It appears that the reason the resettlement of mostly Sunni Syrians to the US (less than 1,000) in roughly the same time period as Canada is seeding 25,000 throughout our neighbor to the north, is that the US is taking serious security measures while Canada is not. The UN’s man in Jordan, Andrew Harper: Canada was able to get thousands moved to Canada because they are less interested in security than the US government is…hummm!
Obama has promised 10,000 will be resettled here before September 30th (the last day of fiscal year 2016), but so far deep in the bowels of our security apparatus some officials are taking their jobs seriously. That said, the WaPo tells us that the screening is being dramatically stepped up right now.
Here is the Washington Post (skipping the obligatory ‘poster mom and kids’ that open the report!):
….by the end of February, less than 1,000 Syrians have made it to the United States, and resettlement experts question whether the United States can reach its target by September.
Between February and April, the State Department and Homeland Security Department are pulling in additional staff to Jordan to help interview more and more Syrian applicants. The U.S. Embassy in Jordan said 30 officers from Homeland Security have been posted to Jordan and a new facility has been opened. Similiar efforts are underway in Lebanon and Iraq.
The U.N. refugee agency, which first interviews Syrians and refers vulnerable cases to U.S. authorities, also have shifted into a higher level of energy. Staff have been relocated to Amman from across the region, with evening shifts being put in place. In phone banks, U.N. staff members call refugees who may eligible for resettlement.
Andrew Harper, the U.N. refugee agency’s representative to Jordan, said the speedy resettlement of 25,000 Syrians in Canada has shown what can be done. But the big difference between Canada and the United States, Harper acknowledged, is their level of security concerns.
More here. It simply is not true what the ‘humanitarians’ claim that terrorists don’t get in to the US as refugees. Even the New York Times admits they do, here.
Just a reminder! If Bernie or Hillary are elected President in November, you can be sure there will be no interruption in the flow of Middle Eastern and North African Muslims to the US. It will be all over for us because after 4 or 8 more years of unabated flow, erasing America will be a done deal. Get everyone you know to the polls this year!
The new UNHCR is Fillipo Grandi who will now be deciding which Syrians will be coming to your towns.
Time to get the United Nations out of this process?
You have heard me say for years that the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is choosing the refugees arriving in your American towns. Now, Nayla Rush at theCenter for Immigration Studies in Washington, DC has done her homework and explains how the process works.
For all of you worried about security screening for Syrian (and other refugees from terror-producing countries), continue to be afraid.
Here is just a small bit of Rush’s important (sourced) report:
What is not common knowledge is that we are also giving another group of people a delicate assignment to accomplish within the refugee resettlement program. Whether this is being accomplished successfully is open to question.
The United States is entrusting the staff of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) with the entire selection and pre-screening process of Syrian refugees eligible for resettlement in the United States. “UNHCR is the United States’ largest partner overseas. We provide substantial funding to that agency,” said Larry Bartlett from the State Department.11 The United States has donated $4.5 billion to UNHCR since the beginning of the Syrian crisis in 2011. For those who question its humanitarian outreach, the United States is the most generous donor to the refugee cause of any nation inthe world. [For new readers: See Larry Bartlett in action in Twin Falls, Idaho last fall by clicking here. Is he working for Chobani Yogurtby supplying the company with cheap labor?]
The UNHCR is deciding not only who can move to the United States, it is also choosing who gets a chance to become American and who doesn’t. Given such high stakes, Americans should be encouraged to question this opaque system.
Read it all.
I would love to see some brave Members of Congress, or a Senator or two, demand that we choose our own refugees and get the United Nations out of the selection process! Stop funding any function of the UNHCR which select ‘new Americans.’ Let them take care of refugees elsewhere. ***Update***See more about what you can do at American Resistance 2016!Click here.
For the last 8 years we’ve been telling you about Antonio Guterres, the hardcore Socialist and Islamic apologist who was the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, but he is out now as his ten-year tenure came to a close in November. Fillipo Grandi replaces Guterres.
