University of Wisconsin hosts conference on discrimination against Muslim Rohingya

Nigerian woman carried from church which had been attacked by Muslims

And, they claim the Rohingya of Burma are the “most persecuted people in our time.” 

I suspect the Christians of the Middle East (Syria, Iraq) and Africa (Egypt, Nigeria, Central African Republic) might beg to differ.

Here is the story at Eurasia Review:

The first international conference in the USA on the plight of the Rohingya people of Myanmar – “Stop Genocide and Restore Rohingya’s Citizenship Rights in Myanmar” – was held in the campus of University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee on December 14, 2013. It was jointly hosted by the Burmese Rohingya American Friendship Association (BRAFA) and the Rohingya Concern International (RCI). The conference opened with a welcome speech from BRAFA’s chairman – Mr. Shaukhat Kyaw Soe Aung (MSK Jilani) and Dr. Chia Vang of the Ethnic Studies program at the university. The program was conducted by Mr. Mohiuddin Yosuf, President of the RCI and Chief Coordinator of the conference organizing committee. I was invited as a speaker. Amongst others, the speakers included – Professor Greg Stanton of the Genocide Watch (George Mason University), Mr. Nurul Islam of ARNO (UK), Sheikh Ziad Hamdan of Islamic Society of Milwaukee….


The Rohingya people, who mostly live in the western Rakhine state of Myanmar, are the most persecuted people in our time.

The conference called upon the government of Burma (aka Myanmar) to do the following:

 The Government of Myanmar to stop persecution, discrimination and dehumanizing of Muslims, including repealing laws and policies that enact or contribute to the persecution of Muslims and other targeted groups within Myanmar.

The Government of Myanmar to crack down on anti-Muslim violence against Rohingya and other Muslims.

I sure hope the University’s ethnic studies department will soon host a program on Muslim violence toward Christians on several continents!

For new readers who might ask why do we follow the Rohingya issue so closely?   We have been following the drum beat (the PR campaign!) for over five years now as we have watched the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and other of the federal resettlement contractors pushing to resettle Rohingya in your towns and cities.  So far the number is small, and we only know from news accounts that Muslim Burmese are mixed in with the thousands of other religious groups from Burma.   The US State Department does not release to the public the religious breakdown of refugees resettled in the US, although they do track those statistics.

See our extensive Rohingya Reports category, here.

Photo is posted at ACT for America Houston, some other photos are more gruesome.

Bhutanese refugee says he (most) refugees add to US economy….

And, Lutherans use your tax dollars to supply cheap labor to Marriott and Hilton!

Truth be told, I don’t have the energy this morning to go through Bhutanese refugee, Som Nath Subedi’s, opinion piece with a fine tooth comb refuting each of his claims about how refugees are a net benefit to the US economy.  But, I also did want to post this and pull out a few things that interested me.

Lutheran leader Roberta Nestaas: Doing well by “advocating for justice” and finding cheap foreign labor for large corporations!

From The Oregonian:

Som Nath Subedi is an exception to the rule when he says this:

When a refugee comes from refugee camps overseas or from a country torn by war or political unrest, he or she takes a travel loan from the U.S. government for airfare. Refugees have to pay that money back. I owed $1,300 for my one-way plane ticket. Within a year, I paid every penny back.

In fact, Som Nath Subedi, who says he was resettled by Lutheran Community Services, paid a portion to the US government but Lutheran Community Services, or its parent agency (as the collection agency), received a cut of the travel loan that really should have all been returned to the US Treasury.

Tellingly, the US State Department does not reveal how many of those travel loans go unpaid leading us to assume it’s a figure they are ashamed of.

Som Nath Subedi goes on to say that he has paid $30,000 in taxes (including property tax) working for Lutheran Community Services.   He is an outlier.  When he says most refugees pay taxes, he is just flat out wrong.  Incomes are so low that most refugees fall below the levels required to pay taxes at all (if they are working) and in fact probably receive money back through such giveaways as the child tax credit programs.

They don’t get off welfare that easily either, the large majority continue in subsidized housing, get medicaid, and receive food stamps at least.

