Sweden running out of beds for migrants?

Those who can’t find a bed will be deported back to Denmark or Germany?  Oh, that should go over really big with the Danes and Germans.

More Invasion of Europe news…..

From RT (can we believe Russia Today?):

Sweden’s migration minister warned refugees that if they don’t find their own accommodation, they will be deported back to Germany or Denmark. The news comes as Europe’s refugee influx had depleted IKEA’s stockpiles of beds.

How many migrants can fit on an Ikea bed? Next, will the Swedish government have to regulate how many refugees may claim territory on one bed?

The Swedish government told media on Friday that it will no longer be able to provide housing for refugees and migrants arriving in the country, despite Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson’s claims that the migration crisis is not putting “acute” pressure on public finances.

“Those who come here may be met by the message that we can’t arrange housing for them,” Migration Minister Morgan Johansson told reporters. “Either you’ll have to arrange it yourself, or you have to go back to Germany or Denmark again.”

Europe’s refugee crisis has been dubbed the worst since WWII, with tens of thousands of people fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East and North Africa in hopes of starting a new life in Europe.

Amid the climbing number of refugees coming to Sweden, IKEA has announced that it is running extremely low on beds and mattresses in both Sweden and Germany.

Got beds? Any bed and mattress entrepreneurs out there?  Here is your chance to cash-in on the refugee crisis (as many others are) and make a killing!  But, first find out if RT’s reporting is accurate.
See all of our posts, going back many years, about the ‘Invasion of Europe,’ here.  And see dozens and dozens of previous stories from Sweden (our Socialist canary in a coal mine) here.

Swedish Foreign Secretary: Sweden will collapse

Invasion of Europe News
More on what were the most important posts for readers here at RRW last week….

marching from Denmark to Sweden
Middle Eastern migrants march from Denmark to Sweden

From the Daily Mail:

The Swedish Foreign Minister has claimed her country is facing collapse due to the mass influx of refugees*** as the migrant crisis deepens.

Margot Wallstrom has said that Sweden cannot cope with taking in refugees at its current level, without it affecting services.

She says that Stockholm will now have to pressure the European Union in a bid to force other member states to share the burden of those coming from the Middle East, mainly Syria.

It is expected that Sweden will take in around 190,000 migrants by the end of 2015. In the first nine months of the year, more than 73,000 people applied for asylum in Sweden.

And Mrs Wallstrom said in an interview: ‘I think most people feel that we cannot maintain a system where perhaps 190,000 people will arrive every year – in the long run, our system will collapse.

Continue reading…
It will collapse then because there is nothing going to stop the invasion.  All predictions are that tens of thousands will continue to go unimpeded to “welcoming” Sweden.
Will Sweden need sex education classes too as the mostly men arrive?
For all of our previous news on the Invasion of Europe, click here.  For many years of reports on Sweden, click here.
***By the way, according to the UNHCR, 53% of the migrants are Syrians, but the other 47% come from all over the Middle East, Asia and Africa, see here.

Sweden: Ungrateful 'refugees' refuse housing in a beautiful wooded location….

….too many trees in holiday park!

Sweden holiday park
The holiday park in Lima, Sweden. Photo: Lima Turism

This ‘Invasion of Europe’ news is from Fjordman today on twitter.
From The Local:

Two buses packed with refugees arrived at the park in Lima in west Sweden on Sunday, but around 30 passengers initially refused to disembark.

Charlotte Jacobsson, a press spokesperson for Sweden’s Migration Board (Migrationsverket) confirmed to The Local that a number of the asylum seekers had felt uncomfortable being surrounded by so much forest.

“Yes, that is the information we had from some people,” she said.


Some of the travellers are understood to have spent the entire night on the bus.

Sweden’s Social Democrat-led government has been pushing municipalities across Sweden to take in more refugees in recent weeks amid a nationwide shortage of accommodation for a record numbers of new arrivals.


