Nine major federal resettlement contractors are choosing which towns get refugees; citizens kept in the dark

People ask me all the time, who is targeting our towns? 

Frankly, it is the nine major federal contractors (not accountable to the US taxpayer!)*** contracted by the US State Department as you can see from this page at the US State Department website. (Emphasis is mine)

Have a look at Key Indicators for Resettlement “Stakeholders.” This one has FY2014 on the cover but they say it is for FY2015 (I haven’t seen the newest one yet). When the federal govt. and its contractors began to run into ‘pockets of resistance’ they instituted this planning process to try to figure out which states had the best goodies for refugees, so you might find it useful. For example if your state expanded Medicaid under Obamacare, you are a more likely target than a state that didn’t!

US State Department:

Planning for Refugees’ Arrival in the United States

The Department of State works with nine domestic resettlement agencies that have proven knowledge and resources to resettle refugees. Every week, representatives of each of these nine agencies meet to review the biographic information and other case records sent by the overseas Resettlement Support Centers (RSC) to determine where a refugee will be resettled in the United States. During this meeting, the resettlement agencies match the particular needs of each incoming refugee with the specific resources available in a local community. If a refugee has relatives in the United States, he or she is likely to be resettled near or with them. Otherwise, the resettlement agency that agrees to sponsor the case decides on the best match between a community’s resources and the refugee’s needs.

Information about the sponsoring agency is communicated back to the originating RSC, which then works with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to transport the refugee to his or her new home. The cost of refugee transportation is provided as a loan, which refugees are required to begin repaying after they are established in the United States.

Once in the United States

The Department of State has cooperative agreements with nine domestic resettlement agencies to resettle refugees. While some of the agencies have religious affiliations, they are not allowed to proselytize. The standard cooperative agreement between the Department of State and each of the domestic resettlement agencies specifies the services that the agency must provide to each refugee. All together, the nine domestic resettlement agencies place refugees in about 190 communities throughout the United States. Each agency headquarters maintains contact with its local affiliated agencies to monitor the resources (e.g., interpreters who speak various languages, the size and special features of available housing, the availability of schools with special services, medical care, English classes, employment services, etc.) that each affiliate’s community can offer.

Key points of this brief description:

1) The NON-Governmental resettlement contractors meet every week to talk about who is going where in the US depending on what resources your town has to offer.

2) Refugees must repay travel loans, however what they don’t tell you is that the contractor gives refugees dunning notices and then gets to keep 25% of the money (your tax dollars) they collect.  So we often see as much as $2-3 million additional income the contractor pockets from collecting these loans.

3) The sub-contractors (aka affiliates) in 190 towns and cities are monitoring the resources your town has and filtering that information back to the nine major contractors.  So why can’t they share that information with you—the citizens of the town?   Wouldn’t you like to know the availability of places in the school system for children who don’t speak English, availability of housing, what health care opportunities exist in YOUR town? Etc.  How about an impact statement prepared by the contractor and feds and available for public review in your town?

About the Key Indicators:  The feds and the contractors hold quarterly “placement consultation meetings.”  I have written and asked to be informed of the location of upcoming ones, but have never had my request answered.   Also, check the section on “secondary migration” which is when refugees settled in one state pick up and move to another, mostly to be with their own kind of people.  Top state for secondary migration is Minnesota.

This post is filed in our category ‘where to find information,’ here.

***Nine major federal contractors which like to call themselves VOLAGs (Voluntary agencies) which is such a joke considering how much federal money they receive:

Minnesota: More than half of the state’s Somalis live in poverty, yet feds and contractors continue to pour them into the US

At the present resettlement rate, the US State Department will admit nearly another 10,000 Somalis to the US by September 30th, the end of the fiscal year (as of the beginning of March the contractors distributed 3,944 new Somalis to American towns and cities).

This story is from Minnesota where three US resettlement contractors are still bringing them in even if there are no jobs!

Remember in February US State Department’s mouthpiece Psaki said we must find jobs for jihadists in the Middle East. So, following their own logic, why can’t they see that by flooding America with Somalis (who can’t find work), they are creating the same explosive situation in your home towns!

Who is to blame?   Lutheran Social Service (we told you about them here just last week), Catholic Charities and World Relief (renamed Arrive Ministries).  More than half of the state’s Somalis live in poverty and these so-called “Christian charities” just keep bringing them in!

Those three “charities” have seeded Minnesota with 10,000 Somalis in ten years (in addition to the thousands in previous years!).  They have created a monster!

Remember in February when US State Department Spokeswoman, Jen Psaki, said we had to find jobs for ISIS militants so that they would give up their Islamic jihad agenda!  So, why don’t they follow their own logic?   By pouring Somalis into the US (where there are no jobs), the State Department and the contractors are setting up the same potentially explosive situation?

