Actually even mention of the book, banned in some parts of the world, could bring the speech police down on RRWagain just as it approaches its 13th anniversary. (It was this time last year that they succeeded inshutting down RRWfor a few months.)
Chronicles has published an excellent obituary about the man who told the truth nearly a half century before most see it now—western civilization is committing suicide by ‘welcoming’ mass migration from the third world.
You might have noticed how mention of the novel by Trump adviser Stephen Miller caused the Left (specifically the Southern Poverty Law Center and its media sycophants) to melt down last year, see here at NPR.
Below is a bit of an obituary for the “thinker” by Srdja Trifkovic at Chronicles:
(emphasis is mine)
The great and good French novelist and thinker Jean Raspail died on June 13, three weeks short of his 95th birthday. I was deeply saddened by the news, although at his age it was to be expected. It is ironic that he succumbed to the COVID-19 virus, the product and totemic symbol of our age and the globalized world, both of which he loathed with a passion.
Marine Le Pen
In Camp of the Saints, his best-known work, Raspail castigated the “submersion” of France by the landing of a fleet of derelict boats from India loaded with refugees. The rest of the grim story is known to Chronicles readers, or should be.
“We must reread The Camp of the Saints, which, beyond evoking with a talented pen the migratory perils, had—long before [Michel Houellebecq’s] Submission—mercilessly described the submission of our elites,” tweeted Marine Le Pen in tribute to Raspail. In addition to his resolute stand against all Third World—but especially Muslim—immigration, and in line with his traditionalist understanding of Catholicism, Raspail condemned communism and capitalism with equal force, as the two monstrous twins born of modernity.
In his final years—almost five decades after publishing his prophetic dystopia—Jean Raspail was resigned that our civilization is on the “road to disappearance.” As he explained in an interview published in Valeurs Actuelles in 2013, he had no desire to join the massive circle of intellectuals who spend their time debating immigration because, in his view, such talk is useless:
The people already intuitively know that France, as our ancestors shaped her over the centuries, is on the road to disappearance. The audience is being kept amused by endless talk about immigration, but the final truth is never stated.
What can be done? Raspail’s verdict was clear:
There are only two ways to deal with immigrants. Either we accommodate them, and France—her culture, her civilization—will be eradicated without so much as a funeral. In my view, that is what is going to happen. Or else we do not accommodate them at all, which means we stop sanctifying the Other and rediscover our neighbors.
Jean Raspail will be sorely missed by all Frenchmen and other Europeans who refuse to go gently into the multicultural night.
There couldn’t be a better time in world history, as the heathen hordes (of various hues!) run wild in the streets of the civilized world, erasing history and attempting to silence anyone who disagrees with them through intimidation and fear, to read The Camp of the Saints.
That is the title of an excellent discussion by John Daniel Davidson at The Federalist (hat tip: Bob). Invasion of Europe news…. Novelist Jean Raspail. How did he see it coming over 40 years ago!
Davidson gives readers a good summary of the on-going crisis in Europe as hundreds of thousands of migrants from Africa and the Middle East continue to pour into the continent. He then dares to mention that “racist” 1973 book, The Camp of the Saints. If you have not read it, you must! But, I warn you, its message will hang over you like a dark threatening storm cloud (that never goes away!). The Federalist(emphasis mine):
Europe is more than a year into the largest migrant crisis since the Second World War. More than a million have made their way to Germany alone over the past year. Some are refugees and asylum-seekers from Syria and Iraq, but it now appears that a significant number, as much as 60 percent, are economic migrants from North Africa, Afghanistan, and the Middle East, simply seeking better prospects in Europe.
The European Union, thanks to its common border policy, is overwhelmed and paralyzed…
Europeans leaders are of course trying to downplay the severity of the crisis even as its disruptive effects become impossible to ignore. On New Year’s Eve in cities across Germany, gangs of Arab and North African men, some of whom were later discovered to be asylum-seekers, robbed and sexually assaulted scores of women. Before police had completed their investigation, the European Commission declared there was “no link” between the migrant crisis and the attacks, the incidents were merely “a matter of public order.” Fearing a xenophobic backlash, the commission proclaimed itself “the voice of reason.”
On The Camp of the Saints, Davidson says: “At the heart of the novel is a moral question: Is the West willing to defend itself?”
All of this calls to mind a 1973 novel by French writer Jean Raspail—The Camp of the Saints, an apocalyptic tale about the collapse of European civilization. Much of it could be lifted from the news coming out of Europe. In the book, one million impoverished Indians [Raspail had only the home continent of the invaders wrong!—ed] make their way by boat from the Ganges to the shores of southern France with no intention of adopting French ways; they come simply to claim for themselves what Europeans have and they do not.
Unwilling to turn away the Ganges fleet for what they claim is universal brotherhood and compassion—but is in fact Western guilt—the government and all the country’s major institutions agree the migrants must be welcomed as a matter of moral duty and penance for France’s past sins. When the armada finally makes landfall, French society breaks down, exhausted and acquiescent, passively colonized by an unarmed army of castaways.
Continue reading here.
You decide: Does mass migration mean the end of Western Civilization? And, if the answer is yes! are we willing to defend ourselves?
If you are American, I think you are! Europeans? I’m not so sure. Go here for our complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe.’
Look closely! What do you see? I see an army of invading young men, only a few women among them. Migrants walk through the countryside after crossing the Hungarian-Croatian border near the Hungarian village of Zakany AFP PHOTO / ATTILA KISBENEDEKATTILA KISBENEDEK/AFP/Getty Images
You probably know already that the EU voted to shove migrants (many are economic migrants, not legitimate refugees) down the throats of countries that object strongly to adding impoverished, mostly Muslim, third worlders to their populations.
