Before you read this, here is my disclaimer: Like most Americans, I don’t know what the heck Obamacare does or doesn’t do, but this is one supposed expert’s view on whether legal immigrants (although they may be non-citizens) must also sign-up for Obamacare. Yes! says the expert (with some caveats!).
From About.com:
The Affordable Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare, begins a period of open enrollment on Tuesday, Oct. 1, and immigrants will have to comply with the new law.
Immigrants with legal status — green card-holders, asylees, people with Temporary Protected Status (TPS) — are required to have health insurance coverage just like U.S. citizens.
For immigrants without legal status, nothing changes. Obamacare has nothing to offer unauthorized immigrants other than the status quo. Hospitals are still required to provide emergency room care to anyone who comes through their doors, regardless of immigration status, race or ethnicity. [Caveat #1: hospitals will still have to treat everyone and then try to squeeze the patient for payment later—-good luck with that!—ed]
Immigrants who have lived in the United States legally for at least five years and meet income requirements may be eligible to get Medicaid health coverage. [Caveat #2: A large number of legal refugees will just sign up for Medicaid, and probably not be truthful about income.—ed]
Are there penalties for immigrants who qualify to participate in the new system but don’t? Yes, immigrants are subject to fines, just like U.S. citizens. [Caveat #3: We keep hearing that the fines are so low that it’s better to pay the fine, but do they even file a tax return on which to be fined?—ed]
Fear not! If you are a confused immigrant, Obama said two days ago, this is all you need to do:
…. there’s a hotline where you can apply over the phone and get help with the application, or just get questions that you have answered by real people, in 150 different languages. So let me give you that number. The number is 1-800-318-2596 — 1-800-318-2596.
If any of you speak another language well, why not call and see what is available in that language!