Continuing a trend on-going now for several years, the vast majority of Syrian refugeesentering the US are Muslims. Of the 2,279 Syrians resettled in October and November, 2,225 are Muslim (2,188 of those are Sunnis). All data from (Refugee Processing Center) Here are the top ten states where they were distributed. (15 states got none, so far)
Update November 29th: See tongue in cheek comment with a suggestion for Sam, below!
The biggest threats to the social order and economic viability of your community may be the little darlings at your local college or university (many of whom will graduate and go somewhere else in four short years).
Readers in Virginia need to nip this in the bud.
Students are pushing for a city resolution welcoming the federal refugee contractors in to set up shop in the historic city. (Nevermind that there is little low cost housing because the students likely gobble it all up!).
Why is it so cool for the kids these days to want to bring in Syrian (mostly Muslim) refugees while not caring about the local American poor, disabled or struggling veterans?
From the Virginia Gazette:
William and Mary students want to make sure refugees know they are welcome in Williamsburg if and when the state sees fit. First step: getting the city council to pass a resolution to that effect.
In light of severe political unrest and danger in Syria, more than 10,000 refugees have entered the United States. They’ve settled in cities and towns across the country.
“The resolution would say that the city of Williamsburg would be willing to accept refugees were they to come,” senior student Andrew Vollavanh said.
He and other students decided to take the city resolution route after speaking with city staff. “We were trying to proceed in a legislative fashion,” Vollavanh said. “The mayor told us that probably wasn’t the best way to do it.”
Sam Steed is the Virginia legislative coordinator at Amnesty International and a student at the college.
Be sure to check out the information on Sam (photo caption at Virginia Gazette)! He is from Massachusetts and wants a job with Amnesty International when he graduates!
Looks like this is a national campaign aimed at college towns.
He said that resolutions similar to the one that they are trying to pass in Williamsburg have already passed in other cities, including Durham, North Carolina, New Paltz, New York, and Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Williamsburg does not share all of the traits of those cities, but the students still want to push a resolution through. The federal government lets trusted non-governmental organizations [LOL! “trusted”!—ed] figure out where refugees can settle upon entering the U.S. They weigh characteristics like whether there is an existing immigrant community and housing availability.
Continue reading as they repeat the refugee industry’s talking points that seem to be springing up everywhere. These are the three main talking points we have addressed in the past: Omar al Harden an Iraqi refugee plead guilty in Houston recently. He planned to bomb two area malls for ISIS.
~Only women and children! So we are expected to believe that these Middle Eastern and African women are going to live without their men for the next couple of decades. There is this thing called “family reunification.”
~Thoroughly vetted! But, no one tells the students that the Director of the FBI has testified to Congress that the Syrians can’t be vetted because there is no documentation on them from the failed state of Syria. In spite of that, Obama shortened ‘screening’ for Syrians from 18-24 months down to 3 months.
~No terrorist arrests in the refugee population in the US! Amazing to me that they tell this bald-faced lie when there is plenty of documentation of Islamic terrorist arrests and convictions (caught before they acted!) in the US refugee population.
I told readers about a few cases off the top of my head herewhen Church World Service was spinning in Poughkeepsie. One of these days I guess I will have to go back through my refugee crimes category and pull out all the Islamic terror/crime stories from the last 9 years involving refugees.
And, if you live nearby don’t miss this:
Students at the campus chapter of Amnesty International will hold a forum on Nov. 29 where experts will talk about some of the nuances involved in accepting refugees.
See more of the story at the Virginia Gazette.
And, one final thought. Since Williamsburg is an independent city with as they admit little housing for poor people, the kids would presumably have to sell this idea on surrounding counties. Editor (update): Here is a fun comment from a reader making a suggestion for Sam (sent to my personal email):
Sam Steed from Massachusetts, a student at William and Mary, wants to turn Williamsburg into a welcoming city for refugees, does he? Well, I’d say he doesn’t go far enough. So, Sam, here’s what I propose you do to gain credibility — Before you ask the city of Williamsburg to welcome refugees, you and fellow do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do students must step forward and offer to adopt individual refugees and their families, prepare them for assimilation into America, and then take them home to Mom and Dad for a lesson in cultural diversity. The refugees can be a real-life report card, like show and tell: this is what your tuition bought. Deal with it, Mom and Dad, or else you’re a racist and a bigot and a xenophobe. What do you say, Sam? Amnesty International might hire you early!