The new man, who will be responsible for choosing refugees that arrive in your home town, is an Italian. I have no time today to check into his background, but will in the coming days and weeks. However, be sure you start focusing on him because he is in charge of determining America’s future as he chooses refugees headed to the US.
The story is here at Deutsche Welle:
Italian Filippo Grandi is the new face of the UN refugee agency UNHCR. Despite the biggest refugee crisis since World War II, his organization is grappling with a chronic lack of funds.
At this point in time, it’s hard to imagine someone assuming a more difficult job: Italian Filippo Grandi is the new head of 9,300-odd employees in around 123 countries. But even more impressive than that kind of responsibility for staff is his mandate. [I wonder what percentage of this workforce you pay for!—ed]
As United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Grandi is tasked with ensuring the safety and survival of refugees worldwide. According to preliminary calculations, the number of displaced persons has reached a new high in 2015, with more than 60 million people driven from their homes.
What do you notice about this graphic? The vast majority of refugees in the world have been created by Islamic violence.
I’m glad I read to the end because it’s this last line you should be worried about!
…UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon selected Grandi in mid-November. The Italian has now assumed one of the key posts within the UN hierarchy. His predecessor, Guterres, is now regarded as a promising candidate for the post of Secretary General.
We have many many posts at RRW on Guterres, go here to see them all. One of my all-time favorites is this one where Guterres credits Sharia law (not Judeo-Christian charity) for creating a refugee tradition throughout history. So then let the Muslim countries take care of their own refugees!
Editor: Have a Happy Thanksgiving. I’ll be away from the computer for a couple of days, so that means no comments will be posted until I get back to work. Here is a little weekend pleasure-reading for you!
You’ve heard me mention several times that on the day before the Paris Islamic terror attack, Don Barnett and I briefed staff of Congressmen and Senators on Capitol Hill on the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program. The briefing was organized by ACT for America. Again, this was before Paris and the whole refugee world was turned on its head.
House of Representatives Briefing
November 12, 2015
~Refugee definition: The 1951 Refugee Convention spells out that a refugee is someone who “owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable to, or owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country.”
However, there has been an intentional expansion of the definition. (Unaccompanied Alien Children is an example).
This is Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan, one of the camps where the UNHCR is choosing our Syrian refugees.
~The Refugee Act of 1980 created the Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) presently being administered to resettle approximately 70,000 refugees each year (in recent years) to the US.
~The Obama Administration increased the projected ceiling to 85,000 for FY2016. 10,000 of those slots are earmarked for Syrian refugees presently being referred to the US by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) which says it has selected 20,000 for consideration so far.
~When the President sends his “Determination” to Congress in advance of the fiscal year (two weeks in advance is required!) it is accompanied by a report (Proposed Refugee Admissions for Fiscal Year 2016). There is supposed to be a legally required consultation with Congress.
~There will be large increases this year from Africa including (but not limited to) DR Congo, Eritrea and Sudan. The largest number of refugees arriving in recent years are from: Burma (Myanmar), Bhutan/Nepal, Iraq, and Somalia. We admitted 120,000 Iraqis since 2007.
~In FY2015, we admitted 1,682 Syrian refugees, less than 40 were Christians/other minorities.
~In 2014, the United States took in 67% of the refugees resettled around the world. The next closest country was Canada with 9.9%.
~The UNHCR refers most of our refugees. The Department of Homeland Security is charged with doing the security screening. The Dept. of State (Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration) works with nine major refugee contractors who along with the State Dept. determine their placement in America. The Dept. of Health and Human Services (Office of Refugee Resettlement) provides grants and additional federal funding mostly through those nine non-profit agencies.
~The anticipated cost to the US Treasury of the resettlement process (not including welfare/Medicaid/education costs) is projected to be just short of $1.2 billion for FY2016.
