Almost 500 Tamil “asylum seekers” land in Canada

I figured something must be up in Vancouver when I saw all the hits to old posts I’ve written about Tamils arriving by ship in Canada, so I checked and sure enough, here we go again.

The big question of course is, are they really asylum seekers or Tamil Tigers trying to reestablish themselves in the West after being defeated in a civil war in Sri Lanka?

From AP:

VANCOUVER, British Columbia – At sea for three crowded and grueling months, hundreds of Tamil asylum seekers from war-ravaged Sri Lanka sought refuge in Canada on Friday when their rusty, ramshackle cargo ship finally edged just after sunrise into the shelter of a naval port.

Some passengers stood on the deck, shaded by striped lengths of cloth, after the MV Sun Sea pulled in. Paramedics wearing surgical masks tended to them. A few were taken away on stretchers and whisked into ambulances at dockside; all were shielded from view by black umbrellas.

“This is a new beginning,” said Canadian Tamil Congress spokesman Gary Anandasangare, who watched the freighter slide into port.

The arrival of the 490 refugees, however, raised concerns among Canadian officials that the rebel Tamil Tigers, which fought and lost a bloody 25-year war for independence that ended in May 2009, was smuggling people into Canada, home to the largest Tamil community outside Sri Lanka and India.

“Our goal is to ensure that our refugee system is not hijacked by criminals or terrorists,” said Public Safety Minister Vic Toews, whose government labeled the Tamil Tigers a terrorist group in 2006.

Last October, a ship carrying 76 Sri Lankan migrants was intercepted in Canadian waters. All are free while their cases are being processed.


Chitranganee Wagiswara, Sri Lanka’s high commissioner to Canada, said now that the civil war is over, the Tigers might be trying to regroup in Canada, a country that has historically been a large source of their fundraising.


Wagiswara said Canada should not accept the Tamils’ claims for refugee status and said the ship is part of a Tiger-linked human smuggling operation. She said the ship’s captain, a man named “Vinod,” is a known Tiger and smuggled arms for the group.

“Everyone knows that Canadian refugee and immigration laws are not strong enough. These people are trying to abuse the system,” she said.

Search RRW for all of our previous discussions about Tamils, search “Tamil” or “Tamil Tiger.”   One of the most outrageous stories I’ve written about involves the US taking Australia’s illegal alien Tamil “bachelors” and resettling them as refugees in Oakland, CA, here.

A good discussion of the Ground Zero Mosque and what it is all about

We have a category at RRW called the “Stealth Jihad” and it wouldn’t be complete without further discussion of the Ground Zero Mosque (or any mosque) being built in America today.   Here is a particularly good account written by Ali Sina at  Hat tip:  Jerry Gordon.

Sina begins:

On 9/11 2001, Muslim jihadists butchered 3000 Americans. Nine years later, a Muslim Imam wants to build a 13 story monument two blocks away from the site of that carnage.

Many Americans, particularly the New Yorkers and the families of the victims of that tragedy are outraged at the insensitivity, bordering arrogance of Faisal Abdul Rauf, the imam behind this project. Rauf says it is not a mosque but an Islamic center. The name does not change anything. Whatever you call it, it is of extreme poor judgment.

In 2004, Rauf published a book calling it “What is Right with Islam is What is Right with America.” In that book he argued “The American political structure is Sharia compliant. For America to score even higher on the ‘Islamic’ or ‘Sharia compliance’ scale America would need to do two things. Invite the voices of all religions in shaping the nations’ practical life, and allow religious communities more leeway to judge among themselves according to their own laws.”

The truth is that the American constitution and the Sharia law are opposite of each other. It is interesting however, how Rauf composed his statement. He did not say that the Sharia is in compliance with the US constitution, but the other way round. By doing so he wanted to establish the superiority of the Sharia over the US constitution.

Read it all.  It is excellent.

Update:  I see at Gateway Pundit that Obama has voiced his support for the mosque.  By the way, if you are a new reader at RRW, the reason we write about the Stealth Jihad is because we are resettling thousands of Muslims to the US every year through the Refugee Resettlement Program of the US State Department.

