Idaho Senator Wants Special Refugee Program for Syrians and Kurds

“It is the ‘Invade the World/Invite the World’ attitude.”

(A critic of the proposal echoing a common theme of the President)


The Senator’s idea is to add thousands to the President’s 2020 refugee cap for those who ‘supposedly’ helped us to defeat ISIS.  He recommends flying them here ASAP.

The Senator is a Republican—Idaho Senator Jim Risch, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

He is running for a third term, see here.

Thanks to several readers who tipped me off to this news reported by Neil Munro at Breitbart last Thursday:

GOP Sen. Jim Risch Offers Citizenship to Kurdish, Syrian Populations

Sen. Jim Risch (R-ID) is pushing a new bill that would transport many Muslims from chaotic Syria and Kurdistan into America’s schools and workplaces.

The bill creates a refugee program for Syrians and Kurds who claim to have helped U.S.-funded armed groups, such as the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Risch is the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, so his legislation may pass as soon as this week.

But his bill would provide a “carve-out” in refugee law for Middle Eastern fighters, said a source. Also, the uncapped refugee inflow would include many unvetted and unidentified people because U.S. officials cannot prevent or even detect fraud in the war-torn areas occupied by hostile or corrupt warlords, said the source.

Once people are admitted as refugees, they are put on a fast-track to citizenship.

The program would import Syria’s chaotically diverse cultures and conflicts back into the United States, the official said, adding, “It is the ‘Invade the World/Invite the World’ attitude.”

The legislation reflects the politicians’ starry-eyed support for foreign groups, regardless of the cost inflicted on Americans, the official said. “They care more about Syrians than they care about Americans,” the source said.


Risch’s bill is titled S.2641 and is named “Promoting American National Security and Preventing the Resurgence of ISIS Act of 2019.” It was introduced October 17.

The bill cuts a hole through current refugee law to allow many Kurds and Syrians to be flown out of the war zone into the United States, providing they claim a connection to groups who were supported or funded by the U.S. government during the last few years….

There is much more, continue reading here.

The driving force for more refugees in Idaho is the ‘need’ for a continuous supply of cheap labor for large industries including dairy and, dare I say, yogurt manufacturing.  Pols are eager to please their industry backers.


A 2018 tweet speaks volumes!


A trip down memory lane!

I guess the Senator has forgotten the 2015 controversy about the possibility of Syrian refugees being placed in Idaho!  The mere suggestion created a firestorm of public outrage.

Trying to silence the critics, the big paper there called citizens who had expressed fear at the prospect—“paranoid!”

I have an extensive archive on Idaho that new readers might want to visit to get up to speed on what has happened there over the last five years as refugee contractors push for more refugees to ‘welcome’ to the state.

Indeed rumors are swirling that contractors in Washington state have begun to move refugees across state lines into northern Idaho.

Idahoans should take the lead and let their Republican Senator know how they feel about more Middle Eastern (Religion of Peace) refugees coming to Idaho and to America!

Canada: Syrian Refugee is Member of Antifa

Paul Joseph Watson reports that bit of interesting news at Summit News.

Readers here at RRW will remember that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who is fighting for his political life at the moment, invited tens of thousands of Syrians to Canada beginning in late 2015—many came in airlifts with little screening and with no real plan by the Trudeau government for how they would be housed and helped in Canada. See my Trudeau/Syrian archive by clicking here.

Now this….

Masked Antifa Radical Who Harassed Elderly Lady is a Syrian Migrant


One of the masked Antifa radicals who harassed an elderly lady with a rolling walker during a protest in Hamilton, Ontario is Syrian migrant Alaa Soufi DaLua.

As we previously highlighted, the old woman was confronted as she tried to cross the road by a group of Antifa members who proceeded to yell “Nazi scum!” in her face.

The elderly woman was attempting to hear this man speak.

The incident occurred during a demonstration outside Mohawk College against right-wing politician Maxime Bernier. [See one of many articles attacking Bernier here.—-ed]

One of the culprits has now been identified.

Syrian refugee Alaa Soufi DaLua! This is how they thank Canada?

“Intelligence group @EXEINTEL reports that one of the masked antifa militants who harassed the elderly woman with the walker is Alaa Soufi DaLua. I can confirm that I independently verified this as well. DeLua is a Syrian man who settled in Canada,” tweeted journalist Andy Ngo.


Meanwhile, the elderly lady he harassed has appeared in a video in which she asserts, “free speech is the cornerstone of our democracy and it can never and will never be denied.”

There is much more, see the video of the thugs blocking her movement and shouting in her face!