Then he uses figures from more than ten years ago to say that refugees are employed at a higher rate than US citizens.  It is just not so today and it may not have been so then.   The contractors, like his Lutheran bosses, find menial labor for refugees, count them as employed for reporting purposes, and it doesn’t matter if a few months down the road they are unemployed again.

Here is the part that I especially wanted to note—-here is the truth!  

Big corporations lobby Congress to bring in more LEGAL immigrant labor.  The reason refugees fit the bill is that THEY CANNOT GO HOME.  They are essentially captive (slave!) labor.   And, it’s beneficial to the employer to have workers, like the Bhutanese, who are a bit more docile than say the Somalis the meatpackers had trouble with in recent years.

As a matter of fact, I think that after the stink the Somalis caused with demands for religious accommodation in the workplace, I envision a scenario where big corporations went to the Bush Administration and said we need less troublesome workers and the Bush State Department found them the Bhutanese.

Initially, limited English skills lead most refugees to work entry level jobs that average Americans would rather not do. Big corporations like Marriott and Hilton count on refugees coming here to fill a legal workforce. Those same corporations donated to both Democratic and Republican parties*** and their candidates during the 2012 general election to push for the admission of more legal workers. These hard-working refugees stay at work longer than American co-workers. This helps American employers save some money on training and hiring costs.

Som Nath Subedi goes on to make a pitch for ‘comprehensive immigration reform’ so more refugees can get here more easily, but little does he know that once a few million illegal aliens are legalized it will mean less employment for his people.

It makes me want to scream!    In order for Marriott and Hilton to have cheap, legal, uncomplaining workers (Americans would complain if working conditions weren’t acceptable and wages low), we, the taxpayers must subsidize the lives of foreign laborers while the Lutheran contractors act as the middlemen.

If Lutherans (who are being paid by us right now) want to be head-hunters for Marriott/Hilton why don’t they just do it directly and leave the US taxpayer out of it.  Let the Lutherans sponsor families privately and hand the workers over to the big corporations!

I said I wasn’t going to get into this story too deeply, but I just looked at Lutheran Community Services Northwest’s latest Form 990, and I am even more furious!

On page 9, they took in $21,992,854 that year and $19,879,656 came from GOVERNMENT GRANTS.  90 % of their “charitable” income came from you via the US Treasury (why isn’t it paid by Marriott?).

They paid out over $17 million in salaries/benefits and other employee related expenses.

Office expenses were $1 and a quarter million.  Rent was $1 million (I’m rounding numbers now).

They spent $386,000 traveling and $229,000 on conferences.

Their president Ms. Nestaas took in a cool $216,393 in salary and benefits and it’s almost all on you—the taxpayer!

***Who else is working for Marriott?—Grover Norquist—because it’s all about the $$$.

US State Department visit to Buffalo tells me there must be a problem there

Whenever the US State Department sends out a representative to praise a local community (and spin the media) about their good work in resettling refugees, I suspect something is going horribly wrong.  In fact, Buffalo has graced our pages with many problems over the years.

Here is one post from May of 2012 where we learned that the Christian and Jewish populations of that part of New York are declining as the Muslim population increases through refugee resettlement.  We began that post with this:

US State Department rep Henshaw: Buffalo is “fantastic”

Ho hum, as the US Conference of Catholic Bishops asks the US State Department for more Muslims to resettle in your towns and cities, the number of Catholics and Jews are declining in “welcoming” Buffalo.

[If you are interested, here is a database to help you figure out who is coming to your town.]

Before reading on, you might want to check our archives on Buffalo here.  Wow!  We have a lot of stories from Buffalo! It was just two weeks ago we read about the Somali father who beat his young son to death in Buffalo over homework.

Here is the glowing report yesterday from Buffalo’s WBFO:

Given the high number of refugees the federal government has helped resettle in Buffalo, officials with the U.S. State Department were in town this week to assess the program.

Read and listen yourself to Simon Henshaw, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary with the Bureau of Population Refugees and Migration tell us about how immigrants are rebuilding the economically distressed community.   Then here is Henshaw gushing about the culturally diverse school system (is that where the problem is?).

“I don’t remember how many different nationalities they said, but it was 20-30 different nationalities.
We watched the kids leaving the school all in different dresses, all with different ethnicity. And it was just so great to meet the leadership of the school…and listen how they’re integrating, how they’re working, how they’re maintaining the cultures of the different students that are there and also making them apart of their community,” said Henshaw.

