A reader sent this article from a Partnership for a New American Economy(Bloomberg, Rupert Murdoch etc) working with federal contractor ‘Welcoming America’ (archive here) to target cities (some counties/states) ripe for flooding with migrants of all sorts. Marriott wants maids! One of the fat cats working to bring in immigrant labor to compete with Americans is Bill Marriott, Chairman of the Marriott Corp. and one of the leaders of this propaganda effort. I avoid Marriott hotels in my travels. http://www.renewoureconomy.org/featured-members/bill-marriott/
I wrote about them here at RRW before (and here at American Resistance), but am finding that since new readers arrive every day, I need to occasionally repeat vital information.
Here are the cities selected where open borders activists and other local groups will be given grants to soften up the community to accept the joys of multiculturalism being brought to them largely by nine federal resettlement contractors. Watch for propaganda campaigns that involve some elected officials in local government.
And, ask yourselves why these financial fat cats care so much! The answer: it is all about cheap immigrant labor and the free flow of it around the world for big corporations represented by these fat cat globalists.
They must tamp down the resistance they are meeting from average working Americans who don’t want to pay for their greed through job losses for Americans and taxpayer-funded welfare goodies to immigrants! Watch for the PR media campaign in these cities:
Akron and Summit County, OH
Anchorage, AK
Birmingham, AL
Brownsville, TX
Columbus, OH
Detroit, MI
Fargo, ND
Houston, TX
Indianapolis, IN
Kansas City, KS/MO
Lancaster, PA
Los Angeles, CA
Macomb County, MI
Nashville, TN
New Orleans, LA
Phoenix, AZ and Arizona State
Pittsburgh, PA
San Jose, CA
Salt Lake County, UT
Upstate NY Region (Syracuse/Buffalo, NY)
Continue reading here.
We are up against a lot of BIG MONEY hiding behind a veneer of humanitarianism. It would be so interesting to see who these globalists are supporting in Election 2016!
By the way, Grover Norquist works closely with this cabal, see here.
Rupert Murdoch calls the shots at Fox News and the Wall Street Journal. BFF David Lubell of Welcoming America.
We learned that Rupert Murdoch’s Partnership for a New American Economy is working in collaboration with Welcoming America (Obama’s pals) at that Open Borders Leftwing community organizing group we have been writing about ever since 2013 when we first heard about them in Lancaster, PA, here. It is really quite stunning to me to learn that the Open Borders activists (LOL! the “humanitarians”) are working in concert with Chambers of Commerce and large global corporations to assure that the business community has a ready supply of cheap (slave!) labor!
No wonder they hate Donald Trump so much.
Lubell and his community organizers have more work cut out for them selling ‘diversity is beautiful’ after San Bernardino slaughter.
There is so much happening, we can’t keep up.
So, just now had a few minutes to read Michael Patrick Leahy’s article on ‘Welcoming America’and its role in tamping down ‘pockets of resistance’to the resettlement of more refugees into certain cities and states.
And, wow, impressed that he found some information about Soros’ role in creating ‘Welcoming America’ that had been scrubbed from its website since I reported it in 2013. Read the articlewhich pulls together in one place some of our best information on the community organizers at Welcoming America and their role in selling the “seeding” of America.
While you are there, be sure to read some of the hundreds of comments as well!
Action Alert: Call your members of the House and Senate at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vigorously oppose the Refugee Resettlement funding contained in the Omnibus Spending Bill that will be voted on by 12-11-15! Please call by this Friday, Dec. 4th.
Update October 8th: Reader Greg sends us this update postfrom Welcoming America (see it for more cities).
I missed this White House news last month, so thanks to reader Greg for sending it. And, note to Miranda Blue, here, who seems to think I am making this all up—-that Obama is diversifying your towns and cities and using government goodies to do it!
This is about changing America by changing the people!
Go here to learn more about Welcoming America, which I first mentioned on these pagesin June 2013. By the way, they have long since taken down the discussion on their site about how they got Soros seed money. Obama’s Task Force on New Americans is here.
Be sure to see also—Obama, big smooch for Lubell, here. Lubell’s Welcoming America began first in Tennessee as Welcoming Tennessee and with the help of seed money from George Soros expanded to become a national organization and a federal contractor (they get $$$ from the Office of Refugee Resettlement). They ‘community organize’ to push back where ‘Pockets of Resistance’ form.
From Welcoming America:
The White House today launched the Building Welcoming Communities Campaign, accelerating the growing movement of communities that are becoming more prosperous by embracing immigrants and fostering opportunity for all. Launched during National Welcoming Week, the Campaign is part of a broader package of announcements made by the White House Task Force on New Americans.