Sweden’s Migration Board said last week that the total number of refugee arrivals in 2015 could reach 190,000.

As I said to someone at a conference in DC yesterday, we are watching an incredible moment in history where some of us could see the fall of Europe in our lifetimes.  Sweden has always been my bet for the first domino to fall, however, Germany is right on its heels.
For more on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ click here.   We have been following Sweden for years, go here, to see our many posts.  Will Swedes wake up in time?

Gatestone: Sweden close to collapse

More on the Invasion of Europe today….

The colonizers. Coming to a town near you? Photo at Jihad Watch http://www.jihadwatch.org/2014/05/swedish-police-muslim-terrorists-a-huge-threat-we-havent-seen-anything-like-this-before

We mentioned Sweden yesterday, and Germany today.  Here is more news on the Islamic colonization of Europe.
From Ingrid Carlqvist at Gatestone (hat tip: Dick):

Sweden is fast approaching a complete collapse. More and more municipalities are raising the alarm that if the migrants keep coming at this pace, the government can no longer guarantee normal service to its citizens. In addition, ominous statements from government officials have left Swedes in fear of what tomorrow may bring. If the migrant wave keeps coming, in 10-15 years, Swedes will be a minority in their own country.

At a press conference October 9, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven said that Sweden is in a state of crisis. However, when asked to clarify what he meant by this, Löfven was unable to produce a single coherent sentence.

Three ministers appeared by the Prime Minister’s side at the hastily summoned press conference, which came on the heels of an extraordinary government meeting. The purpose of the press conference seems to have been to convey two messages:

To explain to the world and the Swedish people that Sweden is facing “one of the largest humanitarian efforts in Swedish history.”
That there is no more housing available, and migrants should be prepared to live in tents.

During the question period after the ministers’ speeches, journalist Tomas Ramberg of Ekot Public Radio asked: “You say that Sweden is preparing for a crisis situation, what do you mean by those dramatic words?”

Continue reading here!
We have followed the foolish Swedish government for years and have predicted that Sweden would fall first to the colonizers demanding social services from the ‘welcoming’ socialist government.  Come on Swedish people, please fight for your country and your culture!
See all of our previous posts on Sweden by clicking here.

Sweden: so much for socialism as capitalists use the system in refugee crisis to rake in the bucks

Invasion of Europe news…..

I love this stuff, do-gooder socialists foiled by what?—a desire by some to make money!  Making money off of the refugee flow is nothing new—just ask the US refugee resettlement contractors!

Stefan Löfven efter slutdebatten i SVT 2014
Prime Minister Stefan Löfven: Hey, we are welcoming tens of thousands of Syrians and other Middle Easterners here.  How dare you make gobs of money from the crisis?

From The Guardian  (hat tip: Jon):

Sweden is in the grip of a row over housing for refugees, with private accommodation providers accused of making fat profits while the country struggles to find beds for tens of thousands of asylum seekers before winter.

Housing is so limited for record numbers of arrivals – 9,000 are arriving in Sweden every week – that the authorities are using heated tents to put people up.

But at the same time, private companies have been accused of charging exorbitant amounts to help the government find accommodation for more than 80,000 people who have made it to Sweden this year.

“We are living hand to mouth,” said Tolle Furegård, head of refugee accommodation at Sweden’s migration board, who said the service relies a heavily on the private sector in this situation. “They are not doing this to be nice to us… It is a big sector, a chance to earn lot of money quickly, and it’s safe, because the government pays its bills.”

The board had lowered its standards to attract more offers of accommodation, and is seeking 30,000 more beds by the end of the year – “a huge number”, Furegård said.

The prime minister, Stefan Löfven, has asked company bosses whether it “feels good when you look in the mirror” to be making big profits at a time when the country is pulling together over the refugee crisis.

More here of the classic supply and demand story.  Sweden is learning the hard way, just hope it isn’t too late for them.
And, click here for our entire ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.  We have been following Sweden’s death spiral for years, go here for more.