From Minnesota Public Radio about a recent Somali job fair in Minneapolis:

As the economy picks up across Minnesota, the state’s Somali-born population continues to battle higher than average unemployment.

The most recent figures, for 2011-2013, put Somalis’ unemployment at 21 percent, about three times the rate for the general population during the same period of time.

Some Somali community leaders are concerned that the lack of opportunities can fuel despair, especially among young people.


Census numbers show that of Minnesota’s five largest immigrant groups, Somali unemployment is the highest. More than half of the state’s Somalis live in poverty.

“We have the highest unemployment rate than any other groups — including the newcomers,” Mohamud Noor, Confederation of Somali Community in Minnesota executive director, said in February. He was speaking at a news conference held in response to a White House address on countering violent extremism.

Social problems — including unemployment and a lack of opportunity — can fuel sympathy for international extremism, he said: “Almost 30 percent [unemployment]. Nobody’s talking about that.”


Mohamud Noor, who leads the Confederation of Somali Community in Minnesota, watched this week as job-seekers clustered around recruiting tables for the Department of Homeland Security, Family Dollar and Delta Global Services at the Brian Coyle Center.

He said he was pleased to see tables for the Minneapolis Police Department and Hennepin County staffed by Somali employees. But he noted the prevalence of government and nonprofit employers: “Quite honestly, I’m disappointed.” he said. “I don’t see the Fortune 500 here.”

It is all about finding them jobs. They all whine and moan, but no one ever says:   We must halt the Somali migration to America!

682 Syrians admitted to US so far, seeded throughout America, 90% are Muslims

Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, Anne C. Richard, is traveling and making some news on the Syrian refugee resettlement plan.

Asst. Sec. of State Richard and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees socialist, Antonio Guterres. The UN has selected 11,000 (90% Muslim) Syrian refugees for the US!

But, there is nothing much new here.  Nevertheless readers, especially new readers, need to know that this is a very very low number compared to what the Obama State Department wanted for this year and you can bet there is much gnashing of teeth going on in the contractor community which wanted 12,000-15,000 THIS year.

The main reason the Syrians are not yet on the way big time is that the FBI can’t get them screened for security.

Do not forget that the contractors have recently begun lobbying to raise the ceiling for all refugees arriving in the US from 70,000 set by Obama last September to possibly 100,000.

From Channel News Asia:

BEIRUT: The United States has admitted 648***refugees from Syria’s civil war and expects to allow in several thousand more, a U.S. official said on Thursday.

The 648 had been selected from 11,000 cases referred to the United States by the United Nations refugee agency, said Assistant Secretary of State Anne Richard.  [By the way, by creating this backlog of referred cases the UN puts pressure on the US to get moving!—ed]


Richard said it took the United States one or two years to process each refugee case, with checks that included security and medical assessments as well as analysis of whether individuals were at risk of persecution or death.

“I think that the numbers will go up, I know we are expecting to bring 1,000-2,000 to the U.S. by the end of September and several thousand next year,” she said.

Look at this next line!  They are blaming the slowdown on the Republicans when it is Obama’s own FBI that is the hold-up (thankfully!):

The Republican-led House Committee on Homeland Security has criticised the programme, saying the United States lacks the resources to fully investigate the backgrounds of refugees from Syria, where Islamic State militants and other hardline groups are active.

Richard said it was clearly not the intention of the programme to allow in militants.

“The people that we seek to bring are those who have severe medical conditions, widows and orphans,” she said. “These are very vulnerable cases and these are the ones that we are particularly focused on.”  [These are very expensive refugees—ed]

So, to which states have the Syrians been distributed so far?  

We checked the State Department data bases beginning in early 2012 to the first of April and here is what we learned:

***The number is actually 682 (as of 4/1/2015).

617 are Muslims and 65 are from other religions.  The vast majority are Sunni Muslims.  That makes the Muslim refugees 90% of the flow which is what we have been predicting because the UN is picking our refugees!   I expect that percentage to hold into the future.

Here is where they went (top five states in red):

Arizona (33)

Arkansas (1)

California (87)

Colorado (8)

Connecticut (3)

Florida (30)

Georgia (19)

Idaho (13)

Illinois (70)

Indiana (25)

Kansas (5)

Kentucky (5)

Maine (1)

Maryland (26)

Massachusetts (28)

Missouri (6)

Nevada (7)

New Hampshire (3)

New Jersey (31)

New Mexico (6)

New York (8)

North Carolina (34)

Ohio (15)

Oregon (1)

Pennsylvania (42)

Tennessee (17)

Texas (86)

Utah (12)

Virginia (16)

Washington (22)

West Virginia (1)

Wisconsin (1)

 Click here for what is now a massive archive on ‘Syrian refugees.’

