Southern Poverty Law Center: a bunch of highly paid white people

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is one of the most slimy radical organizations around — a fundraising machine that has to promote the illusion of a powerful Ku Klux Klan, widespread racism and other hatred throughout America in order to keep the money coming in from little old ladies.

Ann has posted on the SPLC frequently —  here’s a list of her posts.

Now a blog called Watching the Watchdogs has put up a post, SPLC–Dreaming of a White Christmas, which is getting some attention around the blogosphere. It is

A look at the top officers at the Southern Poverty Law Center as named on pages 11 and 40 of the group’s most recent IRS Form 990, and their annual compensation for 2008.

As they point out, all of these people are white. And well paid. The CEO, Richard Cohen, makes $351,648. Yes, there are heads of non-profits who make more — large non-profits that are highly active and accomplish a lot. That’s not how you’d describe SPLC, as you’ll see if you click on some of the links to other posts at the blog.  And Cohen’s is only the first of a long roll of six-figure salaries.  (Intelligence Director Mark Potok, frequently featured here at RRW, makes $143,206.) You’ve got to love Watching the Watchdogs’ comments on their findings:

It’s also curious that the world’s leading civil rights organization can’t seem to find a single minority whom they consider to be worthy of a top management position.

Funny that an organization that spends tens of thousands of donor dollars promoting “Mix It Up” Day in America’s school cafeterias seems to believe that “diversity” ends at the Boardroom door.

Some things just never seem to change much in Montgomery.

Happy New Year, SPLC, no doubt all your Christmases will continue to be white.

Hat tip: Thomas Lifson at American Thinker.

Fox News on honor killing in America, August 6

Here it is:

Friday, August 6 at 10 p.m. ET
Hosted by Bill Hemmer

For two years, Fox News has been investigating the short lives and violent deaths of Texas teenagers Amina and Sarah Said.

The sisters were riddled with bullets in their dad’s borrowed taxi cab on New Year’s Day 2008. As 911 operators listened in, Sarah appeared to name her father as the killer — her dying words: “Help! Help! My dad shot me… and now I’m dying!”

This kind of crime isn’t supposed to happen in America’s heartland — an honor killing.

Honor killings are when a father, husband or brother kills a wife, daughter or sister because he thinks she has “shamed” the family. The United Nations has found such murders are all too common in Muslim lands. Now they are happening here.

How and why?

Through exclusive interviews and never-before-seen footage, Fox News exposes the implications of this shocking case.

New charges filed in the case of US Somali refugee terrorism recruiters and funders

Update:  Jihad Watch has more, here.

It annoys the heck out of me to even see this article today.  This has been going on for two years.  We first started writing about the former Somali refugees—the next generation no less—who are not assimilating but instead recruiting and sending terror trainees and money back to Africa as early as 2008 (here.)   What have our Homeland Security officials been doing for two years (or more!)?

This is the story today at Fox News:

Marking the latest in a growing number of terrorism cases involving an Al Qaeda-linked group in Somalia, several Somali-Americans have been arrested in at least two U.S. cities for allegedly supporting and in some cases fund-raising for the group. Many others, believed to be overseas, were also charged.

In addition, federal authorities unsealed a years-old indictment against one the group’s most prominent figures, Alabama-born Omar Hamammi, who has become a star of propaganda and recruitment videos produced by Al Shabab.

In the United States, arrests were made overnight near Minneapolis and Los Angeles. Two of those arrested were Amina Farah Ali and Hawo Mohamed Hassan of Rochester, Minn., naturalized U.S. citizens now indicted by a grand jury on charges of providing material support to a terrorist group.

Prosecutors allege they raised funds “by soliciting door-to-door” in Minnesota’s Somali communities, telling potential donors that “the funds were for the poor and needy.” Some of that money, prosecutors say, would then be funneled to the group Al Shabab, which has been designated a foreign terrorist organization by the U.S. government.

In an indictment unsealed Thursday morning, prosecutors also allege that seven others, including unidentified individuals in Minneapolis and Columbus, Ohio, helped Ali and Hallan “collect and forward funds to Al Shabab.” Some of the alleged aides appear to be in Somalia, including one individual described as “the al-Shabab administrative governor” in parts of the war-torn country.

