Frankly I’ve been rooting for Rep. Keith Ellison to be the face of the Democratic National Committee. I think he would finally finish off the party.
The smooth Tom Perez is much more calculating, devious and dangerous. Perez was elected yesterday, and as I said on twitter the Hispanic beat out the Muslim for the face of the party….hmmmm!
Perez has been a longtime advocate for Open Borders who snookered Republicans in Maryland for many years.
I wrote probably 20 posts about him, here at my tea party blog shared with my friend Judy (when I had more time to write on subjects other than refugees).
He was most recently Obama’s Labor Secretary, but his years at Obama’s Justice Department saw him as an attack dog against states attempting to get voter ID laws in place. He vigorously ignored immigration law and saw it as his mission to weaken local police departments. I expect that AG Jeff Sessions will have to cope with Perez’s legacy there by rooting out lawyers installed by Perez.
Here are screenshots of just a couple of pages of posts at Potomac Tea Party Report:
Go here to learn more about new DNC chairman Thomas Perez. If anyone wants to write a lengthy expose’ on Perez, there is a lot of background information on those pages.
An afterthought: I have to laugh when I hear Democrat pundits say that Perez is a more mainstream Dem than is Ellison. Perez is every bit a Leftist as Ellison, just that he hides it better.
Tag: Thomas Perez
Utica: Give refugees summer jobs or pay for it later
Yesterday we told you about the mess in Utica, New York, a city in refugee overload with increasing poverty and stressed-out schools. We also told you about the Obama Labor Dept. (Tom Perez! Watch for him, bad news!) and the department’s special $2 million dollar grant to Utica to give summer jobs to a special subset of the impoverished—-refugees! (But wait! Haven’t we been hammered with the propaganda for years that refugees add to the local economy?)
Now the Daily Caller tells us those special teens will be learning to build drones. How many American young people, engineer wannabes, would die for a summer job like that!
Here is the Daily Caller (hat tip: Julia):
The Department of Labor has awarded Utica, New York, $2 million to teach young refugees how to build drones as part of a summer jobs program.
About 400 teenage refugee students living in the city will get part-time summer jobs through the program, as well as tutoring in English and Math. Those who demonstrate academic competence will then take part in a year-long drone building challenge during the school year, as the work and tutoring continues.
Sounds like discrimination to me! Discrimination against white and black American teens!
“It was just a population we chose to target,” Alice Savino, executive director of the area Workforce Development Board that applied for the grant, told The Daily Caller News Foundation, speaking to the decision to direct the funds specifically to refugees. “These kids are here, and they need help.”
“The prime focus will be refugee youth in the city,” the grant application abstract reads. “About 1 in 6 Uticans is a refugee from another nation. State data shows this group has the highest dropout rate, lowest college-ready rate in the city.”
One local commenter is reported by the Daily Caller making this remark:
“So legal Americans are not worthy of summer jobs? Can’t wait for November,” another added.
Now get this! So, remind me why we are bringing tens of thousands of refugees to America each year!
Savino, however, told TheDCNF she has not heard negative comments from the local community. “If we don’t help [the refugee kids] be productive now, we’re going to pay for it later,” she said. “The local community is extremely supportive.”
There is more, continue reading here.
Our Utica archive is here.
Montgomery Co. MD will host about 50 new unaccompanied alien teens this year (so far)
If you want to know where the ‘unaccompanied alien children’ have gone, check with two local agencies—the local department of education and the health department.
There is nothing especially new or surprising in this report from the Gazette unless you live in long-time ‘welcoming’ Montgomery County, Maryland (I once did), but it does say one new and interesting thing to me—the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement sent over 100 of the ‘children’ (really teenagers!) there in the previous school year. I wonder how many taxpaying residents knew that?
School begins in Montgomery County on Monday.

Nearly 50 unaccompanied minors from Central America have been sent to Montgomery County Public Schools since July to attend classes this school year, Superintendent Joshua P. Starr said Thursday.
The 47 children from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras were directed to the county school system through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement, Starr said at the county school board’s Thursday meeting.
“We don’t know if the number’s going to go up,” he said.
Last school year, the refugee resettlement office sent 107 unaccompanied children to the school system. Most of the minors were high school students, Starr said.
Starr said system officials are aware that minors from Central America are also entering county schools through avenues other than the refugee resettlement office, such as through their families. He said school officials discussed the issue during the summer.
The issue goes beyond the school system for the county. Montgomery County Council members met with representatives from public agencies and nonprofits in late July to learn about the situation in Montgomery regarding the immigrant children in its communities.
Assessing their emotional needs!
The system is determining the students’ educational and social-emotional needs and working to address the situation with others, such as the county and nonprofits, he said.
All citizens of Montgomery County are not as eager as Leggett and Starr to welcome the mostly Central American teens:
School board Vice President Patricia O’Neill said at the meeting that, in her experiences talking with county residents, “a lot of people have been very concerned” about the unaccompanied children in county schools.
All of our coverage of the ‘unaccompanied minors’ surging across our southern border is here.
Update! Just so you know! Reader Julia sent us several links about TB in Montgomery Co. Maryland schools, the highest in the state due to the large immigrant population, here.
About the photo: Blogging partner Judy has recently written two posts at Potomac Tea Party Report on Thomas Perez. In my view he is next in line behind the man himself (Obama), and then Attorney General Eric Holder as one of the three most dangerous race-baiters in America.
See ‘Perez stirring up racial strife‘ here and the follow-up post here from earlier this past week.
PTPR has an extensive archive on Perez, check it out by clicking here.
Last I heard Perez still lives in Montgomery County in that far-left mecca of Takoma Park. Watch for it! When the Obama Administration ends, Perez will be back and be a major political force in Maryland (if not nationally). Is making guacamole with Leggett earlier this month a first step in his return?
Time to get out?
CAIR wants Justice’s Civil Rights Division to investigate Todashev shooting
This is an update of the strange story out of Florida where the “friend” of Boston Bombing suspect, and a fellow asylee, Ibragim Todashev, was shot during an investigation involving the FBI which was looking into the unsolved murder of three Jewish young men in Boston. Our original reporting on the phony Chechen political “refugee” is here (two previous posts).
Here is the Washington Post update. The Council on American Islamic Relations is looking to the notoriously biased Civil Rights Division, that would be CAIR’s friend’s shop (Thomas Perez) to do a separate investigation. Perez loves the Muslim Brotherhood too!
Can we also have a Justice Department investigation on how Todashev, and others like him! were granted asylum?
This is going to get interesting….