I’ve already posted a bunch of stories similar to this one from several different cities in what is an obvious media campaign to blast the President as he approaches his deadline to say how many refugees the US will ‘welcome’ in FY19.
I don’t intend to publish them all because it gets boring, but will note interesting points when I see them.
Iraqi refugees convicted on terror charges were arrested in Bowling Green, KY, but you never see that mentioned anymore. https://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/exclusive-terror-worry-rises-al-qaeda-found-kentucky-20958004
We have written a lot on Bowling Green, KY over the years.
It is Senator Rand Paul’s home town. In 2011, two Iraqi Muslim refugees were arrested there and ultimately found guilty of attempting to help a terrorist group in Iraq. The arrest resulted in the US State Department temporarily halting resettlement from Iraq and rescreening thousands of potential refugees.
At that point, Senator Paul came out strongly against the program, but his criticism vanished when he ran for President in 2016.
I’m sure there will be more reports today about what went down in Senator Rand Paul’s hometown last evening when the local resettlement agency honcho held a meeting to explain to the community that he had applied for 40 Syrians to add to Bowling Greens already large Muslim community, but here are two reports. I don’t have a lot of hope that Sen. Rand Paul will do much, but Kentucky’s new ‘tea party’ governor Matt Bevin is perfectly positioned to throw a huge monkey-wrench into the refugee industry by standing up for state’s rights and filing a law suit already prepared by the Thomas More Law Center.
Both indicate that the meeting went longer and got angrier than organizers expected, and the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) employee indicated there will be another public meeting before the close of the fiscal year (Sept. 30th). We will be watching for that.
The bottomline however is the refugee industry spokesman says (too bad folks!) the local community will have no say anyway!
You are going to have to go to both stories to see what happened because I am so bogged down with a huge list of things to post (including more of your testimonies to the US State Dept.) over this holiday weekend and no time to analyze further.
Here is WKU Public Radio where the head of the Bowling Green USCRI office shows that he is not up to date with the latest from Washington where we are told the screening process for Syrians has been shrunk to 3 months!
Albert Mbanfu, executive director of the International Center of Kentucky, explained the extensive screening process that takes 18-24 months before refugees are approved for resettlement in the U.S.
This is not just about Islamic terrorism!
The other report is from WKBO and here (below) is the bit that jumped out at me. We are beginning to get reports from people with direct knowledge of the inner workings of the Refugee Resettlement Program and apparently here is one who made a comment last evening. (I wonder if we could get a national whistleblower club going!).
One woman said she worked with refugees for 30 years, and doesn’t trust the system.
“There is a lot of fraud within the agencies that are placing refugees. They’re paid per head by the number of refugees that they sell [resettle?—ed], and you gotta follow the money.”
In both reports you will get the very clear signal that the resettlement agency, working for the federal government, is in the cat bird seat and refugees are coming to Bowling Green anyway (whether you like it or not!).
There is one way out for Kentucky, a Wilson-Fish statejust like Tennessee. Because of how Wilson-Fish states are structured it is the contention of many that it is a 10th Amendment (State’s Rights) issue. The Governor of Kentucky can sue to stop the program!
Kentuckians with concerns need to hound your governor!
LOL! One of the two stories above uses the words “testy town hall” in its title. Maybe we should have a whole new category for those testy town halls, see Rutland, VTthis week as well.
Yesterday I told you about a public meeting to be held today in Bowling Green, KY where the major resettlement contractor working there, Bowling Green International Center, a subcontractor of the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, will attempt to explain why they will now be adding to the Muslim population of that town. Senator Rand Paul. Will he or won’t he take a leading role in investigating the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program that is FOREVER changing his home town?
Writing at World Net Daily, Leo Hohmann, reports on Senator Paul’s response. For any of you attending that meeting at 5 p.m. today, be sure to see if you can spot any representatives of Paul’s office in attendance. Be sure to let them know what you are thinking.
Here is just a small snip from Hohmann’s detailed report:
Bowling Green is not new to Muslim refugees. The city has been transformed over the past decade from a typical Middle America town that had no Muslims to one that now has more than 7,000 who account for at least 10 percent of the city’s population. It had no mosques 15 years ago and now has several including a large Islamic Center. The Islamic refugees have come from 23 countries, mostly from Bosnia, Russia, Burma, Iraq and now Syria.
Paul’s office told WND he is not in favor of the Syrian refugee dumps in Kentucky or anywhere else under the current vetting process being used by President Obama.
“Senator Paul believes we must pass the SECURE Act,” said Sergio Gor, the senator’s press secretary. “This legislation would suspend visa issuance for countries with a high risk of terrorism and impose a waiting period for background checks on visa issuance from other countries until the American people can be assured terrorists cannot enter the country through our immigration and visa system.”
Paul was much more outspoken against refugee resettlement three years ago, before he contemplated a run for president.
Continue reading here. I, at one point a few years ago, had a lot of hope that Senator Paul, because of the way he questioned the program, would indeed become a leading Senate advocate for its reform. Of course it isn’t too late for him to accept the mantle.