For more than two years, the FBI has been investigating how dozens of Americans from Minneapolis and elswhere were recruited to train and fight alongside the Somalia-based group, known as Al Shabab. Most recently, Al Shabab claimed responsibility for the deadly attacks in Uganda and pledged its allegiance to Usama bin Laden.

Federal authorities have long worried that Al Shabab could try to launch attacks inside the United States.

NEVER! NEVER A WORD ABOUT HOW THE SOMALIS GOT HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!    They mostly came through the Refugee Resettlement Program of the United States Department of State.  This very year, as of July 31st, we have brought in 3,507 additional  Somali refugees, see here ,*** to live in your town.    That figure does not include those illegal Somalis coming across our borders at this very minute.

And then most readers dismiss stories like this one because they can’t see how it will affect them if a bunch of Somalis who we fed, clothed, sent to school and probably even fixed their teeth go off to Africa and blow themselves up.

Khadra’s warning!

Here is the problem that will affect us all if we don’t put a stop to this!  Khadra, a Somali who apparently does care for the life we have given her, warns of the settlement that is Somali immigration.  She says they are here to take over!  To out breed us!  To push Sharia law in tiny increments until we submit to Islamic domination.  The mosque at Ground Zero is also part of the Islamic settlement of North America.   It is called the Stealth Jihad!

For New Readers:

For information on Somali missing youths, American citizens who have gone to Somalia to learn the Jihad trade, some leaving through Mexico, use those search words.  We have written dozens of stories on the case.  For more on Al-shabaab (sometimes spelled Al-shabab) also use our search function.

The US State Department has admitted over 80,000 Somali refugees to the US (this linked post continues to be one of the most widely read posts we have ever written) in the last 25 years and then in 2008 had to suspend family reunification because widespread immigration fraud was revealed through DNA testing.  That specific program has not yet been reopened (that we know of), but will be soon (notice almost another year has passed and I don’t believe they have figured out yet how to keep the fraud out of family reunification.)

*** Judging by the overall numbers it looks like the Obama Administration, during the great recession, is on target to bring the largest number of refugees to the US since 9/11.

Three posts to check out at Friends of Refugees blog

Christopher Coen writing at Friends of Refugees has three good posts in the last few days that readers should check out.

*  On July 28th, Coen has a report on the Wilmington, NC health department which is overwhelmed with new refugees, here.

*  On August 2nd, he has a very informative post on the Matching Grant program, here.  For readers (especially tax payers) the structure of this federally funded program will make you steam.

*  Then today, on August 3rd, he has an update of the mess in Bowling Green, KY, here, where there are problems with the resettlement agency.   Use our search function for ‘Bowling Green,’ a hot spot we have written about extensively in the past.

A solution to the Palestinian “refugee” problem — pay them?

I don’t have time to comment on this, but I want to bring to your attention a piece on FrontPage Magazine by Dr. Martin Sherman, The Palestinian Problem: A Real Solution. So I’ll excerpt generously. The problem:

Any dispassionate evaluation of the events of the past two decades invariably leads one to accept the following conclusion: that the Palestinians seem far more focused on annulling Jewish political independence than attaining Palestinian political independence. That is to say, Palestinians are far more committed to the deconstruction of the Jewish State than to construction of a Palestinian one.

However, no matter how convincingly one can show that the Palestinians as a national entity have failed to create their own national destiny, a stark reality remains: there are hundreds of thousands of essentially disenfranchised Palestinian families residing both in Israeli territory and in the wider Arab world.

The solution is threefold. First, eliminate UNRWA, the UN’s agency devoted solely to Palestinian refugees.

As Daniel Pipes has pointed out, the persistence and scale of the Palestinian refugee problem is, to a large degree, an artificial construct. The UN body under whose auspices all the refugees on the face of the globe fall — except for the Palestinians — is the UN Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). A separate institution exists for the Palestinians — the United Nations Relief and Works Agency. UNHCR and UNRWA have widely different definitions for the term “refugee” and widely divergent mandates for dealing with them.

According to the High Commission’s definition, the number of refuges decreases over time, while according to the UNRWA definition, the number increases. This “definition disparity” brings about an astonishing situation: If the High Commission criterion was applied to the Palestinians, the number of refugees would shrink dramatically to around 200,000 – i.e., less than 5 percent of the current number of almost 5 million according to the UNRWA definition.

