The American Thinker has a brilliant article today on Obama’s strategy for winning the election, with a diagram that will blow your mind. “How He Did It: A Diagrammatic Analysis Analysis of the Obama Campaign,” by Paul Shlichta, begins this way:
“All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred, and schizophrenia.” —George Orwell.
The audacity and speed with which Obama railroaded the stimulus bill through Congress took Republicans by surprise. It shouldn’t have; it was a logical extension of his campaign tactics.
Like the spear-carrying soldiers of Ethiopia, overwhelmed by Mussolini’s tanks and poison gas in 1936, the Republicans simply don’t know what hit them in last year’s election. Some felt that they had conducted an old-fashioned 20th century campaign while Obama mounted the first truly information-age 21st century political blitzkrieg. Others blame the blatant media bias, the race issue, or the unprecedented scale of fund raising and spending.
The first month of Obama’s regime has provoked a similar bewilderment. A dazed Congress hastily authorized a huge document, filled with hidden booby traps like RAT, that none of them had actually read, let alone comprehended. Republicans are now cowering in corners, wondering what atrocity will come next.
In order to fight back we need to analyze how he did it, the author says. He explains his diagram, which is very complex because Obama’s strategy is complex. So far, Republicans don’t seem to have a clue how to counteract this strategy, which is understandable. As Schlicta says, it’s spear-carriers versus tanks. I hope the chart and the explanation get circulated far and wide, and some smart conservatives figure out what to do.
The alternative is to wait until Obama fails — the economy collapses and/or we undergo major terrorist attacks. But even then, you can just see Obama blaming it on his opposition and positioning himself as the One who will save the country. Obama learned well from Alinsky, but he is miles past him now.
In Refugee Resettlement Watch’s little corner of the political world, I predict huge increases in refugee quotas. Whatever is destabilizing and disruptive, that’s the way he will go.