International Campaign on Climate Refugees’ Rights launched in Copenhagen

They are calling themselves the ICCR (I don’t know what happened to the other ‘R’) and they want justice and reparations.  I have a whole bunch of articles to post on “climate refugees” from Copenhagen, but am just posting this one tonight to give you a flavor of how it’s going and what we will no doubt be treated to for years to come.  It seems that Bangladesh is the brains behind this cabal of community organizers.  I wonder if Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’ was translated into Bangla.  Does anyone know?

[Copenhagen, Friday 11 December 2009] While the countries split wide open on combating climate change, the civil soiceity groups have launched `International Campaign on Climate Refugees’ Rights’ (ICCR) at Copenhagen. The social movement groups from Asia, Africa and Latin/Central America joined hands together to demand the rights of millions of people being displaced by the climate change.

Opening the launching of the campaign, Ahmed Swapan Mahmud, convenor of the ICCR said, “global civil society groups should come forward to build a wider constituency to claim the justice and rights of the climate induced refugees”.

Mr Ahmed also demanded “a legal safeguard protocol should be in place to ensure the political, social, cultural and economic rights of the climate refugees by the international community presently meeting under the Conference of Parties (COP-15) here in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Either come up with a new international law or open the 1951 convention on refugees and give us the rights and respect we deserve!

Dr Ahasan Uddin, one of the authors of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) from Bangladesh demanded to review Geneva Convention 1951 on Refugee on the light of climate refugees. He further reiterated to consider even a separate international institutional framework for the climate refugees which will provide complete dignity and respect.

And, don’t forget justice for us victims!

The International Campaign on Climate Refugees’ Rights (ICCR) is a global independent association aiming at asserting and realizing the rights and ensuring justice to the climate induced displaced victims—climate refugees. Civil society groups from Asia, Africa and Latin/Central America consisiting of Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Indonesia, Senegal, Uganda, EL Salvador etc, are the members of this campaign while currently the secretariat is based in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

By the way, they must not have gotten the instructions that they are not supposed to use the phrase “climate refugee”.   The smart people have told them that is a no-no.  Don’t you just love it when the elites can’t control the hoi polloi who have obviously gone rogue.

More on the Burmese situation in Pittsburgh, PA

These community organizers in the Pittsburgh area have really latched on to the unhappy circumstances of a group of Burmese refugees (I’m not sure they are all Christian Karen, so I’ll use ‘Burmese’ to describe the refugees) we reported on here, here and here recently.   And, be sure to see Madeleine’s column here for more on the Karen.

This is obviously an opinion piece by Patricia O’Malley that begins:

Today [Dec. 10] is International Human Rights Day. It marks the 61st anniversary of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted on December 10, 1948. The declaration recognizes that all people – including you – possess certain absolute human rights and that we all must protect those rights. Every nation in the world has since accepted its principles of justice and equality for each of us. Unfortunately, fifty Burmese Karen refugee families in Pittsburgh feel that those rights have eluded them.

About their resettlement to the Pittsburgh area:

The families’ relocation to Pittsburgh was arranged and hosted by Catholic Charities and the Jewish Family and Children’s Service. They feel that they’ve been abandoned on that front, too. While both agencies have extensive track records in refugee resettlement, the programs just aren’t working this time. The Karen feel that they need more substantial help, for a longer time period, than the agencies provide. This is not the typical refugee situation. The Karen people have little or no formal education, even in their own language. It’s especially difficult to learn English. They face much greater hurdles in adapting to middle-class urban American life than other recent refugees from more developed areas of the world. They need more help in learning to navigate in an urban society.

Ms. O’Malley describes the work conditions and the strike at the W & K Steel plant.  And, note below I’ve posted a comment from a refugee named Bhanu about his work day.

Then here come the “community organizers” which I am very leary of because of all we have learned about the goals of the far left, especially unions, in destablizing communities and using immigrants as pawns for a political agenda.  The word “Justice” in their title tips us off to a socialist-backed initiative.

The Three Rivers Coalition for Justice, a loose-knit group of organizations, is working on behalf of the Karen. Their specific complaints were detailed in a recent Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article.

According to Ms. O’Malley, other agencies do a better job.  Maybe!  Sometimes!

Church World Service operates refugee resettlement programs in 27 U.S. cities, including Minneapolis-St. Paul, Dallas, Omaha, Atlanta, and Indianapolis. Hler Paw, a Karen refugee who speaks excellent English and serves as a translator for his neighbors, keeps in touch with Karen friends that he met in the refugee camp in Thailand. His friends have settled in some of those locations with the help of Church World Service and are thriving. They’re very pleased with the reception from the communities and the services from their hosts.