P.S. Kentuckians might want to pound Mitch McConnell too, but I bet he is too deeply indebted to big industries in the state (Perdue maybe???) always on the lookout for cheap captive labor that refugees provide.
It sure looks like another ‘pocket of resistance’ is forming, this time in Bowling Green, KY (a growing Muslim community) the hometown of Senator Rand Paul and the resettlement site of two convicted Iraqi refugee terrorists who had been placed there a few years ago.
Before you read the story, you should visit our very large archive on Bowling Green by clicking here. There has been much turmoil over the years with resettlement there generally relating to refugees being dumped by their resettlement contractors.
And, consider the fact that Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell has never (to my knowledge) ever lifted a finger to question the program in his own state, it tells me that the program is driven there by Big Meat, the Chamber of Commerce and other industries who want a continuous supply of cheap immigrant labor. Commissioner and Mayor Pro-Tem Melinda Hill is an outspoken critic of the Syrian resettlement plan for Bowling Green. Photo here: http://www.bgdailynews.com/news/q-a-with-melinda-hill/article_a755552e-335a-544c-9b4d-6a7b39c30b41.html
Senator Rand Paul has spoken up a few times over the years, but with a ‘conservative’ governor there now and if Paul sticks with past comments, it’s time to reevaluate Kentucky’s WILSON-FISH program.
Here is the news fromWKU radio:
Bowling Green is preparing to welcome Syrian refugees later this year who are fleeing their country’s civil war. The Warren County-based Kentucky International Center has agreed to resettle 40 Syrians, but the decision is raising concerns in the local community.
The plan to open the city’s doors to Syrian refugees is creating backlash in what has otherwise been a welcoming environment. City Commissioner and Mayor Pro-Tem Melinda Hill has been one of the most outspoken critics of the plan to resettle Syrians in Bowling Green. She says she doesn’t have confidence in the federal government’s screening process.
“Our country has systems in place where our criminals, we know what they did, when they did it,” Hill tells WKU Public Radio. “Many of these people are from countries that do not have systems like that in place, or if they did have them, these people have not been entered into the system, they’ve not been kept up to date, or those systems have been destroyed. We don’t have access to any background checks. It’s all questions and answers.”
Some locals residents are more apprehensive since the 2011 arrest of two Iraqi men living in Bowling Green. Both are now in prison for conspiring to send weapons and cash to the terrorist group Al-Qaeda.
The Syrians represent a small fraction of the 400 other refugees coming to Bowling Green this year, including from Africa, Asia, and Cuba. If approved by the federal government, 40 Syrians will start a new life that they hope won’t be derailed by fears of terrorism.
Concerned Kentuckians should be letting your governor know that he could be the one brave governor needed! Go here and see what he could do! If he is worried about being alone, he could call upon Chris Christie and Sam Brownbackto join him! Three brave governors is surely better than one!
P.S. If anyone knows Commissioner Hill, please send her this post. She may not know some information we have linked in here.
Be still my beating heart! There it is, out there—the M-word! Several of them in fact! Moratoriumon Muslim Migration! Put this word in your vocabulary!
I started to write this post yesterday, then spent the day running out to the doctor (nothing is fast with doctors these days, have you noticed that) and as I’m trying to read news on my phone, the Cruz and Paul news was eclipsed by The Donald news when he jumped on the bandwagon.
However, all of the news reports I was reading and hearing claimed Donald Trump was alone in his call for a ban on Muslim migration to America. He was actually the third Presidential candidate to make that call. Trump called it a “ban,” but that sounds like moratorium to me.
This is what I started to write about yesterday from Julia Hahn at Breitbart. She has Senator Cruz uttering theword and I heard Senator Paul say it on Fox News yesterday morning! Separating themselves from the pack in a big way!
Presidential candidates Sens. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) are demanding a halt to immigration from Muslim nations with jihadist movements.
Their fellow contender, Sen. Marco Rubio, did not call for curbs to Muslim immigration in his live response to the President address on Fox News – a response promoted by Rubio’s campaign.
Cruz tweeted that if elected president, “I will shut down the broken immigration system that is letting jihadists into our country.” Cruz elaborated in a statement:
The President should place an immediate moratorium on refugees from countries with a significant al Qaeda or ISIS presence, such as Syria. I’ve introduced legislation to make this happen; it is not a desired step, but a necessary step for the security of the United States.
Similarly, Rand Paul tweeted, “While @POTUS paid lip service to this fight, he plans to keep failed rules in place & allow tens of thousands of refugees to enter the US.”
“Immigration visas & refugees from countries with active terror networks must be halted while we determine how to better secure our borders,” Paul in a separate tweet. “His administration is focused on gun laws that won’t stop terrorists while pushing policies that will let more of them in the country,” Paul wrote.
Continue reading here. Go here to see the ten Senators who might be counted on to support these calls.
Action Alert! It is not too late, go here and follow instructions to call Congress today! Stopping the funding for refugee resettlement is the surest way to get the job done immediately! Details can be worked out once the money is cut off! If they can cut off the visas too, more power to them!