Already, 40 early acceptor US cities and counties have already signed on to the campaign, from Pittsburgh to Boise, Atlanta to Detroit. The groups include cities and counties big and small from across the country.
The campaign will help better connect federal resources with local communities in order to expand immigrant integration efforts.It calls on local communities to commit to and act on a set of principles that focus on building inclusive communities that enable all residents to thrive, while advancing immigrant civic, linguistic and economic integration.
Said Welcoming America Executive Director David Lubell, “Communities across the country are already recognizing that they gain an economic edge and invigorate their communities when they create environments where everyone can participate and thrive. We applaud the White House and the New Americans Taskforce for this major boost to the movement of Welcoming communities during National Welcoming Week, and look forward to supporting the federal taskforce and communities in this effort because we know it will help jumpstart economic growth and vitality.”
In November 2014, President Obama created the White House Task Force on New Americans which in April released a federal strategic action plan, Strengthening Communities by Welcoming All Residents: A Federal Strategic Action Plan on Immigrant & Refugee Integration. The Building Welcoming Communities Campaign is a key element of this action plan and the federal government’s strategy to support immigrant integration. As part of this campaign, federal agencies will be leveraging their resources in support of communities to help foster greater civic, economic and linguistic participation. [“Leveraging resources” is code for giving your tax dollars to local governments who toe-the-line on diversifying your town—ed]
Participating communities will also demonstrate their progress along a Welcoming Communities Roadmap, and depending on their level of commitment, will be assisted through a public private partnership which will offer technical assistance and support from federal agencies, as well as from national non-governmental partners led by Welcoming America. The initial national partners for the campaign include National Skills Coalition, NALEO, Cisneros Center for New Americans, World Education Services – Global Talent Bridge, IMPRINT, Welcoming Center for New Pennsylvanians, Partnership for a New American Economy, World Education, YMCA of the USA, NCLR, and the National Partnership for New Americans.
Is your city following the Obama roadmap to diversity?
Allegheny County, PA, Denver, CO, Oakley, CA, Atlanta, GA, Detroit, MI. Philadelphia, PA, Austin, TX, Dodge City, KS, Pittsburgh, PA, Baltimore, MD, Grand Forks, ND, San Francisco, CA, Boise, ID, High Point, NC, San Francisco County, CA, Boston, MA, Houston, TX, San Jose, CA, Buffalo, NY, Lincoln, NE, Santa Fe, NM, Charlotte, NC, Los Angeles, CA, Schuyler, NE, Chicago, IL, Louisville, KY, Seattle, WA, Clinton Township, MI, Macomb County, MI, St. Louis, MO, Columbus, OH, Montgomery County, MD, St. Louis County, MO, Crete, NE, Nashville, TN, Sterling Heights, MI, Dayton, OH, New Orleans, LA, Toledo-Lucas County, OH, Decatur, GA, New York, NY, York, PA.
I don’t think it is any coincidence that community organizers at Welcoming America have chosen mid September to put on “welcoming” events across the country. They know that this is the month when Obama will tell Congress how many refugees will be admitted in FY2016 which begins October 1st. In his book describing the agenda to erase America, James Simpson goes into greater detail about the insidious community organizers at ‘Welcoming America.’
As we have been writing ad nauseum over the last few days, the federal contractors and14 US Senators (we call them the Senate Jihad Caucus!)want an emergency plan from Obama to open our normal refugee flow of 70,000 (all nationalities) and add another 65,000 Syrians nearly doubling our usual refugee admissions for the year.
You better check out this public relations plan, here at Welcoming America (hat tip: Dick).
Find an event near you during Welcoming Week. Maybe you will find a way to counter the impact—perhaps letters to the editor in your local paper about the strain of bringing in over 100,000 impoverished and culturally diverse people will have on your local communities.
Welcoming America says,
During the week of September 12-20, 2015, Welcoming America and its partners across the country will host National Welcoming Week, a nationwide event that will highlight the contributions of immigrants to American communities. Throughout the country, these events will bring together immigrants and U.S.-born community members in a spirit of unity.
This is all part of Obama’s plan to change America by colonizing your towns and cities with third world immigrants.
I first learned about Welcoming America in June of 2013. Originally funded with start-up money from one of George Soros many groups, they also receive grant money from the Office of Refugee Resettlement (from you that is!). We were told at that meeting in Lancaster, PA that Welcoming America had been hired by the feds to try to push back against growing “pockets of resistance” (their words!) where citizens were beginning to question the wisdom of bringing more poverty to America.
James Simpson in his book, ‘Red-Green Axis—Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to erase America’, goes into greater detail about the players and the funders involved with Welcoming America. Click here for all of our previous posts on Welcoming America. See this one for sure: Big smooch from Obamato Welcoming America founder David Lubell.