Update September 20th: More excellent reporting on this by Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily, click here. This is pretty big news! Thanks to a tip from a friend, I checked the House website for bill statusand see that Rep. Michael McCaul has become the 10th member to sign on to HR 3314 since we posted on the co-sponsors yesterday! Rep. Michael McCaul called the Syrian refugee resettlement proposal a possible Jihadi pipeline to America. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2015/05/21/house-homeland-security-chairman-syrian-refugees-could-be-jihadi-pipeline-to-america/ See our post yesterdayfor the full story.
This is a significant addition to a bill introduced this summerby freshman Rep. Brian Babin of Texas and comes at a most critical time as Obama may dramatically increase the refugee flow of mostly Syrian Muslims to the US.
McCaul, who signed on yesterday, joins the following nine other co-sponsors.
Rep Burgess, Michael C. [TX-26] – 9/16/2015
Rep Gosar, Paul A. [AZ-4] – 9/15/2015
Rep Hice, Jody B. [GA-10] – 9/15/2015
Rep Jones, Walter B., Jr. [NC-3] – 9/15/2015
Rep King, Steve [IA-4] – 9/15/2015
Rep Sessions, Pete [TX-32] – 9/15/2015
Rep Weber, Randy K., Sr. [TX-14] – 9/15/2015
Rep Westmoreland, Lynn A. [GA-3] – 9/15/2015
Rep Zinke, Ryan K. [MT] – 9/15/2015
Is your member in this list? Where are youReps Bob Goodlatte and Trey Gowdy? (For new readers these two members, as chairman and subcommittee chairman of the House Judiciary Committee are responsible for calling for hearings on the refugee program. So far crickets!)
See also: Rep. Walter Jones sayscut the funding!
Former Democratic Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman (December 1979):
“…there is no substitute for public scrutiny, public disclosure, public debate on an issue of such importance as the admission of refugees to the United States.”
As far as we know, only Senator Grassley (Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee) has put out any statement about the Refugee “consultation” required by law that occurred on the Senate side of the Capitol last Wednesday. Grassley’s statement is here.
***Update*** More here from Senator Grassley. Where are you Trey Gowdy? As Chairman of the Immigration and Border Control Subcommittee in the House, you can do more to protect America by slowing the Syrian Muslim flow to our towns than you can ever do on Benghazi! Where were the House Members, and why haven’t we heard from them yet? Where was Chairman Goodlatte and Subcommittee Chairman Trey Gowdy?
Some speculate that they have been told to stay quiet, don’t make a fuss until the Pope has come and gone! (Boehner again?)
Now, that is just speculation and if someone presents me with some facts about the House Judiciary position on the 10,000 Syrians (or more!) for FY2016 proposal by the President, let me know. I do see this morning that Rep. Michael McCaul (Homeland Security Chairman) is blasting the number, but he is not on the committee responsible for addressing the Presidential Determination!
The Refugee Act of 1980 has a very specific time line for the President’s annual proposal for refugee admissions and the law calls for hearings now (here yesterday). And, where is the report that is supposed to precede the consultation by two weeks?
I say if there are no public hearings, FY2016 admissions should be halted when the new fiscal year begins on October 1.
Has Congress been shirking its duty for decades?
Sure looks like it! Because of the proposals to bring in as many as 100,000 Syrians in the next 12 months, there must be hearings! Come on Trey Gowdy! Come on Bob Goodlatte! Where are you?
History tells us that the House (and the Senate) have been shirking their duties under the Refugee Act of 1980 for twenty years!
Take a trip down memory lane to the House debate on the ‘Immigration in the National Interest Act of 1995’ (HR2202) spearheaded by Rep. Lamar Smith and see what was said about the “consultation” process and how it has been ignored to America’s great detriment.
From House Report 104-469(hat tip: Richard Falknor at Blue Ridge Forum). Report is dated March 4, 1996. Former Democratic Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman who was involved with the passage of the Refugee Act of 1980, as chairman of he immigration subcommittee, is quoted as confirming the importance of the consultation process and Congress’ role!
