Thanks to reader Joanne for sending us this bit of news from one-worlder John Kerry. Kerry must be so thrilled to combine two of the the Left’s favorite pet propaganda campaigns—global warming and refugees.
It is not “new” as Kerry claims, we have an entire category devoted to so-called ‘climate refugees,’ go here (46 previous posts)for more of this nonsense. Climate refugees coming to a town near you? I love this illustration! It comes from Diplo (
Secretary of State John Kerry warns the world that more and more people will be fleeing the devastation caused by global warming. “It’s something new. We have climate refugees today,” he said during a town hall event about the oceans.
Kerry described climate refugees as people who had to leave their homes because of drought, rising sea levels, and thawing permafrost.
International organizations, like the United Nations, he admitted, would have to codify the term “climate refugee” and put it into law. That would grant special immigration privileges to immigrants claiming refugee status, allowing them to move to other countries.
“I think it’s just a matter of time before it fits in under a category and countries have — and the refugee process has legitimately incorporated it into our policy,” Kerry said.
For anyone interested, there has been a huge controversy between the environmentalist ‘climate refugee’ pushers and the ‘humanitarian refugee’ establishment over definitions. If you go to earlier posts in my ‘climate refugee category’you will see what I mean.
That 85,000 number (from all refugee sending countries) is 15,000 over what the Obama Administration has been asking for (and mostly gotten) in each of his previous years in office.
This new number is also higher than the one previously mentioned, so will Kerry now return to the Senate and House Judiciary Committees for further legally required “consultations?” (Go hereto see Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Grassley’s letter to Kerry in which Grassley references only a 5,000 increase in the numbers just ten days ago.) Kerry and German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier. I wonder if Kerry told the House and Senate Committee Chairmen before he told the Germans?
FromNBC News (hat tip: Julia):
The U.S. is offering new details about its plan to ease the Syrian refugee crisis by significantly increasing the number of worldwide refugees it will take in over the next two years.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says the U.S. will accept 85,000 refugees from around the world next year, up from 70,000, and the number will rise to 100,000 in 2017.
Aides to Kerry say that many, though not all, of the additional refugees would be Syrian.
Here again for those who doubt me: The UN is picking our refugees!
The migrants would be referred by the United Nations, screened by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and resettled around America.
Kerry made the announcement Sunday during a visit to Berlin after meeting with German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier to discuss the mass migration of Syrians fleeing their civil war.
Here’s Hillary!
Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton said Sunday on CBS News’ “Face the Nation” that as many as 65,000 Syrian refugees should be taken in. [Does Hillary know that 95% are Muslims?—ed]
House and Senate Judiciary Chairmen now should call Kerry for an on-the-record “consultation,” not one of those behind closed door deals they have been having!
As we reported earlier, the Senate and House Judiciary Committees have a responsibility under the Refugee Act of 1980 to “consult” with the Administration on the size and scope of the refugee program for the upcoming fiscal year which begins on October first. Senator Chuck Grassley: How many?
Obviously Senator Grassley isn’t letting the Administration get away with the vague information they have been giving out on exactly how many Syrian refugees Obama plans to admit to the US.
And, by the way, we wouldn’t have security concerns if we were saving the Christians. We have reported repeatedly that the vast majority, 95% entering the US so far are Sunni Muslims. The number jumps to 97% when you consider only those who came this year.
Here is Grassley’s press release from Friday thanks to Chris:
Grassley Seeks Details on Administration’s Refugee Announcements
WASHINGTON – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley today pressed Secretary of State John Kerry to clarify the administration’s plans to increase the number of refugees allowed into the United States in fiscal 2016, including up to 10,000 additional refugees from the war torn country of Syria. Grassley raised questions about the administration’s plans to admit additional refugees and whether adequate safeguards and background checks are in place to handle the influx.
While the administration proposed raising the refugee ceiling from 70,000 to 75,000, Assistant Secretary of State Anne Richard admitted that administration officials are considering increasing the cap later in 2016. White House Spokesman Josh Earnest also said that the administration is considering allowing 10,000 refugees from Syria in 2016, an increase from earlier estimates.