Rumor: The federal government supplements some refugee salaries

A reader sent me this e-mail yesterday, and I don’t know the answer.  Maybe one of you do.

[Recently] I got a call from someone who had a small business some years back. He told me a refugee approached him for a job at that time and said he (the refugee) could work for $4.00 an hour as the federal govt would kick in the rest up to the minumum wage.

This is something I have heard for years – and it seems Tyson worked something with Clinton, but I never heard specifics on it other than claims such as the one above.

If you know if this is true or not, please let us know.  Either comment directly to this post or e-mail me privately at the address in the right hand column.

Execution-style murder in Maryland: some victims from the Congo

Update:  Just had word from a reliable source that the victims are not likely refugees, thus I surmise they must have arrived in the US either illegally or through one of myriad other ways ‘legal’ immigrants may enter.

I’ve been looking for some confirmation on how the victims in this drug-related murder case involving two women and two young children as the victims came to be in the US from the Congo.   No luck so far!   But, I thought the case was important enough to post.  Note that reporting involves lengthy discussions about the squalid conditions in which the vicitms lived.  Makes you wonder how they could possibly be benefiting from the drug trade they were supposedly involved in.

From the Washington Post:

Two drug couriers from Texas have been charged with first-degree murder in Friday’s shooting of two women and two young children in a squalid Prince George’s County apartment, police said, and law enforcement sources added that the killings stemmed from a drug debt the women failed to pay.


A woman who said she was a relative said the family was not transient and did not live in filth. “We are a proud family,” the woman said. “We are from a foreign country, and we respect ourselves.” She declined to give her name.

The woman said that the family had immigrated to the United States from Congo and that one of the slain women had an 18-year-old daughter who would soon be starting college.

“We are really hurt, and we want justice to be done,” the woman said. Other family members declined to comment or could not be located.

Read it all.  Will update this post if we learn how the Congolese got to Maryland.

How many more Munyenyezis are there?

This is not the first case* we have written about involving “refugees” who are on trial for their involvement in the Rwanadan genocide, this just happens to be the worst case we’ve heard.   We wrote about Beatrice Munyenyezis case previously in June, here.  So much for those security checks we are told the US does on in-coming refugees.  Hat tip: several readers!

From AP:

CONCORD, N.H. — Beatrice Munyenyezi brought her three daughters to the United States from war-ravaged Rwanda in 1998 and focused on the American Dream: private schooling for her girls, a home with a swimming pool, a sport utility vehicle.

Before long, she had a $13-an-hour job at Manchester’s Housing Authority in New Hampshire, her children were enrolled in Catholic school, and she was on her way to financing a comfortable American lifestyle through mortgages, loans and credit cards.

Now the 40-year-old mother sits behind bars, held without bond while she awaits trial on federal citizenship fraud charges for allegedly lying about involvement in the 1994 Rwandan genocide, when at least 500,000 ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed.

Authorities say she was an extremist Hutu who killed and enabled the rapes of untold Tutsi victims — not the innocent refugee she claimed to be in 1995 to gain U.S. entry, when she applied for a visa and for citizenship.

Munyenyezi (moon-yehn-YEH’-zee) has pleaded not guilty to two counts of lying to obtain U.S. citizenship on her refugee and naturalization applications, by denying any role in the Rwanda genocide. She is scheduled for trial in May 2011.

Her dream life apparently ended, it started falling apart years earlier. She filed for bankruptcy in May 2008, walking away from hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt: a $222,000 mortgage, $14,125 in student loans, $4,198 in municipal taxes and fees and $30,000 in credit card and other unsecured debt.


Cathy Chesley, director of immigration and refugee services for Catholic Charities of Manchester, said the agency provided Munyenyezi a standard refugee allotment when she became their client in 1999.

Read the rest of this incredibly shocking story.  Believe it or not, it gets worse.

*Here is a story about another so-called refugee allegedly involved in the genocide (as a perpetrator, not a victim!).