Blog cites RRW on Bishops taking money from Caesar, gets a good discussion going

You might want to check out Juicy Ecumenism a blog at The Institute on Religion and Democracy on the issue of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops receiving millions of tax dollars every year to resettle refugees.  I wasn’t familiar with it, but blogger Marjorie Jeffrey cites RRW and pulls in other information about the USCCB pushing the Gang of Eight bill (S.744) through Congress.  A lively discussion follows in the comment section.

You might want to join the discussion!

Our extensive archive on the USCCB and its entanglement with the US government and dependence on taxpayer dollars is here.

Wanted: US Muslim families to “adopt” kids from camps

Muslim kids of course.

Sheesh, and I thought the burgeoning ‘unaccompanied minors program’ of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (in the US Dept. of Health and Human Services) only took in kids who had come across our borders or had been abandoned by their parents when the family came across the border.  Now, we learn we are plucking ‘kids’ (16, 17, 18 year olds?) from camps elsewhere in the world, who supposedly have no parents/no family, and bringing them to the US.  And, you are paying for this!

Linda Hartke, CEO of Lutheran Immigration Services, will help facilitate the Muslim “adoptions.”

I recently mentioned the astronomical size of this program, here, in my report on the Lancaster meeting, and wondered about the huge number of kids I thought were coming across the borders.  Now we know they aren’t just ‘finding their way’ to the US on their own!  And, notice the word “orphan” isn’t being used.  This is what I learned in Lancaster:

In 2012, 14,700 kids arrived in the US without parents and in 2013 the number is expected to be 20,000.

Thanks to Creeping Sharia for tipping us off about this story at the Muslim Link:

It  has been nearly six months since the U.S. Government launched the Action Plan on Children in Adversity at the White House.  [here is a link to the Obama Administrations Action Plan—ed]


The Action Plan represents the first-ever whole-of-government strategic guidance for the U.S. Government’s international assistance for children.


The Joint Council on International Children’s Services, a Virginia-based NGO has been working for decades on the pillar of advocating for children in family care – especially for those around the globe who may be growing up on the streets or in orphanages or other institutions.


In the greater Washington DC area, government agencies identify refugee youth overseas (often living in camps outside of their country of origin) who are eligible for resettlement but who do not have a parent or a relative in the US. Due to their age (under 18), these children are placed into the Unaccompanied Refugee Minors program and receive refugee foster care services and benefits.   [Ahhhh!  What about a parent or relative right there in the camp?—ed]

One of these benefits is placement in a compatible home with matching ethnicity, language, and religion where possible.  The placing agencies are always seeking families to volunteer to help these teens by providing a home as they are receiving schooling (which may have been interrupted in their country of origin or while they were living in a camp) and be involved with their case-specific programs with an aim to helping them achieve eventual independence by their early 20s.

So we could see a youth  of 17 or 18 (who says he has no parent) plucked from a refugee camp for Syrians brought to the US to be “adopted” by an American Muslim family and then when he turns say 21, he just becomes one more alien on the path to US citizenship who will also be able to bring in his family who will surely be ‘discovered’ at about that time!

And, to top it off, the family who “adopts” the teen gets paid by you—the American taxpayer—to care for the child!  Some racket!  And, look who is here—LIRS and the USCCB (getting paid to make the arrangements)!

The two leading placement organizations, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services and the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, are especially keen to work with the Muslim community in our area since it is likely they could find matches for many of the children enrolled in the program. Specialized training in helping these children adjust to their new life and situation is a part of becoming involved as is a background check.  Financial support for participation is provided.   [Yippee!  They will get paid for their “charitable” work!—-ed]

I sure hope LIRS and the USCCB are doing some really good screening of American families—sure would hate to hear about a sexual abuse charge or a slavery charge (wasn’t it only a week or so ago a Saudi woman was charged with keeping aliens as slaves?)

Photo:  More on LIRS and Hartke’s Baltimore digs. See ‘Don’t break our rice bowls!

 Have a look at a recent Form 990 for Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, page 9. They had income in that year of $31,653,748 and, of that, you, the taxpayers of America, gave them $30,376,568.  Their CEO makes $204,186 in salary and benefits.  (Doing well, by doing good!  Hartke’s bio is here.)