In a letter to Kerry, Grassley asked how the administration will screen Syrian refugees to ensure they were not involved with terrorist organizations, whether the influx of refugees will strain the vetting process, and how the administration plans to respond in the event that refugees are determined to be involved in terrorist organizations after they have been admitted to the United States. Further, Grassley asked Kerry to explain what the administration is doing to assess the willingness of other countries to admit Syrian refugees.
The letter follows a consultation earlier this week between Kerry and leaders of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees to discuss the proposed annual number of refugees to be admitted to the United States. The State Department must consult with these congressional committees regarding the refugee cap each year as well as any time an increase in allowable refugees is proposed.
Following the consultation, Grassley emphasized that America’s security must remain a top priority when admitting refugees, especially when violent terrorist groups like ISIS are committed to finding ways to enter the United States and harm Americans.
Full text of Grassley’s letter to Kerry follows (click here).
September 11, 2015
Senator Grassley needs to call for a hearing required by the Refugee Act and put Secretary of State Kerry and Asst. Secretary Richard on the hot seat!
And, the next question is…where might the Members of the House Judiciary Committee be hiding?
Once Obama announced that we were going to be on good terms with Communist Cuba, I wondered what it would mean for the tens of thousands of so-called Cuban refugees we have been taking in over recent years.
I would think the whole Cuban resettlement would come to a grinding halt since love was in the air between our country and theirs.
Sec. of State John Kerry in Cuba last week. We are now pals with the Cuban government. So this should mean that no more ‘refugees’ need to come to the US from Cuba! Right!
Apparently Cubans wanting out saw the writing-on-the-wall and expedited their travel to America. Here, according to Breitbart (hat tip: Joanne):
The United States is experiencing a massive surge in the number of Cuban refugees risking their lives to reach American shores, following President Obama’s announcement that the White House would legitimize the communist Castro regime by reestablishing diplomatic relations.
U.S. Customs and Border Patrol is reporting that 23,978 Cuban refugees arrived in the United States between October 2014 and May 2015, with another 3,564 Cubans attempting and failing to reach U.S. shores. Most of those arriving successfully crossed the southern border with Mexico or crossed the straits of the Caribbean separating Florida from Cuba. The number of Cubans arriving in the past eight months is significantly larger than the number that reached the United States throughout all of the 2014 fiscal year: 22,162.
In January, officials reported experiencing a major spike in Cuban refugee migration between December 2014 and January 2015, in the immediate aftermath of President Obama’s announcement of normalization of relations with the Cuban regime. Coastal officials recorded a 60% increase in the number of Cubans traveling to the United States in the last trimester of 2014, but a 117% increase in migration when comparing December 2013 and December 2014.
Read it all.
I know from past research that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops is paid (by you) to help the Cubans resettle, but I think others of the nine contractors get a cut of the federal dole to help bring Cubans to your towns.
Just recently we posted on the UN’s Kilian Kleinschmidt telling Der Spiegelthat the refugees at Zaatari in Jordan are the “most difficult he has ever seen.” Did Kerry find that out too?
Kerry meets with Syrian “refugees” trying to drag US (further!) into their civil war.
Last week, Secretary of State Kerry met with “refugees” in the camp who gave him an earful about how the US wasn’t doing enough to help the ‘rebels.’ I fully expected to see demands that they be taken to America, but at least in this story, they only want the US to insert itself even further into their civil war.
In reality, it’s often the NGOs (paid by the head for each refugee they resettle) who want to take them to America, sometimes against their will.
ZAATARI, Jordan (AP) — Angry Syrian refugees confronted U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday with demands for the United States and the international community to do more to help opponents of President Bashar Assad’s regime, venting frustration at perceived inaction on their behalf.
Visiting the sprawling Zaatari refugee camp in northern Jordan near the Syrian border, Kerry met six representatives of its 115,000-strong population, all of whom appealed to him for the U.S. and its allies to create no-fly zones and set up safe zones inside Syria to prevent the Assad regime from inflicting additional destruction.
The article mentions that the number of refugees in the camp is declining.
The Photo is from this article, not clear who the photo credit belongs to.