Moreover, while the mandate of the UNHCR permits the body to seek permanent solutions for refugees under its auspices, UNRWA is permitted only to provide ongoing humanitarian aid for the ever-increasing population of Palestinians. Accordingly, while UNHCR operates to dissipate the problems of the refugees under its auspices, UNRWA activities serve only to prolong their refugee status and thus, their predicament. Indeed, rather than reduce the dimensions of the refugee problem, UNRWA has actually functioned to perpetuate the refugee status of the Palestinians from one generation to the next. It has create an enduring and expanding culture of dependency, while cultivating an unrealistic fantasy of returning to a home that no longer exists.

Second, eliminate Arab discrimination against Palestinians.

Throughout the Arab world, the Palestinians are subject to blatant discrimination with regard to employment opportunities, property ownership, freedom of movement, and acquisition of citizenship. For example, Saudi Arabia in 2004 announced it was introducing measures to ease the attainment of Saudi citizenship for all foreigners who were residing in the country except Palestinians, half a million of whom live in the kingdom.

When approached on this issue of discrimination against the Palestinian residents in Arab countries, Hisham Youssef, spokesman for the 22-nation Arab League, openly acknowledged that Palestinians live “in very bad conditions,” but claimed the policy is meant “to preserve their Palestinian identity.” He went on to explain with perhaps unintended candor: “If every Palestinian who sought refuge in a certain country was integrated and accommodated into that country, there won’t be any reason for them to return to Palestine.”

But according to a survey conducted by the well-known Palestinian pollster, Dr. Khalil Shikaki, most Palestinians were less interested in being nationalist standard-bearers than in living fuller lives. This view resonates strongly with opinion samples gathered by the leading Arab television stations Al-Arabiya and Al Jazeera of Palestinians living in the various Arab states, the vast majority of whom very much want to become citizens in the their respective countries of residence.

And third, allow Palestinians to choose their courses individually or as families, not as a total entity directed by leaders who do not have their best interests at heart.

After decades of disastrous failure, it should be clear that there is little chance of resolving the Palestinian issue if we continue to consider Palestinians as a cohesive entity with which contacts are conducted via some sort of “leadership.” Efforts should therefore be devoted exclusively towards individual Palestinians and towards allowing them, as individuals, free choice as to how to chart their future.

These efforts should be channeled in two major ways:

  • Generous monetary compensation to aid the relocation and rehabilitation of the Palestinian residents in territories outside the confines of the 1967 “Green Line,” presumably — but not necessarily — in the Arab/Moslem world.
  • Making the offer of compensation and relocation directly to the heads of families and not through any collective Palestinian entity or organizational framework.

It should be stipulated that an offer of financially-induced relocation made to a Palestinian political leadership would be vehemently rejected. But the approach suggested here would be made directly by an Israeli (or possibly an appropriately constituted international) entity, to the individual recipients. The scale of the offer would be on the order of the average lifetime earnings in some relevant host country for each family head — i.e. the GDP per capita of such a country multiplied by at least say 40-50 years. (As a comparative yardstick, this would be equivalent to an immigrant bread-winner arriving in the US with 2-2.5 million dollars.)

…. A November 2004 survey commissioned by the Jerusalem Summit and conducted by a reputable Palestinian polling center and in conjunction with a well-know Israeli institute to gauge Palestinians’ willingness to emigrate permanently in exchange for material compensation. Significantly, the poll showed that only 15% of those polled would absolutely refuse to accept any such inducements, while over 70% stated that they would be willing to take the bargain.

What this would mean to the host countries:

For the prospective host countries the proposal has considerable potential economic benefits. The Palestinians arriving at their gates will not be impoverished refugees, but relatively prosperous individuals with the equivalent of decades of local per capita GDP in their pockets. Indeed, for every hundred Palestinian families received, the host country could count on around fifteen to twenty million dollars going directly into the private sector. Absorbing 2,500 new Palestinian family units could mean the injection of up to half a billion into local economies often in dire need of such funds.

He goes into the economics of the offer in detail — how Israel could do it, what it would mean if other countries helped, and so forth. There are some objections I can think of right off, but it’s worth talking about. Maybe not discussing in public, because “world opinion” would find a way to condemn Israel for such a plan. But it’s worth discussing within Israel.