Pittsburgh Mayor Peduto refused to meet the President yesterday

Surely you know all about Democrat Mayor Bill Peduto shunning the President and his family when they went to Pittsburgh yesterday to pay their respects to those murdered in the synagogue attack last Saturday.  Here is one of many stories about the Mayor’s snub.

And, here is Peduto with Chris Matthews:



By the way, the Rabbi, who was leading services on Saturday when the attack happened, welcomed the President saying “he is my President.”

So, what does this have to do with RRW?

Let’s take a trip down memory lane!

Mayor Bill Peduto was one of 18 mayors who signed a 2015 letter to then President Obama telling the President that 10,000 Syrian refugees for America in the upcoming fiscal year was too few and they wanted Obama to ultimately admit 100,000.

The letter was organized by Cities for Action which says it is: “A coalition of city governments who stand in support of stronger cities through immigration action.”

As you know, President Trump is permitting very few Syrians to enter the US at the present time.

If you missed it in 2015, here are the 18 mayors pressing Obama for more Syrian refugees for their cities:

Ed Pawlowski, Mayor of Allentown, PA
Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, Mayor of Baltimore, MD
Martin J. Walsh, Mayor of Boston, MA
James Diossa, Mayor of Central Falls, RI
Mark Kleinschmidt, Mayor of Chapel Hill, NC
Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago, IL
Edward Terry, Mayor of Clarkston, GA
Nan Whaley, Mayor of Dayton, OH
Domenick Stampone, Mayor of Haledon, NJ
Pedro E. Segarra, Mayor of Hartford, CT
Eric Garcetti, Mayor of Los Angeles, CA
Betsy Hodges, Mayor of Minneapolis, MN
Bill de Blasio, Mayor of New York City, NY
Jose Torres, Mayor of Paterson, NJ
William Peduto, Mayor of Pittsburgh, PA
Javier Gonzales, Mayor of Santa Fe, NM
Francis G. Slay, Mayor of St. Louis, MO
Stephanie A. Miner, Mayor of Syracuse, NY

Some posts on that campaign by the leftwing open-borders mayors, especially Pittsburgh’s Mayor Peduto, worth revisiting:

18 US Mayors tell Obama: We want MORE Syrian (Muslim) refugees!

Pittsburgh letter writer: Mayor is wrong to invite Syrian refugees to city

ACT for America launches citizen action campaign urging 18 mayors to re-think their demand for more Syrian refugees

Pittsburgh, PA Mayor Peduto: Bring us Syrian Muslims!


And, a few additional posts on Pittsburgh:

Pittsburgh: Jewish agency and Islamic Center working together to bring more Syrians to the city

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette editorial: Are there holes in US refugee vetting process?

Pittsburgh: Refugees placed in dangerous housing complex….

Jewish refugee resettlement agency: Let’s bring Rohingya Muslims to Pittsburgh (to increase diversity!)

Pittsburgh at “tipping point” as refugee population mushrooms

Pittsburgh working hard to “welcome” refugees

More on refugee mental health issues from Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh: World Refugee Day brought out the diversity, but few Americans

Pittsburgh Catholic Bishop defends Catholic Charities and calls a meeting

And, there are more, but you get the idea!

Canada rushed to resettle thousands of Syrians who were perfectly safe in Europe and elsewhere, says Rebel Media

If you are new to RRW, check out my Canada category by clicking here to catch up on what Open Borders Justin has been doing to the country since he took office a few years ago.

 Canada’s virtue signaler-in-chief! Trudeau with an offering!

One of his first actions was to ‘virtue signal’ by welcoming thousands of Syrian refugees, but not apparently those in the most need of protection.

I have to say this goes on all the time!

The US does it too!

Don’t get me started on our potentially fraud-ridden arrangement with Malta where beginning in the Bush Administration we were scooping up illegal aliens who reached the island nation and transforming them in to refugees for your communities.


It is a long-held understanding between nations that….

….legitimate refugees must ask for asylum in the first safe country they enter—Malta or any other EU country is safe!

Continue reading “Canada rushed to resettle thousands of Syrians who were perfectly safe in Europe and elsewhere, says Rebel Media”

Canadians apparently not as ‘welcoming’ as their Prime Minister

Shortly after President Trump announced his travel ban, you will remember that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told the world in a tweet that they would be welcome in Canada.


trudeau tweet


Well, Canada’s welcome is wearing thin and here is one more story, this time in the Wall Street Journal telling us that the public opinion tide has turned on Trudeau.

Although the article (hat tip: Cathy) is focused on the asylum seekers coming across their border with the US, I am sure that the 52,000+ Syrian refugees they admitted in less than three years had already strained Canada’s ability to provide shelter and welfare for that many needy people.

Continue reading “Canadians apparently not as ‘welcoming’ as their Prime Minister”