Looks like the latest London Islamic terrorist was a refugee

That is what the Daily Mail is suggesting, here.  Ho hum, so what else is new!

But, what is so funny (not the terror attack), but the fact that Trump must have blurted out prematurely that Scotland Yard knew about this creep weeks before.

Invasion of Europe news….


From The Goldwater.  Headline:

Then here is just a bit of the news:

The stunning turnaround in the British bombing story. The first tweet that President Trump sent out after being informed of the London bombing hinted that British police knew who did it. Trump received criticism from UK politicians for being ‘unhelpful’. We wonder whether anyone will apologize. It would seem that police and British politicians knew all along.

Trump will make his maiden speech to the UN on Tuesday. I wonder what he will say about Islamic terrorism here and in Europe. And, what will he say about our refugee admissions for the coming fiscal year (while we have so many hurricane homeless citizens)?

As said yesterday, police had arrested an 18-year old in the port city of Dover, suspected of plotting and carrying out the attack on the metro of Parsons Green which wounded over 30 people.

In the afternoon, a house in Surrey was raided. A house where an older couple takes in refugee children.

Ms Penelope Jones, 71 years old, and her husband Ronald, 88 years old, have raised 268 foster children in the house over three decades and the last eight of those have been refugees from countries like Iraq and Afghanistan.

Whilst there has been no official confirmation, the British press has puzzled all the pieces together.

The teen who did it seems to be a ‘problematic foster child’ who was arrested two weeks ago already near where the attack took place.

He was a refugee taken in by a foster family who has taken in many children like him in the past.

Continue reading here.

Do you know why we don’t have so many of these terrorist attacks yet? 

It has nothing to do with the BS about how we assimilate them better.

It is because the numbers of potential perps are SO FAR smaller than in the UK, France, Belgium etc…

All of my ‘Invasion of Europe’ news is here.

Addendum:  Did you ever know anyone, maybe in your own family, with that brain/mouth connection?  It goes like this: Whatever is most recently in the brain comes out in mouth within moments.  Just saying!

Actor Clooney: Do as I say, not as I do!

These super rich Lefty celebrities have no shame!
George Clooney is reportedly moving his young family to his Los Angeles mansion which is deemed safer (from Jihadists) than is his property in the UK or his Italian get-away mansion at Lake Como.
From Breitbart (hat tip: Brenda):

Report: Open Borders Advocate George Clooney Moving Family Back to Trump’s America for ‘Security Reasons’

Actor and immigration activist George Clooney will move to Los Angeles with his wife Amal and newborn twins Ella and Alexander due to security concerns at his England estate, according to a report.

In 2016, Clooney and his wife praise German Chancellor Angela Merkel for her welcome to the migrant invaders (not using those words of course!). Italy as an escape? maybe not so much! http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2016/02/12/george-clooney-praises-merkel-for-migrant-policy-as-he-seeks-greater-seclusion-in-italy/

Life & Style magazine reported last week that the 56-year-old Oscar-winner will move his newly-expanded family to his mansion in Studio City, California, after deeming his 17th century mansion in Sonning, England to be not sufficiently safe for them.

“As soon as Amal found out she was pregnant, he hired former Secret Service agents to assess all his properties and make recommendations for improvement,” an unnamed Clooney “insider” told the magazine. “His mansion in Studio City [Calif.] was deemed the most secure, and it’s within minutes of an LAPD station.”


In May, British government officials disclosed that 23,000 known jihadi terrorists are believed to be residing in Britain, far more than the 3,000 that had initially been reported.


In February of last year, the actor met privately with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and praised the German leader’s acceptance of refugees from Syria and other countries. The same month, Clooney told Sky News in an interview that the United States is not doing “enough” to help Syrian refugees, and that 10,000 refugees per year was too low a figure to be admitting into the country.


In July of last year, a makeshift refugee camp was established in Lake Como after the Swiss government decided to close its southern border with Italy. Dozens of refugees arrived from African and Asian countries were housed in tents close to the Clooneys’ home, with a local tour guide telling the Daily Mail that the refugee camps were a “big problem because of the huge numbers [of refugees] who are arriving all the time.”

More here.
Bill Gates woke up and smelled the coffee, any chance Clooney will get it?
This post is filed in my ‘Laugh of the day’ category.  I have another good laugh for later (or tomorrow), so come on back!
Click here for my complete archive on the Invasion of Europe.

A picture worth a thousand words, civil war coming to Europe?

When I heard the news about the attack on Muslims leaving a mosque in London early this morning, I wondered if it was all ratcheting up, and dare I say, wondered if a real civil war was coming to, not just the UK, but to Europe as well.  It seems it is just a matter of time!
See this image that Voice of Europe put on twitter yesterday:

As you know, Poland is refusing to take Muslim ‘refugees’ demanded of them by the EU, see here last week.
President Donald Trump will be in Poland on July 6th.
My complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.

UK paying "refugees" to go home

Invasion of Europe news…..

New UK Prime Minister Theresa May: In September she told the UN that the UK would be fortifying its borders.