A comment from refugee Bhanu (who doesn’t appear to have an English language problem) to us at this post:

We really appreciate the above statements. Everything is true regarding Refugees’ case in pittsburgh. We are treated like slaves brought for dirty works. Our resettlement agencies force us to work where they want. They don’t care about the working condition and travelling distance.
Catholice Charity and Jewish Family place our refugees to a job which is very good. But to work from 8 to 4:30, our schedule must be like this:

get up: 3 am
get into bus: 4 am
drive 2 zones bus paying 90 $ for buss pass and get to located place and wait for 30 mins for next bus in this snow.
get into bus at 7 and get to work at 8 am

get back from work at 4:30,
drive for 1 hour
wait for 30 mins for bus.
get into another bus and wait for 3rd bus for 30 mins
and finally get home at 8 pm

from 3 am to 8 pm to get paid for 8 hours

do u like to see earnings per month.
$8/hour – $64/day
$64 x 20 = $1280 gross pay. Net pa if married: $1120

House rent: $550
Food: : $300/month
cloth and other
daily items: 100
electricity: $30
Telephone: $30
Bus pass: $90
Travel loan: $50
Insurence: $50

Can you guess, what is our condition ?

great job. Thanks to USA.

New York Times notices radical Muslims in our midst

It’s taken many years, but the New York Times had a front-page article yesterday about the growing number of incidents involving American Muslims. Titled New Incidents Test Immunity to Terrorism on U.S. Soil, by Scott Shane, the piece begins:

WASHINGTON — As the years passed after Sept. 11, 2001, without another major attack on American soil and with no sign of hidden terrorist cells, many counterterrorism specialists reached a comforting conclusion: Muslims in the United States were not very vulnerable to radicalization.

American Muslims, the reasoning went, were well assimilated in diverse communities with room for advancement. They showed little of the alienation often on display among their European counterparts, let alone attraction to extremist violence.

But with a rash of recent cases in which Americans have been accused of being drawn into terrorist scheming, the rampage at Fort Hood, Tex., last month and now the alarming account of five young Virginia men who went to Pakistan and are suspected of seeking jihad, the notion that the United States has some immunity against homegrown terrorists is coming under new scrutiny.

Any number of real experts on radical Islam could have told them there was a problem long ago — Robert Spencer, Steve Emerson, Andrew Bostom, Daniel Pipes, to name just a few. But I guess the New York Times considers them too extreme to listen to. Or maybe they’ve never heard of these people, living as they do inside their New York bubble.

There is a brief mention of the Somalis from Minnesota who went to Somalia to join the jihad.  Ann has posted countless times on this issue, including an October 5 post about an FBI warning that Somali jihadists could attack inside the U.S., using Somali-Americans recruited to their cause. She linked to a longer post by Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch. And she posted on November 2008 on the case of the missing Somalis and updated the post through July 2009 with lots of information about these kids who became jihadists.

There were earlier incidents too, by American Muslims. A few of the most recent ones are mentioned in the article, but not previous ones. Here’s just one sample post from Ann last December on the Fort Dix Six, all Muslims including a refugee from Bosnia. Think too of the Washington area snipers, whose radical Islamic ties were covered up; the various free-lance jihadists who tried to run people over with their cars; and really too many others to recall.

After 9/11, “experts” were supposed to be connecting the dots. But obviously, they didn’t. And here’s a really pathetic part of the NYT article:

Concern over the recent cases has profoundly affected Muslim organizations in the United States, which have renewed pledges to campaign against extremist thinking.

“Among leaders, there’s a recognition that there’s a challenge within our community that needs to be addressed,” said Alejandro J. Beutel, government liaison at the Muslim Public Affairs Council in Washington, and main author of a report by the council on radicalization and how to combat it.

What’s the challenge? That the “experts” are on a path to catching on to them? If these groups are so concerned about the radicalism of their youths, why have they not mounted a campaign to get radical Saudi materials out of the mosques? Why don’t they try to get rid of the imams who radicalize these kids?

