Tuesday catchall: hot news, reading your mail, answering your questions and thanking you

I’m just going to have to take a breather (from posting) today and maybe even tomorrow.
There is so much hot news on refugees, as well as the election news that will have an impact on whether we continue to fling open America’s gates to the third world that I have been trying to keep up with that I am woefully behind in answering your mail (both here and mail sent to my post office box).  I’ll be working on that today.
But, to lighten my load going forward, here are some things you can do on your own to learn more about the US Refugee Admissions Program and what it means for your town and for our country.

For new readers who need to know and longtime readers who once knew (but maybe have forgotten)!

(Tip for new readers, if you come back here everyday, have patience, you will eventually catch up because I try really hard to link back to previous material.)
~Check our Frequently asked Questions under our banner above. You will find links there for doing research on your own.
~Use our search window by using a few key words (this wordpress search function is really very good).  We have almost 8,000 posts archived there so surely you will find some things you need.
~Serious students of the US Refugee Admissions Program should learn how to use the US State Department data base located at the Refugee Processing Center to see who (and how many) have been placed in your city/state. Click here. It takes a little practice, but you can do it.
~I have a facebook page with over 31,000 likes, click here, you might want to follow news there because a friend posts things other than my posts. I post a few of what I think are my best posts.
~A commenter liked my list of Republican traitors to Trump and asked how to further check out one’s own representatives.  I recommend checking scores at NumbersUSA and at Conservative Review’s Liberty Scorecard.
~Get a twitter account (even if you only go there to read news). The hottest news anywhere is at twitter if you pick the right people to follow. I tweet news throughout the day on immigration, refugees and the election.  Facebook might be equally good, but I have never been much of a facebooker (in case you wonder why I rarely respond there). On twitter, I am @refugeewatcher.
~I follow the Drudge Report on and off all day and you should too.  He has been covering a lot of refugee related news. (So thanks for sending me news, but if it is on Drudge, I’ve likely seen it).
~You should regularly follow: Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily, Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart, Daniel Horowitz at Conservative Review and Daniel Greenfield at Frontpage Magazine who all write regularly on the refugee issue. Go to Blue Ridge Forum where my friend Richard has the best blogroll (for issues that concern us directly here at RRW). It is one-stop shopping for links to all of these writers and more.  (My blogroll is out of date).

~Set google alerts for topics of interest. You might, for example, set one for your state and the word refugees and everyday news (story links) on that topic shows up in your inbox.
~And, one last thing. I am going to post a select few testimonies some of you sent to Senator Sessions last week. The first one is here.  Write to me today at refugeewatcher@gmail.com and send me yours’ to review. I will be spending time today at that e-mail account trying to get caught up.
Enough of that…..


Here is some hot refugee-related news….

Tip of the iceberg this morning! These are some of the important stories that I want you to see, but have no time to post (I’m going to add to the list during the day, so please come back later):
The Syrian Refugee Resettlement Is Being Done in Secret

New U.N. chief abandoned Mideast Christians to ISIS

Refugee Resettlement Program Scam the Public

Trump takes swing at debate question over Islamists’ strategy

Refugee Resettlement: City of Fargo trying to find out the costs

US preparing to emulate Canada’s private refugee-sponsor system

More coming…..

(new) Charleston, West Virginia the latest small city secretly targeted to receive refugees

Roundup for the week ending September 30, 2016 and for the month of September

In a little over 5 weeks everything with the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program will change.

