Desperate Swedes threaten pig farm next to asylum center

This is one more in our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series.  Americans pay attention, by some estimates we are only a decade behind Europe.

From The Local:

Gullberg is about a five hour drive from Stockholm, Sweden’s capital

Plans for a new immigration centre in Gullberg have already been strongly opposed by local residents and on Wednesday it was reported that a group of campaigners had sent a letter to the Swedish Migration Board (Migrationsverket) pledging to breed pigs nearby in order to deter Muslims from seeking asylum in the town.

The note, signed by what described itself as the “interest group for Gullberg’s survival” said that it was trying to create a “probably impossible situation for some religious people, especially Muslims”, according to Sveriges Radio.

Local politician Henry Sandahl from Sweden’s Countryside Party (Markbygdspartiet) told the broadcaster that he agreed with the sentiment of the letter.

“You know that Muslims are not friends with pigs,” he said.


At this point in the story there is much sniffing and snorting from Swedish elitists about how silly this idea is.  You can read it yourself.

Then this!  Sweden will not survive an open door policy toward Muslims from Syria.  Here we learn how high the number of asylum seekers has risen.

Sweden became the first European country in 2013 to grant automatic residency to Syrian refugees and has since seen asylum requests rise to record levels, which are still expected to reach about 90,000 in 2015.

To cope with an increasing flow of refugees, the Swedish Migration Board announced in March that it was more than tripling the maximum number of residents allowed at asylum centres from 200 to 650.

Will there come a day when Swedes seek asylum in America—but surely not in Minnesota!

This reminds me, a number of years ago Maryland had a Muslim state legislator who actually introduced a bill in the legislature that would make it harder for Maryland pig farmers to make a living.  The bill, disguised as an animal rights bill, failed and he is no longer a state delegate.

Go here for our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ series, and here for a very long list of posts on Sweden.  If someone wants to write a book about the death of Sweden, they can start their research right here at RRW since we have been chronicling the colonization there for years.

So what are these “proprietary documents” the US State Department is talking about (and denying you)?

We are the taxpayers.  We are paying for all of this refugee resettlement.  Other than perhaps the individual names of the refugees, why should any of the documents be “proprietary,” but that is what staff for Secretary of State John Kerry is telling Rep. Trey Gowdy, here.***

“Funding proposals to PRM [US State Dept. Population, Refugees and Migration] are proprietary documents.”

Kerry and Richard
Responsible for the Refugee Admissions Program are Sec. of State John Kerry being whispered to by Asst. Sec. of State for Population Refugees and Migration, Anne C. Richard formerly a Vice President with one of the contractors. The revolving door between government agencies and contractors is alive and well!

A couple of weeks ago we reported, here, on the “Abstracts” each resettlement subcontractor must prepare each year in preparation for getting a new batch of refugees—it’s kind of a wish list for how many refugees they want to bring to your town, where they might come from, and what amenities your town has to offer the refugees (the “seedlings”—Obama Administration word).   It also contains information on what it will cost and what the subcontractor will contribute.  Their allotment of refugees and their funding will be based on these reports to Washington.  Why would such documents be “proprietary?”

Editor’s note:  I worry daily about how far readers want to get “into the weeds” on the inner workings of the Refugee Admissions Program, but will continue to post information like this for those of you who enjoy wandering in the weeds!

Here (below) is a page from an abstract we posted (this is from Memphis), and the bit of information I want to leave you with is this:

The Refugee Act of 1980 (Senators Kennedy, Biden and Pres. Jimmy Carter) envisioned a public-private partnership with these contractors.  However, increasingly, over the years the contractors don’t have much in the way of cash to supply so they count up all the used furniture they get and the hours and miles their ‘volunteers’ accrue and count that as their contribution to the cost of the program.

So, this is also why it is so important for them to find “church” groups and other groups to volunteer because their “volunteer” man-hours represent cold hard cash—the contractors share of the public-private partnership (they really have a racket going!).

In this sample page from Memphis, TN for FY2010, Catholic Charities is projecting that they will contribute $50,000 in Volunteer hours/Miles, the same as the previous year, but I will bet these are only guesses at best!

Please go here and find a resettlement subcontractor close to you and ask them to send you their most recent “abstracts.”  I suggest you ask for several years going back from FY2015 (they are working on 2016 now).  Assuming the agency gives you what you are asking for, I think you will be surprised to learn what amenities your town has to offer the “new Americans!”

*** For readers arriving here for the first time today, see our initial post on Spartanburg, SC with updates on Rep. Trey Gowdy’s involvement, click here.

Gates of Vienna reports on refugees and Spartanburg, SC in particular

I love their masthead! Learn more about the last great (failed!) effort by the Turks (the Muslims) to capture Europe:

Update: This post has been corrected from its earlier version—I was too much in a hurry to read carefully!  Here is the link to the interview with Dr. Jeffrey.