Invasion of Europe news…..
Just yesterday I told youabout how the Open Borders Left has in recent years been attempting to broaden the legal definition of refugee to include anyone running from almost anything! Refugees must prove they will be PERSECUTED if returned home.
Now, we see a German court attempting to reestablish the real definition of what constitutes a legal right to ask for asylum (now that Germany is completely overwhelmed with a migrant flow from Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East and from Africa). Uh-oh for judge Uta Strzyz! Does Germany have the equivalent of the Southern Poverty Law Center, if so, is she ready for the “hater” label? Pay attention to one extremely important difference between Germany and the United States when it comes to ‘refugees.’ Syrians will be in Germany on a TEMPORARY BASIS while we take Syrians PERMANENTLY. Once admitted to the US they do not go home (well, they might for vacation, but that is another story)! So the next time some refugee-pusher guilt-trips you by telling you that Germany is doing so much more, remind them of this fact.
From Deutsche Welle(Merely fleeing Syria does not mean one faces persecution there, the court said!):
Refugees from the Syrian conflict may not be entitled to automatic protection in Germany anymore, after a higher court in the northern city of Schleswig ruled that they could not be automatically defined as refugees under the United Nations convention.
Instead, the judge said Syrians who come to Germany should only be offered “subsidiary protection” – a designation under European law that means they are only entitled to stay in Germany one year, rather than three, and are not allowed to bring their families with them.
The key question was whether the refugees face political persecution. “There are no indications that the Syrian state puts everyone under general suspicion of belonging to the opposition,” judge Uta Strzyz told the court on Wednesday.
The issue has dogged Germany’s legal system for several months. In fall 2015, Syrians received full refugee status as defined by the 1951 UN Refugee Convention, but the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) changed its policy in March 2016, allowing them only subsidiary protection.
More here.
Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.
Mr Trump! Forget Syrians for a minute! Are we going to suspend resettlement of all ‘high-risk aliens?’
Here is a story from Sky News Australiawhich links Trump advisor Kris Kobach’s proposals to Trump last weekend in NJ as evidence that the deal might well be dead on arrival. See my earlier post this morning about a letter from two powerful members of Congress who want the fishy Australia deal stopped now! Trump meets with Kris Kobach. Leftwing media has been having fun with the enlargement of the memo in Kobach’s hand.
An apparent bungle by US president-elect Donald Trump’s hardline immigration adviser shows just how difficult Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s US refugee re-settlement plan will likely be to pull off.
Kris Kobach, tipped to head the US Department of Homeland Security in the Trump administration, was clutching documents as he stood with a smiling and waving Mr Trump on Sunday in view of the media.
A photo taken by Associated Press, when zoomed in, shows the top page of the document is headlined ‘Department of Homeland Security. Kobach Strategic Plan for First 365 Days’.
It lists aggressive proposals aimed at ‘high-risk aliens.’
‘Reduce intake of Syrian refugees to zero, using authority under the 1980 Refugee Act,’ Mr Kobach’s plan states.
The plan also calls for ‘extreme vetting questions for high-risk aliens: question them regarding support for Sharia Law, jihad, equality of men and women, the United States Constitution’.
Mr Kobach was one of many potential Trump administration hires who met with the president-elect at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey on the weekend.
Readers, I am starting to get nervous about whether Trump’s closest advisors on immigration fully understand the US Refugee Admissions Program.
In myprevious postI said that if Trump picks Romney in combination with Nikki Haley at the UN (where the UN has plans for who comes to your towns!), we shouldn’t expect any major shakeup of the RAP.
Let’s talk about HIGH-RISK ALIENS!
There has been enormous national attention on the fact that FBI Director Comey testified to Congress that Syrians cannot be vetted because they come from a failed state where records are not obtainable. And, it is understandable that the focus has been on the Syrians, but…..
….if you are a longtime reader of RRW you know this is also true for the vast majority of Somalis (tens of thousands) we have admitted over the last two-three decades. In fact, in 2008 the State Department (DOS) cut off family reunification for Somalis because they discovered wide spread fraud—-Somalis lied about their family connections! Family reunification was closed for years (all documented here at RRW). See the most recent news on Somalis who thumbed their noses at your generosity.
