But I guess we should be glad that she isn’t going to be Secretary of State. It would have been much better all around if she had been tapped as Ambassador to India (as several of our readers suggested!) See breaking news at The Hill.
At the UN, Haley will replace the truly awful Samantha Power (our lengthy Power archive is here), but will she have the gumption to stare down the new UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, an avowed Socialist, who, as UN High Commissioner for Refugees, presided over (and encouraged!) the refugee invasion of Europe and has been pushing the US and other western countries to permanently resettle hundreds of thousands of Muslim migrants for the last decade.
For more on Guterres our archive is here.
Indeed the UN is picking the refugees the US has been taking and that is the reason almost all Syrians entering the US are Muslim and not persecuted Christians.
In recent months we have seen the Mormon Church (Mitt Romney is a Mormon) get behind the resettlement of refugees, including Syrians and Somalis, in a big way, see here. For eight of the nine years I’ve written about the program, Mormons stayed out of the issue. Also, remember that faced with the hard left calling him a racist, Romney squished-out on immigration in 2012 (one reason that cost him the election in my opinion).
A combo of Haley (who did nothing to stand in the way of the refugee resettlement program as it arrived full force in SC two years ago) at the UN and Romney in the State Department will (I predict) not bode well for reining-in the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program. (What is Trump thinking?) If Romney is selected as Secretary of State, he will show his true colors by who he picks (or encourages Trump to pick) to replace Anne Richard as Asst. Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration.
However, keep fingers crossed that Trump picks a hard liner on Muslim migration for State who can also keep Haley under control at the UN.
We will be watching……
Guess I won’t be retiring anytime soon!
P.S. Here is what Grover Norquist (who has been pushing for more Muslim migration to America ever since I began writing RRW in 2007) said on twitter this morning on hearing the news:
The ‘WE’ of course being the great planners and social engineers of the universe, including the environmentalists and the human rights gang (the UN surely).
In a recent article in Nature, the authors say the world’s population will grow by 1 billion by 2030 and they are plotting where would it be best for the earthto put that next billion (if they were granted permission I suppose to move people around the globe—but wait! Isn’t that what the UN is already doing without permission?). No surprise! Most of the population that will expand is in Africa and Asia so those people would presumably need to be moved. Here is the story at the Daily Mail:
Academics Richard T.T. Forman and Jinguo Wu mapped out areas around the world where these additional people could live most sustainably.
[They] ruled out regions with already dense populations as well as areas with high water stress, extreme climates and unique species.
In Nature, the two professors called for ‘worldwide coordination’ to promote a balanced population in a way that would minimize the ‘already heavy ecological footprint on our finite Earth’.
So check it out. Do you live in a population dump target zone? Yellow! And, to a lesser degree blue!
Sure looks like the excess population of the Middle East/North Africa would be moved elsewhere. Did you ever wonder why there is complete silence on the subject of excessive population growth in Muslim countries? UN family planning for Muslims!
No, you know the answer, these population police are afraid to tell Muslims that they need to stick to 2 children per family to save the planet! Ha! Ha! I would love to see the new Secretary General of the UN—Antonio Guterres—take on that project (UN family planning for Muslims!). Hey, if we send so much money to the UN maybe a Trump administration could demand that such a program be launched!
Although we haven’t said much about it lately, you might be interested in our ‘Climate refugees’ category because although I’m not a big conspiracy hunter it doesn’t take much to figure out that the great minds and social engineers are busy getting all this in place. Maybe the Refugee Program is part of the overall plan to soften us up for kill.
2030 is not far away!
Longtime readers of Refugee Resettlement Watchwill surely know the name since Guterres served for ten years as the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and his office was primarily responsible for the flow of refugees coming to the US now. He is responsible for the fact that most Syrians chosen by the UNHCR to come to America are Sunni Muslims, not Christians.
I thought when I heard the news that his tenure as UNHCR ended in December 2015, that he would be disappearing into the sunset (or catching some rays on a Portuguese beach) after arguably helping create a migrant crisis (or at least his leadership did nothing much to stem it) that looks like it will ultimately swallow the European continent.
Frankly, as I read about him, saw him in person once***, and followed the UNHCR, I saw him as a sullen, lackluster, uninspiring socialist ideologue that he is. But, he must have something going for him at the UN to be chosen over other more colorful, less ideological and more accomplished contenders. I’m guessing he was a favorite of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
Perhaps my impression of him as an apologist for Islam was seared in 2009 when he wrote a forward to a study that maintains that it is Shariah law that underpins the world tradition of helping refugees, of welcoming the stranger—not Judaism and Christianity. I was stunned and wrote a postlisting all of the Muslim countries headed by Saudi Arabia that do not welcome strangers, not even their fellow Muslims (none have welcomed the Palestinians!), and God forbid would never welcome Jewish or Christian refugees.
