Off topic, I know! But, not completely! Since we have extensively discussed Saul Alinsky’s strategy (“Rules for Radicals”) for destroying political opponents in our “community destabilization” category I didn’t want to lose this important link. After we returned from a Tea Party, at which we discussed Alinsky/Obama, Judy sent me this column from National Review by David Kahane.
Remember the Alinsky mantra: The ends justify the means, the ends justify the means, the ends justify the means! One brings down capitalism by fueling the war of the “have-nots” against the “haves.” Angry, poor, demanding immigrants are the fuel and the pawns.
Endnote: Read Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals.” It is a slim volumn, it won’t take long, but all will then be clear about the strategy of the Left. Yesterday I heard radio talk show host Mark Levin say he has read it five times!