The British government is paying around $2,400 (in US dollars) for migrants to leave the British Isles and return home.  Needless to say the project is causing a stir now that it is out in the open.
The headline uses the word “refugee” but in fact these are people who are mostly asylum seekers who have not yet been granted asylum and are thus not technically refugees, but, as the article says, they are illegal migrants.
Critics say the plan will encourage more illegal entry because it is an enticement to try to get in (I doubt $2,400 is much of an enticement).
And, I am still a believer in setting up a repatriation fund here in the US because I think it will be less costly in the long run (by not putting them on welfare) and I believe there are legal refugees who either came as asylum seekers or were placed in your cities by the US State Department who are profoundly unhappy and want to go home.  We should help them do so.
The story is at Press TV (Iranian TV) so I found the comments there informative (be sure to check those out). Several readers said if the UK stopped meddling in civil wars in Syria and elsewhere, the UK wouldn’t have the problem. Huh?  So I’m all for trying it!  Let the UK (and the US) stay out of the Middle East, let the Middle East take care of the Middle East! And we can take care of our countries first (America First) and let them kill each other without our help!
From Press TV:

The government of British Prime Minister Theresa May offers refugees £2000 to get them to leave the country, as it’s under mounting pressure to tackle the refugee crisis, a new report says.

The government confirmed that it has been offering £2,000 of taxpayers’ cash to “assist” return payments to each refugee, who accepts to leaves the UK, The Express reported Saturday.

The Home office said a total of 529 people have been paid the money since the government implemented the plan in January this year. It said the money is paid to help those returning to “find somewhere to live, find a job or start a business in their home country.”

According to figures, the UK faces the highest asylum claims since 2004, Home Office officials said.

Continue reading here.
By the way, clearly such a strategy comes with rules—like they can’t come back without some serious penalty!
See our archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ by clicking here.

France's Marine Le Pen on the UK vote: "springtime of the people"

And, a “new air” of patriotism.

I’m sure you either stayed up very late or jumped out of bed, like I did, eager to learn the results from the British vote to stay in the European Union or leave, to discover that the “leaves” have won!

From left, Northern League leader Matteo Salvini, French far right leader Marine Le Pen and Firebrand Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders attend a press conference on the second day of a 2-day convention of European nationalists, in Milan, Italy, Friday, Jan. 29, 2016. The rally is being billed by organizers as the first congress of the Europe of Nations and Freedom group within the European Parliament, which was formed last year. (AP Photo/Antonio Calanni)
From left, Northern League leader Matteo Salvini, French far right leader Marine Le Pen and Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders as they create EU Freedom group earlier this year. (AP Photo/Antonio Calanni)

Now, leaders, of what The Guardian wants you to be sure to understand, the FAR-RIGHT, are over the moon!  Longtime readers of RRW surely don’t need a big dissertation from me to explain that this vote was all about immigration and whether countries can choose for themselves who enters and what sort of nation they will be.
I bet a buck that if German Chancellor Angela Merkel had never “welcomed” hordes of mostly Muslims from Africa and the Middle East to invade Europe and then demanded that other countries in the EU take them in when Germany became overwhelmed, this vote would never have come out the way it did. (It might never have been called!)
I hope this sends a resounding message to the American electorate as we learn that a new wave of thousands upon thousands of border crossers are entering the US right now and Obama is pushing for his own flood of mostly Muslim refugees to change America as he promised he would 8 years ago.
Here is what The Guardian is reporting this morning:

Europe’s far-right parties hailed the UK’s vote to leave the European Union as a victory for their own anti-immigrant and anti-EU stance and vowed to push for similar referendums in their own countries.

France’s Front National (FN) saw it as a clear boost for Marine Le Pen’s presidential bid next year and momentum for the party’s anti-Europe and anti-immigration line.

Le Pen told RTL radio: “Like a lot of French people, I’m very happy that the British people held on and made the right choice. What we thought was impossible yesterday has now become possible.”


The Dutch far-right and anti-immigration leader Geert Wilders called on Friday for a referendum on the Netherlands’ membership of the European Union.

“I think it’s historic,” he told Dutch radio. “I think it could also have huge consequences for the Netherlands and the rest of Europe. Now it’s our turn. I think the Dutch people must now be given the chance to have their say in a referendum.”


In Germany, Beatrix von Storch, an MEP for rightwing populist party Alternative für Deutschland, who was recently expelled from the Tories’ party group in the European Parliament over her “shooting refugees” comments, welcomed the result.

“The 23 June is a historic day. It is Great Britain’s independence day. The people were asked – and they decided. The European Union as a political union has failed.”


… the leader of Italy’s far-right Northern League party was swift to celebrate the Brexit outcome. “Hurrah for the courage of free citizens! Heart, head and pride beat lies, threats and blackmail. THANKS UK, now it’s our turn,” said Matteo Salvini, whose popularity has increased in recent years on the back of an anti-EU, anti-immigration platform.

More here.   Check it out and see how many times the reporters use the phrase “far-right”….funny!
I watched CNN’s reporting this morning and Christiane Amanpour was interviewing some FAR-LEFT British pol and he called Le Pen a Nazi.  The international NO Borders agitators are squirming and wetting their pants today, name calling is all they have left. Hey, George Soros you lose! (And, Obama that is two losses for you in two days!)