Here is the news story that I was responding to:
New York, 23 June (AKI) – The 1,400-year-old Islamic custom of welcoming people fleeing persecution has had more influence on modern international refugee law than any other traditional source, according to a new study sponsored by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
High Commissioner Antonio Guterres said that more than any other historical source, Islamic law and tradition underpin the modern-day legal framework on which UNHCR bases its global activities on behalf of the tens of millions of people forced from their homes around the world.
This includes the right of everyone to seek asylum as well as prohibitions against sending those needing protection back into danger, Guterres said in the foreword to “The Right to Asylum between Islamic Sharia and International Refugee Law: A Comparative Study.”
In the study, Professor Abu Al-Wafa, Dean of the Law Faculty at Cairo University, describes how Islamic law and tradition respects refugees, including non-Muslims; forbids forcing them to change their beliefs; avoids compromising their rights; seeks to reunite families; and guarantees the protection of their lives and property.
Now, again, check out my listfrom 2009 showing just how Muslim countries are NOT (in fact) helping resettle refugees but are moving them on to the West, Australia, and the US.
Since 2009, when I wrote about Guterres comments, several Muslim countries have taken in Syrian refugees (they had no choice as they flowed across borders). Countries such as Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey are flooded (Saudi Arabia still takes none). However, whenever someone starts to give you that equivalence argument, always remember that the refugees in those countries will not become permanent, voting, citizens. Their residence is temporary. That is not so with refugees coming to the US—they come permanently and become citizens. And, it is the permanent requirement that Guterres has been pushing for years.
Back to Guterres
We are told in several news accounts that he became a member of the Socialist Party in his native Portugal in 1974 (at age 25). By the way, Portugal, to this day, takes very few refugees.
Here is one account at the BBC:
Speaking earlier this year, Richard Gowan, a UN expert at the European Council on Foreign Relations, said insiders believed Mr Guterres, from Portugal, “could give the UN the kind of kick up the backside it needs”.
Mr Guterres was born in Lisbon in 1949. He studied engineering and physics at the Instituto Superior Tecnico, before going into academia after graduating in 1971.
But academia only held the fervent Catholic’s interest for a couple of years. He joined the Socialist party in 1974 – the same year five decades of dictatorship came to an end in Portugal – and soon became a full-time politician. In 1995, three years after being elected the Socialist party’s secretary general, he was voted in as prime minister, a position he held until 2002.
Missing from this resume and other accounts I have read is that he was not only a Socialist in Portugal, but lead Socialist Internationalas its President from 1999-2005, immediately preceding his tenure as UNHCR. See more hereat wikipedia.
Get out from under the United Nations’ thumb!
So it strikes me that this might be a good time for Americans to reignite a demand that we begin to extricate ourselves (and our money!) from the United Nations.
Indeed we are placing refugees in your towns and cities that have been chosen by the United Nations for us and what do we see—a rapidly expanding increase in the Muslim refugees chosen for us.
And, btw, I don’t believe there is anything in the Refugee Act of 1980 that requires us to do what the UN says regarding refugees. We could pick our own refugees!
We know what the UN is and what they are up to, choosing Guterres as Secretary General is a clear indication that the UN is on a mission to change America by changing its people, and has placed one of the world’s greatest proponents of doing just that at its helm.
See our extensive archive on Guterres by clicking here.
***If you want to learn more, scroll down in this post about a big refugee pow-wow at Georgetown last year and read about Jim Simpson questioning Guterres about why so few Syrian Christians are being resettled.
Hint: This ethnic groups starts with an ‘S’ but it’s not Syria this time!
We are starting to see stories lamenting the newest wave of migrants on the move. About a million of them are fleeing South Sudan! Stories are starting to pop up to begin to set the stage (to get your minds right) on the need to add more ‘refugees’ from South Sudan to our already large flow from Africa.
Why are civil wars around the globe our problem?
This is one of many stories I’ve seen lately where the propaganda pressure (the guilt-tripping) has begun. They are not talking about third country resettlement yet (that I am aware of), but surely it is not far behind, so I am prepping you here to be ready when it comes (and creating a new tag for South Sudan). From the BBCin mid-September:
The number of people who have fled South Sudan because of the country’s civil war has passed the one million mark, the UN refugee agency says.
Fighting that broke out in the capital, Juba, in July is responsible for the latest surge in those fleeing, it says.