The DOS and DHS say they can vet the Iraqis. But, they screwed up big time a few years ago and Iraqi refugee Al-Qaeda supporters were arrested and convicted on terror charges in Kentucky. One of them actually had fingerprints on an IED shard in US government hands and no one ever made the connection. That IED killed American service men. These two had lied on their refugee application.
And, how are we possibly screening the Rohingya Muslims who have fled Burma, many on boats that ended up in Malaysia and Indonesia. We are taking thousands of them! They don’t have ‘papers’ from the government of Burma (a Buddhist government that is all too happy to get rid of them)!
Other countries that produce unvettable (new word!) Muslims are Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Sudan and Uzbekistan. Just those few countries mentioned above account for probably half of the flow to the US right now! So, Mr. Trump and Mr. Kobach! Stop focusing on only Syrians! The problem is much much bigger!
It’s hundreds of thousands of dollars in grant money that goes towards transitioning the refugees.
In Rutland, VT the controversy about whether to bring mostly Syrian refugees to the city in the coming months continues to simmer. The brakes are on right now, as we told you hereand here recently, because the federal contractors know they can’t get out too far ahead of their money (YOUR money, federal grants).
Frankly, the contractors have virtually no money of their own especially the contractor in Rutland (USCRI here). For new readers, USCRI*** is the contractor working in Twin Falls, Idaho too. Rutland Mayor Louras thinks small towns will be saved by bringing in mostly Muslim refugees from the Middle East. I don’t see him clamoring for the Congolese Christians. Photo:
There is nothing earth-shattering in this, another storyon Rutland, but I was interested to see how overtly the promoters of resettlement are willing today to talk (they didn’t 9 years ago) about the need for federal bucks to make the resettlement work.
Those promoting bringing the Syrian Muslims (flavor of the year!) to Rutland aren’t shelling out their own money, neither is the state of Vermont (at least on the surface, they will, however, shell out plenty for ‘services’ and educating the kids as time goes on.). On this flavor of the year comment (I can hear the rage!), I was struck by a thought when I wrote about the rally for Syrians in Charleston, WVand we see it here in Rutland too.
Would the resettlement advocates be so eager if they were going to be getting mostly impoverished and boring Christians from the DR Congo or Burma, or is this fervor for Syrians and Iraqis (mostly Muslims) fueled by a desire to be just kinda cool?
Here is the bit of the story at I want you to see:
An opportunity about 100 Syrian and Iraqi refugees hope to find in Rutland. “It’s frankly just a lot of unknowns,” said Rutland Mayor Chris Louras.
After Donald Trump’s win, Rutland officials are not sure whether their resettlement plan for the refugees will be affected. “There’s the potential that we may only see two families in before he’s inaugurated. We don’t know what happens at that point,” Louras said.
President-elect Trump campaigned with anti-immigrant rhetoric, saying he plans to cut refugee funding and put a temporary halt on accepting Muslims.
“Without that federal funding for the program, there’s no mechanism to resettlement to the United States,” Louras said. [If people really were driven by humanitarianism, they would be privately funding resettlement, one family, one church at a time!—ed]
Right now with all the uncertainty, USCRI isn’t going to go out on a financial limb and hire staff and open an office!
It’s hundreds of thousands of dollars in grant money that goes towards transitioning the refugees. The Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program Rutland plans to hire three full-time case workers and two part-time translators to work with the refugees on education and employment. “We’re still planning as if these people are coming — we have to,” Louras said.
So is Marsha Cassel, a Rutland High School teacher and active member of the group, Rutland Welcomes.
And, check out this next line. The good citizens of Rutland are bringing over their old furniture, but USCRI gets to give it a monetary value so they can tell the feds they have some skin in the game. The feds expect the contractors to show they have contributed something, and since they don’t have cash (especially USCRI 97% taxpayer funded) they get to use old furniture and volunteer hours (your volunteer hours are given a cash value!) to prove they are contributing.
In the Rutland Herald’s former printing press room, hundreds of pieces of donated furniture await new owners. “They’re coming with nothing but hope, so we are just hoping to get them started,” Cassel said.
The story continues with much discussion about screening terrorists, but I think the greater threat is what we are seeing in Minnesota where the generation of cute little kids we supported grows up to be jihadists.
To see our very large archive on Rutland, click here.
***Learn more about USCRI’s CEO Lavinia Limon here at Breitbart.