Wow! I missed this story while I was away. It is from Newsweek last Thursday entitled: ‘U.S. Congress Questions Plan to Admit Syrian Refugees.’

This is very big news because I haven’t heard a peep out of Congress on Muslim Somalis or Iraqis in more than five years, and so wonder why the Syrian Muslims are now drawing fire. I think we may have turned a corner! Was Paris the final straw?
The other amazing news in here is that the Administration is vigorously back-peddling from a promise made recently by the US State Department to admit 9,000-10,000 Syrians THIS FISCAL YEAR (we are already 4 months into FY2015 which began on Oct. 1, 2014).
We followed closely the beating George Bush took from reporters shilling for the ‘humanitarian industrial complex’ back in 2007 and into 2008 when the Bush Administration was nervous about security issues involving Iraqi refugees and now find it amusing that no one is beating on Obama about his Administration’s (fortunate-for-us!) foot-dragging on Syrians.
From Newsweek (hat tip: Joanne):
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Republican-led House Committee on Homeland Security is challenging an Obama administration plan to admit Syrian refugees to the United States, saying it could allow potential terrorists to sneak into the country.
In a letter sent to the White House, Michael McCaul, who chairs the Homeland Security Committee and Peter King and Candice Miller, who chair subcommittees, said the administration’s plan “raises serious national security concerns.”
The letter, dated Wednesday, said the United States lacks the resources to fully investigate the backgrounds of refugees from Syria, a base for Islamic State militants, before they are admitted to the country.
Anne Richard, an Assistant Secretary of State, said on Dec. 9 that the United States resettled nearly 70,000 refugees from nearly 70 countries in 2013 and that the administration’s refugee plans would lead to “resettling Syrians as well.”
Richard said the United States was already reviewing around 9,000 Syrian refugee cases referred by a United Nations agency and was receiving “roughly a thousand new ones each month.”
I would not trust this next paragraph. This could very well be a head-fake:
A State Department official said that the United States was likely to admit 1,000-2,000 Syrian refugees this government fiscal year and a few thousand more in Fiscal Year 2016. The official said that Syrian refugees applying for admission to the United States will “undergo additional screening specific to this population.”
LOL! We can be sure they are screening Muslims because there would be no reason to fear, and to vigorously screen, the Christian Syrians.
Remember folks! The contractor cabal (led by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) is asking for 15,000 Syrians each year for five years!