~The nine non-profit agencies contracted to resettle refugees include: US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, Episcopal Migration Ministries, World Relief (Evangelicals), Church World Service, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, International Rescue Committee, Ethiopian Community Development Council, and the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants.
~There are 312 subcontractors working under the nine major contractors in 185 locations around the country. There are 24 offices located around the country for the processing of Unaccompanied Alien Children. A placement site map is available on line (attached).
~The states receiving the highest number of refugees in FY2015 were in descending order: TX, CA, NY, PA, FL, GA, MI, AZ, WA, and NC.
~States receiving no refugees in 2014 or 2015 were: WY, MT. Delaware received none in 2014.
~State and local elected officials have virtually no say in the resettlement process. This is especially so in the so-called Wilson-Fish states where the state doesn’t even have a refugee office under state government and the program is completely run through the US State Department and a non-profit organization. Those states are: AL, AL, CO, ID, KY, LA, MA, NV, ND, SD, TN, VT and San Diego County.
~Refugees are a special class of legal immigrant which permits them to receive virtually all forms of welfare upon arrival.
~Grassroots opposition is growing throughout the US to the resettlement process mostly due to the lack of transparency and the fear of Islamic radicals who might get in through the program.
Some points regarding the proposed Syrian resettlement and the European migration crisis:
~Only about 50% of the migrants flooding Europe today are Syrians. The next highest number are from Afghanistan.
~These are a mix of asylum seekers and economic migrants. Asylum seekers must prove that just as refugees, they fear returning to their homelands for fear of persecution (escaping war per se has never been a part of the refugee definition).
~We are not expected to get refugees from the European flow (Malta exception). Ours will come through UN referrals from mostly UNHCR camps and regional offices.
~The refugee resettlement contractors (NGOs mentioned above) working with the US State Department began advocating several years ago for the resettlement of 15,000 Syrians per year for each of the next 5 years. They then modified their request to 65,000 Syrians before Pres. Obama leaves office. Subsequently they have demanded 100,000 Syrians before 2017.
~Earlier 14 US Senators wrote to the President asking for 65,000 Syrians. A total of 84 Senators and Members of Congress have subsequently urged the President to speed up security screening.
~FBI Director James Comey has told Congress that Syrians cannot be thoroughly screened because the Administration has no access to data (biographic or biometric) on most of them.
This post is filed in our category entitled ‘where to find information’which now contains 401 previous posts.
This is something I want you to be aware of, and perhaps encourage one of you to delve deeper into—the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”—which has recently added migration to its core mission. I think that stalling refugee resettlement to America may stall their global agenda, wouldn’t you agree? “Ms. [Amina] Mohammed, 54, has served as the top United Nations diplomat responsible for corralling countries to commit to a spectacularly ambitious set of global development goals, meant to save the planet and its most vulnerable people. Known as the Sustainable Development Goals, or Agenda 2030 after the deadline for meeting them…” is all I know, the subject popped up in a tweet today so I followed the threads to this news from theInternational Organization for Migration which is the US federal contractor that prepares refugees for their move to America.
On 25 September 2015, world leaders made history by adopting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in New York. This wide-ranging and ambitious agenda, which includes the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), marks the culmination of over two-years of negotiation and broad, inclusive consultations with stakeholders from across the world. [I bet there was no taxpayer rights group among the “stakeholders.”—ed]
For the first time, the issue of migration has been included in the global development framework, representing a marked shift from the Millennium Development Goals and a timely recognition of the diverse interlinkages between migration and development.
It is now up to the international community as a whole to ensure that we achieve these global goals over the next fifteen years, making the world a better place for all, including migrants.
We know that the UN High Commissioner for Refugees is picking most US-bound refugees. By slowing third world migration to the US, you are helping to slow the United Nations’ goals for us! That is enough incentive for me!
If you are up to doing some research, I’d be happy to post what you find!