The Refugee Act of 1980 intended to provide Congress with a
meaningful role in the process of determining refugee
admissions. In the words of former Representative Elizabeth
Holtzman, then Chair of the House Subcommittee on Immigration,
Refugees and International Law, ``Importantly, for the first time, the bill requires that Congress be consulted before refugees are admitted, and spells out in detail the elements of that consultation.” 55 Additionally, the Report of the
House Committee on the Judiciary regarding the Refugee Act of
1980 stated the following:
\55\ 125 Cong. Rec. H11966, H1167 (daily ed. Dec. 13, 1979)
(statement of Rep. Holtzman).
The Committee has made every effort to assure that
Congress has a proper and substantial role in all
decisions on refugee admissions. In the past, the
Attorney General’s consultation with this committee
regarding admissions has been merely a matter of
courtesy or custom. * * * The Committee cannot
overemphasize the importance it attaches to
consultation. The Congress is charged under the
Constitution with the responsibility for the regulation
of immigration, and this responsibility continues with
respect to refugee admissions.56
\56\ House Report 96-608 at 12-14 (1979).
In the past several years, the refugee consultation process has devolved into a single meeting between the Executive Branch and the House and Senate Judiciary Committees near the end of the fiscal year–the very type of process which the 1980 Act expressly rejected. As an example, the refugee consultation for fiscal year 1996 occurred in the middle of September 1995–two weeks prior to the beginning of fiscal year 1996. The failure of the Administration to consult with Congress on the number and allocation of refugee admissions until just prior to the beginning of the fiscal year meant that the series of discussions between the President and Congress called for in section 207(d)(1) of the INA did not take place. [This is exactly what is happening right now!—ed]
The current process of determining refugee admissions does not provide Congress with a meaningful role in this process, as intended in the Refugee Act of 1980. The number of refugee admissions for a particular fiscal year should not be set unilaterally by the President.As former Chairwoman Holtzman stated: “* * * there is no substitute for public scrutiny, public disclosure, public debate on an issue of such importance as the admission of refugees to the United States.” 57
The only way to have an adequate public debate on the issue of
refugees is to give Congress a more meaningful role in
determining number and allocation of refugee admissions.
\57\ 125 Cong. Rec. H37203 (daily ed. Dec. 20, 1979).
So in conclusion, as the Refugee Act of 1980 intended, Congress is required to have a “meaningful” role in establishing refugee policy for the coming year and that includes a PUBLIC hearing!
It appears the last time either Judiciary Committee held required hearings on the annual refugee consultation was in 1999 (here). If anyone can find a more recent hearing record, please send it. Why haven’t they been doing their jobs? It seems that, just like everything else these days, this Republican Congress isn’t standing up for itself or for the American people! Just a bunch of chickens! Go here to see who the members of the House Judiciary Committee are and here for the Senate Judiciary Committee. Tell them they must hold hearings!
If you are looking for answers about how South Carolina has become a target for refugee resettlement where the Governor (Nikki Haley) and even Rep. Trey Gowdy*** are obviously reluctant to stand up and question the choice of the state as fresh territory for third world resettlement (colonization!), look no further than the senior senator of the Palmetto State.
Do Haley and Gowdy jump when Lindsey says jump?
Editor’s note: There will be hundreds of articles in the coming days about the Syrian refugee numbers to be admitted to the US (Obama said 10,000 yesterday, but I suspect that is a trial balloon). We will post the ones that are the most informative we find. Like this one!
Pals! Leftist Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and SC Senator Lindsey Graham. Will they team up to free emergency funds to bring Syrian Muslims to your towns and cities? Graham was one of 4 Republicans promoting amnesty as part of the infamous ‘Gang of Eight’ Senators in 2013. His position on more immigration has been very clear. Somehow South Carolina had dodged a bullet over the years as surrounding states of North Carolina, Kentucky and Georgia have been flooded with refugees.
All that is changing (see our archive on the controversy in Spartanburg) and it sure looks like the driver behind that change is none other than SC senior Senator Lindsey Graham. See his asinine and ill-informed comment about the Statue of Libertyand how America has to take it’s “fair share” of Syrian, mostly Muslim, refugees. What the hell! We had nothing to do with the Syrian civil war, why should any be our “fair share.”