And of course the New York Times does not mention taqiyya — the Muslim doctrine that gives permissions (and encouragement) to lie and deceive in the service of protecting and advancing Islam.  True expert Raymond Ibrahim describes taqiyya in an article, Islam’s doctrines of deception.  A couple of excerpts:

According to sharia, in certain situations, deception – also known as ‘taqiyya’, based on Quranic terminology, – is not only permitted but sometimes obligatory. For instance, contrary to early Christian history, Muslims who must choose between either recanting Islam or being put to death are not only permitted to lie by pretending to have apostatised, but many jurists have decreed that, according to Quran 4:29, Muslims are obligated to lie in such instances.

…. According to the authoritative Arabic text, Al-Taqiyya Fi Al-Islam: “Taqiyya [deception] is of fundamental importance in Islam. Practically every Islamic sect agrees to it and practices it. We can go so far as to say that the practice of taqiyya is mainstream in Islam, and that those few sects not practicing it diverge from the mainstream…Taqiyya is very prevalent in Islamic politics, especially in the modern era.”

…. So-called “moderate” Muslims – or, more specifically, secularised Muslims – do not closely adhere to sharia, and therefore have little to dissemble about. On the other hand, “radical” Muslims who closely observe sharia law, which splits the world into two perpetually warring halves, will always have a “divinely sanctioned” right to deceive, until “all chaos ceases, and all religion belongs to Allah” (Quran 8:39).

But Muslims are invariably victims in America, according to the politically correct doctrine of the elites, so it would be rude, insensitive and intolerant to question whether Muslims’ statements are ever intended to deceive.  And of course there is not a word about the Muslim Public Affairs Council’s support for terrorism, reported by Discover the Networks

Wouldn’t it be nice to see the mainstream media taking a good hard look at this issue? Yes, we do expect more!

Your tax dollars:

I told you a few days ago that I had all sorts of things piled up to post on, but every day I get distracted by something I find more interesting (that is the beauty of not being paid for one’s work, no bosses).  Reader “Knowing” sent us a website link a couple of weeks ago.  The site is called for the US State Department’s Refugee Resettlement admissions program.  Note that the State Department gets fantastic grades, no problem here!

Check it out and then come back.

However, this is what I would like to know: when they say that the total average cost per refugee admission in 2008 was supposed to be $3,400 but ended up at $4,195, does this include all the additional Office of Refugee Resettlement (not in the State Department) costs?  Does it include the airfare that is never repaid? Does it include translation services for just about anything the refugee does for the next year or so?  Does it include housing subsidies?  How about food stamps and medical care cards?  Knowing, do you know?

As a matter of fact, if each refugee admission ran over by $795 and we admitted 60,192 refugees that year, it looks to me that the cost overrun was $47,852,640.  Wouldn’t a $47 million dollar overrun result in some bad grades for the State Department?*

Then check out employment.  The expectation in 2007 was that 71% would be employed at 180 days (6 months) but 69%  in reality found work.  Not too bad, but 2007 was before the recession and note they haven’t posted the numbers for 2008 yet.   Why is that?  Imagine what they must be for 2009!   We’ve heard guesses ranging from only 20%-45% finding work.  I would also like to know what constitutes work?  If they get employed for a holiday-season stint at Walmart for example, do they get tallied in the employed column?  Knowing, do you know?

And then why is the State Department no longer reporting on security and fraud issues?

Security, health, and anti-fraud measures are fully implemented in refugee processing. This measure was completed in 2004. PRM continues to monitor security, health, and anti-fraud measures but will no longer formally report on implementation.

There is a lot more to question at this site, but I’m losing interest and want to get to more on Pittsburgh and the Burmese.

I don’t have a  red phone like Glenn Beck (it was very funny when he had the guy in the Mao hat waiting for the White House to call and refute what Beck was saying!), but I would like some clarification for a few of the items I’ve raised.  I’ll be waiting.

* What the heck, keep it all in perspective, this is a government that spends $54 million on a Napa Wine Train (hey, doesn’t Nancy Pelosi have a vineyard?), but I digress.

Guest column: A UK reader on the “refugee industry,” real refugees, RRW and more

Editor:  We have previously heard from Madeleine, here, on November 27th regarding the Karen refugees from Burma and their need for proper interpreters.

We may have had a guest column or two in the past, but know that readers are welcome to send us opinions (in a longer format than a normal comment).  You can even tell us where we are wrong as long as you don’t name-call—you know start with the racists, bigots and hatemongers garbage.  Send your submissions in the body of an e-mail or as a pdf file to   I don’t have a lot of time to edit so try to have at least checked your spelling.  You can use a pen name if you wish.  And, remember if you write a book length article it will likely not be as widely read as a shorter opinion piece. 