Either Donald Trump is elected and hopefully reform of the program will be launched and Congress will be more agreeable to rein-in funding, or Hillary Clinton wins the White House (further neuters Congress) and follows the lead of her role model, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, opening the floodgates with a flow of migrants and refugees into the country like we have never seen.
But, rather than sit around wondering, those of you concerned about the secretive and out-of-control refugee program, this 5 week window is the best opportunity you will have (maybe ever) to organize and put pressure on the group of people who are really in charge of the program—-your Member of Congress and your US Senators who hold the cards because they control the money!
Those elected officials might be attempting to throw the blame off on Obama when you contact them about how disruptive the program has been for you and your community, but they are to blame for what is happening to you, to us. 
They can cut the funding for it when the budget is revisited in November; and in the new year they can begin to rewrite refugee law for America.  So, I’m going to be a broken record on this subject.
(Everything I’ve written in recent weeks on the budget issue and Congress may be found filed under the tag ‘Where is Congress.’)
The first thing you need to do is send testimony to the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, go here for instructions.  I’ll have a separate post on that again shortly and will have much more on what you should do to make the most of the weeks up until Congress returns after the election.

Back to the roundup!

Here are the Top Three Posts of the week (daily top posts are in the right hand side bar):

Senators Cruz and Sessions let loose in yesterday’s Senate hearing on FY17 refugee plan

Comment worth noting: NY state reader is one heckuva brave guy!

Maine has a sexual assault problem in its Somali community

The Top Three Posts for the whole month of September are these:

Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota is responsible for the Somali chaos in St. Cloud

HUGE! Food stamp fraud bust in Baltimore, check out the names, see a pattern?

Heads-up Aberdeen, South Dakota! New resettlement site being proposed

We also have thousands of readers arriving monthly from around the world.   Here (below) are the top ten countries for the month of September from which visitors arrived here.  BTW, September was our second highest month for readers in nine years as about a quarter of a million of you visited. (That is small by big blog standards, but I am thrilled since this is a narrowly focused single topic blog site).
Top Ten Countries:





South Africa






For new readers!

I know there are a lot of you, so rather than simply repost information for new readers, please visit the August roundup and scroll to the new reader section to find out how best to use the information archived here.  There is one change and that is that we have now posted 7,913 posts since 2007.
See my newest video, It is about the issue of Congress and the budget.

Weekly round-up for the week ending September 24, 2016

One week ago today we had two Islamic terror attacks perpetrated by a refugee and another by a man whose family we gave political asylum to…
And, one week from today, October 1, 2016 expect the flood gates to open as the Obama Administration’s 110,000 refugees begin to flow into your towns. The word coming from the over-joyed refugee industry itself is that 20,000-30,000 will be Syrian (mostly Sunni) Muslim refugees.
Frankly, I expect Obama’s open-borders-pushers throughout the government will see these last nearly 4 months of Obama’s presidency as their opportunity to go on an orgy—admitting refugees with complete abandon—especially as they know there seems to be no will in Congress to stop him!


Forget Obama! These two men, Senator Mitch McConnell and Rep. Paul Ryan, are DIRECTLY responsible for the refugee flow to your towns and cities. I wonder does McConnell have a wall around his home like Ryan does?

For right now, forget your mayors, your city councils, your state legislators and your governors with their lawsuits, there are eight key people (all REPUBLICANS) who could stop the invasion if they wanted to join forces: In the Senate it is Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, Subcommittee Chairman Jeff Sessions and Appropriations Committee Chairman Thad Cochran.
In the House it is Speaker Paul Ryan, Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte, Subcommittee Chairman Trey Gowdy, and Appropriations Committee Chairman Hal Rogers.
Only one so far, and that is Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, has the guts to stand up for sanity as Obama brings in thousands upon thousands of refugees.  Forget security for a minute and consider how unsustainable Obama’s plan is on a fiscal level.
Thanks for listening to my tirade!  Here are the Top Three Posts of the week. No surprise, they all relate to the St. Cloud Somali terror attack of last Saturday night.

Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota is responsible for the Somali chaos in St. Cloud

Knife-wielding attacker (who injured 9) in St. Cloud mall was a Somali

MN Governor Dayton: Don’t like immigrants, get out of Minnesota!

For new readers, click here for all of my usual information about RRW.

Visit Blue Ridge Forum!

Want to keep up with all the news from your favorite writers on this issue? Visit Richard Falknor’s Blue Ridge Forum for his excellent blogroll! It’s one-stop shopping! Click here where Richard has hot links to so many great websites and writers.  You won’t have to search all over the web every day for all of the important news on this issue and others, your sources are right there in the right hand column blogroll.
I’m headed over there now to see what is new!

