Silly season in Mexico as the country considers ‘welcoming’ Syrian refugees

Have you ever heard anything so ridiculous!

José Antonio Meade, Mexico’s Secretary of External Relations: Sure, we might take some Syrians from Lebanon! (This must be a joke!)

As Mexico happily unloads its poor on America and allows Central Americans easy passage through Mexico so they too can ‘benefit’ from US generosity, the government of Mexico is considering becoming a recipient of impoverished Syrian refugees (and most will be Muslims).

They think they might like to follow in Uruguay’s footsteps (we already know the Uruguay experiment is failing, see here).


MEXICO CITY, Mexico – After a high-level meeting between the representatives of Mexico and Lebanon, the world’s largest Spanish-speaking country could follow in the footsteps of fellow Latin American nation Uruguay by accepting Syrians fleeing from the unrest in their homeland from overburdened refugee camps in Lebanon.

The Lebanese Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants, Gebran Bassil, was in Mexico City for a meeting with his Mexican counterpart, José Antonio Meade, to “solidify political dialogue at the highest level” and “strengthen the ties of friendship and cooperation” that unite the two countries.


Meade acknowledged that the impact this sort of encumbrance has on a nation is “huge,” both in terms of the economy and society as a whole. Lebanon should be noted and praised for its “generosity, dedication and international commitment to this massive humanitarian issues.”

Secondly, the Middle Eastern country should be lauded for its “expressions of support for any measure of help that becomes available from any point of view,” according to Meade, who then added that “Mexico is open to the reception of refugees.”


If Mexico does go ahead with the acceptance of Syrian refugees, it would make it the second Latin American nation to officially do so after Uruguay.

Gee, maybe Mexico has better security screening than the US does?  Nah!

And, if they have the resources for Syrian refugees, why didn’t they take care of all those ‘Unaccompanied alien children’ (the so-called refugees) who passed through Mexico last summer?

Catholic Bishops, other “religious” refugee resettlement contractors might soon be out of business thanks to Obama

…..Or, will they give up their moral convictions on abortion in exchange for cold hard federal cash!

The Bishops and Catholic Charities between a rock and a hard place. Moral of the story: When you take Caesar’s money, Caesar owns you!

We previously told you about Obama’s pen (rule change) that would require any agency getting federal payola to abide by federal rules on sexual orientation of employees.  I’m not sure this is part of that same Executive order, but it is the same concept—take federal money, follow federal rules.

Remember readers (and for our many new readers!), the US Conference of Catholic Bishops gets 98% of its funding from the US Treasury.  See here also.

This should be a great lesson for all who want to put their grubby hands into the taxpayers’ pockets!  You do it and the government then owns you!

From World Magazine (no where in the story is it mentioned how much these ‘religious’ charities get from the feds).  They have until June 24th to comply or lose their federal grants:

The Obama administration has issued interim final rules that require faith-based organizations to offer abortion referrals for unaccompanied child refugees entering the United States. The new regulations may restrict faith-based organizations’ ability to provide refugee aid, Catholic and evangelical relief organizations said.

Issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement, the rules set official standards for responding to sexual abuse among children entering the United States without their parents. But by requiring faith-based organizations to offer or refer abortions, the Obama administration has violated the organizations’ conscience rights, said Susan Yoshihara, senior vice president at the Center for Family and Human Rights. Currently, six of the nine resettlement organizations in the United States are faith-based.

If the six ‘religious’ refugee contractors use their own private funds they would not have their CONSCIENCES violated!

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) formally protested the rules Friday, joined by World Vision, National Association of Evangelicals, World Relief, and Catholic Relief Services.  [So where is Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, one of the largest recipients of federal cash for the “children.”  Not interested in their moral convictions.—ed]

The organizations stressed their commitment to their moral convictions, though hoping to resolve the conflict between the rules and their pro-life beliefs.

See all of our coverage of the ‘Unaccompanied minors’ issue, here.  The USCCB is one of the largest recipients of federal funds to care for the kids and has been for a number of years.  In 2014, 58,000 ‘unaccompanied minors’ entered the US which means, of course, that there is a lot of federal $$$ sloshing around to care for them.

Ken Tota takes over temporarily at federal Office of Refugee Resettlement

Leaving some juicy stories not yet posted today, we’ve gotta take care of a little Washington inside baseball for our diehard readers.

Ken Tota, new ORR Director (for now).

Many of you know that there was some controversy involving the ‘Unaccompanied minors’ crisis that caused the head honcho at the Office of Refugee Resettlement to abruptly resign late last year.  We mentioned his resignation here.