Obama/Dems pin hope on Rep. Paul Ryan for their amnesty goals

That’s what an AP story published in the Boston Globe tells us.  And, a good part of the reason Ryan is pushing the “comprehensive reform” bill that includes a “slush fund” for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops is because the Bishops depend on taxpayer slush to survive.  And they are counting on Ryan to provide their slush.   Of, course the AP doesn’t tell us that, but I am.

Ryan and dumbbell. Photo: Gregg Segal for Time

Here is what AP says (emphasis mine):

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrats doggedly pursuing a far-reaching immigration bill are counting on help from Republican Rep. Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney’s running mate last year and an unlikely candidate for delivering the centerpiece of President Barack Obama’s second-term agenda.

Ryan, the House Budget Committee chairman who is frequently mentioned in the GOP lineup of possible 2016 presidential candidates, stands apart from many fellow House Republicans in favoring a way out of the shadows for the 11 million immigrants living in the U.S. in violation of the law.  [Note to Ryan, no hope for 2016 if you continue down this path—ed]

He casts sweeping overhaul as a necessity to ensure both economic and national security — a fitting argument for an acolyte of Jack Kemp, the late Republican congressman and 1996 vice presidential candidate who backed an ill-fated effort in 2006 to overhaul the immigration system.

‘‘Paul Ryan says we cannot have a permanent underclass of Americans, that there needs to be a pathway to citizenship,’’ says Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., who has been working relentlessly on immigration legislation. ‘‘He is my guiding light. I know I get him in trouble every time I say it.’  [LOL! Gutierrez is killing Ryan.  First get him to support amnesty, then pin it on him so that he can’t win the Republican primary, slick, huh?  They killed Rubio too!—ed]

Senior White House aides often mention the Wisconsin Republican as crucial to the prospects for legislation this year, hoping the Republican with impeccable conservative credentials will sway recalcitrant House members. Ryan also is a reminder of two other powerful forces backing an overhaul of immigration laws — the Catholic Church and business.

Ryan is a practicing Catholic who made a point of attending Mass every Sunday during the jam-packed 2012 campaign; the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops strongly favors the first major changes to immigration in 27 years.

There it is in print—the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, lobbying for amnesty too.

We told you about the Lutheran Immigration service and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society this week.

What makes me steam over this is that there is never a next paragraph that explains that the USCCB is the largest of the federal refugee contractors.  They receive the majority of their funding (their DC lobbying office is even paid for by the US State Department) from you—the taxpayer—to bring refugees and asylees to your cities and towns, get them hooked up with services (food stamps, health care, education), find them subsidized housing and maybe a job (although the unemployment rate for refugees is through the roof and lack of work is blamed for high suicide rates in Bhutanese refugees).

The racket!

If S.744 becomes law the USCCB will receive even more of your money to help the newly legalized aliens get their services too!  The Gang’s bill also expands the refugee program making it easier for more refugees and asylum seekers to enter the US.   So, why can’t AP and others in the mainstream media ever point this out—-it’s about MONEY (and future “progressive” voters), but mostly it’s about money?

So, how much is the USCCB getting in federal refugee and migration funding—-just about their entire budget!

Go to page 20 of their 2011 annual report (didn’t see a more recent one).   Archbishop Jose’ Gomez (bring in the Syrians!) heads up the USCCB MIGRATION services.

Their revenue for the year was $72,102,484

Of that, $66,723,452 came directly from federal grants and contracts

Additionally, $3,751,295 came from travel loans.

Do you know what the travel loans are?   Another government agency (your money) pays for refugees to fly to the US. Then the USCCB (and the other contractors) dun those refugees for the air fare money, and for their services (as a collection agency) they get to keep a portion of the money they wring out of refugees.  That is your money too!

Add the travel loan money to the federal grants and you have 98% of the US Bishops MIGRATION services are paid for by the US taxpayer!

So how about a little honesty from Rep. Paul Ryan, Senator Marco Rubio and the mainstream media!  This is not about humanitarianism, it’s about Caesar’s money!