135 immigrants suspected of entering Turkey illegally were arrested in Turkey’s eastern province of Igdir, according to Igdir city police department.
Last week, the city’s security forces began operations to prevent human trafficking by checking highways to catch illegal immigrants.
During the operations, Turkish police officers revealed that they plan to deport the 135 illegal immigrants caught, including 120 Pakistanis, 11 Afghanis, three Somalis, and one Iranian national.
The migrants attempting to get into Australia are largely from those same countries, so why the double standard?
It is working for Australia and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees is not happy.
If you have been following our reports on Australia (here) you know that after decades of boat people arriving on their shores and demanding asylum, the Abbott government is actively turning them back at sea (most are from faraway Muslim countries).
This is the caption published with the photo: “Somali immigrants gather at a hotel where Indonesian authorities have billeted asylum seekers hoping to reach Australia. (AFP/JEMS)”
Just a reminder, a legitimate asylum seeker asks for refugee status in the first safe country he or she arrives in. These ‘boat people’ have traveled through many safe countries before embarking on a sea voyage to Australia. They are mostly ECONOMIC MIGRANTS, not legal refugees, who want to live in a first world country. Most are also Muslims (Al-Hijra).
Remember this photo from earlier this year. These are Somalis in Indonesia planning their next move to get to Australia. Indonesia is a safe country, why didn’t they ask for asylum there?
The United Nations refugee agency has asked Australia to prove it is not breaching the Refugee Convention with its policy of turning back asylum seeker boats.
Speaking in Jakarta, the UNHCR’s regional representative says the Australian Government has not responded to the UN’s concerns about the policies.
The request for information was made in January.
UNHCR regional representative James Lynch says people from seven boats that have been returned to Indonesia recently told the UN agency they made it to Australian land or at least its territorial waters.
He says if that is true, Australia’s responsibility is to allow them to be processed as asylum seekers.
Mr Lynch says it is significant that thousands of asylum seekers arrived in Australia until late last year but it is not a crisis by world standards.
Lynch goes on to compare Australia to the countries immediately surrounding Syria and says those countries have a crisis. Well, they are also Muslim countries and we are told by the UNHCR that Muslims are the world’s inspiration for taking care of the stranger—-remember that in 2009 the UNHCR was sucking up to the promoters of Shariah Law. I’m o.k. with giving those countries the credit as long as they keep the “refugees.”
Waahhhh! Australia not following international law!
Mr Lynch has been attending a two-day meeting about protecting asylum seekers at sea. It attracted delegates from 13 countries, including Australia, and was co-hosted by Indonesia and the United Nations refugee agency.
He says the UNHCR understands Australia wants to stop people-smuggling networks and prevent deaths at sea but it needs to comply with its international obligations.
“There are obligations as a signatory to the 1951 Convention and the 1967 protocol, which say: if you intercept in your territorial waters, you should allow those in need of protection to have access to the asylum system,” he said.
Australian immigration minister: so what else is new, they have always opposed our policy, and besides these aren’t refugees!
Immigration Minister Scott Morrison says he disagrees with the UNHCR’s criticism of the Federal Government’s policy.
Civil patrols in Sofia—Bulgaria for Bulgarians! http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/15/world/europe/far-right-gains-as-syrians-reach-eastern-europe.html?_r=0
This is just a short news item to keep our Bulgaria archive up-to-date. Bulgaria, on the border with Turkey, has been a gateway for Syrians andAfricans to slip through the border from Turkey and get a foothold in Europe. They really do not want to stay in Bulgaria, wanting instead to get to the countries with more goodies to give away, like Germany.
Should they slip through their country of entry, the EU has a policy that says “asylum seekers” must be returned to the first country in which they arrived to be processed there, thus placing the largest ‘refugee’ burden on border countries, like Italy, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria and Malta.
According to the UN, Bulgaria had been doing such a rotten job taking care of refugees, that previously the so-called refugees were not returned there. Now that has changed. Notice that the UN is calling the shots, the EU isn’t even in charge.
The UN’s refugee agency said Tuesday it was partially lifting a call to stop returning asylum seekers to Bulgaria because conditions there had improved.
Under current rules, European countries must return asylum seekers to the first country on the continent they arrive in.
But in January the United Nations urged European nations to suspend all returns to Bulgaria, citing “systematic deficiencies in reception conditions and asylum procedures” after the country was swamped with refugees from war-ravaged Syria.
See all of our recent posts on the ‘invasion of Europe’ here.
This ‘news’ is all over our alerts today along with ‘news’ of Angelina Jolie visiting Syrian refugees as a special envoy for the UN. Looks like a stepped-up PR campaign!
Jolie in head scarf visits refugee kids in Lebanon. http://www.nagalandpost.com/ChannelNews/Infotainment/Infotainmentnews.aspx?news=TkVXUzEwMDA1NzA5NQ%3D%3D
Watch for it!—The announcement of how many Syrians the US will take this year should be out soon (or maybe it’s out already?). Will it be the 2,000 discussed previously or the 12,000-15,000 the contractors want? Remember also that the Obama Administration has lifted the ‘terrorism bar’primarily for the Syrians. ***Update*** Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society calls for 75,000 Syrians, here.
