Note:As I began writing this post, Firefox appears to be blocking access to RRW. I don’t know what is up with that, so I’ve switched to Chrome for now….let me know if you are having problems too!
I debated whether to post this photo—I’ll call it the photo of the week—but decided to do it because there is no sense sugar-coating where the western world is this Christmas. In the wake of the Berlin Islamic terror attack…..
Posted at Drudge a day ago….
Here are our Top Three Posts of the week (top daily most popular posts are in the right hand side bar):
For new readers, I have a good summary of how to use RRW and find information at the end of both the October roundup, here, and at the end of the November roundup, here.
And, many thanks to everyone who has suggested that I might be useful to the Trump team. I am flattered, but there are several good people I know who hope to be placed in agencies involving refugee resettlement in the Trump Administration, so let’s hope the Trump Transition Team has the good sense to hire them!
As for me, who would write RRW if I was busy in DC battling bureaucrats every day? And, besides, I need to be right here, not only informing you, but ready and willing to keep Donald Trump and his people honest if they stray from Trump’s campaign promises on immigration!
I should have written this over the weekend, so am now trying to get it done before I head off to jury duty today. By the way, if you missed it over the weekend be sure to see my exchangewith ‘Jake the fake‘ posted on Saturday. And, on a more serious note see where thousands of Syrians have been placed in the first ten weeks of fiscal year 2017, here. Here are the Top Three Posts of last week (top daily posts are in the right hand side bar):
Those Montanans must really have been sending the news far and wide for that third post to make the top posts of the week! For new readers, I have a good summary of how to use RRW and find information at the end of both the October roundup, here, and at the end of the November roundup, here.
A couple of things before I give you the top three most-read posts of the week: If you subscribe to RRW, are you getting your e-mail notices in a timely fashion? That would be usually within minutes of my posting. Of course you don’t know exactly when I posted, but if you get an e-mail and see that I actually posted that news the day before, then something is wrong.
For example this postI wrote entitled: ‘Comment worth noting: We aid and abet ISIS when we don’t tell the truth about Islam‘ arrived in my e-mail inbox a day after I posted it. As I have said before, I don’t control those e-mails to subscribers, wordpress does. The fact that it was sent out a day late made me wonder if someone somewhere is screening certain topics. It could even be my e-mail server. So, just wondering if you are seeing that either with RRW or some other blog not in favor with the PC police. This is one of my tweets this morning. There is so much news I could hardly post on all of it. So see my tweets in the right hand side bar here at RRW, or better still follow me at twitter. Every post I write is tweeted and it might be a better way to see what I am writing about than subscribing to the blog. And, another word about comments. I do screen them so please don’t get carried away. I know you are ticked-off, but you can be angry without threats or foul language. Also, I wouldn’t recommend signing your comments with your full name and town because who knows who is reading RRW. So, if you’ve wondered about the fact that you did use your name and town (and sometimes phone #) and it doesn’t appear, I have taken the liberty of removing it! Fake news alert! Someone wrote to me in the last week and I am sure it was an attempt to get me to fall for fake news. I am planning to write about it if I get a few extra minutes. He/she was pretty humorously ham-handed. So, do keep an eye out for Lefties/Open borders types attempting to lure you in to a trap (some are pretty unhinged since Trump won the presidential election) especially if you are blogging yourself. Excused absence! I have jury duty starting tomorrow. Not sure yet how much of my time that will be eating up, but alas it is our duty. I don’t expect to be chosen to actually sit on a jury, but I do have to report for the next month.
Here then are the Top Three Posts of last week (daily top posts are in the right hand side bar):
For new readers, go to this October roundup and scroll down for instructions. In addition to twitter (@refugeewatcher), RRW does have a facebook page, here.
And, as always, thanks so much for your donations. It isn’t necessary, but appreciated as a vote of confidence for my work.
For those of you who love facebook. We do have a facebook page where I post maybe once or twice a day and a colleague occasionally posts some related news. It has over 35,000 likes and you can find it here: What a month! We have much to be thankful for!