Here is Madeleine:

I fully accept that there is a ‘refugee industry’ as termed and defined by you at the Refugee Resettlement Watch. I accept that many of the U.S.A.’s federal refugee contractors with its hundreds upon hundreds of sub contractors are rolling in money but can only supply cockroach infested slums to the refugees. Something is very wrong with the mathematics here. How much does it cost to clean and disinfect a house or flat including the drains and lavatory? If this is not done, new incoming refugee tenants could be blamed for infestation that was actually caused by the previous vacating refugees or other citizens. Infestation does not occur overnight as I am sure you know (I do not think I should be teaching my grandmother to suck eggs – as Americans quaintly say. Neither do I want to be offensive to the Americans and would add that the same slovenliness happened in the U. K. by our authorities). I fully accept that there is exploitation of the refugees, not only by the people in the Refugee Industry who are well paid to look after refugees or by unscrupulous indigenous Americans but also by refugees upon other refugees which starts at source, in the refugee camps, those  awaiting departure to re-settlement countries.
In fact I can also add and support your statements on the refugee industry by pointing out that if one really wants to get the cash in the big business of charity one should start at source, as an N.G.O. in the country where the refugees are being re-settled. In Thailand, an N.G.O. can earn around $1,000 a day.  The following small extract from ’The Economist (U.S.)’ elucidates:

 “Once little more than ragged charities, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are now big business. Somalia, where that exchange took place, (see full article) is heaven for them. In large parts of the country, western governments, the United Nations and foreign aid agencies cannot work directly; it is too dangerous. …outsiders must work through local groups, which become a powerful source of patronage. “Anybody who’s anybody is an NGO these days,” sighs one UN official”.

(Extracted from “Sins of the secular missionaries (there are tens of thousands of non-governmental organizations in the world, many dispensing assistance, others serving special interests and even governments)”. By ‘The Economist (U.S.)’, January 29, 2000. This article accurately expresses my experiences with N.G.O.s and I do recommend you read this article in conjunction with my comment.  It is a breath-taking piece of work.  [Editor: here is a link for I believe a shortened version of that Economist article]

At source, there is even a greater problem than that of equitable distribution of money for the refugees and that is security, national security for the citizens of America, the U.K. and the refugees themselves.   Categorically I state that there are people who are entering the U.S.A. and the U.K. who are not true refugees as defined by U.N.  Their intent for becoming a refugee can range from spying on America (or the U.K.) or on the fleeing true refugees by the regime that they are trying to escape; to destabilization of the host country, criminal activities and the usual ‘economic’ refugees.  Clues as to who is or is not a true refugee can be perceived by the destitution of the person arriving from the refugee camp.  In most cases a true refugee has zilch and what they have is likely to be mementoes of loved ones grabbed in those desperate moments of flight; not signed birth, school, college and marriage certificates, or even passports.  Other clues can be found in the speed a refugee has taken to be placed in the higher socio-economic echelons, ergo, has their been some sort of preparation or prior planning? Surely, a true refugee is more likely to be unskilled and can only hope for factory work in the host country for some years whilst proceeding with an education.  Another clue is the language.  If I take for example the Burma/Thai border, true refugees have been there for 25 years or more.  They eke out a living with little more than their own survival skills and knowledge of farming and have no money.  It is very telling on the N.G.O.’s as described above, and host governments that they cannot speak English.  Money has been sent from many sources for education and the teaching of English, so why is it that very large amounts of true refugees do not get this teaching.  Where is the money going?

Bribery is another answer along with those provided by ‘The Economist’ (as above).  Bribery is everywhere, in Burma, in Thailand, in the various N.G.O.s, in the refugee camps and amongst the refugees by other refugees. The U.K. has long been known as a ‘soft touch’ by economic refugees but a new tag has arisen in Thailand for Americans which is ’weak’ or ’easy’. This tag comes from what is deemed and the best way I can of explaining it, ‘putting one over the Americans’.  With bribery, the identity of another ethnic group can be brought – in this case someone had gotten hold of a Karen’s.  This ’Karen’ was seen entering a mosque and eventually was re-settled in America.  That the American interviewer and other staff did not know that there are no Muslims within the Karen (except by marriage) has given rise to a prevailing feeling that ‘you can do anything in America’ meaning ‘you can try anything on America’.  The Karen who saw this did report it to an N.G.O. and when I eventually heard about this and more incidents, I wrote to my M.P. One ruse was to assume the identity of a minister of the Christian religion because one could be easily lost in the crowd of many Christians serving there.

