Editor: I’m back and there is so much news I don’t know where to begin! I hope you have been able to follow my Twitter feed over the last ten days at Twitter, or here at RRW, where I posted the most interesting bits I came across while traveling.
This story is all over the internet, so I expect you have seen it already. I’m posting it to make the point that although the story is about the UK, the US should be cutting the UN completely loose from our decision-making process when choosing refugees for America for FY19. The UN tells the US which refugees to accept and from where, but that is changing under this President.
(As we speak, the deep state and the White House are surely at loggerheads over numbers for the coming year.)
While the media is busy with the run-up to the show in Singapore, and prior to that the G7 in Canada that saw social media in a flutter over the failure of Justin’s fake eyebrow that came unglued in a presser attacking Trump (yes, apparently the prime minister of Canada augments his eyebrows with bushy black fake ones!), some monumental shift may have occurred in Europe in one week….
Is there still hope to stop the Invasion of Europe?
Here is what I see. Continue reading “Will Susanna and Tommy turn the tide to save Europe?”→
Over ten years ago I reportedthat an Imam was bragging in Saudi Arabia that America would be electing Muslim mayors in droves (30 by 2015, he said). His prediction has not materialized here so far, but it looks like the Hijrah is moving ahead at a rapid pace in the UK where the English people have apparently given up.
(The Tommy Robinson episodedemonstrates that better than anything).
Here is The Independentheadline (with a bit of the story):
Meet Sheffield’s new mayor, the black, Muslim, former refugee whose viral inauguration photo charmed the world: ‘I’ll be doing things differently’
When I’m ushered into his parlour, the new Lord Mayor of Sheffield is sat with his feet on his desk, firing off emails about creating a post of Sheffield Poet Laureate.
Despite the rarified surroundings – mahogany furniture, upholstered sofas, fine china teacups – he swears like a Yorkshire trooper and laughs infectiously. He is still wearing his Dr Martens and his ceremonial chain.
Charlene White is a 37-year-old British journalist, not a teeny bopper. Bye! Bye! UK
“It’s a good accessory,” he smiles.
Asked how he feels about the global reaction to his now famous official inauguration photo, Councillor Magid Magid’s response is as unorthodox as the image itself.
“Mate… f*****g hell…” he tells The Independent, still apparently struggling for words. “It’s been surreal. Mad. I wasn’t expecting any of this.”
The 28-year-old’s election as the South Yorkshire city’s official first citizen last week made headlines around the world.He has received messages of goodwill from people as far and wide as New York and Syria. ITV News anchor Charlene White declared on Twitter that she might be “a little bit in love”.
This is partly because of who he is and what he’s achieved. Councillor Magid is not only the city’s youngest ever lord mayor – and the first from the Green Party – he is also a Muslim former Somalian refugee who arrived in the UK at the age of five, unable to speak English.
And it is partly because of that picture. In it, amid the shadowy, gilded confines of Sheffield’s Victorian Town Hall, he squats – complete with ceremonial chain, Dr Martens boots and wide-eyed smile – high on a balustrade.
‘If me doing this – as a black, Muslim immigrant – can spark someone to go out and change their bit of the world, that’s my job done’
“I’ve no idea why I got up there, mate,” he says. “It wasn’t planned. It was just me being myself. There’ve been [121] lord mayors before and I respect them all but I wanted to show I’ll be doing things differently. It just came out of that. I wanted to say this town belongs to all of us.”
More here.
Amazing and sad that we are alive at this critical juncture in history and witnessing an invasion of Europe that never should be happening.
Magid is doing what Islam expects him to do, it is the Charlene White’s (she is from an immigrant family too) that are making Islam’s supremacism possible.
The one thing that makes America different from the UK and other European countries is that we still have FREE SPEECH!
It is vitally important that you exercise that right! They cannot shut us all down, so please, please develop a network and talk about immigration and Islam. Develop your facebook channels, tweet, write a blog or letters to the editor. If that is too difficult at least develop an e-mail chain for family and friends and keep talking!
….where is his resignation announcement from the International Rescue Committee(one of nine federal refugee resettlement contractors***) where, from his perch in Manhattan, he sucks down a salary of nearly $700,000 a year partially funded by US taxpayers? Miliband in Manhattan Make up your mind Miliband!
Why should American taxpayers support your dalliances in British politics?
FromSky News today:
David Miliband, Nick Clegg and Nicky Morgan warn against ‘hard Brexit’
Former foreign secretary David Miliband has urged all parties to come together to prevent a “hard Brexit”.
Saying “Europe is Britain’s anchor”, Mr Miliband made an impassioned speech saying he is “alarmed” at the state of negotiations on Britain’s exit from the EU.
Mr Miliband, an ex-Labour cabinet minister, shared a platform with Liberal Democrat former deputy minister Sir Nick Clegg and the Conservative chairwoman of the commons treasury committee, Nicky Morgan.
Miliband and George Soros
Speaking at a Tilda Rice Mill in Rainham, Essex, the trio repeated their statement from a joint article for the Mail on Sunday that Britain was being “held to ransom” by hardline Brexiteers.
They say a hard Brexit threatens jobs and living standards in the UK.
Mr Miliband, who now heads the New York-based International Rescue Committee aid agency, denied he was seeking to launch a new, centrist political movement when asked by the BBC Radio 4 Today programme.
More here.
Just a reminder to readers, this is a page from a recent Form 990for the International Rescue Committee.
Doing well by doing good! (and not just Miliband): https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2018/03/03/breitbart-roundup-refugee-contractors-whine-as-revenue-plummets/
*** Nine federal contractors:
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)! From most recent accounting, here.
If you are wondering, I post this list every chance I get because we have new readers daily and because I want all of you to know that for reform to be possible these nine fake non-profits have to go.