country wasn’t capable of protecting its citizens from domestic abuse and gang violence.

For years (we have been writing about it), the open borders lobbyists and the contractors have been attempting to expand the definition of “refugee” to include just about anyone who wants to get to America.  Legitimate do-gooders who care about legitimate refugees should be incensed!

Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona, told Reuters on Thursday that establishing refugee application programs in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, where domestic abuse, gang violence and poverty are rampant, is the “key” to defusing the growing U.S. border crisis.


McCain and other members of Congress – both Republicans and Democrats – say that a refugee program could help discourage minors from making the perilous journey north alone. At the same time, it would give some of them a legal way to flee the three nations, which rank among the top five countries with the highest murder rates in the world.

Lobbyists for the refugee contractors approve of the McCain/Graham proposal!

The lobbying arm for the humanitarian industrial complex and the refugee resettlement contractors*** thinks McCain and Graham are on the right track!  Be sure to see our report on the Refugee Council USA which was primarily set up to lobby and help protect the 501(c)3 status (and government grants) of the resettlement contractors.

“Some sort of in-country or regional processing (of refugee children) is one of the suggestions we have been making,” said Kristen Aster, associate director of the Refugee Council USA.

She said the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees could get involved in the coordination, given that children from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras might have to flee their native countries quickly and travel to a neighboring one once they apply for refugee status. The United States or other Central American countries could be their final destinations.

See also the Daily Caller, which reports that Graham (generally joined at the hip with McCain) is in on the concept:

South Carolina U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham – who, like McCain, backs immigration reform – is considering the idea of an emergency program as well.


There is only one sure-fire way to stop the invasion—airlift them (3/4th are teenaged boys!) back immediately to their respective capitals and tell the governments to find their families while threatening to cut off all foreign aid (not dump more of our taxpayer dollars into dysfunctional hell-holes where it will be squandered by corrupt politicians!).

So what about the Chinese kids???

Do McCain and Graham want a special program for the Chinese “children” also invading our border through Central America, Cuba and Mexico?

See our entire archive (spanning several years) on the ‘unaccompanied minors’ nightmare for our nation.   And, see Diana West last week—‘Saving the border when the cavalry isn’t coming’ here.

***The contractors (remember some are being paid by you to take care of the illegal alien “children!”)

Refugee lobbyists plan to bombard Congress during Refugee Advocacy Week; want more refugees and more money

The Refugee Council USA is the lobbying arm for the refugee contractors who might have to protect their non-profit status and their lucrative contracts from charges that they are lobbying Congress for themselves.   News hat tip: Joanne.

Erol Kekic, a former Bosnian refugee employed by Church World Service, is the present director of the RCUSA, the contractors’ lobbying arm.

If you were thinking ‘why bother’ sending comments to the US State Department and to your US Senators and Members of Congress for the fiscal year 2015 refugee plans (here), please, think again in light of the the fact that the “advocates” are really ginning-up this year for a big push!

I believe they have figured out that “pockets of resistance” are forming in cities and towns across America and they must now push Congress harder for what they want!

Before we give you their latest “advocacy” campaign for the week of June 2-6 in advance of World Refugee Day (June 20th), here are the members of RCUSA (the nine major federal contractors are in red, they get almost all of their funding from US taxpayers!):

Here is what they say on their “advocacy” (community organizing) page of their website about World Refugee Day advance work:

As we mark World Refugee Day on June 20, we invite you to join us in celebrating refugees’ courage in overcoming adversity and the many gifts they bring to our communities across the United States.

Together we can raise awareness about the need for improved policies and services to help refugees rebuild their lives in the United States. This year, we have designated June 2-6 as National Refugee Advocacy Week. Here are some actions you can take to help refugees in your community that week.

~Invite a policymaker to a World Refugee Day event in your area.

~Organize an in-district meeting with your members of Congress. Your Senators and Representatives will be in their local offices June 2-6, making it a great opportunity to meet with them to discuss important refugee policy and funding issues. Introduce them to a refugee!

~Call Congress to support refugee funding and legislation – and get others to join you

~Write a letter to your members of Congress encouraging support for refugees

For resources on how to carry out these advocacy action items and more advocacy ideas and tips, check out the Refugee Council USA’s 2014 World Refugee Day Advocacy Toolkit.

The toolkit is a great resource for you too!  Learn about the bills they are promoting and the committees they are aiming their lobbying toward.

One of the Leftists’ favorite techniques is to tell “stories” (sweet stories only of course) about refugees.  I’m thinking ‘what the heck!’ that is what we (at RRW) do too—tell stories about the programs problems and its cost, and the not-so-sweet stories (crimes, national security, cultural clashes) about refugees as well.

Aim our “advocacy” for restraint for the week of May 26-30!

So since they are aiming to bombard Congress for more money and more refugees during the Week of June 2-6, let’s aim our advocacy for the week of May 26-30 (especially as the State Department comment period ends May 29th).   Since RCUSA has lobbyists and money (some of it yours!) they will surely outnumber our comments and phone calls, but let’s at least muddy the waters for members of Congress!

Check out our Ten Reasons for a Moratorium on Refugee Resettlement, here.   We will be sending those to the US State Department, to Members of Congress and the Senate (especially to members of the key committees)!