As regular readers know, I try to report weekly and sometimes monthly about what posts readers found most interesting (interesting enough to spread far and wide), what countries our readers are coming from, and give new readers tips on finding stuff here at RRW which in 2017 will be TEN years old.
I’m going to give you first the Top Three Most Read Posts of the Month, then the countries as I usually do, then I want to talk about a few things regarding subscriptions and comments which you can read or not read! (Top daily posts are in the right hand side bar)
By the way, when there is a terrorist attack by a Muslim migrant our numbers boom, but since the Ohio Somali Slasher attack happened so late in the month it won’t show up in the top three this month.
This is the only post I plan to write today, unless some news earthquake happens regarding the Refugee Program later in the day.
On the third top post, you know by now that Haley will be UN Ambassador which I don’t think bodes well for severing any ties with the UN or reducing the refugee flow. We will see!
Here, in descending order, are the Top Ten Countries (excluding the US) from which readers arrived at RRW:
South Africa
I think this is the first time Malaysia is in the Top Ten. You should know we are processing large numbers of refugees destined for your towns through Malaysia (a Muslim country). About comments, subscriptions and keeping up with the news on refugees: On comments, as mentioned previously, because I screen all comments and I’m not always at the computer, sometimes your comments don’t get posted promptly. Additionally my rule has always been: no talk of violence, no foul language and no personal ad hominem attacks on other commenters. But, I want to talk about something else, please don’t write a book with loads and loads of links because I can’t always check all of your links. Frankly I would rather be researching and writing more news with my limited time.
And, let me be clear, I am a supporter of the nation of Israel and since I don’t have to be fair and balanced (heck, a blog like this is by definition, a representation of my views), I am not posting harangues against Israel or Jews in general. The Refugee Program is not a Jewish conspiracy on America, but increasingly I am getting comments along those lines which I have no intention of posting. On subscriptions, I’m increasingly hearing that some of you have trouble subscribing, or that you do subscribe and eventually don’t get the e-mail notifications. There is nothing I can do about this because this is something WordPress does automatically. I contacted them and was told it might have to do with your settings and your spam settings, but frankly it is gobbledygook to me. I recommend you simply visit RRW directly every day or so and see what is new by scrolling back through the previous days. While you are here, use some of the other features on this page (like the twitter feed in the right hand side bar)! On keeping up with the news on this issue, honestly there is way too much happening and it is hard for me to keep up too! When I can’t write about everything breaking every day, I rely on twitter to get it out to you (I am lousy at facebook). So, I highly recommend twitter as a way to keep up with all breaking news. Assuming you are a news junkie, if you follow certain key people when you get up in the morning or during the day, you will have news faster than even Drudge provides, or certainly faster than Fox News or other cable news. I am @refugeewatcher with over 5,600 followers at the moment. Apologies to all for not being able to see and respond to all of your e-mails (I’m working on that today). And, I do appreciate your donations and I need to get to work on more thank you notes too! For new readers who want to know how to use RRW, and so as not to make this post any longer, I’m directing you to the new readers section of my October round-up, here.
Thank you for continuing to read RRW and for your work to educate your communities on the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving 2016 with family and friends and are now rested and ready to continue the revolution to make America great again!
While you were away, I posted what I think are very important stories, and because I want to be sure you got them all (some of you reported that you didn’t get my post on Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (9/11 mastermind) telling interrogators that the Islamists plan to take over America by immigration and out-breeding us), I’m listing here a series of posts I wrote since the day you got in the car (or on a plane) to head to grandma’s house for Thanksgiving!
Sorry (to those of you who look for it), I didn’t get around to a weekly round-up of top posts again this past week, but will do a round-up for the month of November later this week. By the way, if you haven’t noticed there is a right hand sidebar here at RRW entitled Top Posts where the posts being most read over the last day or so are listed. There is a really old post about the Clintons and Podesta trending for some reason.