Dymphna at Gates of Vienna has posted today (oops! it was yesterday) on the Refugee Resettlement Program (‘Refugees come in under the radar’) and wanted readers to listen to a radio interview with Dr. Christina Jeffrey of Spartanburg, SC.  Thanks to reader Jim for the alert.  Maybe you can contact the Andrea Shea King Show for a podcast.

For background, here is a link to our original report on the Spartanburg, SC controversy with updates.

By the way, all of you should add Gates of Vienna to your daily reading list!

UK Home Secretary Theresa May defies EU demand to open Britain to more migrants

Europe is sinking under the weight of tens of thousands of migrants (illegal aliens) crossing the Mediterranean Sea and expecting to be granted asylum in Europe.  Great Britain is a plum designation for many.

As we noted previously, the only way to stem the invader tide is to stop the boats before they launch from the North African coast, and here May says the same thing.

Will this tough policy stand if “Red Ed” becomes prime minister in UK elections tomorrow?

(See what we said last month about “Red Ed” and his brother David Miliband helping to destroy the UK with immigration.)

From the Daily Mail:

Theresa May has rejected demands from Brussels for Britain to take a ‘quota’ of the migrants pouring into Europe across the Mediterranean.

Home Secretary May: these are not refugees, they have paid human traffickers to get them to Europe.

The Royal Navy yesterday finally joined the rescue operation by deploying a warship and three helicopters to help save people making the perilous journey to Italy.

But the Home Secretary told the Mail any decision to accept migrants should be on a voluntary basis rather than one ordered by the EU.


Mrs May disputed the idea that all the migrants were refugees fleeing conflict zones, arguing instead that many had paid criminal syndicates.


Jean-Claude Juncker, who heads the European Commission, has suggested that unless Europe’s leaders decide to ‘open the door’, the migrants could try to ‘break in through the window’.  [So the solution is to just open the door to one and all?—ed]

Brussels is arguing that, in view of the mass drownings, every country should take a fixed share of migrants. But, following Mr Juncker’s demand, Mrs May told the Mail last Thursday: ‘Any decisions should be on a voluntary basis. Often, the issue is perceived as being people who are refugees from Syria.

‘Those coming across the Med – they are coming from countries such as Senegal, Eritrea, Sudan.

‘Many will have paid organised crime groups to get them through. It is a different sort of issue from Syrian refugees.

‘If we are really going to stop the people putting their lives in danger by crossing the Med, we need to stop them starting their journey in the first place.’

Read more here.

See all of our posts on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ here.

Michigan: Lutherans bring in the bucks to care for ‘unaccompanied alien children’ sent there (or soon to be sent there?)

Michigan Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence cheers the news that more money is coming to her district for illegal aliens magically transformed into refugees.

What she won’t understand until it is too late, is that the arrival of thousands of refugees in Michigan will squeeze Americans, especially the African Americans, at the bottom rung of the pay scale.   Michigan is in the top five states receiving refugees and yet they are adding alien children into the mix.

But, what the heck, even as states increase poverty, these ‘church’ groups have to make a living!

From the Detroit Free Press:

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration has awarded a Michigan social services group $2.2 million to house unaccompanied immigrant children, U.S. Rep. Brenda Lawrence announced today.

US Rep Brenda Lawrence is happy that the Lutherans are flooding Michigan with refugees and alien children.

It was not immediately known how many children would receive or had received residential services under the grant to Lutheran Social Services of Michigan or whether any other groups were receiving grants in the state as well.

No surprise!  No one will return calls!

Calls and emails to Lutheran Social Services of Michigan and the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, from the Free Press seeking more information were not immediately returned.

According to data on the ORR’s website, only 235 unaccompanied immigrant children had been placed in Michigan in the last two years, far less than the number placed in neighboring states including Ohio. [I wonder if the new grant is in anticipation of Michigan getting more of the UACs—ed]


Some 63,000 undocumented children have been placed throughout the U.S. in the last two years, the ORR’s website said.

In announcing the grant, Lawrence, D-Southfield, said the grant assists unaccompanied minors who “seek relief from the violence and poverty that threatens their very existence in their home countries.”

They can hardly be described as being faith-based while living off of taxpayer boodle!  Doesn’t sound like Christian charity to me!

“Lutheran Social Services truly lives up to their faith-based mission statement to serve the people most in need of help and I am proud to see them receive this substantial federal grant,” she said, adding that she believes it also time for Congress to address comprehensive immigration reform.

Lutheran Social Services of Michigan is the largest refugee resettlement agency in the state, Lawrence said, providing thousands of families from dozens of countries.

So, it is the Lutherans resettling most of the Muslim refugees to Michigan?

Other of the nine major contractors are also busy overloading Michigan, go here to see the handy list of subcontractors/contractors working in Michigan and your state too!

For new readers, for years we have covered the ‘unaccompanied minors’ (one of the government’s original names for the youths illegally crossing the border).  Click here for all of our previous posts.

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service were the two ‘big dogs’ doing the “resettlement” of the children (Obama’s new refugees) until two other federal contractors eclipsed them.  Grant recipients Baptist Child and Family Services and Southwest Key Programs  are now on the scene devouring federal cash as well.