Germany: Lampedusa in Hamburg (disturbing!)

Reader Dave alerted us to a post at the ever-vigilant Limits to Growth blog to update our on-going reporting on the African boat people invasion of Europe.  Be sure to watch the disturbing ‘youtube’ clip that you will never see on American news (maybe not on German news either!).

See our recent posts on Lampedusa here, especially see Cannibalism on the way to a free meal in Italy.  See map of migrant routes to Europe, here.

Here is what Limits to Growth says in its opener:

In Germany, there’s a group of refugee demanders with a website called Lampedusa in Hamburg. The front page photo shows a banner reading, “We did not survive the NATO war in Libya to die on the streets of Hamburg,” which is kind of a double-down statement of Screw the West for ousting the dictator and now give us free stuff in Germany.

Watch the clip!

Here is the text accompanying the clip:

Hundreds of refugees and activists of the “Lampedusa in Hamburg” group took the streets of Hamburg on Wednesday to protests against the alleged unlawful treatment of migrants by the Hamburg Senate.

Protesters marched from the main station to the city hall and back in a 2-hour demonstration to also show their support to the victims of the recent shipwrecks occurred off the Italian island of Lampedusa.

Clashes erupted Tuesday night in Hamburg after around 500 protesters demonstrating in front of the squatted theatre “Roten Flora” reportedly threw stones and bottles to police, who used pepper spray and batons on protesters.

So, this is where we are after Obama’s three witches (including ‘responsibility to protect’ Samantha Power) helped bring down Gaddafi.  He might have been a crazy dictator, but the invasion of African boat people out of Libya is now completely out of control and the consequences for Europe will be hard (impossible?) to reverse.   Call it Gaddafi’s revenge!

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