Southern Poverty Law Center: a bunch of highly paid white people

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is one of the most slimy radical organizations around — a fundraising machine that has to promote the illusion of a powerful Ku Klux Klan, widespread racism and other hatred throughout America in order to keep the money coming in from little old ladies.

Ann has posted on the SPLC frequently —  here’s a list of her posts.

Now a blog called Watching the Watchdogs has put up a post, SPLC–Dreaming of a White Christmas, which is getting some attention around the blogosphere. It is

A look at the top officers at the Southern Poverty Law Center as named on pages 11 and 40 of the group’s most recent IRS Form 990, and their annual compensation for 2008.

As they point out, all of these people are white. And well paid. The CEO, Richard Cohen, makes $351,648. Yes, there are heads of non-profits who make more — large non-profits that are highly active and accomplish a lot. That’s not how you’d describe SPLC, as you’ll see if you click on some of the links to other posts at the blog.  And Cohen’s is only the first of a long roll of six-figure salaries.  (Intelligence Director Mark Potok, frequently featured here at RRW, makes $143,206.) You’ve got to love Watching the Watchdogs’ comments on their findings:

It’s also curious that the world’s leading civil rights organization can’t seem to find a single minority whom they consider to be worthy of a top management position.

Funny that an organization that spends tens of thousands of donor dollars promoting “Mix It Up” Day in America’s school cafeterias seems to believe that “diversity” ends at the Boardroom door.

Some things just never seem to change much in Montgomery.

Happy New Year, SPLC, no doubt all your Christmases will continue to be white.

Hat tip: Thomas Lifson at American Thinker.

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