Endnote:  I can’t impress upon readers enough that this Syrian Muslim pipeline has to be slowed. And, in fact, there is absolutely no justification for the huge flows of Iraqi and Somali Muslims to the US either!


Obama’s new “refugee” program for kids from Central America discussed on conference call

We notified readers here that the USCIS and Department of State would hold a teleconference call (for citizens) on the new (created out of thin air!) refugee program for the ‘children.’

Obama is changing the definition of what is a ‘refugee’ (I said this on Fox and Friends, here in February) and Congress stays silent.

By the way, where is Rep. Trey Gowdy on this as the Obama Administration has once again written immigration law that falls within the purview of Gowdy’s subcommittee!

No more “Beast Trains” to America, we will be flying them in gratis the US taxpayer!

One citizen who listened in on the call has penned an excellent summary (at a Maryland blog) of what was said.

Cathy Keim at Monoblogue:

Remember the thousands of children that mobbed our borders last year? They are not in the news now, but our government has not forgotten them. In fact, in an effort to mitigate the dangers that they face as they travel by train from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala through Mexico to our southern border, our benevolent government implemented a program that began last December called the Central American Minors Refugee/Parole Program (CAM).

On Tuesday I listened in on a conference call hosted by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) and the Department of State (DOS). They pointed out that CAM falls under the US Refugee Program, which brings 70,000 refugees into the USA each year. Some 4,000 of those are from Central America. If CAM exceeds the allotment, they will be able to increase the numbers up to 2,000 additional persons without any problem.

The goal of this program is family reunification without the child having to take a dangerous trip. Instead of coming by bus or train, they would now be flown to the USA once the parent’s application is approved.

The entire process is at no cost to the family. That means that the American taxpayer is footing the bill for this program in its entirety.

I don’t want to give it all away, please read on for the details!  Hint, except for one person, all on the call were enthusiastic and simply wanted more money!

There is a mention of the processing of applications for the kids.  The processing can only be done by the refugee contractors/subcontractor on this US State Department list.   I believe the push to open new “refugee” offices in places like Spartanburg, SC is to expand locations for not just normal refugee resettlement, but to carry out other functions of the federal government including processing in the Central American ‘children.’

Keep your eyes open for any sign of a new refugee office in your town!  Let us know!

Endnote:  The kids aren’t waiting for Obama’s planes as CIS reported here just two days ago.

Top languages spoken by refugees admitted to the US—Arabic is #1

Although I have posted on this before, for all of our new readers, here it is again.  This is from the Refugee Processing Center which is the US State Department’s data collection site for refugee information.

Just remember!  When your town “welcomes” refugees, you will receive refugees from many places. You cannot choose your refugees by saying, only send me the nice Christians from Burma or the Congo, for example.

And, since the Clinton Executive order (which Bush refused to rescind), your local and state government (you, the taxpayer) are responsible for supplying translators for all sorts of problems that crop up in schools, health departments, hospitals, the criminal justice system and anywhere else federal money is involved.

Translation services are becoming one of the most significant (and costly) cottage industries orbiting within the refugee resettlement industry.

Here are the top ten languages spoken by refugees entering the US (from Fiscal Year 2008 to the end of the first quarter of FY 2015 (December 31, 2014))

Rank Native Language FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 Cumulative Total
1 Arabic 9,767 13,675 15,199 7,372 9,938 17,230 17,859 4,430 95,470
2 Nepali 5,302 13,450 12,355 14,993 15,114 9,164 8,484 1,304 80,166
3 Sgaw Karen 7,460 3,331 5,833 6,521 4,148 5,011 4,115 1,046 37,465
4 Somali 2,402 3,879 4,787 3,057 4,763 7,295 8,449 2,664 37,296
5 Spanish 4,247 4,831 4,951 2,976 2,075 4,429 4,305 778 28,592
6 Chaldean 2,897 3,783 2,550 1,392 1,790 1,954 1,328 204 15,898
7 Burmese 3,769 2,040 1,414 1,290 1,146 1,523 1,066 233 12,481
8 Armenian 3,625 3,444 1,798 747 387 875 1,190 263 12,329
9 Kayah 0 5,267 1,922 1,179 595 784 637 136 10,520
10 Other Minor Languages 1,788 1,913 1,667 673 1,006 1,277 1,124 242 9,690
  Total 41,257 55,613 52,476 40,200 40,962 49,542 48,557 11,300



Do you see that low Somali number for 2008, that is the year that the US State Department shut down the Somali family reunification program when they discovered wide spread fraud—-Somalis were lying on their applications and found not to be related at all to those they claimed were kin.  Surprised?  You shouldn’t be!