There is a detailed description of what happened in Brussels this week at the UK Telegraph.
I’ve snipped a bit about what the Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said. He is exactly right when he says it is “unfeasible, unrealisable and nonsense” because today it’s 120,000 they are distributing and next month it’s another 100,000 (who are at this minute packing their bags throughout the Middle East and North Africa). This plan does nothing to stop the flow.
The EU migrant quota plan to relocate thousands of migrants across the continent is “unfeasible, unrealisable and nonsense”, Hungary’s foreign minister said, as Europe’s east-west division was laid bare on Wednesday.
As EU leaders meet in Brussels on Wednesday to approve a plan to relocate 120,000 attacked by eastern European countries, Péter Szijjártó called the quota scheme a waste of time.
Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary voted against the plan to take in refugees and migrants from Italy and Greece but it was forced through on Tuesday.
Under the European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker’s plan, Hungary would receive 1,294 of the 120,000 to be shared by the EU countries.
Close the borders and build camps to discourage new arrivals. It makes enormous sense to me—the camp dwellers can then go home when the civil war is over (and will be less likely to come if a refugee camp awaits them). The Telegraph continues…..
But instead, the Hungarian government supports a pan-EU Greek border protection initiative which would deploy helicopters and infrared cameras to catch migrants, with Frontex and Greece setting numbers on troops and border guards.
Budapest suggested that the EU should then fund refugee camps for Syrians and finance new camps ifrequired.
Mr Szijjártó described the plan as a waste of time and said: “The plan is unfeasible, unrealisable and nonsense.”
He added:
“This is the beginning of a new world order; we are not talking about a refugee crisis, but about a wave of mass migration.”
He begins (and ends) his very thorough examination of refugee law and how it impacts Europe with a discussion about the prescient decades-old novel by Jean Raspail, The Camp of the Saints.If you have not read it, you must. But, be prepared to feel physically ill (mentally ill goes without saying).
Taylor explains more clearly than I can how we got to this point—to the point where we are asking this question—Is this the Death of Europe? The next question of course is, so what about America?
Taylor closes his tutorial with this:
As Jean Raspail wrote in 1985:
[T]he West is empty, even if it has not yet become really aware of it. An extraordinarily inventive civilization, surely the only one capable of meeting the challenges of the third millennium, the West has no soul left.
He put it even more pithily in The Camp of the Saints: “The white race was nothing more than a million sheep.”
See our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive byclicking here. We have been watching it unfold for years!
Invasion of Europe News….. VDARE has pointed us to this Powerline post by Steven Hayward today entitled ‘Camp of the Saints, Revisited.’ I recommend this now over 40-year-old eerily prescient novel to all of you for your summertime reading ‘pleasure.’ Warning! It is not for the squeamish or faint of heart!
Hayward says what we have been saying and why we post as often as possible on the ‘Invasion of Europe’—the American media is not paying attention to the growing migration crisis in Europe.
From Powerline:
If you want to see the immigration crisis getting completely out of control, check out northern France, where several thousand “migrants”—as the press describes them—are trying to charge through the Channel Tunnel to Britain, where, they suppose, the welfare state will take care of them. It hasn’t been receiving much media coverage in the U.S., except for the Wall Street Journal, which notes today that the disruption at the Channel is bad for business.
As the Wall Street Journal quoted one aspiring client a few days ago:
“Here, no one looks after me,” the teenager said. “In the U.K., I can be a big man.”
No one looks after me. The Telos of the welfare state, in five words. More revealing is this passage:
“Stopping them is becoming very difficult since they’re just not afraid of the police anymore,” a French police officer said.
It looks more and more like Jean Raspail’s controversial 1973 novel, The Camp of the Saints, come to life.
With migration across the Mediterranean surging, the European Union’s largest border operation is bracing for a record year of arrivals by sea, especially as summer brings calm waters between Italy and Libya.
Off the eastern coast of Sicily, the 18-member crew of the Icelandic coast guard vessel Tyr – named after a Nordic god of war – are conducting rescue drills in seas more familiar in Greek mythology, preparing for the worst.
Though the United Nations refugee agency has criticised the mission, known as Triton, because its mandate is not search and rescue but border control with patrols near the Italian coast, the EU border agency Frontex says it is saving lives.
“We participate in a lot of search and rescue operations that take place far from the Italian shore, usually about 40 nautical miles north of Libya,” Frontex spokeswoman Ewa Moncure told Reuters on the bridge of the Tyr yesterday.
About 170,000 entered the EU through Italy last year by way of the dangerous sea crossing organised by human traffickers, mostly in Libya, while more than 3,000 perished.
During the first two months of this year, arrivals were up 43 per cent versus the same period of 2014.
The governments of southern EU countries – including Italy, Malta, Greece and Spain– have repeatedly criticised the failure of the 28-nation bloc to devote more attention and resources to the growing immigration crisis. To increase solidarity, the European Commission has said it will present a “migration agenda” in May, when good weather is expected to boost the flow of migrants and refugees, many of whom are fleeing civil war in Syria or forced military conscription in Eritrea.
This might be a good time to read The Camp of the Saints as the 4-decades-old novel is now coming true. Author Raspail was only wrong on his prediction of where the invaders would launch from.
See our ‘Invasion of Europe’ serieshere. Remember that the US State Departmenttakes some of Malta’s illegal aliens to the US as “refugees.”