If anyone sees more recent news from “welcoming” Buffalo, please send it my way.   I’m wondering if Buffalo has signaled that they need a break like so many other cities?

Burmese champion of human rights doesn’t take the Muslim Rohingya side and it steams them

Hillary (and Huma!) must surely be unhappy with Aung San su Kyi on the Rohingya issue!

Aung San Suu Kyi continues to be beaten up in the western media for refusing to condemn her co-religionists in the on-going conflict between Rohingya Muslims and Buddhists in Burma (aka Myanmar).

And, why should you, living in American cities and towns, care what is going on in Burma?

Because we have been resettling tens of thousands of Burmese, largely Christian refugees for years.  In FY2013 we resettled 16,299 refugees from Burma (how many were Burmese Muslims?).

Increasingly there will be Muslim Rohingya among them especially if the US Conference of Catholic Bishops has its way.

I don’t have the time or energy to go back through the controversy, but I can assure you there is blame to be shared and the Rohingya are not pure as the driven snow as this Rohingya author (at the Huffington Post) would have you believe.  In my view, Aung San Suu Kyi is correct when she gave an interview to the BBC and did this:

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s interview with the BBC during her visit to the UK, has shocked many of her admirers. Despite being repeatedly pressed to do so, she repeatedly avoided giving a clear unequivocal condemnation of the anti-Muslim violence that is engulfing Burma.

Author Tun Khin can barely contain himself.  If it quacks like a duck!

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi also started talking about global Muslim power, as if this is some kind of threat to Burma? To hear a Nobel Peace Prize winner talking in the same way about Islam as bigots and racists is very disappointing. There are conspiracy theories about a global Muslim conspiracy to take over Burma, but these kind of things are spread by crazy people on Facebook. It is not what you expect from a University educated leader of a democracy movement. Instead of dismissing these claims as the dangerous nonsense they are, she gave them credibility in the eyes of many Burmese.

Count me among the crazy people!

We have 157 previous posts in our Rohingya Reports category, here, for anyone who wants to get the full picture going back 6 years on the growing conflict.  You will note that we have begun resettling Rohingya to American cities despite earlier reluctance by the State Department to do so.

US resettles more refugees than all other nations combined

Adapting to life in the United States can be a challenge for some refugees. Here a Somali woman in Speedway, Indiana, is shown the proper operation of a hot and cold water faucet.
(from the DOS press release)

This is a press release from the US State Department from a couple of days ago.  There is nothing much here that we haven’t seen before, but it’s useful to review this information from time to time especially as we have new readers joining us every day.

Here are just a few of the facts the State Department wants you to know (emphasis added is mine):

Washington — The United States welcomed a record number of refugees in fiscal year 2013.

The 69,930 refugees who found safe haven this year in the United States represent the Obama administration’s commitment to creating a refugee admissions program that meets important security screening standards as well as growing humanitarian need. The number of admitted refugees also is closer to the authorized ceiling — 70,000 in 2013 — than in any year since 1980, according to figures provided by the U.S. Department of State.


The top five nationalities resettled to the United States in 2013 were Iraqi, Burmese, Bhutanese, Somali and Cuban. Upon their arrival in the United States, refugees have been resettled in 186 communities in 49 states. [Wyoming does not participate—ed] Through use of transit centers hosted by the governments of Romania and Slovakia, the United States was able to resettle Iraqi refugees trapped by the war in Syria as well as at-risk Afghan women who were formerly in Iran.


For fiscal year 2014, President Obama authorized the admission of another 70,000 refugees, representing some 60 nationalities from around the world. The United States expects strong arrivals from Iraq, Burma and Bhutan. Efforts are being made to increase the number of Congolese and Syrian refugees who wish to settle in the United States.


The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) estimates there are approximately 15.4 million refugees in the world. The UNHCR reports that less than 1 percent of all refugees are eventually resettled in third countries. Of these, the United States welcomes over half, more than all other resettlement countries combined. More than 3 million refugees have come to the United States in the last 35 years, according to the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration. The United States is also the single-largest donor to international relief efforts for refugees.

For our complete fact sheet and one of the most highly sought after features at RRW, click here.