Another factor that allows bribery and ruses to flourish along with this terrible and brutal war being waged by the Burmese Military Junta to annihilate the Karen is the lack of media coverage.  I rarely see any news bulletins on the BBC, other TV stations here, Radio or newspapers about the daily carnage of death, murder and torture going on in Burma. That the British do not know who were their Allies in the 2nd World War is immediately cottoned onto by the arriving false and economic refugees from the other ethnic groups, who inform their buddies back home or in the refugee camps which gives rise to more bribery and more ruses and the continuation of this terrible war with more killing, rape, murder and torture of the Karens.

I have been viewing some American T.V. stations and I find an absence of any reporting on Burma as well. Recently I emailed Miss Ann Rodgers of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette regarding her article:

  ‘Refugees protest Catholic Charities centre – Ethnic Karens demand translator,’ Dated: Wednesday, November 25, 2009.

I was dismayed that pertinent information regarding the Karen was not published nor was any interest shown in the supporting evidence from ‘DEKHO!’ The Journal of the Burma Star Association (U.K.).  It is at this point that I took a greater interest in the  Refugee Resettlement Watch web site (

Had there been more interest and knowledge about the refugees and the Karen, Bishop Zubik would never have shown his appalling ignorance when he said:  ‘”But they didn’t speak English.”
His lack of knowledge showed little genuine caring for the Karen.

However, although seemingly anti-refugee, the Refugee Resettlement Watch did post my comment on the Karen and accepted the supporting evidence (‘Burmese Karen must have Karen Language Interpreters’, November 27, 2009).  This episode substantiates many of the criticisms elucidated therein on the ‘Refugee Industry‘. It is not to say that I agree with all that is written on Refugee Resettlement Watch (RRW) but I do agree that we cannot re-settle all refugees and that there may be other ways and options to consider.

Anyone with a cursory interest in Burma knows that the Burman has an arsenal of racist terminology and attitudes towards the Karen and that there is nothing unusual about the Burman saying that the Karen are ‘lazy’, ‘dirty’ and ‘stupid’, it is everyday language. I have no wish to repeat some of the more hideous racist language here. If Bishop Zubik had any understanding at all of the Burmese refugees he would have appointed Karen Interpreters/Translators from the very beginning.  This should be true of every situation in America and around the world including the Three Rivers Coalition for Justice. No other race, or member of another race has the right to speak on behalf of the Karen race.  They are presently fleeing persecution because of their race and religion and they have a right in a free world to speak for themselves, through a Karen/English Interpreter/Translator if necessary.

I am aware that it is very much of the American culture to speak English.  Therefore, I would like to explain some more about the Karen and languages to invoke their understanding.  The main reason why many Karen do not speak English is that they are true refugees. They are fleeing torture, death and annihilation at the hands of the Burmese Military Junta.  The villages where their schools are have been burnt to the ground, their teachers and other villagers have been killed, murdered, tortured, raped, used for slave labour or they have escaped to the refugee camps in Thailand.  I have previously explained conditions within these refugee camps and asked where the money sent for learning English has gone; many Karens have been in those camps for over 25 years with no education. The Karen language itself is what we Europeans term as picture languages, so imagine how much harder it is for us to learn Chinese as opposed to French or Spanish. The Karen language has two main dialects, Sgaw and P’o. Within these dialects are further dialects. Previously the Karen were multi-lingual speaking another Karen dialect, Burmese and English. Many more Karen were able to Interpret/Translate Burmese than Burmese could understand Karen.  As the Karen have had little or no education for the last 25 years, it is considered by experts that the Karen would need 1,000 hours of being taught English to bring them back to fluency.

The Karen, were Our Allies of the 2nd  and 1st World Wars. Britain  should never ever have left them to become refugees, let alone face ethnic cleansing. Neither should they have suppressed the information that they were our Allies.  One of the reasons for their annihilation by the Burmese Military Junta is because they fought for us. The Karen did not stop to count the money in their pockets when they volunteered to help save the lives of American Soldiers, nor did they calculate their tax return or ponder their consciences as to whether it was a true act of charity. Most certainly, Bishop Zubik should never have treated the Karen the way he did.  It is our duty before God and Man to help the Karen. I do not think they should be called refugees, they belong in a different category, perhaps called ‘Duty’, ‘Allies’, ’Loyalty’ ’Special’, ’Friends’, or even ‘Debt’.  I have great faith in the generous hearts of the American people that this wrong will be put to right.

Readers may reach Madeleine Blu, Bwetee Pe Lulu Team at