(Now, if Graham is talking about Syrian Christians, he better get the backbone to use the word — Christian!)
The US has long been the leading nation permanently resettling refugees from every continent on the globe—over 100,000 Iraqi Muslims from the Middle East in the last 8 years—-isn’t that enough for the Senator?
From The Fiscal Times in an article entitled, ‘Can the U.S. Handle 100,000 Syrian Refugees?’ (emphasis below is mine):
While much of Washington is occupied with the Iran nuclear deal, another debate is looming about whether the U.S. should open its doors to more refugees from the Syrian civil war.
Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina raised the possibility on Tuesday that Congress might approve emergency funding to greatly increase the U.S. quota for Syrian refugees in the face of an historic migrant crisis in Europe and the Middle East.
During an appearance before the National Press Club, Graham became the first GOP presidential candidate to urge the Obama administration to accept its “fair share” of Syrian refugees, amid international criticism that the U.S. is grossly shirking its responsibility to the international community. In a fit of melodrama, Graham said that “we should take the Statue of Liberty and tear it down” if the U.S. preserves its current, highly restrictive immigration policies with regards to victims of Syrian violence.
Graham is chair of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations, which means he has some say over the budget for the State Department and other international agencies. He said he would be in favor of “emergency spending” to cover the cost of bringing substantially more Syrian immigrants to the U.S., which would add to the federal deficit. He said he would confer with Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont, the ranking Democrat on his subcommittee, to sound him out on a possible bipartisan proposal.
“I don’t just want to pick a number,” Graham said, according to Roll Call. “I don’t know how many we should take, I don’t know how much money we should spend, but I know we should take our fair share and we need to spend more to get ahead of this.”
The U.S. currently allows the immigration of no more than 1,500 Syrians a year [inaccurate information—ed] – a miniscule number in the face of the millions of refugees streaming out of Syria, headed for Germany and other European countries. The United States Committee for Refugee and Immigrants has urged the administration to accept 100,000 Syrians in the coming year. [Dumb reporters quoting, as some sort of authoritative voice, a non-profit resettlement contractor which is being paid by the head to resettle refugees!–ed]
*** Rep. Trey Gowdy is chairman of the House subcommittee responsible for refugees and we will be watching closely to see if he calls for hearings when Obama sends his “Determination Letter” to Congress for consultation sometime in the next week or two. Fiscal year 2016 begins on October 1, so by law Obama must send it! The big question is, what can Congress do about it? The key committees in the House and Senate could at minimumhold hearings. And, please don’t tell me that Gowdy has too much going on with Benghazi to spend a little time on this infinitely more important issue—how many Syrian Muslims will we drop off in your towns!
This is Part II of my earlier postabout South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley caving in to the federal government and signaling her willingness to ‘welcome’ refugees to South Carolina, a state which has heretofore not been a big target for resettlement (as have Kentucky, North Carolina and Georgia). That all changed earlier in the year as residents there learned that federal contractor World Relief was planning to ‘seed’ Spartanburg with refugees from the Middle East, Asia and Africa which touched off a firestorm of criticism.
Yesterday, World Net Dailywriter Leo Hohmann filled us in on how things went when the Asst. Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration came to town to try to tamp down the resistance. SeePart I here.
Following a discussion of what Rep. Trey Gowdy’s “murky” role is in the situation, we learn that two of those meeting with Ms. Richard—-Christina Jeffrey and Lynn Kisler—were not impressed. Spartanburg is in Gowdy’s district. WND:
Jeffrey said Richard admitted in Monday’s meeting that once a state agrees to participate in the federal refugee program, there is little local residents can do to stop it.
Dr. Christina Jeffrey: Where are the hearings?
Another Spartanburg resident, Lynn Kisler, confronted Richard on the issue of national security.
This is priceless!
“Ms. Richard said she experiences terrorist threats whenever she travel overseas, and it was almost like they were already trying to condition us for that, kinda like a terrorist threat is an accepted way of life now, no big deal, and I could not believe my ears,” said Kisler. “I told her my house doesn’t have armed guards, it doesn’t have an 8-foot wall all around it, so for her to compare an embassy abroad to me being in my home among that population, when they want to bring that population here, it made me angry. I interrupted her and I said ‘you have armed guards, I don’t have armed guards.'”