More than 1.6 million people are also displaced within South Sudan, meaning about 20% of the population have been made homeless since December 2013.
A fragile peace deal signed last year is on the brink of collapse.
And here is a United Nations storyfrom last week. So when the push begins (we missed it for the DR Congo lobbying effort which has resulted in 50,000 being placed in American towns) to bring a new wave of South Sudanese here by the tens of thousands, remember this wikipedia description (below) of the Civil War and demand to know why is this our problem? Why do we need to move more South Sudanese into the US? (I have posted this detailed to description to show how this is so-not our problem.)
The South Sudanese Civil War was a conflict in South Sudan between forces of the government and opposition forces.[45][46][47][48]
In December 2013, a political power struggle broke out between President Kiir and his former deputy Riek Machar.[49] The president accused Mr. Machar and ten others of attempting a coup d’état.[50] Machar denied trying to start a coup and fled, calling for Kiir to resign.[51] Fighting broke out between the SPLM and the SPLM – in opposition, igniting the civil war. Ugandan troops were deployed to fight alongside South Sudanese government forces against the rebels.[52] In January 2014 the first ceasefire agreement was reached. Fighting still continued and would be followed by several more ceasefire agreements. Negotiations were mediated by “IGAD +” (which includes the eight regional nations called the Intergovernmental Authority on Development as well as the African Union, United Nations, China, the EU, USA, UK and Norway). A peace agreement known as the “Compromise Peace Agreement” was signed in Ethiopia under threat of United Nations sanctions for both sides in August 2015.[53] Machar returned to Juba in 2016 and was appointed vice president.[54] Following a second breakout of fighting within Juba, Machar fled again and went to exile in the Sudan.[55]
Up to 300,000 people are estimated to have been killed in the war, including notable atrocities such as the 2014 Bentiu massacre.[37][56] Although both men have supporters from across South Sudan’s ethnic divides, subsequent fighting has had ethnic undertones. Mr. Kiir’s Dinka ethnic group has been accused of attacking other ethnic groups and Mr. Machar’ Nuer ethnic group has been accused of attacking the Dinka.[57] More than 1,000,000 people have been displaced inside South Sudan and more than 400,000 people have fled to neighbouring countries,[58] especially Kenya, Sudan, and Uganda, as a result of the conflict.[59]
Civil wars will never end in Africa and the Middle East and we need to more forcefully say—send some humanitarian aid if we must, but let them fight it out! Do not move them to American towns!
First, I’ll admit I haven’t read one article yet this morning about the Obama refugee extravaganza on the “margins” of the United Nations General Assembly today.
But, this one yesterday atPolitico makes it very clear that those Islamic terrorists—the Somali in Minnesota and the Afghan in New Jersey—have complicated his mission.
Why? Because the average American has been so kept in the dark about how the refugee admissions program works and how there are myriad other LEGAL methods for migrants from terror-producing countries to enter the US, that they don’t give a damn about which program is which and the Islamic terrorists’ methods of entry—they just want it stopped!
If there is one action taken for decades that is now coming back to bite the refugee advocates in the a** it is the secrecy that has surrounded the refugee program from almost its beginning in the 1980’s and continues through yesterday as angry citizens everywhere are trying to get the basic information out of local resettlement contractors about who is coming to their towns and how many will it be.
You likely noticed, in my previous post that I was rather unenthusiastic about spending my day trying to figure out if the NY/NJ Afghan bomber is a refugee or not, it is because it is almost irrelevant. We are letting too many in to the US across the board and the average American knows that!
Here is the Politico story that caught my eye.
I guess those Islamic terrorists weren’t reading the press releases from the Obama Administration or they might have had the good sense to wait until AFTER Obama’s big pitch today before they launched their attempted killing spree!
UNITED NATIONS — The New York-area hunt for an Afghan-born bombing suspect cast a pall on this week’s gathering of international leaders at the U.N. General Assembly, a session U.S. President Barack Obama plans to use to rally support for helping the world’s refugees.
Instead, the search for and eventual capture Monday of 28-year-old Ahmad Khan Rahami gave a fresh talking point to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, who wants to dramatically curtail U.S. admissions of refugees and other immigrants and who has criticized his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton’s more welcoming stance.
“I just saw that and wanted to weep,” a U.S.-based refugee advocate told POLITICO as news spread of the manhunt. “Trump is going to be all over this bullshit.”
And he was.
It was not immediately clear how Rahami reached the United States, or whether he even arrived as a refugee. But activists acknowledged that such nuances would likely get lost in the debate this week as terrorism will likely become an even more prominent issue than it already is.