UK refugee advocates pressure government to bring in the Syrians

It is just a short piece demonstrating that the drumbeat has begun to pressure western governments to resettle Syrian refugees in order to supposedly take the pressure off of Turkey and other Muslim countries.   This is Syria’s civil war, right?

Syrian refugees in Turkey. Photo: The Guardian

From Ekklesia:

Leading UK refugee charities have called on the Government to work with European Union member states to establish a resettlement programme in the UK and Europe for Syrian refugees.

The Refugee Council, Refugee Action, the Scottish Refugee Council and the Welsh Refugee Council are calling for a co-ordinated effort across Europe to relieve some of the pressure on the burgeoning refugee camps on the Syrian border.

Readers in the UK should be closely following the ‘work’ of the groups making up the refugee industry in the UK.

The photo is from this story in The Guardian—Tough time for Turks.

UK: sign of the collapse of the multicultural dreamland?

This story is a couple of days old, so it’s possible the Lefties have already killed the sign project.

I have to laugh when I think of Presidential candidate Romney suggesting illegal aliens in the US “self-deport” and the American media went nuts on him.

This dramatic measure in the UK shows how serious a problem illegal (and legal!) migration to the UK has become because, as a member state of the EU, they are not completely free to close their borders or to reject asylum seekers.


Mobile billboards calling on illegal immigrants to leave the UK have been criticized as a step too far by politicians. Campaign backers have hailed the initiative as an “alternative to arrest,” while critics decry the adverts as outright “intimidation.”

As part of a pilot scheme to help reduce illegal immigration in Britain, vans with billboards emblazoned with the slogan “Go home or face arrest” will be driven around London boroughs.

Read it all and watch the video.

Meanwhile in the US we have the Obama Administration, the Gang of Eight, and the refugee contractors  all pushing to open US borders to illegal aliens even wider!

Pandemic panic: MERS at Mecca

Update July 5th: WHO to convene emergency talks on MERS, Tuesday (here).  Only second ever of such emergency talks.  Hat tip: Drudge

“Belgian medics have warned Muslims not to travel to Mecca, because the Hajj threatens to spread the virus worldwide.”

I’m wondering if every local US health department should be alerted in case Muslims from the US come in contact with the disease as they travel to the Hajj.

There has been another death of a Middle Eastern man in the UK from the mystery disease known to the health community, and soon to the world, as MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome).  Here is the story from the UK Telegraph, hat tip: Always on Watch via twitter:

A man being treated in a London hospital for a lethal ‘Sars-like’ Middle Eastern virus has died.

This May 23rd graphic is already outdated—77 cases now with 43 deaths!

The man, a Qatari national, had been admitted to a private clinic in London in September, before being transferred to the specialist centre at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital.

He was diagnosed as suffering from the Mers virus – Middle East Respiratory Syndrome – which has affected 77 people worldwide, with 43 deaths.

“Guy’s and St Thomas’ can confirm that the patient with severe respiratory illness due to novel coronavirus (MERS-nCV) sadly died on Friday 28 June, after his condition deteriorated, despite every effort and full supportive treatment,” said Robin Wilkinson, a spokesman for the hospital.

The death of the Qatari man brings to three the number of victims who have died in the UK.

Warnings to be issued in advance of Hajj pilgrimage:

Known cases of the illness have quadrupled since April, and it is deadlier than Sars, which killed 774 people in 2003. SARS killed one in ten affected people; Mers has proved fatal in 65 per cent of cases.

The majority of the cases have been in Saudi Arabia, or in patients who have recently travelled to the region.

But with the annual Hajj pilgrimage due in October, and an estimated three million people travelling to Mecca, concerns are mounting that the deadly virus could spread swiftly.

“We need to get the facts clear and get the appropriate advice to all your countries where your pilgrims want to go to Mecca,” said Margaret Chan, head of the World Health Organisation, in May. “It is something quite urgent.”


Cases have been reported in Jordan, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Britain, France, Italy, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia – the country with the most confirmed infections.

Visit our ‘health issues’ category for our previous coverage of MERS and other diseases and ailments that follow immigrants around the world.

“They have lit a fuse!” Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer banned from entering the UK

Every freedom-loving American take heed—do not allow the erosion of our free speech rights as we watch the UK continue into the darkness.

Geller and Spencer: Letter from the Home Office said your presence here is “not conducive to the public good.”

Free speech crusaders Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs and Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch have been banned from entering the UK, Geller reported yesterday, here.  And Spencer today at Frontpage magazine.


I have been banned in Britain. My crime? My principled dedication to freedom. I am a human rights activist dedicated to freedom of speech, freedom of conscience and individual rights for all before the law. I fiercely oppose violence and the persecution and oppression of minorities under supremacist law. I deplore violence and work for the preservation of freedom of speech to avoid violent conflict.

I have never been convicted of any crime. I have never been arrested. I became a writer and activist in the wake of 911.

For this I am banned. I shed no tears. I am banned from Mecca, too.

The Home Secretary said that my being in the UK was “not conducive to the public good.” Banning those who speak in defense of freedom is “not conducive to the public good.” It is painfully apparent that the action of the British authorities will have the opposite effect of what they had intended. They have lit a fuse. And instead of allowing a respectful laying of flowers in memory of Lee Rigby on Armed Forces day, they have given rise and sanction to poison like this (below).

Read on!

Spencer says, “British government is behaving like a de facto Islamic state,” here.

Today, see Geller on the worldwide media storm that the British government has created! She was right, they lit a fuse!

Sign the petition here.

Maryland readers may remember that Islamic supremacists attempted (and failed) to silence Pamela Geller and other speakers at the MD CAN conference in January of this year.  Their actions only helped create more interest and more registrations.

Readers:  I haven’t said it so much lately, but its important that you take some personal action in defense of free speech.  Figure out what suits your personality, but create a facebook page, tweet, or best of all write a blog of your own.  The more people who exercise their free speech rights in America the better.  It will make it harder for the fascists to shut us all down.

Hey, and if you are thinking about blogging, pick a subject and focus on it day-in and day-out so that you provide a service by becoming a surrogate investigative reporter as the mainstream media continues down the path of promoting their own politically correct agendas.