Weekly roundup for week ending September 16th, 2016

Busy week! And, this next week will be even busier.

ISIS jihadist refugee in St. Cloud, MN, Dahir Adan killed by an off-duty police officer after stabbing nine who were just out at the mall on a Saturday night. Mention him when you call your member of Congress tomorrow and tell them to DEFUND the refugee resettlement program. It has been 3 decades, why are we still taking Somalis?

Before I get to the three top posts of last week, just a reminder that progress has been made. Late last week Rep. Brian Babin from Texas sent a  letter to the House leadership (to Speaker Paul Ryan) in which he says there must be a moratorium on refugees coming from terror-producing countries and that the measure should be included in the ‘Continuing Resolution’
In light of what happened in St. Cloud last night, call your member of Congress tomorrow and tell him or her to sign the Babin/Brat letter demanding a refugee moratorium.
The timing on all of this is critical since Obama will be at the United Nations on Tuesday haranguing us (via the sycophant media) to “welcome” more refugees from Syria, Somalia, Burma, Afghanistan and Iraq just to name a few, and Congress is scurrying to get their work done so they can get home (so they can be voted back in office to do the same d*** irresponsible budget planning next year)!

Here are the Top Three Posts of last week (daily top posts are in the right hand side bar):

This top post is from April, but someone sent it out on facebook and it went viral.

If Islamic terrorists don’t scare you, Tuberculosis should!

Big businesses hire refugees, partner with Obama to replace American workers

Just a couple of bits of information since I’ve run out of steam today.
Sorry I am often late posting your comments.  Sometimes I’m out, sometimes I’m engrossed in writing something, sometimes I am busy tweeting (it is fun), and sometimes I just have farm and home duties calling.
And, thanks to all who have donated and not yet gotten a thank you note from me.  I very much appreciate your thoughtfulness. And, I am working on it!
For new readers, rather than repeat my usual mantra, just click here, for my August monthly roundup for more on RRW and how to find information here and how to follow me on twitter etc.
Watch my latest video here, it is about Congress and how the Republicans hold the cards right now, in September!

Weekly roundup for week ending September 9th, 2016

This is going to be a quick summary of the top posts of the past week because there is just too much other information I need to get posted. (New readers might want to visit last week’s round-up with lots more background information about RRW.)
The Top Three Posts of the past week are as follows (for top daily posts, see right hand sidebar):

First refugees to arrive in Missoula, MT are homeless; time for local do-gooders to step up

So America! Are you ready for Rohingya Muslims and their ‘cultural’ differences?

Target House Freedom Caucus before September 15th, tell them to halt all funding for expanded refugee program

Here comes the nagging again!
On this last one, are you ready for tomorrow and every day this week?
Do you have a list of who you are going to call or write to in Washington? If you are just arriving here today for the first time, see my tag ‘Where is Congress’ for background.
By the way, many of those on the Freedom Caucus have been friends on various conservative issues, but that is no excuse to leave them alone on this oneprobably the most important issue facing this country since its founding.  As I have said on many occasions we can roll back all sorts of progressive agenda items, but once they change the demographic make-up of America we are done.  Frankly you won’t be rolling back the Hijra as their numbers mushroom!
A reader suggests you might want to contact Speaker Paul Ryan’s office here (not his Congressional office, but the Speaker’s office) and tell him you want Congress to DEFUND THE REFUGEE PROGRAM!
The Refugee Industry will be out in force in Washington this week as they prime the propaganda pump for Obama’s big United Nations pow-wow next week (on the 20th) where Obama will say he wants as many as 200,000 refugees admitted to the US in FY17. 
Finally, the reason I wanted to make a new video is because I want to help all Americans understand that this is not about Obama anymore! This is about the Republicans we elected to protect us in Washington!
Remember they can’t flood your towns with the third world if they don’t have enough of your money to do it! And, the Republicans hold the purse strings!