Refugees just like American pilgrims?
Richard also began “pontificating” about how successful the refugee program has been everywhere it has been put in place, Kisler said. The assistant secretary even compared today’s refugees to the early pilgrims who settled America.
“I asked her how do you define success?” Kisler said. “Ask the people of St. Cloud, Minnesota, how successful it’s been there. It has destroyed that area.”
So many Somalis in Minnesota have been caught engaging in terrorist activity and sending money to overseas terrorists that the U.S. Attorney there, Andrew Luger, admitted in April that, “We have a terror recruitment problem in Minnesota.”
Dr. Jeffrey reiterated her call for Gowdy, who is chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security and thus responsible for the refugee program in Congress, to hold hearings:
“For the sake of the rest of the country, we need Trey Gowdy, chairman of the subcommittee with oversight in this area to hold hearings on this under-supervised program that has been around since Jimmy Carter created it,” Jeffrey said.
In fact, the Babin bill which seeks to temporarily halt refugee resettlement is a perfectly good excuse to hold a hearing. So what is taking Gowdy so long? Is he worried about ruffling the feathers of senior Senator Lindsey Graham a longtime advocate of amnesty for illegal aliens and one of the Gang of Eight (along with fellow Presidential candidate Marco Rubio) that would have expanded the role of the nine major federal refugee resettlement contractorsamong other things. Surely Benghazi doesn’t consume all of Gowdy’s time.
Are you angry enough yet? Want to help? Sign the petition!
Update July 31: Daniel Horowitz at Conservative Review has more, go here (hat tip: Dick).
Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX) has introduced the Resettlement Accountability National Security Act (H.R. 3314) which seeks to suspend refugee resettlement to America until economic costs are analyzed and national security concerns are put to rest. Rep. Brian Babin is a first term Congressman from East Texas. http://babin.house.gov/biography/ I’ve been following this issue for eight years and this is the first time I have seen anyone in Congress (other than recent concerns about Syrian refugees) take a single step to begin to scrutinize the entire program.
Now, let’s see if Rep. Trey Gowdy will give the bill a hearing in his all-important Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security!
Just a reminder, Babin’s home state of Texasis presently the number one state targeted by the UN/US State Department for refugee distribution. Here is Babin’s press release late today (hat tip: Rosemary):
Washington, DC – U.S. Rep. Brian Babin (TX-36) yesterday introduced the Resettlement Accountability National Security Act (H.R. 3314), which places an immediate suspension on allowing immigrants into the United States under the refugee resettlement program, until the Government Accountability Office (GAO) completes a thorough examination of its costs on federal, state and local governments. According to the U.S. refugee admissions database, nearly 500,000 new immigrants have come to the U.S. under the resettlement program since President Obama first took office – with the state of Texas and its taxpayers being asked to take in more than any other state.
“It is extremely unsettling that the Obama Administration would continue to expand the U.S. resettlement program at such an irresponsible pace in light of our economic and national security challenges,” said Rep. Babin. “While this program may be warranted in certain situations, it is continuing at an unchecked pace. For the past decade the U.S. has been admitting roughly 70,000 new refugees a year, with little understanding of the economic and social costs on our communities.
“Our legislation institutes a common sense pause in the program so that we can better understand the long-term and short-term costs that this program has on local governments, states and U.S. taxpayers. It also gives us an opportunity to examine potential national security issues related to entry and resettlement, particularly as federal law enforcement officials are increasingly concerned about home-grown terrorists.”
This is a very big deal! Please! Thank Rep. Babin (202-225-1555) and put pressure on Gowdy’s subcommittee to give the bill a hearing! It is shameful that the program has not in all of its 35-year history been subject to a thorough review. Call Gowdy at 202-225-6030 even if you have done it before!
Consider sending your horror stories to Rep. Babin! An afterthought: Babin is going to get pounded by the supposedly religious resettlement contractors especially ones with tentacles in his district. If you live in his district and are supportive of his efforts, please let him know. Those ‘Christian’ contractors can be pretty mean!