The United Nations has warned that the influx of Syrian refugees into Lebanon poses a serious threat to the country’s stability and the region.
According to the reports, Ninette Kelley, regional representative for Lebanon for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees on Friday said: “There is not a single country in the world today that is shouldering as much in proportion to its size as Lebanon.”
Kelley said the influx of one million Syrian refugees into neighboring Lebanon has pushed up the country’s population by one-fourth.
This inflicts a major strain on Lebanon’s public infrastructure as people fleeing violence in Syria seek housing, food, and healthcare at a time of economic slowdown in the country.
The UN official described the influx as a threat to the country’s economy and warned that it would also make a spillover of the conflict in Syria into Lebanon more likely.
Kelley made comments on his visit to Washington and a week after Lebanese Foreign Minister GebranBassil said the crisis in Syria is threatening the existence of Lebanon, which has gone through a year-long political crisis.
Meanwhile a Reuters story tells us that the US is the single largest donor of humanitarian aid in the Syrian situation. But for the ‘human rights’ gang this will not be enough—thousands of the Syrians need to be living in American cities and towns to satisfy them.
The United States has been the largest single donor of assistance related to the conflict in Syria. The U.S. State Department says that U.S. humanitarian assistance across the region related to the conflict amounts to $1.7 billion to date.
If you see the big announcement before we do—please let us know!
Guterres also said the US must show the world how to be generous to refugees (bring in the Syrians!) and that European nations are just flat out “very selfish” (note he didn’t chastise the Muslim countries, like Saudi Arabia, which refuse refugees and deport any who sneak in).
Antonio Guterres is the former Socialist President of Portugal and noted in his tet-a-tet with the Bishops that not much in the violent world has changed in the ten years he has been the UN High Commissioner for Refugees—gee I wonder why—could it be continued Muslim aggression?
UNHCR Guterres at the Washington, DC offices of the Bishops. The word around town is that the US State Department funds this office! That is the Bishop’s migration chief Johnny Young (center).
Before we tell you about the meeting, keep the following information firmly in mind. This is where the USCCB Migration and Refugee Services gets its money—mostly from the US taxpayer! From their most recent published annual report, here(p.11).The USCCB is effectively a federal agency! They are the largest of the nine major federal refugee contractors.
Revenue (in rounded numbers)
Federal grants/contracts: $66 million
Refugee travel loans (your tax dollars too): $3.6 million
Total revenue: $71 million (which leaves less than $1.5 million from private charitable giving)
Guterres visits the Bishops (he was probably in town to lobby the Obama Administration to open our doors to Syrians). From the National Catholic Reporter:
The role of the Catholic church is invaluable in keeping refugees safe, said the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres, but his agency and others working with migrants need much, much more.
Speaking to a meeting of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Migration and staff members of church agencies that deal with migrants, Guterres said the church is vital to helping victims of situations such as the volatile upheaval in the Central African Republic.
There, although the recent conflict is often described as a Christians versus Muslims crisis, the reality is that “religion is being used by unscrupulous political partisans,”Guterres said. That created an environment that’s very difficult for humanitarian agencies to handle. “They began using religion for propaganda.”
Guterres said several times during his meeting Monday that although much of the violence in Central African Republic appears to be based upon religion, the reality is that in many hot spots there, the Catholic church is keeping Muslims safe.That includes the chief imam of Bangui, Omar Kobine Layama, who has been sleeping in the home of Bangui Archbishop Dieudonne Nzapalainga for safety.
Conflicts unchanging over ten years!
Guterres, a former prime minister of Portugal, said in the nearly 10 years he has headed the U.N. agency charged with protecting and resettling the world’s refugees, he has come to see that the type of conflicts around the world are both unchanging and multiplying.
We are all for free speech, but it is just so infuriating that this is being said on our dime! Europe trying to save itself from cultural and economic annihilation is selfish? Johnny and Antonio probably went off to a lavish lunch on us as well!
European nations, for example, “have become very selfish,” he said. Although many European countries are dependent upon migrants to maintain the vitality of their society, new laws are making it difficult for refugees and other migrants to resettle.
Guterres: Catholics need to keep lobbying the government to bring in more refugees, especially the Syrians!
He urged the church to continue to advocate for the U.S. government to set an example for the world of generous treatment of people who must flee their homelands.
“The U.S. has the largest refugee resettlement program in the world,” Guterres said. “The way the U.S. behaves is extremely important” to how the rest of the world responds.
He said he hopes the U.S. will soon announce a resettlement program for Syrians…
Every American Catholic concerned about the Bishops’ hands being in the taxpayers’ pockets (and thus possibly being controlled by the federal government) must start speaking up in your parishes.