Now the Department of Health and Human Services has announced his replacement (at least for now) and has chosen Ken Tota already holding a position in ORR to step into the job.

In keeping with the modus operandi in the refugee resettlement industry, Tota (see his bio) came to his federal job from one of the contractors.

Before entering civil service, Ken was the Cuban Haitian Program Coordinator for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) in Washington, DC and Miami, FL.

He had also worked on the ‘Unaccompanied minors’ program at ORR.

These people just move shamelessly through the revolving door between government granting/contracting agency and private NGO contractor (some have moved back and forth several times!).  There really should be a law to make this practice completely illegal!

Here is the recent announcement of Tota’s appointment:

Dear colleagues:

As you may know, Eskinder Negash stepped down from his position as Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) at the end of January.

ORR Deputy Director Ken Tota will be Acting Director for ORR until a new Director is appointed.

In addition, Carl Rubenstein is stepping in as Acting Director for the Division of Refugee Assistance (DRA), following Mitiku Ashebir’s recent retirement.

ORR would also like to announce a new ORR Chief of Staff, Kate Wolff who will be working in the Office of the Director focusing on response planning and interdepartmental communications strategies. Kate brings five years of experience working at the Department, most recently as Special Assistant to Secretary Sebelius.

You may find a full directory of ORR Staff posted on our website, or call us at (202) 401-9246.

Thank you,


Norway: ‘Unaccompanied children’ invasion controversy could bring down government

Christian Tybring-Gjedde believes immigration policy to be the single most important political issue facing Norwegian society.


Here is the news this week at The Local.  I will leave it to interested readers to sort out the machinations of the various political factions in Norway, but I wanted our readers to know this invasion of the ‘children’ that is plaguing America (see our archive on ‘unaccompanied minors here) is also threatening Europe.

There is no question in my mind that this world-wide phenomenon–‘poor’ children flooding to Western countries—is being ginned-up by the international Marxist/Communist Left.

The Local:

A senior figure in Norway’s anti-immigrant Progress Party has warned that a no-confidence motion against Justice Minister Anders Anundsen over refugee children, if carried out, would “automatically” cause the ruling right-wing coalition to collapse.

Christian Tybring-Gjedde, one of the most outspoken anti-immigration figures in Norwegian politics, issued his threat on Monday in an article published in the left-wing Klasskampen newspaper.

“If they submit a no-confidence motion against the Justice Minister it will automatically cause the whole government to collapse,” he warned. “If the Liberals keep harassing him in this way, there will not be a government sitting for much longer.”

Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here Click here for our previous posts on Norway.

Obama expands refugee program with plan for Central American children

And their children and their children!

The “children” won’t need to ride in on top of a train. We will be flying them in just as we do refugees from around the world.

Neil Munro at The Daily Caller today reported on the expansion of refugee resettlement to include what essentially involves the US State Department going to three Central American countries and bringing back the “kids.”

Oh, yeh, they say their “legal” parent in the US has to apply for them, but effectively we are picking them up.   And, the contractor racket continues because applications can only be filed with refugee contractors listed here.

The Daily Caller quotes us:

President Obama’s new border security plan is being expanded to allow illegals in the United States to bring their children, their adult children, their grandchildren and even step-parents into the United States.

Obama is opening “a whole new pipeline for legal migration,” said Ann Corcoran, editor of Refugee Resettlement Watch. Once the new program is established, future officials can expand it to include more economic migrants from more poor countries, she told The Daily Caller.

I’m asked all the time, what can be done?  This is pretty much it:

The program is being run in cooperation with federal contractors, such as Catholic Charities, said Corcoran. Those contractors will lobby Congress to keep the program funded until the public elects pro-American legislators to Congress, she said.

Ethnic groups will also support the program, partly because it allows new economic migrants quick access to the many federal welfare and aid programs that are normally off-limits to illegal immigrants.  [They want to be declared “refugees” to get the welfare goodies! The kid will anchor the whole family!—ed]

I’ve been writing about the ‘Invasion of Europe,’ but sad to say, we are there now too!  The Invasion of America is well underway. Can we stop it in time?

Our previous post on Obama opening the “refugee” flood gates for the “children” is here.

If you wonder why government leaders in those countries (which will be losing their children) don’t seem to care if the next generation is leaving, it is because of remittances baby!  They want the money, money, money the migrants send home.

***Update***  International Business Times mentions RRW too, here.